The Christian Family Part 3

The Christian Family Part 3

The Christian Family Part 3

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All right son is 127 I want to read from versus one all the way through five and then we will continue where we left off at talking about the Christian family sons chapter 127 unless the Lord builds the house they labor in vain who build it unless the Lord God’s the city the watchmen stays awake in vain it’s insane that you rise up early to set up late to eat the bread of sorrows for he gives his beloved sleep behold children are a heritage from the Lord the fruit of the world is a reward like arrows in the hand of a warrior so are the children of one’s use happy is the man who has his quiver full of them they sound not be ashamed shall speak with their enemies in the gate just sit in Production tells us here only if God is involved in building your family in building your relationship you’re just wasting your time only when you build according to God’s principles are you guaranteed to receive success prosperity excellence God’s way you noticed it in today society almost everybody has an opinion about what is a good marriage what is a good wife what is a good husband does all kinds of confusion on TV and such a point in such a tool such an extent that people would claim to love each other so much today but they can’t stand each other once they get married I was just telling you last week if you review the material that in this country most superstars most movie actor They can have a huge celebration of a wedding gift take pictures in the Bahamas in Bora-Bora in Tahiti only to split within a year or within two years and I know of actors and superstars once they have split from their spouses now they become best friends they could not stand each other when they were calling code married but now that they step out of it now the fall in love altogether why it’s because the way society portrays marriage is not gods way in the song is the man who wrote a David tells us unless the Lord is the initiator unless it’s done God’s way it cannot stand wins and up in the storms of life marriage is not a man’s idea men’s idea is Around house you’re fine and I’ll settle down but God is the one who initiated the idea of getting married God is the author you know the Bible says it’s not good for man to be alone it’s it’s not good for man to be alone it’s God who said that it’s not good for man to be alone if God is the one who started marriage is the one who knows how marriage function it’s almost just like a person who builds the car the person who builds the car is the one who knows how the car functions God is the one who started this business of getting married it’s not good for you to be a single person it’s not good for you to throw away on relationship doesn’t he have also the right to know or to tell us how this business functions yes it does so that’s why this is our introductory verse son is 127 verse one day unless the Lord builds a house they labor Available build it question comes again what is the place of gods word in your relationships in your marriage you know how the Bible tells us for me and my house we will serve the lord just Joshua chapter 24 verse 15 for me and my house we will serve the lord other people may want to bring their families are the people they want to date stay married practice sexuality which ever way they want to do it but for me I do realize for me and my house I’ll do it God’s way the purpose for my teaching here is to provide you with tools necessary to have marriage relationship gods Way and to refresh your memory quickly I told you that I will be talking about dating I’ll be talking about marriage I’ll be talking about sexuality I’ll be take talking about parenting I’ll be talking about divorce and I’ll be talking about remarriage All those things are real and alive in our churches today I know of people who because they have failed in one marriage they think that they’re not a second class they can never do anything in fact I know like I told you of other churches were if you’ve been married before there’s no chance for you to serve you can never be all day and they can never release you last week I was showing you in the genealogy the ancestry of Christ Jesus there are three women and in fact if you look at the names of women mention in the genealogy of Christ is four of them all those four of them carry baggage is that simple almost up repulsive shameful to society I told you about rehab it was a prostitute her past did not determine her future so you cannot say brother you don’t know me I used to be a playboy are used to be a gigolo are used to be a Casanova I’m not no don’t Let your past determine what God has in store for you simply because you’re messed up in the past does not mean that you are the trash you are secondhand or nobody will settle for somebody let me know God sees forgetting those things which are behind I press forward towards the goal towards Dimock Adam too right in the word of God says if any man be in Christ he is a new creature old things are passed away behold all things have become new and I keep telling you also you may have had children before and you begin to start to wonder what any woman settle down with a guy with baggage is like me let me tell you they never call your children packages there is no such a thing as an illegitimate child it’s it’s amazing today when children were not born in wedlock or with in a different relationship people try to pile on those kids all kinds of punishment even though the kids are Sent and let me tell you ladies and gentlemen simply because your potential partner has had a child before who knows maybe it’s because of you all it’s true that the Lord will bring a blessing and present in the child’s life and the child’s life so just to tell you this don’t let your past determine your future even if you have had made mistakes in the past they were still plays for you