The Christian Family Part 5
The Christian Family Part 5
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Verses one through five and let’s get started before I share with you what I have in mind and I have some thing which I believe is going to bless your heart tremendously I’ve been thinking is it worth it on a Sunday morning preaching about Christian family fishing about dating about sexuality about marriage about divorce about parenting and the Lord sees I’m leading your steps sometimes people you know it’s a hall pass that you’re not supposed to preach that kind of stuff on Sunday morning you should wait maybe in a different setting on every Sunday morning you should tell us about you’re going to turn on the burner you gotta go to hell in and things that which in American English is a cuss word in itself when you tell somebody they can go there it’s already bad and people want that hey people already have enough bad news come to church get some good news and the reason why am teaching this It’s because I know in my heart that’s what the Lord wants me to talk about if that’s the one thing I want us to major in in this church would be on the subject of faith of family and finances because if you are good on faith you’re good on your family understanding of family and google finances then that is heaven on earth right there so here in Sunset 127 verses one through five the Bible sees except the lord build a house they labor in vain who build it except the Lord keep the city the watchmen wake up but in vain it is fine for you to rise up early to set up late to eat the bread of sorrows but so the Lord gives his beloved sleep it’s a grace to just sleep good because it’s right that says God gives you good sleep lol Children or any in Heritage or Heritage from the mall children are not a burden children are not a distraction children are not all man we had a better life until we had these people no no no child is a child what are the child was born in Whitlock outside would like the child is a blessing of God we have some people today who think that they are a blessed child is only a child that is born in the confines of a holy macro morning meeting them the man and the wife were legally married but that’s not true you look at the children of Israel we have 12 tribes of those 12 tribes six of those 12 tribes were not born in the confines of holy macaroni six of those children were born to Jacob and he’s going to mines not with his wife and it’s the Lord so it’s fair to bless those children and called them the blessed nation of Israel So children are a heritage from God I don’t know about you but for me if springs of life we filled every other thing at least let’s not fail in our children and by the way I am not concerned about we are in the last days I’m not concerned about that but we are the last generation grew up and I was just a show with somebody yesterday I’ll go up in the church where the pastor used to tell us all the time don’t worry about tomorrow because Jesus may come before this church services over the pastor told us those things 27 years ago and one person who is very dear to me chose not to go to school because the pastor said Jesus may come tomorrow and today that person has zero education and he’s a burden to everybody everybody has the Melle Mel who wrote that means that means life the pastor would not cause a big Y in the last days baby brother the last days can wait Well I’m on this topic right let me tell you something else I am not concerned about going to heaven right now I am concerned about bringing heaven earth right now because Jesus said in John chapter 17 I pray that you do not take them out of the world but I pray that you keep them from the world man is useless to God in heaven if Heaven was that much great why didn’t Jesus say for God so loved the heavens that he gave his only begotten son what did he say for God so loved one and for us to assure that heaven is here on earth our focus should be on children children children children children through our children we can bring heaven literally here on earth anyway let’s get back now here by the fruit of the womb is his reward as our I was in the hands of a mighty man so our children of the youth let’s stop right there I’m talking about the Christian family because the family is under attack it has been proven now through Bonners research Barnhill conductor the statistics and he does a search that one out of every three marriage ends up in a divorce here in the in the state of Virginia and also if you check the state of Maryland the lines are stacked up the lawyers don’t even have enough time on the calendar to file for divorce papers because divorce is real it’s real it’s decimate is not only unbelievable it’s also there’s a meeting question so we are children of God we have to put the family in its proper place that’s why that verse first one the first verse except the Lord builds the house the labor That means that it doesn’t matter how many seminars we attend about marriage it doesn’t even matter how many books if you ask me Pastor Eddie do you have any good book you recommend to couples to people who are contemplating dating the best book for me is called the five languages of love of anybody knows Chapman right that is a good book it doesn’t matter whether you’re married or you are single get to get a hold of that book but the Bible says except the Lord is this a center of your relationship