How To Study Gods Word Part 2
How To Study Gods Word Part 2
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Where does the name Christian come from I came from and it comes from unbelievers when they looked at them their lifestyle the way they love each other that’s how they nickname them Christians Christians was not it was not a cool name it was like a hustler yeah it was a way to put them down but I mean if somebody would look at me and say man you act like Jesus I don’t think that person is using a slur against me out I’d really appreciate the person to say to look at me and say that you are just like Jesus but what did the first disciples call each other they called them selves follow followers of Christ or disciples of Jesus that’s what they were known as they knew each other as disciples the name Christians was used for the first time in the book of acts chapter 11 verse 26 it was the unbelievers who looked at the disciples the way the disciples conduct them selves they thought they spoke they behave like Jesus and they started calling them questions a Christian simply means a person who is like Christ but the early disciples did not called them selves Christians they called them selves disciples now why is that important because a disciple means a follower of Jesus but most specifically it meant a student of the word of God so they called them selves students now do you remember the last thing that Jesus told us before he left this earth as he was about to climb in the heavens to go back to the father what did he tell us Matthew chapter 28 verse 19 go eat there for and make disciples go and therefore and make disciples of all nations teaching them to observe all Things that I have told you baptizing them in the name of the father the son and the Holy Spirit and the hold on with you until the end of the earth go and make the samples so we are supposed to be disciples and if we are supposed to be disciples we are therefore supposed to be students that’s why we are gathering every Wednesday in this room why do we gather here so that we may just fulfill our calling to learn the word of God study the word of God usually I am the way I see it is Sunday service should be a celebration service on Sunday because we’ve had seven days or six days we went through ups through downs we made people some of them were nice to us some of them were bad we face challenges we had victories we had some losses so we come on Sunday to glorify the Lord and to give testimonies and if there’s Person who doesn’t know the Lord will invite them to Christ and usually the pastor would stand in the pulpit to recharge our schedule batteries to give us some more ammunition so that we may go back with our business but to learn the word of God I said more like on a Wednesday night or Thursday night like this when we don’t Nino shout scream do backflips and run down the isles or anything but just quietly study the word of God systematically just step-by-step step-by-step so that we become acclimated and are knowledgeable of the word of God in such a way that any time we open our mouth the next word that comes out of us is the word of God when we face challenges when we faced hardships we will not fight these challenges and how it ships with our knowledge but with what we know from the word of God amen and what I thought last week was about the Bible and I tell you my friends This whole week I’ve been thinking about the things I shared here last Wednesday and then it blessed me so much again and I’m so excited do you know I don’t know if you know any book that is like this book I don’t I don’t you probably know another book out there but this this is awesome this is awesome what are the reasons why I don’t understand people believe in the Quran which is the Muslims first of all that book was written by just one guy I don’t know what he was going through when he wrote the Quran she was probably high she was probably on medication she was probably upset but the Bible was not written by one person it was written by dozens of people who didn’t even know each other who did not live in the same town in the same country or at the same time some of them lived 100 years apart from each other but all of them say the same exact thing without cost How do each other the Bible was written by profits by priests by businessman by Kings by farmers by men and all kinds of people buy scrubs but all of them people from all kinds of social backgrounds all agreed about one thing in the Bible was written in one day it took about 1000 years to compile the Bible man I can appreciate something like that and another thing I find it so fascinating about this this book teaches you about every aspect of your life I was just trying to remain us all the Scriptures all try to go through script is just the ones that I know I found out the Bible covers all the questions all the aspects of my life the Bible shows me before I get married how I should prepare myself to be a good husband when I make my Shows you how to meet a spouse this Bible teaches you the things that you should get ready if you are considering going into marriage when you meet your spouse before you are married the Bible teach you how to behave after you are married the word of God teaches you how you can talk to her or to him how you relate to him or to her not only that when you get pregnant the Bible sees before the babies born what you should do after the babies born the Bible shows you how you can raise your kids how you should raise them not only that how are you should prepare them for life and when they have also keeps the Bible teaches you how you should treat how you should teach or treat your grandkids in this book is complete why did I get that knowledge from this book this is the book man this is the book of books how do you can put order in your finances how to pay your bills how to pay God Pay yourself and how to pay others the Bible teach you you don’t