The Christian Family Part 7

The Christian Family Part 7

The Christian Family Part 7

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Psalms 127 verses one and five I wanna show you some other thing today which I believe is going to impact your life positively the Bible tells us and I’m teaching on the subject of the Christian family today with a special emphasis on the spiritual dynamics of the family there is more to family than what makes the eyes there is a spiritual aspect of the family which propels us forward or which drugs us down except the Lord builds the house they labor in vain that build it except the Lord keep the city the watchmen keep it and then I want you to notice that there is a spiritual warfare going on against the house there is a spiritual warfare going on against the family we may not see it physically but I am there is a spiritual warfare going on some of the trouble we have personally it’s not accidental it’s some I think that is not only on us as an individual it’s something that is in the family but you have to fight there’s a story in the Bible in the book of Esther you remember the professor but unless you study Jewish history you’ll never see what happened in there there’s a man who vows to tall destroy all the Jews and that name is that man’s name was Helen but what people don’t know who is the walls as there was a descendent of King Saul the first king of the Jews and that man Hammond was the descendent of King a God the mend of king soul spared you remember God has sent Samuel to tell to tell so go and destroy all the Amalekites when he went this is a first Samuel chapter 15 killed everything except for the king And all the big animals what he did not know is he just set himself up and his children in the future but you can see in the next generation there is a night a guy called Jonathan king David was never God’s plan a to be the king of Israel we’re not because soul is told by Kingza by the prophet Samuel in first Samuel chapter 15 if you had obey the word of the Lord the Lord would have made you and your descendants kings forever in the nation of Israel today we couldn’t have been talking calling Jesus Jesus son of David we would actually have been calling Jesus son of Saul but what so did not only did he destroy his own life he also destroyed the next generations live there is a guy in the Bible call Jonathan when you look at this guy that is king Saul son he is way way David this is a real guy and you can see the man’s heart because he knows the Lord has rejected his dad and the Lord has appointed king David and yet he becomes David’s best friend even though David has now taken what rightfully belongs to him so Jonathan is going to be killed finally adult in the last chapter of first Samuel chapter 38 out of the 31 he did not die because of a crime he committed but because his dad destroyed his his next generation not only Jonathan down the road the king the king sol sol his life his spirit is the sand it now rises up to wipe out Israel when I met my my coworkers message administer meanwhile they kept saying something I never heard before and now it stayed in my heart that the snake that men did not destroy The garden of Eden became what the dragon in the book of revelation because that which you do not deal with today will be dealt with by your children and some of the things you do not deal that you are dealing with today it’s not you it’s a fight that started a long time ago and I will show you this is not just old testament gibberish this is actually verified in the New Testament as well no Esther has to destroy him and demanded whose grandfather or holes and sister was supposed to be killed or destroyed by his ground he’s a sister as well what I’m trying to tell you is this we are under the grace of God but there is still another spiritual dynamic attached to us some of you you have sicknesses right now either in blood sugar or in hot condition that is that has always been running in your Family line that’s why when you go to the doctor like I went to my doctor this week they asked me tell me tell me about your dad about your grandfather now let’s go on your mom side why because even in the medical profession they understand the children today receptacles of what happened before them now here it’s it shows as in Sam chapter 127° a spiritual warfare which is what is against the family and without the Lord’s involvement in that fight it’s all you’ve already lost the battle it’s already a lost cause that’s what he say except the Lord watches over your family over the city unless you invite the lawn you may try to fight but it’s not going to avail and I want you to know there is a spiritual dynamic attached to your family I have an account Lies when I came to the Lord that there was an idea that me and I do apologize for those who are not of my background me as an African man there was always this idea placed in my mind that my ancestors were evil the witches in the demons and when things like that it was just the slack off on the ring my parents not that everything that they did was right but there may be one or two things that they did that was right and I want you to know that the Bible carries this principle from the old testament into the New Testament in the writings of Paul when he says honor your father and your mother what if you do not honor your father and your mother it will show in your life now will that stop you from going to heaven no because going to heaven has nothing to do with you honoring your father and mother but it will impact your walkie on On earth and I have told you before that I’m not in a hurry to go to heaven because Jesus told me occupy until I come back if you read the Bible right go all the way to the end the book of revelation and you get the shock of your life it is this John so the church leaving Heaven coming back to do here on earth at the end after everything has been taken care of Satan has been killed kicked out there’s no more judgment there’s no more wrath of God did not keep the church up and have a lot of why heaven was never made for men even the highest of heavens belong to God but the earth belongs to men I’ve always wondered if the earth was so bad what is it that Jesus said blessed are the peacemakers Because that will inherit what the earth what is all the peacemakers hit the earth and they get out of