Chapmans book the five language of love will not cut it for you if God is not there yet so when I talk about marriage when I talk about sexuality when I talk about divorce I’m trying to bring God at the center of it God has to be at at the mill in the middle of it there is a way of conducting yourself which is godly and the reason way of conducting yourself which is ungodly let me ask you a question Just to check the temperature here why did God institute marriage oh yes you are so soft spoken I almost give you an F you actually you’re right yeah you know say it again brother Alex why did God institute marriage. And you say the same thing right I know somebody was paying attention can you imagine our future is bright he understands why male is the purpose for marriage is first of all to break London is for God said it’s not good for man to be alone and not come here to tell everyone of us here you may have been disappointed in relationships in the past you may have written it off but God says it’s not good for you to be alone do you have to consider being in a relationship but not in any relationship If you are a Christian if you want to talk to you about the presents come on are you making me laugh now OK if you are a Christian and you are single never even think about dating an unbeliever don’t even try it according to the Bible the Bible says this let no man put asunder that which the Lord has put together in the same Bible in first Corinthians chapter 7 at some point I may go to first Corinthians chapter 78 season is between a believer and nonbeliever there is no bonding they are not bound bound bound together so marriage is only bound in the confines of a child of God and a woman of God toward marriage if you come here one day and say pastor I found someone or somebody found me which ever the case it’s either you found it goes right And I don’t care where it where you find a mate do used to be a time to find a good person you have to come to church only to find out that most Christians aren’t actually Christians so so saying that I met somebody in the church doesn’t steal mean anything all right they speak in tongues day that they preach still doesn’t make me a mate mean anything OK no when you come here and you supposed to Eddie would you cancel us would you what would you help us build a marriage I would want to make sure first of all that you both are born of God if you are not born again you can’t be bothered but bound together Jesus said that which the Lord has put together let no man put asunder the implication being not everything is put together by God if everything is already put back together by God why would Jesus go to the extent of that which the Lord has put together that means there is other other things out there that the Lord has not put together and those things can be Terminate at any time so if you are married married is marriage is not a destination itself it’s a journey that you have to do talk to go to work on together so when you are married it doesn’t mean that well with that and that’s this is it no way especially me as a guy most most of last Man I’m talking to men here we have a hard time understanding why do our wives insist on us telling them I love you so what do you like tell your lover 12 years ago have I left you anything wrong I don’t need to remind you every day that I love you I love you I love you well they’re actually right and we are wrong we need to keep that fire in the marriage alive the kissing hugging the walking hand-in-hand those things are supposed to be there and I understand some other semi smiling already that’s the juicy butter I understand some of us in this from your spouse may not be Here you are going through some legal process and are hoping to be to bring them closer one thing I can promise you is Pastor Eddie will always pray for you until the spouse of yours he will not stop praying for you all pray until you are both reunited together and it shall come to pass in Jesus name a man all right I have no time to go back to all the things that I have talked about where I want to go today with you it’s about divorce can’t be on a Sunday morning and she’s going to talk about turnover and go to hell or something like that no no no this is what the Lord has led me to think about the way when you become the pastor you can teach whatever you want to teach on Sunday he wants it it’s OK it was a two saddle or some people you just have to shut them up yeah let’s go to Matthew chapter 19 verses three through 12 Matthew chapter 19 verses three through 12 Where is this also came on to him tempting him and saying onto him is it lawful for a man to put away his wife for every calls if you have a physical Bible not electronic like I do you could highlight there if your electronic device allows you to book market you can book market is it lawful for men to put away his wife for every calls for every cars that’s it it’s simply means the fair is the ask Jesus can I just wake up one morning and put an end my marriage and he answered and said unto them have you not read that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female and sad for these cars shot a manly father and mother in Shell shack leave those wife and the twain shall be one flash water for them no more twine but one flash what they forgot half Telling you what God has joined together the implication being God doesn’t join everything together if everything is