believe me take it down just read it go through the book of Proverbs go to the book of the other parables of you don’t do the parables of Jesus you find Jesus tells you how you should handle your money you read this book you can never be defeated this is God’s best in the world and last week I was pretty much is covering about why do I believe in the Bible why do you personally believe in the Bible you should ask yourself the question one once in a while why do I believe in the Bible is the Bible true but if some of the things that I read in the Bible we’re not true but if all this has been a big lie all this while why do you believe in the Bible you should be able to answer that to yourself why do I wanna know Gabby or James or Timothy or Elijah why do I believe in the Bible Why do you believe in the Bible I personally believe in the Bible because what is written in the word of God has been verified in my personal life it has been verified in my personal life like all the Bible some of the promises in the word of God for instants if a man comes to Jesus he becomes a new creature old things passed away and all things become new it has happened to me and I don’t mean some of the guys in this from here before they came to Christ every other word in the mouth was a cuss word but today totally changed totally changed some people in this room here before they came to Christ they went from trouble after trouble after trouble but the word when they received what is written in the word of God totally changed that’s what I believe in the Bible because it’s alive now today what I wanna T Q is this you need to spend time in the Bible you need to spend time in the word of God and I’m gonna show you for ways to study the Bible I hear most people tell you you must be in the word man get in the word man you got a B in the world but most people never teach you how do you get in the word so what I will do tonight is show you how I personally get in the world and how most people that I know who are in the ministry who are so strong in the Bible how did they get in the world in such a weather tonight after we were finished studying you will have at least options available to you to use and make sure that you are always in the world before I get there go with me to the book of Joshua chapter 1 verse eight let me show you something Joshua this book Of the law in other words this Bible this book of the law also known as the Bible shall not depart from your mouth but you shall meditate in a day and night that you may observe to do according to all that is written on it for then you will make your way prosperous and then you will have good success now that is important that is awesome you don’t need to add to it and you don’t need to subtract from that God tells us this word should never leave your mouth it should never stop from being present in your life but you shall meditate on this word day and night to do accordingly or to observe what is reading this book if you do these things you will make your way prosperous then you will have a good success now but think about this God sees you will make your way probably That’s not how it will make your way prosperous so God do you mean I determine if I prosper yes you do you do determine if you prosper or if you don’t God sees you will make your way prosperous so another words if your way is not prosperous then it’s your fault it’s not God don’t even run to him and cry your eyes out you haven’t done what he’s told you to do he told you read my word meditate not just to memorize but to practice it as you practice my word my word will make your way prosperous not only that then you will have good success no if you say good success why would you if you say good success naturally I would think of a success as a good thing then why do you have to add good to success of success is good thing No not all success is good some success is bad some success will get you in trouble if you don’t believe me ask most of the movie stars as most of the superstars that we know ask most of the politicians not all success is good some success as bad but God sees you can have very good success what does God define as good success that means simply you are in peace you go home you when you sleep you know you owe nobody nothing nobody’s gonna come to hurt you you are just in peace what do you eat what do you don’t eat but you have just a joy about you to have a very successful life God says meditate my word you say what do I go in from the scripture simply if I studied the Bible if I just take my time and study the word of God like God seems to observe it not to just go there and preach to others but just read in the word of God find him Would’ve got apply to my life God sees I will make my way successful so if for me a question my Waze is always up and down I’m always defeated I’m always going from trouble to trouble but from jail to jail keep getting me now in a fight with people somethings wrong with me and if somethings wrong with me that means I haven’t been in the world if you were in the world you would’ve prevented a lot of trouble from happening to you so do you realize now from the book of Joshua chapter 1 verse eight the God values his word he says it’s very very important you study my word let me show you the scripture which is the first time I read the scripture I was shot done with me to the book of Psalms 138 Sam’s chapter 138 verse two And the very last portion of that scripture blesses me so much sun is chapter 138 verse two says this I will worship you toward your holy temple and praise your name for your love and kindness and your truth for you have magnify your word above all your name that’s awesome God has magnified his word above his name the word of God is stronger is way elevated above the name of God you can never be better than your word you know the character of a man by how much would they care after they say a word if that word is a binding