The Christian Family Part 9
The Christian Family Part 9
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Out the hallmarks of a godly family the hallmarks of a godly family the whole Mark’s Hallmark hallmark steaks a LLMARKS hallmark of a godly family the whole marks of godly family before I get there I want to to just do a quick review of last weeks sermon this is a message I was suppose to have done last week but last week I press something else self in the book of songs chapter 127 I have said this this passage this is week number 10 but I keep starting my sermon with the Scripture look at that now I hope you have it memories by now sounds chapter 127 verses one and two shams chapter 127 verses one and two except the Lord builds the house Play labor in vain that build it what a powerful scripture except the Lord keep the city the watchmen work it but invite it is fine for you to rise up early to set up late to eat the bread of sorrows bus so he gave us his beloved sleep I would’ve God shows us here that we live in two worlds senator I must say that word but I was going to butcher it at the same time simultaneously her I said so fast lol I don’t know that you butchered that live in twirled something all right we leave we are like we have a dual citizenship we have a citizenship in the heavenly realms and we have one here on the earth whatever we say here on the earth is a replica it’s a reproduction of that which takes place in the real world in the real world I keep thinking about When people dies and often times I have to go back to see the first nation of those words in the Bible like in the case of Abraham and in the case of Jacob but those to stand up because it says in the case of Abram by the Lord told him in Genesis chapter 15 after you are grown that’s 175 years you will go to your fathers know in the case of Jacob it say when he died did not even say he died it says he went to his fathers and the implication being there is it which is there is this one person dies it’s not like the battery although the fridge gets unplugged and electricity is cut off we have electricity comes up comes from it’s frozen no he walks he keeps walking and he goes to where they’re going they said when his son died he said I will go to him when when John Jacob heard the reports that your son Joseph is that he said Will go do you see that right there with in this world we see a person who is immobile probably facing up the skies but actually the person has a stepped out and they keep walking keep walking I have heard stories and I have watched videos on YouTube of people who have had near death experiences and do it they said they were able to see everything point in case he is my neighbor who came here a few weeks ago Yvonne she was in child labor it was intense and she started freaking out and she passed out she said she didn’t freak out she didn’t pass out at all all of a sudden she saw the baby that was in the one who was pulled out the baby started work going away I thought it all my God I’m gonna catch up with my baby and she said I just walked out and I could see myself laying on that bed in the hospital and I could say Call who was here he was a baby don’t go please come back I should I’m here I’m here but I need to catch up with the baby and she say I’m going to catch up with this bitch but that babies going faster than I can I please come back please come back please come back and then she’s not afraid of feeling these pains wherever she was going instead of slowing down those pains were caused by the doctors were trying to resuscitate her push that stuff on her and it’s so painful she keeps coming back comes back and then I’m back here well in the natural realm that was just an emotional person the computer that was beeping beeping beeping the lines were flat but actually she was not flat at all she was just walking and she was telling these people behind don’t do this now in the hospital or her eyes at work clothes but when she came back she looked she told them exactly what they were doing you were standing here you were standing here what is the point that we live in To world the real world in this world here Paul says that he was pressed between the two this is in the book of Philippians to go to that World oil to stick a round here and he said I’m pressed between the two no in the scripture it shows us that family dynamics must be understood in those terms as well that they raise the lawn at work in the invisible world in the spirit realm and the reason is here doing our best trying to build trying to build now he sings this if the Lord has not built whatever you do here is doomed to fail and it says here if the Lord does not watch over you you could fight your best now you can give it your very best I won’t help and I look in that verse three says it’s in vain for you to rise up early to set up late to eat the bread of sorrows that means that in this physical realm I’m making Even a 10° of success but it comes at a very painful cost there’s a prize the dump he said you can get the parrot up the bread but it’s the bread of sorrows but if I do not just focus on the physical world and elevate the Lord elevate his word elevate his place in my life he will give me the bread and the Bible sees the blessing of the Lord makes come on one rich and it adds no sorrow’s and I want to ask you what is the place of God in your life so when we talk about the hallmarks of a godly family before I even get there why would you in a church setting for 10 Sundays keep talking about family family family family because family is the most basic unit of any society your your failures in life in this material physical Can be linked directly to how family handled you your physical traits your psychological trait your social skills we can trace it straight to the family and the church the congregation has done a poor job addressing family issues and that’s what I’m talking about families anyway oh Mark what does a hallmark mean when you hear the word Hallmark and I had to go in the