here they all go to asylum and Heaven call wheel and Jesus makes it even plain as it was in the days of Noah so shall it be in the days of the son of man not think about this in the days of Noah some people were removed from the earth Jesus sees that in Maddie chapter 24 they the eighth married they did business until the flood came and took them all why did God do that so that no one the righteous man may stay again on the earth and repopulate the earth what I’m trying to tell you is this you’ll be here on earth is not a curse you being here on earth it’s not an accident It’s God’s blessing on the earth God wants you to succeed here on earth God doesn’t just want you to be so heavenly minded you become earthly stupid it’s about time that we get some brothers who in addition to knowing the word of God they also know math they also understand geography they also understand business they also understand lol they also understand police work they also understand how to fly how to fly an airplane God for bid that all of us one day will become pastors will be good for some of us to be pilots it’s good for some of us to be lawyers some of us to be medical doctors become medical doctors is not of the devil we wait a second you think is the devil who gives the medical doctors the ability to talk to heal people how to treat people No how do we know that because Jesus is the devil comes to kill steel and destroy the one who is guiding the hands of the doctor it’s not certain if it’s up to say can you make sure that the stupid doctors are all higher than the good doctors I’ll tell in the unemployment line but the church will need to write to raise every kind of people who is available to us there is a spiritual warfare going on and we need to understand that we need to involve God has to be a day where you sit down and inventory your family and you ask yourself lol why is it that of all the families in the world you chose me to be of this family you wanted me to be in the Emile family why did you want me to be a Talya why did you want me to be a Carter why did you want me to be a no so why did you want me to be your son/why did you want me to be a Natasha do you has to be something here And let me tell you this it’s wrong for you to be the only successful person in your family it’s wrong for you when there’s a need in the family you are the only person where everybody frogs to it’s not good for you to be the only successful person in your family and you may have brothers we have sisters who may have cousins have you ever prayed for them taken down to go to say change the lives soft in my heart because some of us we are so ashamed of our family members they don’t look as good either ugly they can’t speak good they probably smell they just nasty people we just don’t want to associate with them but that’s wrong why did God choose you to be part of your family is it possible that the future of your family depends on the spiritual warfare you engage on the up and behalf of your family that you can Turn around and get the things that the Lord has invested in you pass it to them and to tell your brothers until the sisters be like me this morning we just had a sister Lauren here saying that when she looks back at the past two years of her life it’s been one success after another success after another success but she has a twin sister what’s the point of her succeeding and her twin sister is not enjoying what she’s enjoying and she has nephews she has nieces she has a brother she has a dad she has a mom let’s take all of them to God the reason men in the Bible called Joseph who God called yes who turn the train who turned the cycle of his family and I’m telling you you are the Joseph of your family you are the Josephine of your family and in your time the enemy must stop in the stock of your family must rise up it is possible in the name of cheese Yes and I’ll walk you through this before I get to the let me tell you a few good things about the family first of all family is gods idea because in the beginning God initiated family God created everything because he wanted to have a family creation therefore has no meaning without family one of the best book I have in my bookshelf sitting right there now is written by EW Canyon the father and his family he says that you cannot understand creation until you see God as a man or as a father who longs for family why did God create us why did God create you why did he create me often times we say God created me so that I may worship him well that is involved in the package somehow but that’s not the reason why I created you why did God create you God created you because God needs you if he did not need you then why create you why waste his time creating you call needs of the other person more than the other the man or the car some of you have a Lotta nice cars I see you out there yeah who needs more who is who more you or the car do you need a car I really do you really need a car I meant to go from here to go to Manassas do you really need a car to go from your house to work do you really need a car when your wife is a labor and you need to go to do you really need a car that means you need the car the car is important isn’t it if you don’t need a car why don’t you give it to me that I don’t mind take that same concept apply to God why did God create men because God needs men God does not need food God is God with or without worship but God says it’s not good for him to be by himself because the thing that makes God hot bitch bitch bitch bitch bum is love and that love must be shared with somebody so he creates angels he creates the earth he creates the heaven but he doesn’t have someone in the home he can pour his love that’s why he created man why did God create us because God wanted to have a family that’s all creation when you look at the moon the stars the mountains and everything the purpose for creation is family family is the most important unit in the earth I’ve always wondered what is more important heavens and the earth and not answering I’ll tell you what’s more important in the book of Genesis chapter 1 14 you’ll find out that God sees he created all the stars all the galaxies so that they may minister to the earth it says that in your Bible Genesis chapter 1 verse 14 God created the sun so that the sun may enlighten or make us the light on the earth God created all