contract to them or not a person who does not honor or respect his own words he’s not a trustworthy man so God sees he has lifted his word above his name I loves his word that’s what you need to study the word you need to study your word and the word before I even just go in showing you the four ways let me add an a last scripture in this introduction go to second Timothy chapter 2/ second Timothy chapter 2 when we are studying the word of God who are in a class right now Bible students second Timothy look at chapter 2 verse 15 be diligent to present yourself approved to God a worker who does not need to be ashamed rightfully rightly dividing the word of truth rightly dividing the word of truth ball tells us in the scripture God wants us to study the word in so much that we will be able to divide the word of truth What does that mean right rightly dividing the word of truth what is another word for that another word is just be so immersed in the word of God that you know way to your very core in such a way that you are able to apply it to every aspect of your life that’s what it means to rightly divide the word of God no what are the four ways that I study the word of God the first way to study the word of God is called the systematic study systematic what does it mean a systematic study of the word of God it simply means you study the word of God one verse at a time in a systematic way in such a way that from January 1 to December 31 you have read the entire Bible from cover to cover there’s a preacher on the radio I don’t know how many of you listen to Christian radio and I definitely encourage you to listen to Christian ready There’s a lot of good wow worship and teaching there there’s one old timer he’s already dead he died long time ago his name is J Vernon McGee Dr. McGee he has a U-Haul know him or I’m going to Jerusalem that’s how he sounds like him yeah he he he he’s program is called through the Bible if you pay closing cost attention to what he teaches pretty much he just goes verse by verse verse by verse that is what that approach that he has is what we call systematic study of the word of God that when you do a systematic study of God and this is a very healthy way to study the Bible as a family as a couple or even just you trying to teach the word of God to your kids that is the very effective way to study the Bible Oh and family I see some couples in this room and I see some parents in this room and some grandparents what is the best way the most effective way that you could all study the word of God as a family it is the systematic study of the word of God it’s not like it if you want to study the word of God effectively as a family don’t bring your family and say sit down I’m gonna text you today about this no that is the wrong way the easiest way is the most effective way to study the word of God as a family with coworkers small groups is systematic that means Jessica and I will sit down and we will go through the book of John verse by verse but we will go through the book of Proverbs verse by verse will go through the book of Philemon verse by verse that is a very very that’s the first way to study the word of God and it’s the most effective way what is the advantage of this week Before you know it you will require so much knowledge of the word of God if you study each verse by verse if you do a systematic study of the word of God you will know so much about the word of God and most Christians one thing I have noticed is most Christians don’t really know most of the things that are in the Bible I remember one preacher was saying that he just opened up you know the service and ask everybody not everybody tune to the book of Hezekiah chapter 1 and people search for Hezekiah the book has the kind of couldn’t find it in the Bible and he told him that’s right there is no book called Hezekiah in the Bible that shows you that most Christians don’t know the Bible can I ask you a quick let me just do a trivia right here OK let me just see how much you know your word Jacob had Always what were their names oh gotcha now how about that if you want to find out about things like that like the full wives of Jacob you need to do a systematic study of the word of God then you find out that Jacob had his first wife was Leah Leah your second was Rachel and Bella and Zilpah if I ask most of you here Jesus had 12 disciples can you name them I know that was Peter somewhere that there was a John James Judice does Thomas in Philip 12 disciples of Jesus most but most people even those who were very legalistic if you just ask them the basic things of the word of God what are the 10 Commandments most of them will never cut I’ll tell you five Commandments out of the 10 how do you call yourself a Christian and you just don’t know these things about the word of God how would you eat Will be able to defend the word of God if a Muslim is there how would you be able to do that I remember when I was a kid my dad went to Belgium and he returned with this one movie back then my dad was not a Christian and this movie was the last temptation of Jesus it was made to make fun of Christ Jesus had kids and when he’s on the cross these kids are crying daddy daddy daddy my brother bought into that he didn’t know better he didn’t know any better so how do you become knowledgeable about the word of God do a systematic study of the word of God pick a book in the Bible let me just say we have David and Gabrielle Curtis down there you’re so down and you say honey let’s study the book of Jonah you reach out to one I read your chapter 2 and you just read and ask each other questions my wife and I we sometimes read the book of acts It’s a really small slowly slowly we have the man’s family here all let’s see ya Elijah and his dad right there just sit down and read the book of Timothy and you read these things and you get knowledgeable about the word of God systematic word of God is the best way to memorize