dictionary to find because the British people have a way of talking which is different from the way the Yankees talk hallmark what is a hallmark hallmark is a unique distinctive characteristic of someone or something indicating its creator and place of origin when we say hallmark I’ll give you a cheesy example but it makes us know this ring here that I’m wearing is my work room Gold ring my expensive gold ring this one is the cheap one this is a titanium one if you get this and inspect inside you will see nothing because this is a cheap one but not my gold one if you take it you look inside the engravings the marks the whole marks in that not sure that this is the genuine thing this is not made the gold one it’s not made in China it’s not made in Vietnam this is made by whoever sees that it has a number a serial number it has the carrot know the weight of it it’s written there what is written there is the hallmark it’s not which distinguishes that gold ring can I see your finger I know I know the real one when I know that so that’s the real one if I show you her and you can see the whole mark it proves that this is The genuine thing in Christianity there is the genuine and there is the fake remember Christ saying in Joe’s market drop the seven beware of false prophets they don’t have the hallmarks of true prophets so when I’m talking about the hallmarks of a Christian or a godly family I’m talking about what are some imprints what are some engravings that must be in your family to prove that you are truly a godly family what are some things that you must carry that distinguishes you from other people now let’s go to Joshua chapter 24 verse 15 let me kick this engine on Joshua and if it’s still evil out to you to serve the Lord shows you this day whom you will serve what are the gods with your fathers That were on the other side of the flood or the gods of the emirates girl who’s doing it well but as for me and my house we will serve the lord this is Joshua at this point he’s an old man he’s 105 years old his son at all Joshua was born in North Africa in Egypt precisely he was there with Moses he walked with Moses he had come to learn how to serve God he was there with Moses in fact the Bible says when the glory cloud would come in attempt of assignment at the tabernacle Moses would go in there with Joshua and Moses would come out and Joshua would stay there in the process now old man Joshua mean he’s been there since that and he has Cinderella billion of the jewels they have rebuild have worship the golden calf they have rebelled against the Lord time after time again in his dying days Is this you choose what you want to be but for me and my family we have demarcated some lines we have some engravings we have some hallmark which sets us apart from other people we will serve the lord and I tell you man this morning the Lord is calling you and I to make this decision to say all the families around here may choose to do whatever they wanna do they make shows to watch the want to watch choose to listen to listen to to celebrate whatever festivities they want to celebrate in the family but for me and my house we will serve the lord and I’ll show you some Hallmark the first Hallmark and I’ll show you five of them the first hallmark that which is stamped in a Christian family what is it that sets them apart the first thing is the glorify God God is the center of the Family do you want to be a godly family do you want your house to be like Joshua’s house when he sees for me and my family we will serve the lord you have to decide to make Jesus the center of your life Jesus has to be the center don’t be like that church I told you of loud see you in Revelation chapter 3 last week gross 20 behold I stand at the door and I’m knocking my friend a man he has my voice and opens up I will come in now done with him don’t be like that church be the church that sees no Christ is in here if anybody else is not going out there who is the imposter but the real price is here let me ask you a question what is the place of Jesus in your family what is the place of Christ in your family and I can tell you if you let me come to your house and show me your bookshelf or your bookshelf Take a glance at the books that you have there and I’ll tell you who is the saint of your life the movie when you go to your own house or to your house it almost all the books 80% of your book is all about novels about their some novels about that but Christ the word what is the place of God’s word what is the place of gods gods gods values the hallmarks of a Christian of a godly family is in this house we glorify God in this house with blessed God in this house we pray in this house we watch Christian movies on TV in this house on YouTube we watch Christian gospel most people think that down it’s a joke man for you to go in your house and have your kids you know what Christian music make your kids watch Christian movies make your own house make yourself what question stuff now I understand Movies are some of the most boring movies you wanna ever come across but make a point to please God in the center the word of God 24 seven the hallmarks of a godly family the first thing you have to put down to the center now let’s go to Deuteronomy chapter 6 verses one through seven let’s say some thing there statistically in this country it says this children who are raised in a Christian home where it was a genuine Christian home have 75% chances of walking with God when they go off to college make your family a godly family to try to meet up to six verse one through seven it says now these are the Commandments the statutes and the judgments which the Lord your God commanded to teach you but you might do them in the land whether you go to possess it that’s all my trust for the Lord thy God to keep all his statutes and his commitments Recommend it though in the sun and the sun sun all the days of my life what is that God sees that his word is a family affair he says I’m giving you these words the word of God the rim of the word