joined by God why put God has joined why not just say everything that is joint but the fact that you say therefore what God has joined when you are god that means I think that I joined but not by God let no man put asunder they say and to him why did Moses then commend us or come in to give a writing of the voice meant and to put her away he said onto the Moses because of the hardness of your heart suffered you to put away your wives but from the beginning notice here Jesus is here Moses is the one who created that something called divorce there are things in the Bible that God did not say but either the prophet or the priest say those things we may look at those things as if the gods word That’s not God God did not say that’s what Jesus is here divorce was created by Moses Moses who created this thing called divorce and he said you have to draft it in writing calling it the writing of the voicemail he said unto them Moses because of the hardness of your heart soft for you to put away your life but from the beginning it wasn’t all and I say onto you whosoever shall put away his wife except it be for fornication no let’s go to slowly slowly here can you still see me Jesus sees that even though God doesn’t want God doesn’t settle for you parting ways he says well that may be some exceptions which means even though God’s not the author all divorcing people putting ways it’s not gods ideal still God knows that human beings get to a place which is not not possible for them to get together to stay together Jesus highlights just one of the reasons but this is not the only reason today what I will show you is biblically I find about three girls that are legitimate to put an end to marriage and me as a pastor I wouldn’t want to pass to somebody who lets day we just get a phone call that she’s dead or he’s dead because the person did not do the personal I stayed with the person because they did not break these are the grounds but we’re good in this area I’ll show you some ground dirt in the state of Virginia in the state of Maryland in most states in America are still grand for you to pack up your bags and go and she’ll marry another comedian adultery and who saw Mary at her which is put away that commit adultery and I will try to bring a little light here because so many people today I have the shame to have this burden they feel like divorce is the end of the weather Divorce is not the end of the world it’s not the end of the world it may have happened to you you probably regret that it happened to you probably have questions could I have done this should I have done this but let me tell you that’s not the end of the world they were still life and actually better life after that anyway 10 is the Siple say I’m to him if the case of the man be so with his wife it’s just not good to Mary is it really worth getting married what are you a second you’re probably gonna do you not understand what I’m saying Jesus say but he said onto them all men cannot receive what I’m saying same they to whom it is given there are some units which were so bond from the mothers womb are unique it’s just a person who cannot reproduce and in the case of a man it’s him And who cannot become a father biologically he cannot get a woman pregnant and they’re in there thank you are some units which were many units of men and their BMX which have made themselves UNIX for the kingdom of heaven sake he that is able to receive it let him receive it now let’s go I’ll slow down here and I will break down the scripture Jesus here is approached by the Pharisees and the Pharisees in the times of Jesus in addition to the 613 laws that Moses had given to Jules the first seat at the Pharisees have a quiz over close to 400 more laws and most of the laws of the Pharisees gave to the Jews were anti-women so the Pharisees had these laws that were against women for instants in the synagogue in the church women were not supposed to Sit together with men today Pharisees still exist but they have a different name called rabbinical Jews the rabbis and when you go to the shore or the yeshiva whether the Pharisees the rabbinical Jews meet together today women still don’t sit together with men women usually sit over there and the men sit here have you noticed that in the Bible to say that Jesus feeds 5000 man if they say not counting the man of the women and the children that was the society in Jesus is days Inn and Jesus Christ days women didn’t mean anything even in this country in America up until I believe 1912 1913 women could not vote what not allowed to vote unless women in this country does some laws the worst some laws in the state of Georgia for instants that a man had the right to beat his wife except on Sunday You could beat her up on Monday through Saturday except on Sunday and you will be punished punished by the law if you beat her on Sunday on church premise then you will be found guilty of just to tell you America to become better OK all right so in the days of Jesus they had some thing that they called every cars that’s why they asked in my switch off the 19 here is it lawful for men to put away away forever calls every cars means what it means she didn’t have to do anything for me to divorce her I could just wake up one morning and say I don’t like the T-shirt you’re wearing hey get out of my house get up one morning and say well you know what why do you even burial will you anyway fuck your stuff and leave and not culture