The Christian Family Part 4

The Christian Family Part 4

The Christian Family Part 4

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The book of Psalms chapter 127 verses one through five that’s Maya my son and I hope you like my swag nowadays so I know OK sounds 127 verses one through five I have been talking for the past four weeks this is week number five about the Christian family in the book of Psalms chapter 127 season except the Lord builds the house in the house there and open up parentheses and say relationship dating marriage divorce remarriage) unless the Lord builds those things they labor in vain to build it in other words I would even say this except the lord build my family except the Lord builds my relationship I’m just wasting my time there’s no point me reading books there’s no point me attending seminars There’s no point me watching movies after movies under purchasing book after book after book about relationship if God is not involved in the machinery in the working out in the design of my family except Donald builds a house they labor in vain who build it acceptable watches over the city the watchmen work if we could like to stay awake but invite in his van for you to rise up early to set up late at the bread of sorrows success in life excellence progress has nothing to do with your personal understanding of things unless God is involved in everything you do you see it from top to bottom it’s all about all about God’s word is spirit Lord guide my steps show me the Waze if God is not involved you can work overtime and still be broke You could work you can get another certificate and get another company to hayu it means absolutely nothing and with God he has the power to turn that which is desperate into something precious he is the master of doing this so this scripture is showing us that we have to desire God to be involved in our relationship let’s keep reading full so God gives his beloved sleep lol children are in Heritage or in Heritage of the Lord for the fruit of the womb is reward is the fruit of the womb is reward this is almost like telling you that you never get to a place where you think of your children as a burden children are not mistakes and I told him maybe to three weeks ago that it’s wrong for you to call your children a burden children are not a burden what did they be biological or adopted some people think It’s simply because this child does not come out of my loins out of my warm out of my my my loins well it’s so maybe my spouse is kiddo it’s my husband son daughter my wife’s son daughter know a child is a reward it’s a gift we need to appreciate that with we see the husband and wife the children the way God sees them then we appreciate the children not all children may get messed up the menu things that are wrong but we have to keep in mind children are not a curse children are not a burden children are a blessing from God as arrows are in the hand of a mighty man so I’ll children of the youth man I am not even going to go into that one but the last one sees what happened is the man that has his quiver full of them they shall not be ashamed but they shall speak with enemies in the game I’ve been trying all I’ve been telling you that marriage was gods idea relationship was God’s idea God is the original manufacturer of relationships we know how God tells us in his word it’s not good for man to be alone when God says it’s not good for man to be alone I will give him a relationship I will give them a family I will give him to help me what is God truly saying it’s not good for man to be alone and I ask you that were done in question when did God find out that it was not good for man to be alone when he made it or before he made it when God says it’s not good for man to be alone what is God really saying he is talking about himself because you remember he said let us make man in our image and in our likeness so in the image of God it’s not good for God to be alone God does not like to be alone That’s why we have one God but he is completely in the father son Holy Spirit because God does not make loneliness God says it’s not good for man to be alone and as you will discover through my teaching today the curse of this is not a curse the most painful thing in relation in life is loneliness loneliness is that which in genders that gives birth to fear to the sales of protecting yourself not trusting other people because you don’t know if they are with you all day I’m not with you there’s so many people who even though the smiling on the outside deep inside they still feel empty they still feel lonely did they have everything to say because people are so lonely they will try to hide behind money behind title Behind Kohl’s behind houses and behind sex not that they’re looking for something else all they want is to be filled to know that I am not lonely I am not alone and God himself in the beginning as he creates everything perfect oh it’s not good for man to be lonely God knows it’s not good for man to be lonely when it’s so tragic today the most people have a loved one a spouse or girlfriend or fiancé a boyfriend or a husband I hit they still feel like I’m not OK there’s all kinds