were God can use you in fact looking back at whatever has happened to you in the past he can turn it around and use it as a message for the future so today what I want to tell you you know the first week I told you the first Sunday I told you about the relationship last Sunday I told you about dating it’s very important date and maybe I did not mention this when I say about going on a date it’s a time if you’re a man Let’s up with married people when you are a married person it’s easy to take each other for granted but there is a place where you need to refresh your marriage and to refresh it doesn’t mean let’s go catch a movie in fact the way I see it dating is just what Genesis say is there is a chapter 2 verses 18 through 25 men and women were both men and women were both naked and not ashamed it’s a place where the gloves come off it’s a time where we unplug from social media from TV from external influence so we can be together no I’m not talking about once in a while you should take your spouse to dinner that’s not what I’m talking about I’m not talking about go to go to a place go buy an expensive gift for your wife that’s all for you That’s not what I’m talking about what I’m talking about is let’s go to a place where things are not involved I told you something about the ace of Jewish wisdom where a man asked his grandmother grandma what happens in the bedroom between you and grandpa and grandma said nothing nothing happens between you and grandpa and the boy says now or has it always been like that nothing has ever happened between grandpa and grandma in the bedroom the boy is so puzzled he doesn’t know if grandma is pulling his legs she’s trying to be disrespectful to grandpa anything I said no it was since we’ve been married nothing happens in the bedroom and she proceeds to tell him because the bedroom is a place of no thing nothing comes in between me and your grandpa there it’s a place of him and I in fact that is what God defines as intimacy Intimacy is not a time to show how what a lie and I can be you know but I was going to tell you something what alignment but no intimacy is a place where nothing comes between you and I that’s why we tell people it’s wrong to have sex if you’re not married and it’s wrong to complicate sex once you are married and also why because it’s not OK to associate this intimate holy moment with things you have to remove things from the person God wants us to be intimate that’s why the first mention of sexual contact in the Bible comes from Genesis chapter 4 verse one and Adam know if it doesn’t say Adam laid with his wife in the world to know their lives with intimate Nothing comes between the two of us the place of intimacy is a place of honor it’s a place of respect it’s a place of appreciation unfortunately in this day and age when people portrayed on TV relationships that involve a male and a female it’s always physical physical physical physical to such a way to such a degree that women are displayed as objects and men also displayed as objects that is disrespectful to the institution of marriage and to intimacy as God planned it for us now again I tell you you may choose to do it your way or you can do it God’s way God’s way is in the marriage it’s a place of intimacy it’s a place of the men the husband honoring the spouse and the spouse honoring the husband It’s amazing how people make fun of old people don’t be put it in the anything they used to to just be too polite and to clean it’s not amazing the doors all savage grandpa and grandma who didn’t have all the TV wouldn’t have cameras and watch movies and they stay together for better or worse when they fight nobody knew they were fighting why because grandpa and grandma appreciated each other we live in a generation were you may ask a person what is the what what is the ideal wife for you what is the ideal husband and a woman will probably say he hast to be tall dark and handsome wrong wrong wrong God asked Adam and eve who told you you were naked I told him that same thing I’m here what is the ideal wife she needs to have this Body type she needs to make a little bit of Angelina Jolie plus Beyoncé Knowles just in between there I told you that that is a wife what’s your name is not a wife you need a toy that’s what you’re talking about you’re not ready for marriage marriage is not that marriage has nothing to do with the shape of the spouse it’s amazing how I’ve heard men say talk about their wives and I don’t even feel attracted to her anymore look at her body size brother I don’t maybe you don’t need a wife maybe you need a toy if you’re not a husband you are a Casanova America never describe it but his woman in times like that it’s disrespectful to the Lord it’s disrespectful to the institution of marriage maybe what you want is a toy you wanna go play around but marriage Concept of marriage is what I belong to you you belong to me when God made Adam and Eve he bless them with everything they’ll ever need the Bible says let us make man in our image in our likeness let them have dominion and a lot of them this you’ll sell it you should be fruitful but for men that’s not good for him to be alone when God made a woman at Eve she had everything at her disposal because you’re not in the original creation before the fall of man it was not on the head and you’re not the head no men and women do it all equally same name same title everything that means doing well endowed with the blessings of God and yet God made it in such a way that things should never come between them why did he need her why did she need him for her to give him a Piece of property no sore marriage is not a ticket 12 on the criteria of a good man there is no such a thing as must be wealthy on the criteria of a good woman there is no such a thing as her she has to be wealthy are you marrying the person or the person’s background there’s so many good guys who have been tossed to the side by ladies simply because they cannot