there was nothing I could do have you noticed that in the Bible we are told that Jesus was a face With a case of a woman who is gotten adultery the way I understand it takes two to tango right it takes two to make war a text to commit adultery how come that they only brought the woman and they didn’t bring the guy because in that society women with things and they bring the same thing to Christ and Jesus tells them know oh Moses gave you those laws because of the hardness of your heart in God’s agenda in God’s mind you cannot split a man and a woman and let me tell you hear a man who does not put a woman in a proper value as the daughter of the most high God is worse than a dog he’s no man at all real man have a great honor for women because women are not things women are not Subhumans no women are fully loaded Children of the most high God in the beginning when he created them the Bible says he bless both of them have you noticed that the after the end of the forbidden for God told Adam and eve this is your desires will be for your your husband but he will rule over you when you look at that scripture it seems as if the woman is cursed no actually still cursed she has not been elevated because nowadays woman has become so valuable that man feels empty without her every man will do his best to move a woman told the woman is not cursed a woman is precious in the sight of God the Bible says that the woman and the man on the totem flash that one flash that’s how close to each other they are and I tell your brothers and sisters if you were married like me for a while you begin to realize Is that it doesn’t matter how you met your spouse she says things you can’t see there’s something about women that we do not appreciate but when you look in the Bible woman was always anointed to give the nation of victory anytime a woman rolls up the nation was set up for victory in a good woman a real woman who understands who she is she is an encourager she busts you up hey it’s proven medically married people live longer than single people it’s proven scientifically married people tend to manage money better than single people it’s proven scientifically married people tend to be cleaner than single guys what makes it what woman when she comes in Life it’s a blessing the Bible says what a virtuous woman is the crown is the shining is the glorification is the elevation the promotion of that man the woman herself she adds weight to your life she has something beautiful that you can never have without her that is you may have to take an offering for me I’m talking about since your school cool off and don’t tell your husband are you listening to that all right divorce divorce was not gods idea it was Moses his idea why did Moses asked to do because he realize that when the Jews came out of Egypt that was just the first anyhow they could be the woman I could do anything Samosa say if I don’t do something about this they will kill the women easily So he say OK if you want to divorce a woman you have to write a contract no there’s something here about the well I was going to talk about the valve when the valves that we make and I’ll be with you until death do your part is it smart or is that foolish actually to tell somebody on till death do us apart well will come back on that one some other day maybe some other years but not for now there’s a lot of foolish stuff that we have said in the past God forgive us for most of us it was videotaped so you can’t even hide it till death do us apart are you sure about that I remember in the 2000 for my friend and my cousin are you just log lingerie my cousin in Colorado in the church had his wedding that the more depressed the preacher kept asking him to make this virus go to feeling sad for the guys like wow are you kid And then I failed at this little thing called wedding rate it may actually be handcuffed you thought you were wearing something you have just been locked it the more I heard the dude this guys why would you like this guy tell you to make those kinds of owls you can make promises just promise ahead to the best of my ability I may do this but don’t make a bow and then to finish that valve he said until death do us apart divorce is not a sin but what does God say about divorce in the book of Malachi chapter 2 verse 16 what does it say and I’ll come back to Matthew 19 Malachi chapter 2 verse 16 now for the Lord for the Lord the God of Israel see if that’s the head of putting away for one coverage Vales with his garment see if the Lord of hosts therefore taking Do you spirits that you deal can you find the amplified Bible with these put away I want to see the other version like an ass beer and I have a say some thing about divorce in the fall I hate the Fossett and thank you thank you God says I hate divorce sees the Lord the God of Israel so what is the God did not say I hate divorcees he hates the act in itself of divorce but you as an individual what it when you go through divorce God did not say he hates you so don’t put it in your mind the divorce is a sin because I have been divorced or committed a sin no God says I hate the voice not the devil sees and don’t think in your mind a divorce makes you a second-class citizen I know of churches were if you have been divorced forget about ministry forget about being married again in the church and I knew I know A new one preacher who had to be cold all the time to go bless people in the church