of books about marriage is all kinds of seminars how is it that it’s still not working I know of preachers who have held seminars in fact I know of one and I respect the spritzers so much is one of the most precious woman of God I watch Teaching that she did on marriage and wrote the book read the book that she wrote on marriage it wasn’t too long before she was announcing divorcing the men she was describing as the king of kings and Lord of lords and when you do you know hear his version and her version like well you’re right she’s right the problem is you were still lonely you did everything to get them in their money to have a big church that calls jewelry all over the world all the sex in the world between the two of them and that’s not a dirty word by the way it’s a clean word yet and we’re not fulfilled and you and we have also tried to hide behind all kinds of make up some excuse me for saying this if you’re gonna lose weight to please someone can you setting your self up for the failure we have these Swimming hall as skinny as they get they still feel that I’m not still do the fat why why because I don’t want him to see me if the guy will stick with you because you are size 0 what are you trying to look for in losing that weight it’s good to lose weight lose weight because you want to lose weight for your personal health because you you understand why you live but if you lose weight to play somebody come on come on in for the guys to put you guys to don’t try to look a certain way sound a certain way look a certain way to please a woman no do it because of yourself and I told you that’s just a review when God created man and woman he blessed them the Hebrew word is he gave them the breaker be our a CHA that means he completed them spirit soul and body Everything to ever need it you can find it in Genesis chapter 1 verse 26 and 27 and God missing image in our likeness and he told him have dominion have leader ship everything she ever lived on the planet earth was king Solomon no king Solomon was not the wealthiest man in the world the wealthiest man in the world was Adam and eve those were the wealthiest people they on every single thing on planet earth every single thing on planet earth and by the way Eve had everything she was the daughter of the most high God she was pretty she was loaded with the blessings of God she could talk to god any time the only thing these two missed was each other in such a way that relationships marriage dating from God standpoint of you I am doing this because of you it’s you I won’t notice things you have in gods definition of perfect relationship godly relationship is why do you love her why do you love him for nothing for nothing in other words nothing comes between the two of us and we all have to come to a place where we understand if you’re like me American man do you love her body the gratification is that comes with her body do you love her luxe and make up or hide her size or do you love her as an individual and the same thing for the man to do you love what about the woman to do you love him or do you Love education why aren’t you like the other guys why is it why aren’t you like adamant adamant do this other men do that man nothing kills man oh if you if you ever heard a woman who cared for hotel you why aren’t you like the other guys know nothing stays with you it hurts and that it hurts worse than anything being compared to another man is it like emasculate you to emasculate means it got shut up you feel worthless why don’t you like the other guys why don’t you buy me flowers really well that’s your own fault was yourself I’ll try to stay up I’ll try to stay under the anointing of God here what am I talking about anyway but go back to my my teachings are from the past the previous weeks on YouTube on spa on Facebook and find what we talking about so go to Sam’s chapter 11 verse three Psalms chapter 11 verse three it says this if the foundations be destroyed what can the righteous do in a relationship and dating in marriage and looking for the one you have to lay the right foundation the foundation has to be good he tells us if the foundation is not good what what happened to the building architects and engineers say that the most important step in building any property is the foundation because the foundation has to be able to carry the structure the people the furniture and everything that will sit on top of it you must dig deeper go down and build Strong foundation you remember how crazy is that two people were building one built on the rock one built on sand the one who built on sand his wife his house was blown away by the one who built on the rock which is Jesus Christ the rock of ages the cornerstone his house with stood the test of time so what is the foundation of a relationship we have to understand the foundation if the foundation is not OK will have trouble in the outside sometimes we we we get unfulfilled in the marriage we get unfulfilled in our relationships but why is it that when we start it was all beautiful and now it’s not working well the foundation was not correct in my assignment this morning is we have to say man the way God sees men we have to