of God logos of God not only for you it’s for you and your children and your children’s children the Lord is stamping the hallmark of a godly family in the nation of these real all the days of the life in the days maybe that it may be well with me and that he may increase mightily as the Lord God as the Lord God of the fathers has promised me in the land of slow with one milk and Honey you or Israel the Lord our God is one Lord and that was felt love the Lord of the Lord thy God with all thy heart with all down so with all that damn money and these words Which I commend the best they shall be in your heart that you shall teach them diligently on to your children you see the point that the Lord is trying to make here is he wants to have fellowship with us God wants to be our very best friends he wants to be so close to us God is not close to us to rebuke us God is not close to us to be like the grumpy old old man know if you do something or you feel condemned I missed it it’s not the Spirit of God but they’ll do that when you do something wrong and you feel bad about it you’ll feel sorry about it that’s not the Holy Spirit was doing that to you the Holy Spirit never makes you feel sorry the job of the Holy Spirit is never to convict you of your sin You will be condemned of your sins but not by the Holy Spirit no you can put the script and then I’m not gonna look at it but you can have it there at John chapter 16 verse 8709 but first aid primarily what is this window Spirit of the Lord will come people convinced he’ll come out come out look at it John chapter 16 when he the Holy Spirit is come he will reproval who are you in the world off and off and off now let’s see how the next person gets juicy after this one verse nine what does it say often because of what do you believe in Christ if you believe in Christ the Holy Spirit never converse is yourself Why because God never comes to condemn you of your sin he never even points to your sins I’ll come there why because he’s your friend he does not come to tell you hey jerk I did wrong on the tremendous conviction the Lord spoke to me that I’m a bad person let me go quickly if you come in a church service and a man comes here for you the Lord says three years ago I see you committed murder that’s not the loudspeaker the Lord did not tell him that why the Lord never condemns people post is this in first Corinthians chapter 14 verse 25 through 27 if you are prophesy In an unbeliever comes in your professor on him the secrets of his heart exposed he will do it he will fall on his knees and do it well shit how does a person worship when you tell them to send if they tell you you’re saying you don’t worship you repent that means when I’m allowed to leave a comes here he never comes to a place where his sins are exposed my brother the reason why things are tight in your life it’s because two years ago you into a tight that say if the Lord no that’s not the Lord Jesus is my sheep know my voice and I know his voice that’s not his voice why because he says he wants to be our best friend Oh best friend is he who encourages us but when you commit a sin what condenser is what first John chapter 3 verse 19 and 21 not the Holy Spirit let’s see it first John three can I stay on my line here not stop chasing the rabbit trail first John chapter 3 verse 19 through 21 I’m here but we know that we are of the truth and we shall assure our hearts before him for F word convince you if you’re hot cold and you not the Spirit of God when you do something wrong it’s not the job of the Holy Spirit to condemn you it’s the job of your heart to condemn you why because he has taken the room to stop the rock or stone out of you He’s given you the rock off flash that can tell you this is right this is wrong but that’s not what he does his job is convinced the world of sin and heal of righteousness what does it mean that he converses your Francesca’s he tells you even though you have done it wrong but you have an advocate with the father Jesus who is already paid for your sins past present and future God is greater than our hot and now with all things but why did God say is that to the Jews into trying to make up the six verse one through seven you shall love the Lord with all your heart with all your stress with all your mind he was not telling them that God is going to be a burden in your life God is going to be watching over your shoulder burnt know most people think of God like you have to beg him You have to plead with him it breaks his heart it breaks his heart he doesn’t want you begging him can you imagine if you were in your house right under in for your child to do anything that said to go to sleep they have to beg you a roller for daddy I’m sorry I missed it today I messed up can I not go to sleep please I’m so tired can you help me take me to sleep what a terrible father you are but we think that that’s how God is know when God told the Jews you shall love the Lord it’s because that’s how the Lord relates to them the hallmarks of a godly family a godly family places value on the word of God what is the place of the word of God in your life my friend most of you you value peoples opinion not the word of God it’s time for you to start thinking of the word of God let me take it a step further and tell you this you can have faith in God I’m still not trust him you need to go back and listen to what I’m saying here when you go home you can have faith in God and not trust him because even a thief who goes to steal it still believe God’s going to help him go steal it and nobody’s gonna catch him but does he trust God no he doesn’t because if we trust in God he will believe that God will make supplies for him I heard the story of a prostitute who is praying every day that her business will flourish have you ever heard the joke about if a man sells a coffins how does he break amen can have faith in God and not trust him faith in God makes you believe in him it means that you know he exist he loves you yes But trust is it’s not only you trust him