speak good English there is no such a thing some people simply because of their body they were already disqualified and what happens is God says in the book of Samuel first Samuel chapter 16 verse seven don’t be like man for man looks on the outward appearance but God looks at the heart remember what MLK said right I have a dream that one day in this great country of ours My daughter is my number and will be charged on the basis of the color of the skin but on the content of their character meant captioned heart of God when he said those those words Luke chapter 12 focus on versus no I’m sorry I said 12 but I meant 14 I want you to look on verse 28 to 30 Luke chapter 14 thank you son for which of you intending to build a tower set up not down first count of the cost will he have sufficient to finish it last happily after he has laid the foundation and is not able to finish it all that behold it begin to make him saying it’s meant to be a begin to build and was not able to finish the Lord Jesus Christ is giving us the wisdom on how life must be Intentional intentionality is paramount of paramount value in life Jesus is telling us don’t just get out there and start building a house before building a house you need to sit down do a personal homework and say do I have what it takes to build a house some of our brothers and sisters in this from a good in real estate and I win a person goes to buy a house you know how you sit down with the person and say what is your what is the year budget and I don’t know everything about the housing and real estate but you sit down with a person before you even go show them the house if they could afford a house in DC and Northern Virginia in Maryland or elsewhere in Woodbridge because you want to make sure that you do not set them up for trouble you ask them what is your income can I verify that I’ll come for the past so many months or something that concept itself is what Christ is a elucidating here and it has to be applied also into dating into a relationship into marriage you don’t just get married or stay married accidentally know you have to ask yourself a question Jesus he is saying don’t just build a house why do you want to build a house I remember one day I was with a brother Jay and he was talking to somebody and eventually the conversation spilled over could he started to tell me how why is it that some people want to buy a house but at the same time want to make a statement do you have what it takes to live in a detached house may be where you are right now you only you can only afford to rent and there’s no shame in that why don’t you rent for another year or two years so let’s say is here He’s is a real estate agent all oh he’s in the business in the real estate business he goes to bro Tyson I said I’ll help you get a house now bro Tysons income is $60,000 a year but he wants to live in a $500,000 house are you sure this is the only income you have no brother it’s not personal I don’t take it personal I don’t know blame me I understand the system it’s the same thing with marriage most people don’t sit down and think think think that’s why even married people today I still single you’re married but you don’t understand who your spouse is you don’t understand there’s still things you don’t realize so many people that we think I married the only married on the outside but they’re not married to Hudson know longer connected so if you are a single person it’s a God-given opportunity for you to Get ready for that and if you are already married it’s never too late to get it right what I’m going to be doing going from this verse is showing you almost like a litmus test or asking you how to know that you are ready for marriage not preparing for marriage is unwise marriage magnifies our values or the lock off if you were unhappy before you got married you’ll still be unhappy if it will be worse when you get married if you do not work on your character on your understanding of what marriage is before you get married you have a problem no I do understand that some of us in this room you’re already married so I’m not gonna ask you to cut off what you doing now I said I think we need to talk to her to rewind the tape and look at this way I know a guy in the church right the lady he met he met her in a club In a nightclub in the kind of job she used to do in the night club was the job that made her Andreas and expose her shame to everybody and she was not a believer he didn’t care they moved in together and he discovered it beside dancing like that she’s actually a nice person in real life and she told him the reason why she was doing the job was to put herself through college and she goes on to college and they’re fine now they come to church he starts now to fight he’s trying to find a way to get out and he says I don’t think we are meant to be together why what because the way we met we did not meet the Christian way all godly way we met in sin and I think I’m at the time now I need to start everything fresh no brother you don’t do that it doesn’t matter how you met how your marriage met some people make in the club some people Met online some people metalwork some people somebody had introduced you to the friend of somebody and connected you remember David and Bathsheba but Sheba appears in the lineage of Christ but you remember how David met but Sheba right she was another person man’s wife she was taking a bath and he was meant to be at war but he wouldn’t do that he was sleep all day when he got up one evening and as he’s walking he saw her and he lasted after she came to him low and behold she became pregnant he went on to murder or innocent husband who had nothing to do with him but notice that David is not the boss but Sheba because of that he did not say well we started wrong when we started watching it anyway what why would I continue with no stayed with her and in Proverbs chapter 31 starting from the 10 king Solomon Kohl’s but Sheba the virtuous woman