scripture systematic word of God is the best way to become knowledgeable of the word of God no this is the first way to study the word of God and I hope you get a hold of that and make it your duty to say you know what I’m gonna study the word of God like right now I just completed the second test the lien and as I was winding down in the book the second Tessalon in last week I found out so many things that the Holy Spirit has already laid upon my heart they were in the book of second Thessalonians I wrote each verse I put the commentary to each verse I’ve already finished the book of Philemon when I went through the book of Philemon I thought My wife man I clean so much knowledge that I would love to write a book or a movie script for the book of Philemon about this one slave guy called Onesimus not believe this this movie was said so many people free that is systematic study of the word of God and we need to enforce that some of you right here you have grandkids how would you be able to teach your grandkids the word of God systematically systematically if you have at work you get together with your friends and you just want to you know read the word of God do it systematically hey guys let’s go to the book of Job and we reach out to one let’s stop right here if anybody cleaned anything let’s talk about it and let’s pray that’s the first way to study the word of God the advantage like I said you get a big picture of the word of God you get to understand the word of God you get to see the name of the place the date the people and you retain So much information if you do it systematically you will know so much scripture you will be so pumped in the word of God it’s gonna be so much in your heart that it will be hard for a person to tell you just some made up story do you know most Christians you can just make up a story and tell them it’s somewhere in the Bible and they wouldn’t know you were telling them a lot because they didn’t know it but we need to study the word of God systematically this is actually the way the Jewish people read the word that’s how the Jewish people raise their children in the Old Testament remember when Jesus came on the scene he went in the wilderness how long was Jesus in the wilderness for 40 days I gotcha that’s awesome ha ha Ha do you need to read the word man you I’m gonna be putting you on the spot all the time Jesus was in the wilderness for 40 days when he returned do you know I will say is that they hand them the scroll and he started reading Isaiah chapter 61 the Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he’s anointed me to proclaim the good news to the poor why did Jesus read the scripture because on that day systematically they had been reading each book and on that specific day they were on Isaiah chapter 61 and it was talking about Jesus that shows you how the Jewish people read the word of God they took the word of God a part one page at a time read it one page at a time and you don’t have to read the entire Bible I have personally read the Bible from cover to cover I have read it twice but you don’t have to do that the easiest way open the Bible find the smallest books in the Bible books like Philemon third John second John those are easy books to read you can read them in 10 minutes books like fire of Philippians you can read it in 20 min Read those things slowly slowly and the Holy Spirit will get a hold of those scriptures and make them permanent on your heart in such a way that before you know it you know the entire book of Philemon entire book of Thessalonians been taught book of Colossians and into years I’m telling you you will not so much in the Bible that it will be hard for a person to take you down if you get that know what it is I’m just let me just focus on the advantages when you study the word of God you do systematically there’s a 2nd Way to study the word of God it is called the topical topical like a topic topical study of the word of God topical study of the word of God what does that mean and how is that different from systematic study of the word of God systematic study of the Bible is like I showed you you read verse by verse book by book But topical you try to zero your focus on one subject only and you try to find every scripture that talks about that subject this is very this is the fastest way to build your faith if you believe in God for something this is the fastest way to build your faith is the fastest way to receive faith for a specific miracle that you need let me give you an example I want the Lord to bless my marriage but I don’t know where to start from what do I do I don’t have to read the Bible from Genesis verse by verse and try to do to believe God for my marriage if I have a problem for my marriage what I do I have to find every single scripture that talks about How to marriage scriptures like Genesis chapter 2 verse 18 it’s not good for man to be alone I will make him a helper or a helpmate and God bless them male and female he made them I read scriptures like that right down and find out in the Scriptures what is God’s will for a marriage like in the new testament scriptures in the book of Ephesians sees a man who does not love his wife hates himself right now let me give you just since I’m talking about marriage here let me give you my personal testimony 2008 when it was clear that just go now we’re going to be husband and wife I panicked because I come from a family of polygamist in my family polygamy is the norm I had cousins were 19 years old and had four wives my personal mouth my own father had more than one wife he my uncles and nobody found it strange Teachers at school had three wives so it was just like that so when I came when it came time for me to get married I panicked because I don’t have a role model I don’t have a good person that I can look to and say man I would like my marriage to look like my dad or to look like my brothers or my sisters that didn’t know anybody