but you trust his word you trust everything he told you in his word he will keep his word often times we believe in God but most of us will lean on our own understanding when we lean on our own understanding we sure by that we don’t trust him if you trust him you were close with him even when things got worse you still believe in him when a man trust God he knows that you know what it what is the scripture it may indoor for night and then joy comes in the morning what is it whipping me in July for a night but you hang onto it you hang onto you know that you know that you know sooner or later it’s all come to pass Sarah believed in God but she did not trust God that’s why when God told Abraham he will have a child 30 amen God will give us The child but not through this you take my servant by doing that she showed that she believed in God but she did not trust God most of us here what our finances are up and down do we trust God we believe God when you are under so much pressure and you know that you know that you know that you know I may not make it until next week it’s it’s due it’s overdue what is going to happen do you trust God all the time you throw it away godly Family Your Pl., God above all and let me tell you man the Bible says I was young now I’m grown I have never seen the righteous for sake in it may be it may seem to be tough today but you will you will win if you look at the end of the book which ever way you win you can never lose for winning do you trust God or you do you just believe in him When you trust in him your place him at the center of your family it’s time for you to sit down and said no it’s December 2019 I’m getting ready I’m gearing up for next year Jesus is the center of this family you have to speak like Joshua you just do what you want to do it I’ll still be your friend but as for me and my family we will serve the lord amen second thing the hallmarks of a Christian a godly home commitment to God’s work in the local church commitment to God’s work in the local church when you are a godly family it will show how you serve in the local church Jesus spoke to Peter I told you last week how Peter was crying and most of us never knew why is it a Peter Jesus I told him theater You would you’ll deny me three times I’ve been to say no all these guys here they can deny you for me I’m gonna go with you and Jesus said but I tell you before the rooster crows today you have denied me and he denied him the first time when he denied of the person sees how can you say you don’t know him you just sound like him the second time the woman come is it true you are there the third time there was a guy who came they’re cool so Peter in the garden with Jesus when they came to race Jesus that was a guy called Marcus it’s cousin Sophie to pull out the side cut off his cousins gear and the guy saw Jesus pick up the deer stick it up and he’s all better now he says the same BS I just saw you a few hours ago and when he say that I just saw you a few hours ago Jesus is battling past right now Here in Jesus is right here sitting right here and he’s looking at Jeezy dude if I know this guy may I be a curse that all the curses come on me I don’t know this man I don’t want Jesus just terms of our looks at him and Peter looks at him in the Bible sees the rooster crowed and Peter remember what Jesus told him and he started crying and I told you last week he was not crying because he was a coward know he was crying because he realize how much Christ love them because he is a man being accused by 3 x 3 witnesses this every proof possible that you are bad when they came to arrest Jesus that night the plot was not to arrest Christ alone it was Doris Christ Peter John Mark all of them and peters here in the hands of the enemy and buy some supernatural power nobody lays fingers on him Members why they can’t touch him why even though they have three accusation against some reason they can’t touch him he remembered what Christ told him better the devil has asked us if you like weed but don’t worry whatever happens today nobody’s going to lay fingers on your Peter and Peter look at this guy’s barn he’s got me covered and the lesson we learn from it is this way whatever you going through right now you’re not by yourself you have an advocate with the father who is already got you covered whatever you think is bad right now I tell you it could’ve been worse some of you were here this morning but actually the plan was for you to be in the hospital this morning but you are not in the hospital because you have an advocate with the father who’s got his hands upon you and the Bible says if you do well under the shadow of the most high you are by on the door power of the Almighty I thousand will fall on your left 10,040 or left to right but he will not be touched no Peter when he wakes up Christ shows up to him I said do you love me do you say yes in Jesus tells him if you do love me feed my sheep oh I tell you man that right there is the hallmark of a godly man a godly man feeds the ship of God what are you doing in the church what are you doing in the church the reason why we have pastors we have evangelist we have profits we have a Postel it’s not for them to drive Bentleys it’s not for them to fly out expensive aircraft know the job of the pastor of the evangelist it’s not for him to stand on TV and brag about her How much money he has in the bank account his job is to make sure you are equipped for the work of the ministry the one who is supposed to do ministry in the church is not the people it’s not the person behind the puppet it’s the person in the pew a godly family is dedicated to serving God and I tell you man we need help around here we need help we need help we need help cleaning the toilets we need help with the youth we need help driving people to church we need help vacuuming this place we need help and the help is with you the whole mark of a Christian of a godly man is serving in the church let me see that scripture Romans chapter 12 for as we have as we have many members