that woman who was married with king David started in adultery is also known as a virtuous woman just to tell you this if you are already married too late to look back God has the power to take your marriage as is right now and turn it into something beautiful most of us must be passions are most of us most people don’t start off right but in the course of this journey the Lord will make the adjustment necessary preparation for marriage or preparation while in marriage involves soul-searching you need to look into your heart most people who say I’m ready to be married unfortunately I’m not ready to be married what they’re talking about is I’m getting too old and I’m thinking my time is running out you should never be pressured into getting married Some people say well all my sisters are getting married I come from a culture where I just certain point a certain age if you as a female I’m not married oh my god they start to ask are you a witch or somebody’s been watching you and I know most most women like that who get to a place with them not getting married because they want to get married but it’s simply because you’re feeling pressured into getting married you are not ready for marriage you are comparing yourself with other people you have to do a soul-searching marriage you need to prepare yourself your prepare self spiritually you prepare self mentally you also prepare self physically let’s go to the book of Esther chapter to read along the scripture but it’s so easy to read so it’s from verse one through 17 let’s see how queen Esther what turns out to be this great Quinn how is she prepared herself and how long it took look at this Today’s things when the wrath of King House or whatever that name is was appears he remembered last year and what she had done and what was the creed against her the story here is that bridals chapter to the king had asked his queen varsity to come and eggs show her self in front of the father not notables when you read it you’ll see that the queen investing you said I will not do such a thing it seems like she’s being disrespectful no she was not being disrespectful this was a drunk when asking the queen come in strip naked in front of everybody only wearing your crown on your head her keeping her dignity says I cannot do such a thing and so the king got so upset and all these guys I wanted to see her naked why is she coming just the water he divorced her and after the divorce when the wrath of the king was appeased after now he’s out of this all my God I just want Why did I do this to my wife she remembered her started to think of a man that was a good woman I shouldn’t have let her go I shouldn’t have treated her like that and what he what she had done and what was the queen against it was wrong the way this woman just a miserable girl she was treated like her like an animal then the king saying the king servant say that Minnesota him I said let there be fair young virgins salt for the king and let the king appoint officers in all the promises of his kingdom that they may gather together all the fairy young virgins onto bouchon the Palace to the house of the women and the custody of Hecho En G.O.A.T. the Kings chamberlain keep her off the women a little things of purification be given them and let them made which please add the king bee queen instead of nasty in the same place the king and he did so now Shushan the palace there was a certain jewel calls name wars was Mordecai the son of Jared the son of show me the son of Kesha Benjamite so he was a canoe he was a cousin to king sol who had been carried away from Jerusalem with the captivity which had been carried away with the Canada king of Judah will Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon had carried away and he brought up Adesa that is Hester so Estes real name was Hadassah kids uncles daughter in Odessa simply means a star that’s what her name was stock and she had need a father no mother and the man was fair and beautiful when Mordecai call Monica I want her father and mother would they took off his on a Sunday or so it came to pass when the kings command amendment and his decree was heard and when many medals were gathered together and Shushan the palace for the custody of a guy though That Esther was brought also under the Kings Palace for the custody of a guy keeper of the women and the maiden please him and shield and kindness of him and his speedily gave her her things for purification with such things as belong to her and seven meetings which were meant to be given her out of the kings house and he preferred her and her means until the best place of the house of the women Esther had not showed her people and all her kindred for Mordecai I charged her that she could not show it and Monica walked every day before the court of the women’s house to know how Ester Dean and what should become of her now whenever Maidstone was come to go into King I said whatever is there a Cecil Kearny after that she had been 12 months notice that after she had been bathing and preparing a cell phone 12 months according to the manner of the women for soul with the days of the purifications accomplished with two with six months of oil and myrrh six months with sweet orders and with other things for the purifying of women when they took the time she was not just going to rush into getting this going to Maryhill her know she took a whole year preparing herself washing herself applying oil I’m in getting her body not only her body in this case because she’s going to be a queen to have to train her on how to be a queen she has to understand what is a king it was a whole month whole year before she married him then that’s him information on to the king whatsoever she desired walls given her to go with her out of the house of the women under the kings house in the evening she went in on the morrow she returned into The second house of the women to the custody of Shash Dazs the Kings Chamberlain which kept