the stars the Jupiter the planet Jupiter Mars Venus all the stars serious Polaris those are the stars yeah Bellatrix regulus those Estás he quit all these big stores to gaslight on the earth listen to this in other words without the earths does have no reason to exist because they were only created to minister to the earth why did God create the earth saw that his man his family would have a habitat a place to live In other words man is more important than the earth the earth is more than it more important more important than all the stars see how important man is and look around here God created the mountains the lakes created the diamonds the gold under liquid all the valleys and in the trees and he created all the beautiful thing around us why God is God he doesn’t need a mountain he doesn’t need water he doesn’t even need oxygen why did God create everything you see on earth or man God created it for men why because God only wanted to have a relationship with Adam and eve that’s why when he created them he told him you have everything and every evening then they heard the voice of the Lord coming just to have fellowship with them that’s exactly how God wanted it to be when they turn their back on God What did you do tell them you go that way and I’m a go this way oh no God walked outside the garden with them and he’s the one who showed them how to survive outside of the garden when they had the children guess who was there to Kristen the children God himself when they had the children guess who was the babysitter guess who was hanging out with the children God himself now the children were so used to God that can use to talk to God like you talk to your buddy how do we know this because in Genesis chapter 4 when God asked him pay what is your brother do you know what Kendall God am I am a mama brothers keeper why are you asking me see how comfortable how familiar can was with God God has always wanted to have a family in other words family is the most important unit here on earth secondly the church As a divine mission to empower families we as the church we cannot succeed we can never have an impact in the world if we do not empower the church what does that mean the church is not a place were good people only come to church is supposed to be the place was sick people go and find refuge church is supposed to be a place where when you come in this place after a year you say you know what my life is much better I have a better life now I think better one thing I’ll tell you right I will pound this idea in you until it was out of your ears out of your nose out of your mouth out of every almost hit something out of everywhere in your body it comes out what idea you need to be productive here on earth you need to be productive do you know that there is Anointing to work better than everybody else on your job read it in the book of Exodus God said to Moses I have anointed Betzalel to make golden stuff there is an anointing that comes from you that makes you understand math that makes you understand computers but makes you understand money that makes you understand all the things yes it’s part of the package it’s part of the package that’s part of the package what destroys the world is not what the evil people are doing what destroys the world is what the Christian spirit filled people are lacking in doing in my days I’ve vowed to be the best at everything that I lay my hands on but we want people who succeed want people who do better we want people who will go forward be like Moses the Bible says he was an educated man be like Paul the Bible says he was an educated man understand things better because the church has been called to make disciples of all nations remember Jesus told the church go and make disciples of nations so the church has a mandate to the nations but what is the most basic unit of a nation it’s the family is the family we can do things in this area but you have no idea we can change literally the state we can we can we have a mandate I believe that we as a church we can turn a generation around we need to be dedicated we need to be intentional society will never be healed until the family has been healed most of the people we have in society today who are rapist who are in the prison Who don’t do anything what do you think they got that sing that germ from in the family and we have issues man most families have dark secrets that people say all skeletons in the closet skeletons in the closet the rate and I can only talk about this area for now but I know we can talk about Maryland we can talk about this in the rate of prostitution around here drug addiction around here why is it that those things are rampant around here because families are dysfunctional just the next subdivision right here is a section 8 housing program you should go there one Friday evening one time I spent like two or three weeks just going around here in my car just trying to sniff around and try to execute the area and look around lol why did you play sauce in Lawton here there is dysfunctional families here but if the church Does not help them they cannot get help and they will be a problem to society it will be a problem to society think about the terrorist when they wanna ruin the country what do they do they go to families they go find a guy and cut them in $1 million check and tell them you go blow yourself up in the bus and your family has $1 million they target families 123123 and they are a threat to world security the church has the answer we have to help families most of those people come to church here you just look good when you come to church here are you really have issues you really have problems you really have problems some of you what you need right now is to put everything to stop to the side and see me as a pastor help me I have an issue I have an addiction I have this problem and there are things prayers by yourself won’t cut you need the guidance of a spiritual mental God that’s what the church is supposed to do the church is not supposed to be a place where people come to because they get it is homosexuality a real problem yes yes there’s a preacher that a new man are used to love the speech on TV I loved him he was young he was from Baltimore moved to Florida where is the 20,000 member church but before we know it about 45 years ago he was found in a hotel in New York dead with cocaine