in one body and all members have not the same office so we Bing many I want body in Christ we have a song the way I mean yeah we are one body in Christ and everyone one members one of another having been gifts different according to the grace that is given to us I’ll talk to Asia where the prophecy let us prophesy according to the proportion of faith or ministry let us wait on our ministry look at that if you have the gift of ministry or if you have a ministry you need to do your ministry or heat that teaches you have to teach exhort it on exhortation either give it let him do it with simplicity is the ruler with villages either short mercy what’s your full Ness people told that tells us here everybody in the church is important it’s time for you now to quit Sitting on your butt in the church bills you’ve worn those pills enough it’s time for you to get to work you need to find a place to serve in the church we are involved in church ministry activities in our local church that’s part of godly hallmark we attend service was sick to promote God and him and his work in a local church if you don’t go out there bringing people in this place shame on you shame on you the Lord has given us grace in this church to have great teachings to have a good heart servants heart good praise and worship then why aren’t you inviting people when are you bringing me a grown-up is that serving in the church some of us we just come to church and watch other people are mad they can say good what are you doing it’s time that you start looking around here and see what’s wrong in this place how do you send something We’re not doing better well you just find a ministry will all been waiting for you to do it open waiting for you to do it and I know when people are serving in the church when church is over unless you are a medical doctor and you just got a bid on your cell phone like there’s a life and death situation here we need you in the surgery in the emergency room right away you don’t have any business rushing out of church after service and around here you’re gonna get stuck in traffic for 30 minutes why what’s the point stick around here ask a few questions about children ask a few questions about praise and worship ask a few questions about butterflies can you teach me how to play the drum but it’s enough for us to just come here and sit down we have great teachers and less please ask us about starting a self up in your house you need to serve you need to serve you need to serve in the church and you don’t serve soup Because you said that nobody gives me what to do or does something for you to do how do you check the bathroom likely when you come around you don’t you see the trash out there there’s something for you to do a man three we are committed to charity the godly them at the hallmarks of a godly family is commitment to charity when I’m using the word charity charity here in terms of doing go to other people we help others with the best of our abilities our abilities because we understand that life is not just about us and our populace is it a man a man or a woman who understands that they are servants of God the godly person they realize that it’s not enough for them not to affect other people positively Just had thanksgivings a few days ago I got a phone call not a text message in the morning somebody from the church telling me I’m taking my family to go serve some people we are veterans around here we have all kinds of things when are you going to get involved it’s about time we let our children know that they’re spoiled brats after them having 25 pairs of shoes it’s enough they can now donate to other people it’s time that you start touching other people with the love of God Isaiah chapter 58 verse five through 11 is this is it such a fast that I have chosen a date for a man to flip his soul is it is it to bow down his head and to spread some cloth and ashes around him what Val call this a fast and an acceptable day to the Lord is it not this fast that I have chosen to lose the band Wickedness to undo the heavy burdens to let the oppressed go free and then you break every yoke is it not a dildo that bread to the hungry and that dog bring the poor that a cat out of the house when they’ll see is the make it look at that but now cover him and that high note that sell from Dan on flash then look at that your lights I’ll break forth as the morning your Health shall spring forth speedily and the righteousness of God before then the glory of the Lord shall be the reward then shall dial Cole and the Lord shall answer your surprise and he shall say here I am if you take away from the midst of you the yolk the putting forth a far off the finger and speaking vanity and if you draw out your soul to the hungry and satisfy the flipping soul Daniel then shall die like right In obscurity and the darkness be as noonday praise the Lord the Bible tells us he got to say it’s not just about you coming in church and stick in your area here hallelujah praise the Lord know God sees what are you doing with the poor people around you how many of us and don’t show me my hand have even done anything go to often how many of us in this place have done anything good to disable people to single mothers how long are you just gonna be buying stuff for yourself and not for any other person how long are you just gonna sit around eat your food from Monday through Sunday just by yourself me and myself and you are not a godly person a godly person helps the poor there’s a godly values this is not just in the Old Testament and the New Testament you say to pulsate Seahorse steel steel no more but let him work with his hands so that he may have something to give to those who don’t have it what is the point of work oh well brother I just want to build one for what what do you what do you want to build wealth on well I want to build my wealth so that I can touch others with the love of God Proverbs chapter 22 verse nine he that hath a bountiful I shall be blessed of his bride to the poor but still playing you need