say woman the way God sees Women because in society today men and women are treated equally like monsters things that I said about guys man it’s a miracle to see a guy actually putting a ring on a woman’s finger today it’s a huge it’s a miracle and most guys most men like me like other gentleman in this place need to be healed the hots need to be healed some of us come from a dysfunctional family some of us have already been in other relationships and some of us in today’s society you have to walk on egg shells because if you do not if you don’t know what yourself you’ll be kicked out and be sent to jail you’ll be portrayed like the zombie in the neighborhood yeah man today who have anger issues so much anger issues and windy I sleep in the bed at night they keep wondering what will it take to please her oh my God I don’t wanna be like my father I don’t want to be like my best things that we carry as baggage is the whole all the time I knew my father when my father died I was 34 years old no I was 32 years old the whole 32 years I have never heard my father tell me Santa I love you never never heard my dad say I love you never but it was one time sorry I was talking on the phone with my father and he said something when my dad said those those words to me I felt like I was born again I felt like I could climb a mountain I could run on my marathon I was talking to him one day say Eddie I am proud of you I wish all my sons and daughters were like you I feel tears Joy it’s like something I’ve been wanting to here for ever and when dad told me those words something came alive in me most guys have not had a chance to be told by another man I love you most guys have never had a chance to be heard by another Manako like a real hiking today inside it’s even going to give you a hug because you wanna know what is he trying to tell me is my cologne smelling not good why is he checking me out what was the matter with him get away from my brother and things like that but why do we have those one of our president in American history the shortest prison prison Buchanan was it was the medicine the one who was kicked out of what do you see my above out of Philadelphia by the British in 18 James Madison in one email in his face it says that one night it was so cold he slept in bed with another man in today’s culture you say things like that oh my God does it mean that we’ve had one president who was some thing but in those days that’s what guys did today if you see a guy holding hands with another guy walking oh my God you know that I saw you holding hands guys we have issues and truly most guys have anger issues they’re not themselves they’re like in a competition trying every day to please somebody to please somebody in such a way that most guys are not in touch with them selves they’re not in touch with them selves why because you guys are portrayed like losers some guys are portrayed like sex predators it’s amazing it’s amazing Do you know that the last display to me and I’ll get to the women in the moment Malachi chapter 4 show me versus five and six and I want you to notice that this is the last word in the old testament it says this behold I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord and he shall turn the hearts of the fathers to the children and the heart of the children to the fathers less I come and smoke the earth with a card I want you to pick out something here but God sees the real be a curse on the land if sons and fathers are not connecting then will be a curse on the land we have issues today when the guy say I see a door a sister that I’m attracted to I see a lady I’m attracted to we feel like oh is he trying to abuse her again this is another one of his conquest Why is it that man but not real men today because there is a crisis woman never learned from my father and other generations men behave a certain way today men behave a different way I don’t have time to watch some movies some awesome shows on TV but I remember when I came to this country years ago they used to be the show that I used to watch all the time it was called the Jerry Springer show yeah you is it still running or they pull that thing up how do you know it’s the right and I thought you were watching the word of God it’s good to laugh in church but just imagine the windows people talk to each other in a strip each other naked and things like that and you go in churches are still scandal after scandal after scandal after scandal most guys. With addictions today with a bit X-rated material addictions there is more to it than just that those are avenues of trying to cope with something inside that needs to be healed what needs to be healed is this condition here a father and son unless you are a good son you cannot be a good father and God says here we have a problem here in this country I just I just saw a men’s breakfast maybe 67 months ago just up the road at the other church or a glow help a glow apostles and it was a guys talking and guy started to talk why this one gentleman was talking about how he feels worthless because he met a woman she had three kids she was successful she had a car she had an appointment she had a good income she