the concubines she came into under the king no more except the king the light on her and that she were called my name no wind a turn off ask for the door off I’m not he’ll listen to uncle for Modica I will add taking her for his daughter was coming to go in under the case she required nothing but what they are the kings Chamberlain the keeper of the women appointed and Esther obtained a favor in the sight of all them that look up on her face top so Astro is taken into King Arthur and whatever the name again it is whatever but if you know it helped a brother out here I can’t say that word and I’ve never met anybody in the church whose name was that name so there’s no point me memorizing the name who cares about that won’t make me money anyway Esther here Is getting ready to be married but notice that it took a whole year she did not just rush into getting married the point being like I told you last week marriage is not for a man and a woman it’s for a husband and a wife most people are not husband material yet they may be a guy and a guy can do anything but to be a husband is something totally different what makes a man is not an ability to get a woman pregnant no no no it has not been proven even by science there’s some women who can go to any hospital do a research submit that with them selves there and the doctor will get her pregnant will help her get pregnant somehow with the tube and the in vitro and things like that and what makes a wife it’s not the ability to fall pregnant know there are so many rich people in New York and Chicago and California who do not the ladies Do not want to carry a pregnancy what they will do they’ll get the men’s seed on the woman’s egg fills it together go to India or to the Philippines highest some girl there in 1920 years old it happens now but her $10-$20,000 so that she can carry the pregnancy for the mother it’s happening today they’ll just get rid the body of the baby and come and deliver it so getting pregnant in here that’s not make you a wife and if you as a woman you’ve never been pregnant in your life that does not make you less of a woman it does not make you less of a wife that’s not make you less of a wife and you as a man if you’re not able to not sure you get your wife pregnant it does not make you less of a husband there is more to being a husband and a wife then the ability of getting pregnant but Astor prepared herself most people are not prepared what they know of marriage is some I watched an old friend God bless Oprah Oprah is one of those ladies who has made America look good but when it comes to marriage I cannot learn a single thing from her she’s got money she’s changed many lives she’s she’s done good work she has empowered women saved a lot of people with hundreds of thousand but when it comes to the marriage I can never learn anything from her never nothing I can only learn from the word of God so Esther here took her time to prepare you you want to get married what does marriage mean to you though when you prepare yourself to be a husband you don’t become a husband in the marriage you are a husband before you are married you don’t become a wife in the marriage you are a wife before you were married the Bible told told us I showed you let’s group chat he who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor which means The duties the rules who does what in the house you don’t learn it in the house you do it before you are married let’s start with the guys here do you want to get married if you cannot provide for a woman you are not ready to be a husband noticed in the gym in the book of Genesis chapter 2 before God gave Adam a woman he gave Adam a job and Adam became a responsible man before he got married if you are an irresponsible man forget about getting married for a husband is supposed to be a provider do you agree with me that’s to be a breadwinner win when he gets married no when I say you need to get prepared for marriage what do you are married right now or you’re not married look at look at again at your work history do you have the values of hard work hard work is part of the package that makes a good husband Before God gave Adam a wife he gave him work he put them in the garden so that he may protect the world in the garden immaculate but men also is supposed to be a protector of the wife is supposed to be a shield of someone who provides protection for the wife that is part of being a husband is the ability to protect so you prepare yourself before you are married when you gonna marry a woman the biggest work for any man is to sacrifice himself to be a husband means you are ready all you are willing to empty yourself off your dignity of your off your pride to leave to Cleveland one woman and give her everything that you are and you have That is to be a husband remember how the Bible sees for this reason man shall leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife and the two shall become one if you are not willing to sacrifice yourself for your wife then you’re not ready to be a husband what does it mean to sacrifice yourself for your wife I’m coming that means you should not hide anything from her are you ready to give up everything for her I know things about you that your wife doesn’t know do you have a life that is so secretive you’re trying to protect your wife from knowing it because in the marriage the place of men is to be added to the wife as Christ Jesus is under the church the Bible says in Ephesians chapter 5 verse 25 Husband love your wives like Christ loved the church and sacrifice himself for her how did Christ love us and sacrifice himself for us look at this he gave up everything he had in heaven he emptied himself of his glory he humbled himself offered himself made the ultimate sacrifice so that he may get us so that he may win us marriage therefore for a man is a place of vulnerable vulnerability are you set up with correctly incorrectly but did I get it right I’ll just say so fast