with drugs with prostitutes and everything and the church did what the church does best or say he was a hypocrite we knew he was a hypocrite but that man had four girls nobody’s caring about this for girls but I’ll ask myself how come that a man of God has these issues in the church and yet he looked always good he had a program on TV and he was under the stars net worth 20,000 member church friends with Paula white with me a Dunkin Williams for tea The big names of ministry in America the way his friends how come to this man never opened up because he was not secure another man of God in in in Atlanta who died maybe 23 years ago was accused of having molested four boys why didn’t he ever open up to any other person because the church has not created an environment where people have skeletons in the closet don’t feel comfortable supposed to help me manage to help my sister help me let’s drag the skeleton out it’s time for you to lose the plastics and be yourself and say I have an issue Jesus help me out big search we have a God-given mandate to restore families don’t be ashamed of what’s in your family don’t be ashamed of what’s in your family I remember like maybe 34 months ago when I looked in my hair and does the grays increasing by the day Henry I knew this day would come let’s run to one of those stores and find something to Document every Sunday I’m going to document and I did that mistake a duck in that thing and nothing washed off all it was worse than before if you have a gray like me don’t touch it just leave it alone the point is this I was trying to hide something and the Lord told me that not that I don’t see the Lord the wisdom of God and misery why what are you trying to prove you’re not getting any younger you are it’s going to get like that I like that’s it like that and it will probably be five years before that whole hair is all gray what are you gonna do but you know that’s what I was trying to do most of you do the same thing you deal with personal issues and you just trying to look cute some of you have to hear you go home and you’re going to struggle with something and we’re going to be with you here for 234 years and you’ve never opened up it’s time for you to cut the mask off of your face and be real step out of The shadow and let the light of Christ shine on you my heart burns when I go to prisons and I see the number of African-American guys who are locked up in this country statistically an African-American man has more chance of going to jail then he has to go to college why it’s not in the family church has to take its rightful place and clean it if we can’t fix this in the church and we can’t fix society going to get worse and worse and worse but without the springs of life church to turn the tides will commit ourselves to families your family will be much better will pray with you will counsel you and will make sure that you get better family is not governments responsibility the only thing I want from the government is to make sure I’m safe and I can get justice when I when I need it in the sky Anytime government steps in anything he destroys that thing do you want to destroy something in America get the government involved in it do you want to destroy the family fabric let the government tell you what a family is the government exist to create conditions of safety and justice for citizens when the government dictates the family how to be equates problem let me go because you’re so far because I’m now taking way more time every family has a struggle either moral financial or ethical every single family is dysfunctional every single one of us comes from a broken family and your families no exception every single family if it’s not you then it’s your sister I’m not and I said this to tell you that it’s it’s good to the face what’s your face what’s in your family identify what it is Expose it and destroy it every family in the Bible has always been dysfunctional think of Abraham Abraham was a very dysfunctional man from a very dysfunctional family his dad was an idol worshiper but Abraham is the man who lied and got his wife to go stay with another man I never say the word is functional family Isaac Isaac as good as Isaac was in the Bible he and his wife never talked never communicated properly when she’s pregnant and the boys are struggling in the womb the Lord tells her the younger men and Jacob will both take over the Old Dominion easel she never told it a Isaac this issue she never told him she kept that secret from Isaac and that create a trouble in the family when Isaac is old and he wants to That’s the brother the blessing he didn’t know the wife he’s on wife never told him at this time his kids are almost 70 years old for 70 years there was a secret in his family he never knew the mom son that’s my son to but you are my favorite what kind of mother talks like that hey let’s step out for a minute and put ourselves in the shoes of easel how would you feel if you’re on a mother betrayed you are the most important time of your life when your dad is supposed to communicate to the blessing she takes it away from you I don’t know how he ever look at the mom anymore but but Jacob himself before I get to Jacob think of lot but if there’s a man in the Bible I’ve always wanted to go punch in the face of this guy cold lot that’s two strangers who come in town just saw the lights everywhere they come and bang on the door We want to ask too many because we want to have a time with them what does not say listen to this he steps out I have two girls in here who are virgins I will bring them to you so you can do whatever you want to do with them man I just wanna punch this guy in the face you’re going to treat this to stress is better than your daughters I think that’s funny but that’s wrong father that’s around father I’m showing you that in the Bible we have dysfunctional families what did the two girls do with their father they get them drunk and they get pregnant from him nasty stuff that is just a shame. King David was the mighty worshiper this guy would had an addiction to women like you can never believe it he’s the man who killed another man will have his wife one of his sons I am non-raped On sister Emma and brother Absalom killed Eminem and Absalom try to take the throne away from David let me tell you this I’ll be ashamed of your family in fact finding your heart to change