was beautiful Him and everything he does in the house he just feels like he’s on the edge and it’s gotten to a point where he can’t even talk to the doctor the kids don’t you talk to my kids like that and things like that and he’s like how do I release the love and the passion that I have I don’t want to see this as her son or a daughter this is my son this is my daughter we don’t have to have come out of me I love this boy I love this girl but she won’t give me a chance and I know of guys who have actually been cussed out by the woman’s kids and I know the women also who have suffered by the guys children things like that but you are or the person you love the most in the song of Solomon oh gloves are coming off now Chapter 6 Chapter 5 verse eight and 17 just imagine how much passion It comes to this man how much love he feels song is a song of Solomon and if you’re honest with me that’s one of those books you don’t really read what is the book anywhere in the Bible song of Solomon chapter 5 verses eight through 17 you have a son OK I’ll charge you or daughters of Jerusalem if you find my beloved but you tell them that I’m sick of love this is a woman telling other ladies I can’t find my man I can’t find my husband I can’t find my love if you just fine and please tell him I’m lovesick now the women asking him what is that Villa diner beloved more than another beloved old Alfaro first among women white women I say tell us a little bit about your man why is it that you’re so lazy now listen to this answer and days if you can see yourself and what her answer is you are one lucky son of a Bible Let’s read it all right is the beloved more than another beloved outdoors my beloved is white and ready cause I really already ready right at Chiefess Hilton Hotel does the cheapest among 10,000 is better than 10,000 guys ha ha Ha ha ha oh man that’s sweet his head is the most fun goal but if you get this crap like that by the woman you love is nothing you can do for that woman his locks are bushy and black as a raven is eyes the eyes of a doll by the rivers of water washed with milk and quickly said this chicks talk about past 80 right there was a bit of spices oh yeah a sweet frog His lips Achilles dropping sweet smelling mirror is Hans gold ring set with the barrel is belly he’s a bright ivory overlaid with sapphires ha ha Ha ha ha things like this you are low one lucky son of a Bible yeah why am I at his legs he said she started from the head right she’s been telling him like from head to toe his legs are as pillars of marbles set up on sockets far hung all his countenance is Lebanon excellent as the Cedars it’s mouth is the most sweet yeah it is altogether lovely this is my beloved this is my friend daughters of Jerusalem but sisters I’ll get to you in the moment and show you that you are amazing you are wonderful and no mention of a trick you less than what God has made you but see how God wants you to see that man in your life he sees that among the 10,000 is different any man who is like this can conquer a mountain any man who knows that he gets the turbo power in the house go to Champion bowl Thai go get it man it’s good and God wants us to see each other like that no the man also appreciates a woman I want you to go to song a song a song a song is here chapter 6 verse one and eight if you are a lady and your guy can talk to you like this and talk about a baby I’m a blessed woman of God God all songs on chapter 6 verse one and eight where has your beloved gone All fairest amongst women where is the beloved where is he yet but we may seek him with me my beloved is gone this is the mental OK thanks my girl she’s gone she’s gone down into the gardens put the beds or spices to feed in the gardens come on and to gather Lillys I am my beloved and my beloved is mine listen to that that’s what I’ve been teaching you for the past four weeks that is the concept of marriage is we belong to each other there is no me the reason no you the results I am her she’s mine I am her property it’s not unless couches don’t call people my property in real property but do you understand what I’m trying to say and now I am my beloved and my beloved is mine in Phoenix among the lilies now are beautiful Oh my love as teaser calmly as Jerusalem terrible as an army with banners turn it way down ice for me I’ll just just turn your ways away from me because you do something when I look at you they have overcome me so her eyes your eyes have a company that hair is as a flock of goats that appear from Gillie’s guy sees your eyes half of a company because in Jewish culture they say you can see a man’s soul who is eyes and if your soul is so full of love and honesty and integrity it shows in the way you look that’s why he say you are overcoming your hair is a flock of goats that appear from Gilead your teeth are as flock of sheep which go up from Watching where of everyone Barrett twins and there is none that is bearing amongst them as a piece of a pomegranate are the temples within the locks three score queens and foursquare concubines and virgins without number I’m inside there’s all kinds of women out there they come in all shapes in all sizes all backgrounds