so I panicked I’m like man nobody prepares me to be a good husband but makes me think that I will be good for this woman and not for me to disappoint this girl so I went to the library I was still living in Colorado looking for all the subjects on marriage and you know in the library if you want to find a book on on marriage or relationship you have a 40 5060 bucks there and all them all of them have a good topics I went through these things nothing quite for me it was just an hour it’s all the same same scientific things it’s not real I don’t really feel the rubber meeting the road in these books and I dump that and I started searching online for marriage and premarital seminars I found a couple of them and I attended the preacher Stockton youth groups nothing got it for me so I just panicked I just went home and I said you know I’m going to zero One in the scripture because I know the Bible holds all the answers to all the aspects of my life so I started studying the books in the Bible where the Bible talks about marriage then I came to Ephesians chapter 5 and I found in verse 25 that’s the verse that just turn the light for me and I knew from the scripture that I’m not ready to be a good husband what does Ephesians 525 states husbands love your wives like Jesus loves the church and Sacrificed himself for her when I read that thing I put the Bible down and I said bingo I found it and when I saw that scripture I started playing and I heard the Lord stealing me Eddie if you would sacrifice yourself for her physically spiritually financially and put her first you can never be a bad husband and I tell you man Ephesians 525 it’s better than any marriage counseling in America not counseling but seminar any marriage book out there you read Ephesians chapter 5 and you add other scriptures to it like first Peter chapter 3 when the Bible talks I’m talking about men here when the Bible says that a man should handle his wife with care you can never be a bad husband you can never have enough you know unhappy unfulfilled wife at home you put you you put her first She comes first not me I said you put her first if me and her were in the boat and was thinking she must get to safety and I have to drive if I have to I will never fail if I get an argument with her here she has to win even if she’s wrong I have to keep my mouth shut you never be a bad husband if she’s gonna tell me shut up get a step out just follow that you can never you can never go wrong I am and that was better than any seminar I’ve ever attended I got to this point to tell you this to study the word of God topically is the way to build your faith or something when I win the Lord showed me Ephesians 525 then I know how to pray I just say Lord I don’t know how to sacrifice myself another person I’m selfish no teach me now how What is these things what do I do I sacrifice myself for her and the Lord say when she’ll come along you would find out her heart when she say something that’s how you discover what she likes and when you find out what she likes then you have to put into to give attention to what she likes if you study the word of God topically perfect let me say in this room for instants I have a man here or a woman hear you are struggling with an issue what do you do you sit down and find out all scriptures in the Bible the teachers about that specific issue and studied them one by one one by one one by one see most of you who know me who have been around me and I’ve listen to me you know I always emphasize on speaking in tongues how did I get to a place where I saw I’m so adamant I will get on your case until you speak in tongues because I sat down and wrote down Every single scripture about speaking in tongues in the Bible and found that does this apply to me are they prerequisites are there benefits to this what does the word of God says hi I got it so much information on the topic that I know exactly how to talk to you about speaking in tongues in two minutes and my philosophy of course it comes from a secular meant sir Winston Churchill he said that if you really have something to say you don’t need Time to say it if you have something very important to say you can say it in five seconds all in two minutes but if you don’t have something to say even if they gave you two hours you want it back now for two hours you say well I had so many things to share with you but because of time I have to quit here now he didn’t have anything to say and that’s how I do this my philosophy when it comes to if I see something a truth in the word of God not invest myself in the truth I will I was studied so much and I can teach you about it in 30 seconds in a minute and five minutes or in five days so doing topical study is important let me just give you another example giving for instants in a church what do we get what do you give I found out the most believers when it comes to giving it some thing that those who gift don’t even want to study the word of God what does the Bible say about giving when I give what are the forms of give it a studied the word of God and I have followed other preachers who have studied the word of God that now I know exactly how to talk about giving let me just be specific hear you know when we talk about giving we talk about seed and harvest I was so confused about what is my seed and what is my oldest and I was so confused because I work I have a daytime job and not to me my income for my job that’s my harvest until the Lord came and said no the money you get from your job that’s not your harvest that is what I call you’re saying and you should not leave off of your seat if I have a bag of seed in my house and I idiot guess what next year I won’t have a harvest the only way for me to have a harvest is I’ll take the bag of seed take a little bit of that seed to sustain me for now it’s a little bit of it but take the bulk of it and plant it and I will eat off of my heart and the Lord showed me