so everybody think you’ve got it in the brother just botched it it’s a police officer vulnerability you have to become vulnerable why do you why do you think in the beginning God made men and a woman naked Them to be a couple what is the lesson is I have nothing to hide no when you offer yourself to the wife like that you have become a husband most people walk with the wife would like arm’s-length deal she’s there I’m here this is mine that’s yours but we careful I grew up in acculturate and even in my own house my mom never knew how much money my dad had my mother used to tell us as a boy you always need to hide your money where your wife cannot see it because these women are very unpredictable always have some thing that puts you ahead of her that is in the culture but my culture did not originate marriage marriage comes from God you can choose to do that and I’ll still be your friend you can choose to pay some some some guy what are you doing this No wife’s on paycheck she doesn’t cash it she brings it to me you bring me the paycheck and some women are like that too she would not let up and play with her you’ll bring me the paycheck here and I’ll control you but when you say you are getting married you throw your hands up the Bible says you live your father and your mother in the marriage it’s not to people it’s one person that means she belongs to me I belong to her she becomes the closest thing to me the way Christ and ask the church are that’s exactly how marriage is supposed to be that means I am the real you are in me we are in the father I tell you my friends it’s time to start refreshing our mind and renewing our mind to say to save us Lord what does management to you and for you as a man put me that Can you can you show me a efficiency of the five starting from verse two or 22 all the way to 30 efficiency of the 522 to 30 how God to do what God tells the husband in preparing yourself being that man with a wife wives submit yourselves and your husband as unto the Lord for the husband is the head of the wife stop right there you as the man you are not the head of the house we get this mixed all the time now and the man is the head of the house you are the head of that wife and there’s a there’s a reason why it’s not an easy place to be it’s not a place of dictatorship that there’s no room for that because I’m sacrificing myself anyway I’m vulnerable even as Christ is the head of the church and is the savior of the body therefore as the church is subject to Christ so let the wife I’ve been to their own husband in everything know when he sees in everything does it mean that that the wife has to follow the man in everything everything really know everything as it pertains to the word of God there is a place where a woman has to use God’s wisdom to know I can’t do that I know a family in Colorado and I’ll be very politely I know we had mixed company with the man wanted the wife to follow him to this one place a party were when you walked in the potty you had to check your clothes out of the door and it was like a buffet place only there was no food the food was humans not enough in a cannibalistic way but in the end you got it help me out here and the wife went there she was a Christian she went there against the wheel and she came to church I need to submit I didn’t do it for me it’s all for my husband the past so no you’re crazy you’re crazy you can you can do that no what is your husband tells you get the gun and go shoot the president United States would you do that what if he tells you you grab the gun go rob a bank of America would you do that what if what if your husband tells you let’s kill her first child would you do that what if what if your husband tells you go in the neighbors house and go kill them would you do that no come on just common sense when I say your husband and the wife is submitted to the husband see how it starts the husband must submit to Christ first care reflects Christ to her so she’s only says the meeting to him in terms of submit them to the word of God 25 husbands love your wives even as Christ also loved the church and give him some food do you see what would it say here to You’re hot your wife means you have to sacrifice yourself for your wife she belongs to you you belong to her in other words there is no price high enough for a man to pay for his wife now look at it say that he might sanctify and cleanse it the church with the washing of water by the word 00 listen husband takes care of the wife with the word remember I told you in the beginning Adam had everything you’ve had everything then how did Adam take care of it by his word unfortunately he did not do that when the snake talk to the wife he did not use the word for us guys the greatest tool that God given us to make or break our marriage is our words just like Christ cleanses beautifies bless is a church with the word you As a man your greatest tool your greatest weapon is not money don’t use money to impress your wife never buy love from your wife with money that’s all that God gives a man to make a solid marriage is not money because there is no shame in a family with the house the wife is more educated than the man some women just know better money do good with money from the husband and for you as a woman if you make more money than your husband that does not make him less of a husband the tool that God gave the husband to make or break the family it’s here it’s the word but what is the point of that word is to watch your wife with the word what does that even mean it means use your word to set the compass as the head of the family for instants Family we pray before we eat in this family we do not commit adultery in this family we do not watch a certain show but at the same time as far as I’m concerned my word is the tool that the Lord has given me to promote my wife think about this way when God created Adam he called him Adam when he create an eighth he did not call her name she was just