ethnicity education and yet you are unique but my dove is his wife is my dove the sweetest bird of all the birds my perfect one stands alone above them all this man is saying that my woman I wife my girl she stands above all the queens all the queens all the kings and princes she is her mother’s only daughter she is the pure child of the one who bought her the maiden saw her and called her Blessed and happy the queen and the concubines also and they praise her saying who is this it looks down like the dawn fair and beautiful as the full moon clear and pure as the man other that’s words in the Bible you can use to describe your woman and you catch her hot did you see what I just saw there who is this dude that looks down like the dawn fair and beautiful and the full moon clear and pure as the sun as majestic as an army with banners I went down to the orchard of not sure of not sure yet to see the flowers of the valley to see whether the grapevine had blood in the pomegranates were in flower OK OK let’s stop right here this book of songs of Solomon reflects the love between Jesus Christ and the church when Solomon was writing these words he was actually talking about the love between God and God’s people but I think about it that’s exactly what Paul tells us in Ephesians of the five starting from verse 22 all the way down he sees marriage is a reflection of how God deals with us in other words if you don’t understand marriage you don’t even understand the relationship between God and us so for a man God wants you to represent Jesus Christ do you still live with your spouse and as a woman God wants you to be like the representation of the body of Christ the intimacy between the body and him that’s exactly what marriage is an impulse is those words can you finish up the five that marriage reflects the relationship between Christ and the church I was society portrays men and women as monsters Manhood has been severely attacked they are there any crisis is real woman hood has been misrepresented and abuse to such an extent that most people have ungodly image of women most people they associate women with an object and that’s wrong a woman is a beautiful queen of a creature from God that needs to be honored that needs to be given the proper proper place no me as a man I need to see myself the way God sees me in the way God sees me is not a monster who is heartless who’s only thing on mine is how do I get to my wife how do I get what I want no God wants me to see me as Christ that my place is to sacrifice myself for her I need to honor her He doesn’t have to see herself as a victim she has to see herself as a blessed person you see marriage like I told you it’s not a place of a half a person and another half well I’m gonna find me my better half well I hope you don’t find a half a man and I hope you don’t find half a woman do you don’t wanna marry awful woman you don’t want to live with half a woman either can you imagine living with somebody half a brain half mind no God did not make as 1/2 and 1/2 and that way when we come together the two has become complete no he made a soul fool he made the woman holding the manhole so that the two of them can make a whole marriage know in John chapter 2 we are told that the first miracle the Christ ever performed was at the marriage In Cana in this marriage what happened is Jesus was invited and they ran out of wine when they ran out of wine his mom came and told him son they are out of wine can you help out on Jesus told her no don’t bother me my time hasn’t come but when Easton came he went and saw the service and he told them gather the jars and fill them with water when he they filled them with water he turned that water into wine now they took the wine and gave to the governor of the wedding the guy who is in all running the wedding making sure that the wedding is a success when he tested it he called the guy what’s going on here we’ve been drinking the bad line and now when people are tired you got to bring the good wine out no this is not this is this is not OK you should’ve given us the best wine first People get drunk when they’re drunk now we can give them the cheap wine didn’t want till this is good or bad they’ll just be drinking it like that what is the lesson why is it a God of all the miracles he could do Jesus he will start with a miracle in a wedding first of all marriage is not that important to him he is the one who said it’s not good for man to be alone it’s so important to him but when he stepped in the wedding I want you to notice something he made that wedding the best wedding people ever attended to what is the lesson marriage is sweeter relationships are sweeter dating is sweeter remarriage is sweeter if Jesus is at the center of it not as an principles but alive and well that means if you choose to Soul Jesus in your relationship you will never be disappointed you can never be disappointed most of us we uplift ourselves we lift ourselves up in a minute we are the center of the marriage it starts and ends with me no Christ has to be at the middle point in my marriage I tell you man when Christ is in everything you do it’s always sweet no I want you to think about