a good theologian to help you misunderstand that one it says that you need to do go to people I don’t know it’s time to help others it’s time for you to hear the cry of those who are who are who are suffering they may be here in America they may be in a Third World country than maybe wherever reach out no not to brag but one of the things that I know that I have done well I felt good Was when I went to Niger and I found a way to help people not by teaching them just a word but doing more than that no people need the word let’s not blow the line here the most important thing you can do for a person is to bring them to Christ but is that enough know if you have something in your pocket reach out and help them out especially if you can sit down on life and say hey there’s this education you can do for whatever amount of time and point that person in the right direction that is what God wants you to do let’s go to the number the number for hallmarks of a godly family and commitment to prayers especially for others praying for other people oh man it’s time that you are you surround people in your house if you are a married man even if you’re a single person that’s fine you can still do it myself but learn how to pray For others I was so humble this morning when the church prayed for me but you don’t know how much I covet those prayers you don’t know how much I covet those prayers but not only for me but also for other people it’s not on that you say I’m gonna pray for Mr. Trump I’m gonna pray for Virginia I’m going to pray for every single member of springs of life church but all the churches around here in the book offered first Timothy chapter 2 verse one and three the Bible tells us something about praying for other people I exhort there for that first what’s the boss applications prayers and a sessions and giving of thanks be made for all men for kings prayers in a session and giving of thanks be made or Allmond pray for kids what is that for kings here with me the President of the United States and all the presidents in the world the Senate Senate Congress those in the arm services pray for them that are in authority that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in Gordon estate honestly say we had this idea I don’t know where it came from where people have this mindset that as days go by things will get worse and worse will have more wars will have more family people go to the things of Christ said will be that the sign of the end of the old testament in magic chapter 24 when the disciples asked Jesus how are we going to know that this is the sign that the temple is about to be destroyed Jesus told them you will hear of wars and rumors of wars they’ll be false prophet you they’ll be earthquakes the way all those things most people think that he’s talking about you and I that is stupid why Because these guys left 2000 years ago how does it affect them anyway and 2000 all be dead he’s telling them and in the same script I said by the way this generation shall not pass away most people think that when he says this generation shall not pass away he’s talking about your generation you know if Jesus was talking about your generation he would not say this generation shall not pass away he would say that generation shall not pass away we are not the generation of Christ say that generation will not pass away no no no say when the Bible talks about the end it’s an ambiguous word that means you have to read the whole context to understand and of what in the Bible there is no such a thing as the end of the world as we think of it in the English language there is the end of the age what age the the the mosaic edge by Peter witnessed those things when the Holy Spirit came What did Bill tell them oh no no we’re not drunk this is the sun what time that we are the last days in the last day says the Lord of world my spirit your sons and daughters will prophesy the last days of what better the last days of the World no I was 2000 still here if the last days have been 2000 years then it’s intellectually dishonest to believe that we’ve been in the last days for 2000 years no we are in a do they know there’s a reason why I’m telling you this when the Bible says they’ll be wars and rumors of wars that wants to tell the disciples disciples how do you know that the time has come for the old testament to close and for the new testament to be fully active no pool heater says this if we pray for peace Most of us we don’t believe we can pray for peace and peace in the world why because we believe all this going to be warmer it’s going to be wars do I believe that they can be a day where there’s no fun in the world I believe so I do believe so much there’s gonna be a day there’s gonna be a cure for cancer or not do you believe there’s gonna be a cure for HIV yes I do believe in that what is it that we don’t have a cure for cancer and HIV because the church curse of the world every day well life and that is out of the power of the time we are cutting of spiritually the supply of intelligence that can produce it what we need to do is to pray for our son is like Emmanuel there like Israel there the Israel go back to school study hard so maybe you will find a cure for cancer yeah that’s why I tell you man I’m not In a hurry to pack my bags and leave this place and if you were in a hurry to leave this place and go to heaven I encourage you put your bags down and pack them go back home we have work to do policies that we have to pray that they’ll be peace in the world will there ever be peace between the Jews and the Palestinian yes why is it that there’s no peace between the Jews in Palestine because everybody and Christian television says they can never get together they can never get together yes I can get together how can the Jews in the palace in and get together bring them to the prince of this Jesus Christ let them know their brothers and their lives peacefully so we pray for each other the last point I cannot do it because it’s the end of the service let’s stand on our feet done