because the actual pastor would not bless those who are divorced but he will take offering from them offering is blessed but them it’s not OK what about a second so God doesn’t want you to bless us but you can take out money in this church if you were divorced before you come here with a second wife and everything checks U2 are right we will bless you and if you have a calling of God we will make you whatever God wants you to be you can be a pastor and you were the boss yesterday who cares about you yesterday anyway when God says if any man be in Christ he is a new creature old things are passed away all things are become new one policy is the top forgetting those things which are behind me I’m pressing forward toward the goal when God says forget the former things because I’m making a new thing how do you tell me that I cannot be in ministry God Please there is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ who walk according to the spirit for the Spirit of life has set me free from the spirit of law and death so you were the first thought life goes on the Bible say something powerful in the book of Joshua chapter 1 verse one after the death of Moses the man of God God spoke to Joshua get up and cross over there is sometime you know I did but I did buy the guy said hey you know what that thing is dead wipe your tears get up in crossover let’s go to Johnnie Quinta Journey continuous on no divorce in itself is wrong but they are about three grounds which I believe a reasonable enough to put an end to America the first one in Matthew chapter 19 but Jesus it except for Forney kitchen phone case and let’s call it a daughter or a daughter go to Matthew chapter 5 let’s see versus 32 and 33 Matthew 30 I’m actually 31 and 32 not 31 3331 and 32 it has been saying whosoever shall put away his wife and divorce his wife let him give her a writing of the voicemail but I say onto you that whosoever shall put away his wife saving for the cause of publication and parentheses adultery causes her to commit adultery and whosoever shall never heard that is the worst committed adultery so Jesus says here that adultery is a ground for divorce but let me tell you this there’s 3 g of time telling you about divorce I’m going to rank them in this way low medium and high low means that you still have a chance you should not consider divorcing you should consider actually repairing it may take a while but you should consider when when I go to the next one Now we are starting to get to the place where am I begin to tell you how this is a 50-50 no the last one it will be like I will be a volunteer to help you pack your stuff and get out of there do you know how much the U-Haul truck will cost I don’t know OK I’ll rent it for you myself I’ll I’ll come over there and have you called the police yet I’m coming with them myself don’t even worry I’ll call the police for you but before we get there let’s start with the lowest one the lowest one is adultery adultery is it’s a painful thing whether it was committed by the man or the woman but I believe there is still a chance to forgive it it will take a while and repaired and rebuild it and make it something good in the Bible we have cases of people who went through adultery and the Lord transform them rebuild them and give them Something beautiful out of it no adultery in itself Jesus sees you could use it as a ground for termination but now if adultery should be the reason why I’m going to break my marriage I have to make sure that it’s the last resort to the last resort means the person is prone to repeat it again but the person has not shown any remorse the person has not stopped the behavior that led them lead them into adultery in that case it’s OK I can stop I know of guys who when the day had broken the marriage because of adultery say why do you say sir I have kept secrets that you can’t you don’t know this is not the first time this is not the second time this is not the third time it’s an on going problem this person in that case it was a female she has a personal problem But she has to deal with by herself no when people fall into adultery let’s say a man and a woman it’s not always the same case the reason why women do it it’s not the same as the reason why men do it if you know this in the Scriptures are you sure it was the emphasis on the dogs read that the woman commits but the men also may commit adultery do I have a biblical basis to forgive adultery yes yes and you know the story the woman was caught in adultery she was brought she was brought to Christ and Christ wrote down left it up his face he say he who is without sin let him cast the first of the first on and I did not kill her I told her I do nothing then you go and don’t do it again let’s say I am in a relationship with a husband I’m talking as if I’m a spouse your wife here When my husband comes to me and say honey we need to have a conversation let’s go somewhere we’re gonna talk and the stairs in my eyes I’m so sorry I disappointed you how long ago six months ago how long ago three years ago and I feel bad there’s a chance that you may never discover this and I can promise you I will clean myself up I think that men should be given another chance if it’s the woman I think she should be given another chance but if you are in a position where he say you know what he did it once I’m not even interested in revisiting the story I’m done I’m done I will still give it to you and if