this in Jewish culture it takes them about two years to prepare wine I have to go grab the grapes I have to step on them press them and I have to keep that one for at least two years do you know how these French people like wine and the best one is the oldest one what takes many years to prepare took Jesus a split second that means what do you I’ve been looking for in other books and other videos call on the name of Jesus is so faithful enough to turn everything in your marriage around and make it successful when Jesus is in the middle of your marriage is in the middle of your relationship you will always be happy there will be days where things will be tough for the peace of God will still be there remember what Jesus said peace be steel when there’s a storm in that house Jesus would speak Bisby missed all the problem is we have taken Jesus put them out and he’s out there we need to bring him back here see yourself the way Jesus sees you see your spouse see the other people the way God sees them I have been told that some some of us in this room through my my teachings have questions and I just haven’t been able to address those questions so please write me those questions So that I may study then I was about to take a risk and say yeah you can just come to church and ask me that question and I’ll answer answer you right away now I realize now some questions as it relates to relationships I made me some time to go research and find scriptures so if you ask me an impromptu question I didn’t prepare that in a church setting like this I may not give you the best answer so if you have questions please keep them and make sure you pass me those questions ASAP that way I can start up let’s go now to the book of Proverbs chapter 19 verse 14 I want you to see something Proverbs chapter 19 verse seven verse 14 it says this house and wealth the inheritance from fathers but a wise understanding and sensible wife is a gift and blessing from the Lord ha ha Ha in other words You can get anything you want a house a car you don’t need anybody you can do it by yourself but a woman is not a say it’s a gift from God brothers and I’m only talking to the guys right now you may have watched x-rayed and materials well women were treated like pieces objects you may have heard music but you are the child of God look at that scripture and see what God tells you how you should look at women a woman it’s not a thing you can get a thing from your dad and from your dad you can get a wealth you can get houses you can get cars you can get inheritance but a wife that is a gift from God that is a gift from God and if it’s a gift from God it needs to be handled carefully go now to first Peter chapter 3 verse seven We live in a society where people just think they do woman and I didn’t get any woman I heard the conversation between guys not to Longo on YouTube and say why every man should be treated like a king because men are a rare species yeah more women out there than guys so they need to treat us with all dignity shut up you moron the Bible says a woman is a gift from God you do not appreciate the woman you do not treat her correctly you are despising the Lord God himself in the same way you husband live with your wives with an understanding way with great gentleness and talk and with an intelligent regard for the marriage relationship stop right there see what Peter is telling us when you see a woman She’s not a thing a woman is a person well endowed with the blessings of God you have to have God’s understanding God’s honor you treat her correctly what are the things that most Christians do which is despicable and now use good language my daughters here is when they are in the confines of house bedroom or bad whatever intimacy takes place they become loose with your mouth there’s so many Christians who are so clean any other time until it’s time for the showdown listen to what I’m talking about right my kids are here OK I’m not talking about match I’m not talking about running around I’m talking about showdown you know what I’m talking about right if you don’t know you probably need to be in When is for the showdown we forget that we are Christians our mouth start using profanity swearing and cussing don’t come in my bedroom while I’m coming I’ll be respectful I’m not coming I’ll let the word of God come with you they all stay out here I’ll just show you the word of God now you may choose to talk which ever way you want to talk will still be good friends whatever happens behind the veil it’s between you and the other person and the and the Lord I will never ask you I do not even want to know all I can tell you is the word of God the reason no such a thing as I can use clean language until it’s time for the showdown then when is the show down I do I go about the same Repair the spot here yeah OK what I’m trying to say is respect honor dignity does not stop society has betrayed human sexuality is just an act animalistic act from gods 10 point of you that act in itself is a holy act the showdown is a holy act it needs to be treated with dignity and not the vulgarity know the human anatomy there’s nothing on the human body that is vulgar if you are a