your family tree financially you’re going to change it educationally you’re going to change it don’t say you are too old to go back to college if you and your family nobody ever has graduated from college say no it’s tops with me if you and your family nobody’s wealthy financially signal that’s not right something has been stolen from my family if you and your family people don’t get married say no this is not OK this stops with me and I tell you it’s possible to but my Bible tells me except the Lord fights except the Lord watches over your family if you invite him and say Lord my eyes are not Open do something new it’s all happened so dysfunctional family including yours is in the Bible but let me tell you this every family has the right to God’s blessing by coming to Jesus if you bring your family to Christ Jesus through the word of God praying them in the kingdom of God your family will partake of the blessing of God and now the Lord had to say to Abram get the out of the country and from the kindred and from the fathers house until the land that I will show you and I will make of you a great nation and I will bless you and make your name great and you shall be a blessing and I will bless them God bless you and Chris him that process you in and then he’ll shop all families of the earth do you be blessed be blessed in all new shut all families in earth do you think in this whole family to yours maybe include it It says email or families not the blessing of Abraham I don’t have a time to show you in the land of the Lord was showing him it’s more spiritual than what meets the eye but let’s go to to Galatians chapter 3 verse 14 and 15 all the families of the world will be blessed I didn’t close yours as well and you have to say yes there is something good in my family and I’m gonna fight you get that thing back now hear that the blessing of Abraham might come to the Gentiles through Christ Jesus that we might receive the promise of the spiritual faith the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Christ Jesus that we might receive the promise of the spiritual faith Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law being made a curse for us but it is written Christ is everyone who hangs on a tree that the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Christ Remember that God told Abraham he will bless him in him the families of the earth will be blessed those families being blessed it’s only through Christ Jesus if I get my family through Christ Jesus and there is a way to pray for family if I begin to love them in the kingdom of God to Christ Jesus if I get the word of God to my family if I pray for my family they will partake of the blessing of Abraham know another point your family will never change myself you can just stay in bed stick your feet up in the air scream hallelujah hallelujah and expect your family to change it will not change by itself your family changes until you stand up and take a rightful place now show me judges chapter 5 verses six and seven let me show you something in Georgia sea at the five or six and seven judges up to five or six and seven if your family does not change by self Unless you go to work he does some thing heals you and your purpose in your heart I’m gonna do something for my family in the days of Cham God the son of anise in the days of jail the highways were unoccupied and the travelers walked through my Waze the inhabitants of the village assist they sit in Israel until I Deborah arose that I Arosa mother in Israel Deborah is a great woman you read the preceding chapters you’ll see her story how the Lord turn the fate of Israel through her listen to the words of Deborah brother Alex he say say is this everything stopped working there was no more spiritual and there was no more activity no commas no prosperity things I’ve taken been taken away stolen by the enemy until I arose as a mother in Israel oh man I can’t tell you enough this morning how much God wants you Rise as a wife God wants you to rise as a husband he wants you to rise as a son he wants you to rise as a daughter he wants you to rise as a cousin he wants you to rise as a as an uncle as a grandfather to turn the things around in your family and I tell you man it’s time to rise up because if you don’t rise up nobody else it has the time or will rise up for your family there’s some people out there whose families are prospering don’t you think it’s time for your family to prosper and I’m telling you man your family may be messed up people like my people messed up full of incest and rape and witchcraft in Black Magic but they’re still good people in there God sent you in the family for a purpose some of you still have the blessing of having a living I mean you’re your dad or your mom may still be here on earth unlike me who his parents have already gone to be with the Lord And you still treat them like they don’t exist know some of you when you talk to your little brother or little sister your big brother and big sister it’s only saying the bad in them have you shown them the right way have you send them the way of Christ have you called on the blessing of God in your family you must labor with God for the prosperity of your family Nehemiah chapter 4 verse 14 and 15 stays wet and let’s stop right here for today oh are you clapping me away from the pulpit mama for 14 through 15 and I looked and it rolls up and said onto the nobles and to the rulers and to the rest of the people don’t be afraid of them remember the Lord which is great and terrible and look at that one fight for your brother for your family fight for your sons and your daughters your wives and your houses it came to pass Enemies heard that it was not out to us and God had brought the council to note that we returned all of us to the wall everyone at his work Nehemiah is telling us that there is a time where you have to put the sword of the spirit in your hand in your mouth and begin to fight you have to fight for your family you have to fight for everything that has stolen something in your family how do you fight you have to fight and prayers you have to fight by declaring the word of God over your family you have to fight by sitting down and doing an inventory in your life and say you know what my family shall not always be known as losers

About eddyadmin

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