you go you live you can go to remarry if you go and he stays he can remarry what I’m trying to say is this let’s say the man has committed adultery OK that adultery is the manifestation of something deep For that adultery before we were cast to get him can we address the root cause of the problem what is the root cause could it be that the woman herself is the problem it was one preacher if I make mention his name you will discover another preacher but his wife did not leave him when asked why didn’t you leave him he said I take full responsibility because for a long time I had denied him what is due to him and he apologize to her she apologize they cleaned them selves up but I know when I was still living in Colorado when Ted Haggard story came to the TV you know Tim how did used to live 30 million evangelicals in this country he was George W. Bush’s senior spiritual advisor one day he was doing a parade against homosexuality we should ban one man in the gym was working out a second I know that guy what is my name Different guy who’s leading the parade the past that he’s a pastor and his name is Ted I don’t know his name is Ted I know him as this thing is going on happen live on the guy called TV station say breaking news that guy who is talking about homosexuality is my boyfriend don’t believe me we do more than that in fact I supply him with drugs I have his voicemails here he’s begging me he can’t wait to get back together with me this was the biggest church in Colorado for 10,000 members but to show you the wickedness of people the church forget it OK the past of my stuff is still your brother this is the man who played with you that’s the man who canceled it there’s a way to address this issue away from the TV they brought the TV and they tried what he did was wrong he was going to be suspended but do you have to put it on live TV I don’t think so the church made a big statement that he’d be kicked out When when he stepped down from the church the church petition the mayor of Colorado Springs get him out of office I was city they got them out of Colorado Springs they didn’t stop right that they went to Governor Bill rates of Colorado we want him out is also state of Colorado when the governor said no he’s an American citizen he could leave it wherever he wants to leave now the church went to the wife went and told her you need to leave this loser he has abused you and everything and she said no I’m not gonna leave him he needs me now more than ever she stayed with him until today you can see dead hogs interview on Oprah he’s a broken down man he does not justify his what he did he recognize it was wrong and because of his wife that happened to target so it was one that was 15 years ago today that Hoggard is back in ministry and the church is still thriving in Colorado Springs just to say that It’s not the end of the world if you can find in your in your heart to forgive OK when does an instance of adultery that’s gonna be everybody out there who is not concerned in your marriage in your life who is going to come with an opinion that you need to leave her what do you have to do just try to keep them away not the Bible say about marriage you should leave your father and mother and cleave in most cases when there’s a instance of adultery here your family has only one advice on the mind for you get out in fact we’re gonna go talk a little trash on this guy second ground second ground it’s worse than adultery the second round is abandonment abandonment first Corinthians chapter 7 let’s read verse five first and I’ll show you some thing and then I will jump will read verse 12 through 15 first Corinthians chapter 7 the frog here not one another except it be with consent for a time that he may give yourself to fasting and prayer. The Bible says that you should protect each other and not abandon each other you are a man you are a Y or you are a husband you are a wife you could expose your spouse to sin by not giving them what they do right in the scripture we see the negative consequence of abandoning the other person but it gets worse let’s go to versus 12 through 15 but to the rest speaker not the Lord if any brother had a wife that believe it’s not that means you are brother but your wife is not a Christian and if she that unbeliever is pleased to dwell with you let him not put her away you cannot come here Well my wife isn’t coming to church I’m not she has to pack her bags if she loves you but she’s an unbeliever she doesn’t believe in Christ the Bible says you cannot you should not put her away for that and a woman which has an a husband believe it’s not and he’s pleased to dwell with her let her not leave him that means if your husband is not really a committed Christian but he still loves you he’s there with you you know that this man is connected to you but the only thing he doesn’t like is Christianity question that shouldn’t be the reason why you should leave them OK you could get a brother who speaks in tongues like this brother new South Africa we had this guy lead the prayer service in the morning he’ll come and how do you does it to the left hands in the church the same hands I just laid on his wife the bloody hands he would lift them up and he spoke in tongues I’d rather have that unbeliever Who doesn’t lay hands on you then this fool here who left the damn bloody hands in the pop if you know what I’m sorry for that but the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife sanctified by the way what does it mean it doesn’t mean that that he’s sanctified as in save know it’s implement his he benefits from the blessing that is on his wife it also stretches to him and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband else we are children and clean but now are they holy but if the unbelieving the part let him depart a brother or a sister is not on the bondage in such cases then I just tell you that the only holy union exist between a bar a brother in Christ and a sister in Christ if one of them is not a child of God to read they are not bound they are not bound together So abandonment is a reason why you should leave you should what is abandonment abandonment it doesn’t mean that you and your wife got to a point say you know what this thing isn’t working don’t you think we should just part ways if he bought Wesley said he abandoned me know he did not abandon you you both agree to abandon each other that is not abandonment abandonment doesn’t mean that he went to jail that’s not abandonment abandonment means you just woke up one morning and he’s nowhere to be found he doesn’t make contact he doesn’t reach out to you you are by yourself paying the bills by yourself if you have kids it’s all about you a week white lost by two weeks three weeks do you know the guys there on your on his phone you can still see when he’s alive what’s up you can try to track him on Facebook he still posting stuff but when you reach out to him he’s not responding in the state of Junior year that is grounds for termination of that marriage yes it’s colder at fault abandonment at fault divorce in the state of Maryland Maryland is a little bit all lenient state you know in a few things you can get by with in Maryland they say it takes about a year if he’s gone and you have calculated a year and within that year that has not been any physical contact yes but if you saw him somewhere and you said hi to him at the mall and he can prove that yeah I saw you at the mall the other day no he did not abandon you because you’ll find a way to get in touch with him but in Virginia here if the brothers been gone for fuel for six months that’s it a Bandan meant to me I think it’s worse than adultery it was a Bandan meant simply means I don’t care you can go do yourself I was in this for myself I’m going left you can go right if you go north I’ll go self abandonment the Bible he is saying is if the spouse leaves you you didn’t do anything wrong but they choose to abandon you that’s it in the case of a Bandan meant I would say it’s a 50-50 chance the pastor it’s been four months it’s been six months and the person is nowhere to be found what do I do well let’s pray those were led by the Spirit of God as children of God lead the Lord show us some thing but I want you if you’ve been a Bandan I want you to promise yourself that you have too much love in this hard to stay single person you are not going to withhold the good love you have in your heart because the jerk left you know if they want to go let them go but you’re gonna find you another find one would it be a man and this time find one is better looking than the other one and rub their nose in this If the first one had a big tummy get you one who has a flat tummy right at the first wok on Speedgoat English get you one has a masters degree yeah if he drove a Corolla or civic Honda get you one who drives the best and make sure you know where he lives and drive around a little bit don’t do that I’m just kidding I’m just kidding let the love of God I’m just kidding I didn’t say I didn’t minute but it sometimes it feels good though hello I was gonna say something but my daughter is here I have to stop abandonment the last thing which I say that this right here should be grounds for termination it’s called abuse abuse and by abuse here I’m talking about physical abuse of either you or the children either you or the children When when we talk about physical abuse physical abuse is worse than divorce then adultery physical abuse is worse than abandonment when a person has the audacity to put their hands on you thank God today’s hits tomorrow it may be a 2 x 4 and the day after that it may be a knife or a weapon or a gun legally the United States of America gives you the right to put an end to that not only would you pay for part ways peacefully you should actually reported to the police it’s a brother here comes and say my wife beat me up and choked me or try to poison me as loving as we can be springs of life a good church will still have to call the police unless because the Bible says in Romans chapter 13 verse one through eight that police officer carries that gun For a purpose he’s a minister of God we need to turn it to them I know of guys who are bitten all the time there was this one guy in fact this guy was it was an attorney in our church he wouldn’t come to church mostly in the mornings and one day he missed church and we went there and we found this brother his wife was Theresa she was bigger than him and he was a little small and short your brother has been beaten up brutalize and he was under the bed this guy was in the town he was there under the bed when we found this out and too bad it was in Africa writing on the side of jungle justice and we had to to do a few things I’m not proud of but to help the brother out but in this country right here nobody has the right to beat you up somebody may say what