man after 40 about 40 is the time you need to go to the doctor so that they can check check your prostate they will use every organ on your part and use the actual term for it that’s a good When you step out there and you meet your friends at work or you watch TV physical organs change names from technical clean respectful to vulgar base animalistic I was a child of God the act of intimacy is pure show me the scripture and I’m not gonna forget my long hair Hebrews chapter 13 verse J let the marriage bed way people shop and 13 let’s traverse for our hope it’s not for but it says let marriage be on in a law and a marriage bed is a first for marriage is to be held in honor among all look at that marriage is to be held in honor among all that is regarded as something Great value the marriage bed and the file but in morality or by any sexual sin from God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous this is not Leviticus this is not to try to be an old testament this is under gods grace in the New Testament tells us meet as a child of God they can never be a time where my wife is an object I will talk to her like Eminem talks like Puff Daddy talks gone right about 8090 years old now I don’t know the new guys back in our day we had Puff Daddy you had Eminem they probably like on a wheelchair right now those guys and God forgive me the good people that may not mean harm but there is a way people talk and even as Christians we tend to forget there is some thing Going on in all days today where people take intimate pictures and send it to each other I hope you don’t do that at least for one reason there’s people called hackers out there next time we know you will be on Facebook and he won’t be coming to church I don’t even go there don’t even go there I’m trying to tell you something here but I’m trying to be very very polite in my company God wants us to honor each other if you truly honor each other act itself the intimate act is precious it’s not Monday Ami it’s not ridiculous it’s not a joke God says your marriage is to be held in honor in honor among all regarded as some thing of value and the marriage bed has to be under I’ll have to be undefiled let’s try to clean our mind let’s clear all my dad things that people in the world may practice and I’m not gonna go in Greta details here is your mature mind here yeah things that people in the world to practice and questions that they ask those things add no value to the act itself some things like water it’s good to just drink it as plain as most water I’ve ever gotten to a place where we were so thirsty even when you took soda still didn’t do it for you we live in the world where we try to treat each other like objects we are not objects or bodies are still holy our bodies are still temple let’s say I’m just giving an example is not true I can only use me as an example not to embarrass you and it’s not true Example before I came to the Lord before I get married I was a playboy I was a gigolo I was a pimp I was at Macdaddy I was at Casanova I was in Valentino I’ll everything that is ugly I was a dog and I treated women like objects a mouthful the file by actions were beyond human even animals don’t do this now I’m married filled with the Holy Spirit speaking tongues and even cold as Pastor Eddie until it’s time for the shoulder when is the show down but the whole wide world I don’t know buddy I am a man no no no no brother your mind has to be holy treat each other with what you do that’s between you and God all I can do as a pastor I can only tell you what I know the Bible say is what the apostle start with church has talked throughout history is sexuality In the confines of marriage should not be vulgar language is good there’s a word we say in French is this the Mickey Mouse and a bumper it’s implement the best way is if you’re eating just keep your mouth shut don’t talk let’s be punk a couple of minutes quickly and then I hope I did not offend you right at the mouth sending you what are you looking so sad and then don’t make me feel bad come on talk to the brother you are processing and it’s going to come as questions like yeah probably when it comes to sexuality a lot of fantasy doesn’t add any value tell me the reasons why I want to do this it really doesn’t add anything let’s go back to mats about relationship one of the myth the most people tell us the date is the foundation of a strong relationship is good communication You have to communicate that is not true that is not true most people believe that if you don’t communicate you can’t have a good relationship a good relationship lies we have to communicate that’s not true when people talk about communicating what they meant is don’t hide things and you don’t keep it bottled up in your chest talk tell them the truth don’t sweep things under the carpet that’s not always true sometimes it’s foolishness to talk on the emotion sometimes it’s maturity to just let other things go and keep your mouth shut you don’t have to be justified in everything when people man good communication the man you have to talk about every single thing now you don’t have to we don’t have to good communication good communication actually can