a person she had no name in Genesis chapter 3 verse 21 says it’s Adam who called her your name is Eve why because she is the mother however the mother of all living things in other words he used his word to call something out of his wife man’s greatest tool it’s not his sexual performance and ability I know lol Please my wife oh yes wait when the lights turned off I know I’ll go get me some ginger or some thing I’m gonna drink it for her forgive me for saying all that was there to save or something like that best things right but what are the guys know how to eat and how to do this and once you eat oh man I can’t say that I can’t say that it’s a life class will but if you eat this you don’t need any pills because this will take out business that is not the tool that God gave man to please the wife is not how do you say this one kids are here it’s not on him an anatomy that word is in your mouth man I’m not the most stupid guy is the guy who doesn’t know how to talk to his wife in the book of Hosea somewhere it says God says to my people my bride I will pull you out in the wilderness and there I will speak to your heart and there is there is a way of using your word to bring life what breaks a man’s house it’s not his pocket in fact it’s a natural for a woman to love you for money not she may appreciate you having that money and together you may enjoy that money but you lose your mouth use your mouth let your mouth become the word of God don’t talk to her trash sing your wife is not a prostitute you cannot talk to her the way you see people talk in movies is this Called Chris rock he’s a very smart guy but when you watch this guy he’s gonna make you laugh unfortunately every other word out of this guy’s mouth when he’s watching what the blame is wrong with you flipping flipping face don’t talk to your wife like that there is a language that is not appropriate in a marriage what what duck what destroyed the first couple it was a man’s inability to use his mouth doctors wife do you allow the snake to talk to that God gave you as a man it’s not your face I’m so handsome my wife’s gonna love me brother there’s always another guy out there when your life looks at that guys allowed why didn’t this one come first there’s a guy out there was more than some Daniel by the way I know God has a sense of humor if you don’t believe God has a sense of humor after church go look at yourself in the mirror and look at your face would make a face like that you’re funny looking you don’t catch the joke right anyway but the point is in here to prepare yourself for marriage to keep your marriage know how to talk to your wife what do you tell her you’re not talking to vulgarity you’re using the word of God that’s how God made it now I want you to look at this verse quickly and then I’ll in there in probably 7 to 12 look at verse for a virtuous woman wife is a crown to her husband but she did make a ashamed is a brightness brightness in his bones the Bible says here as God put a man and a wife and woman and a husband and wife together if that marriage is built on the principles of God spiritually speaking The woman automatically increases the value of the life the Lord has built a woman with an ability to make things better I’ll go back again to that word it’s not good for man to be alone when the wife is added to that equation between God and man everything becomes better it magnify something good in here it says this as powerful as brother Noah is when he treats his wife correctly she’s not a toy she’s not a ticket to something she is a person that he believes this belongs to me I belong to her we are one I can’t betray this one she kept between me the Bible sees she places a crown on you not a physical crown this word placing the crown in in Is cardboard covered KVOD of all that’s the word glory if it increases your life basically what happens is this there is a part of prosperity for a man which is only tied to the way he treats his wife treat your wife good your life will be good and this is known in every culture in the world what a happy wife is a happy life they take it from the word of God it’s not daemonic it’s true there is a supernatural increase of supernatural prosperity that comes to your life that your wife adds a wife I’m not talking about a woman I’m not talking about a girl I’m talking about a real wife to a husband brings a crown your place as a man I still know how to talk to women as I’m concluding today let me tell you this are you ready for marriage are you ready to stay married if you’re married your husband is not a mistake he’s not a perfect man but he’s not a mistake your wife is not a perfect woman but she’s not a mistake you to matter you are very important to God I found the time to play is over the time to play games it’s over it’s now time to look at your spouse the way God looks at your spouse how does God look at the spouse God looks at the husband the way he sees Jesus towards the church the husband is supposed to represent God to the wife look at the way God Christ treats the church is patient with us can never chastise us He never blames us he never sees enough with us he’s patient with us that’s exactly how God wants you to be with the wife your wife she may not be a superstar but yet she is she brings a crown to you put all the guys in this room right let me tell you as your pastor let other guys treat women the way they want to treat them but for you as a man of God treat your woman with honor with dignity your wife is a precious she’s a precious gift of God and you as women as wives in this from other women can treat talk about the women which is the husband which ever way but for you as a woman of God you treat your husband the way the church is supposed to treat race if you have that in your heart even as a single woman you will not settle for anybody Would only settle for God’s best man I don’t have it

About eddyadmin

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