but then the Bible says if they slip Are you on the left at the tender all right but when Jesus sees if they slap you on the left does not mean don’t let people take advantage of you let me give you an example if they slap you on the left you should turn off at the right you go to minister in North Korea to preach the word of God and it’s against the law there if they beat you there the beach on the left and the right as well lay down your life for Christ but in this country here where I am protected by the law and I was a pretty high what what do you think would happen one Sunday has some guy come here and attacks one of our ladies oh brother we do apologize are you kidding me no no lock the doors brother I’ll be where are you what Isaac brother Noah take him to the bathroom nobody Beat that sucker up let’s teach him a lesson of course that will teach him a lesson and every other guy out there never to try that again why would I allow you to meet a guy who comes here to victimize easy I believe in healing even if you break yourself if we kill them with believe in raising the dead right now no the point is will try our best not to let that happen but we cannot allow some guy to come here and and disturb our peace no we are protected by the laws of the country that gives us the right to worship freely the same laws give you the right to a good marriage you should not be somebody’s punching bag I knows of ladies who are even pregnant and the man had audacity to push them into Slap them all don’t even know if a man has the audacity what is it gonna be tomorrow well you can forgive them tomorrow when he put a bullet in your head and go ahead and forget them then and when he puts the bullet in your head he can claim self-defense and then he gonna find a fine lady after you are you are gone and he’s going to settle down and make more babies so let’s stop it right now is divorce a sin no it’s not a sin but it’s not as an F0 lol 000 reasons all grounds are met and you know that I can’t be in here divorce is not I sent you cannot call darling is it load please forgive me for having to wash my wife Lord please forgive me for having the worst my way I’m at my husband now that’s not to say you should not even sure I’ll feel guilty about that that’s God hates divorce People are you kidding me he does not put the first people I showed you the scripture Malachi God hates divorce the actual itself but the people God still loves that kind of person who was divorced for no good reason remarry again let’s say like you had divorced your spouse what they had not abandon you did you not commit adultery they did not abuse you I need to terminated that what are you gonna do what are they married now do you think there’s a chance for you to get back together if you still want to get back together to them and they’re ready to talk to to connect with you what we can work it out but you don’t know but if you have been divorced and you’ve moved on to personal done just just settle down with a new person believe God for another person a lady was saying do you think that any guys out there who will take me say wait a second why do you have to put it that way Many guys why do you have to put it plural do you need guys for real how many do you want to really dig guys out there do you want to of them do you want to me how many do you want to marry are they guys out there who would settle for me guys does it have to be poor I really know you say is there a guy want to know if you say is there a guy out there then you’re talking about is there any guys out there where are you do you take an application how many applications are you reviewing are there any guys out there why do you have to put it in plural it’s not about how many guys will settle down with you know is there one out there and the answer is always yes there is one out there but you’re not gonna find them in the bar in the club you’ll find them on your knees by seeking God first he has one buddy for you and he will give them to you the last thing I think I already told you it’s that down when you’ve been divorced If you’ve been divorced it does not mean God cannot use you know we have examples in the Bible of people who have done worse than divorce and God use them one example that comes to mind is that Paul the apostle Paul was a murderer in fact he killed Steven he killed the church to the Christians yet God turn them around and bless them so don’t let any devil in hell say that because you had the voice in the past you can never serve God you can never build it while I’m here on on this one let me just to tell you my position on the Bizzarre on women what women can do and cannot do Pastor Eddie do you believe women can preach and teach him to just yes yes I do believe in that do you believe a woman can be a pastor and evangelist a Bible teacher yes I do believe in that we have some women in this church here who is just so much gifted and it would be a shame For us to see a woman cannot do this how dare you say a woman cannot do this pulsates when it please God to reveal his son to me and called me into ministry what it say is ministry is gods pleasure if God has called us at Acacia hair we’ praise God chicken but it doesn’t matter whether this person was divorced yesterday if they were divorced God bless them that was a wrong decision I made I was the right decision but we do not hold that against him and then less than half and then we can go