destroy a marriage I’m a tell her how I feel come on loser you gonna lose your marriage I’m gonna tell her Note there is a scripture in the book of Proverbs that says it all full specs and emotions as a script out I’ll find it if you remind me of I believe it’s gonna be probably 729 a full speaks his mind good communication doesn’t mean we sit down and let’s have a chat we have not talked I have a lot of things I have I’m gonna put it in your face and some people do those things and it just breaks the heart what we need is not good communication what we need is good connection good communication means I’m going to tell you that way you know how I’m feeling you don’t always have to tell people how you feel and sometimes when you don’t feel good you don’t have to say I feel good sometimes we just have to pray God that the Lord will open the eyes I showed them that you didn’t feel good that Jesus the Bible says he was the lamb who did not open his mouth sometimes you don’t have to talk just keep quiet it’s not like I’m keeping this quiet but there will be a day it will come out now I’m keeping this quiet and it’s gone I’m letting it go some of the things people get offended about in a relationship it’s just hanging out you said that she said that you said that you come on grow up man all your thumb out of your mouth quit sucking the time you’re too old for that grow up sometimes people can see things that can wave at you with one finger it’s not a big deal so what life moves on no no no I will make him know that he hurt me to know that when Jesus rose from the dead I don’t see where he went to pilot and say you’re not tell you till you don’t you shouldn’t crucify me I’m back Jesus then go out there to the end of the guys who crucified him what are you up and you say that come down from the cross three I’m here dude what would you pick it up done at one of them actually in the bathroom take a shower and I’ll be there believe me now no Jesus never talk to the people why because somethings you don’t have to bring it up if your spouse said some thing fun man or we need to have a good communication these things will build a build up that’s what all the therapist on TV tell us you watch all the TVs they say the same thing over and over you watch Dr. Phil is the same thing opera it’s the same thing stay married yourself don’t stay married everybody has an opinion on marriage and marriage what we need is not good communication is good connection what does good connection made a good connection means I know that even No she say those things I still belong to her she still belongs to me our hearts are connected when your hearts are connected you don’t always have to talk sometimes in your side less you build better sometime when you talk about communication about people who can talk how did they communicate and still survive marriage nothing is your hot ass to be connected just like to book a song Simon say my beloved is mine and I’m hers you have to find a way to connect with your wife or with your husband or with your boyfriend you have to connect connection is in the hot the last thing and I’ll let you go out I’m not gonna bother you anymore it’s house chores house chores is one of those mats who cooks in this house who washes dishes all change his bedsheets and all that stuff I heard guys complain I love you so lazy she can’t cook brother do you know what the best cooks in the world are all guys the best chef in the world of guys I can’t be in this house because my wife won’t wash my clothes who does what and this helps some people take marriage as it’s something it’s like a legalistic thing John you get up in the morning vacuum the house all the laundry wash the dishes clean the car pull the meat out of the freezer side stop stalling and now Susie you have to make sure that the kids are in bed and this time you have to do this you have to do this you have to do that those things are not sustainable you can fake those things And those things actually can break your part because it got to the point where you become slaves or you are not leaving I don’t have to expect my wife to cook me all the time in fact some of you and this from your life would be better if you were the guy was doing the cooking and let the lady do other things here my wife said come on baby what do you mean a man supposed to say minute that I love you Jesse anyway but the truth is the task list the point is not task list there is something better than tasks to do and that thing is called honor honor each other that’s what the Bible teaches us men honor your wife wife honor your man if I own her in fact the task list is too short if I on her and we had a task list Do you know the grass you pull the meat out of the freezer you take Gabriella down the road Jesse play with Silas play with lazy and then you arrange the book on the bookshelf if I on her I want to tell me babe don’t worry about it don’t do anything I’ll do all this and when I’m done I’ll ask you do you have any more there’s nothing more than let’s go hang out that his owner Ha Hah Hah Hah Hah man you don’t want to hear my server

About eddyadmin

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