your income at work it’s not for you to leave if you leave off of you you get a little bit of your income to meet your immediate needs to pay your bills and put food on your on your table clothes on your back roof over your head but the rest of it go flat In the kingdom of God when I came to Christ nobody told me these things I just assumed how do I give to a church how do I give her ministry I gave after I have taken care of myself the leftovers the crumbs that’s worth a split in two and four and five and take one favor 1/3 of a half and go plant and the Lord said no you got it all twisted they got it all twisted you live off of the crumbs because the crumbs is what will sustain you for now but the rest the bulk of it that’s what the Lord Cole said and I found in the word of God the Bible says that the Lord gives seed to the sewer and I was asking Lord I know you said not say that you give sweet to the soul what is my seat and the losses your job that’s the seat I gave you I gave you a job but you can eat all of it and be in a big bind in a year from now or You can play the most of it leaves off of the law of it but the harvest what you will get from what you’ve planted sun it will be enough to embarrass you will be enough for you to help other brothers at Belfast Center being off to help other people my heart personally my heart personally and the laws my witness I would like to have so much income but any of you in the group tonight who would love to travel to Africa to go hard these kids to go teach these kids or sound to go show these kids a lot that she would not spend a dime I would put all of you on an airplane and pay for you to be there and back here I’m not there yet but I know I’ve already left I may not be there yet but I’ll get to someplace where I’ll be sitting in the plane and I’ll look around here and I see my brothers from this group I’ll look there I’ll see my brothers in front of me this brothers and we are I’m headed there to go share the love of god what am I why did I get this place I showed you we have systematic study of the word of God but we also have topical study you have I know all of us here we have questions that we ask all of us in this room we want to be good citizens want to go be good husband I want to be good provider it’s going to be good examples of other people some of us like me who have kids I want to be a good father I want to be a good husband to my wife I want my wife to be proud of me how do I get there I have to go in the word of God study the lot the scriptures that talk about how to be a good husband let me ask you this question and answer to your heart what is your most urgent need right now what is your most urgent need right now if Jesus was to appear here physically and you were just the two of you in this room I was asked to ask you son daughter what would you like me to do for you what is it that you would answer ask him if you have the answer or if you know the question that you ask him do you know that this is Jesus right here but you don’t need Jesus to be here physically because this is just as much Jesus as if he was here physically this is Jesus in the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God is Jesus Revelation chapter 19 verse 13 says that Jesus is called the word of God so this is Jesus he wants to answer any question you can find it here when I bought when we bought my daughter a Bible last month Bible for age I wrote in her book daughter in this book lies all the answers to all your questions daddy Love you daddy and I really meant that night he brought tears in my heart to know that all the questions that my daughter has have answers here now how do you glitch how do you get those answers you sit down and start writing down on a piece of paper all scriptures that addresses the question that you have some of you in this room you have been struggling with some thing and you want a way out do you know the way out topical study of the word of God study the word of God study the word of God in a very topical what I told you that there are four ways to study the word of God the first way is systematic study of the word of God I do it a lot and I encourage you do it a lot it will be a shame on you if you hear these teachings and go home and do nothing don’t act upon it Joshua chapter 1 verse eight says that you study to Do you self a proof not to share something with you study do you meditate to observe accord to do according to watch me if you hear the word of God you don’t do what the heck why are you even listen to the word of God but I hope that you will be able to sit down with your spouse with your friend or just with yourself and just study the word of God systematically not only that but study it also topically and I know there’s no time in our lives where we don’t have any topics we always have a topic that comes through our mind I want to find out more about this I want to find out more about this now study those things study those things and show yourself you’re not find the answers in that you know tonight I’m not going to give you all the 404 ways there’s two other ways to study the word of God and the really really powerful if you think of these two Ways to study the word of God is powerful than wait until you listen to part two about the other two but let me just emphasize about studying the word of God let’s all read the book of Psalms chapter 1 the book of Psalms chapter 1 verses one through three blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly Norstand’s in the past or seen her nose sits in the seat of the scornful but his delight is in the loft the Lord and in his law he meditates day and night he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water that brings forth its fruit in its season who’s leave also Charlotte weather and whatsoever he does shall prosper that’s awesome that saves it if you study the word of God you’re blessed You are blessed if you studied the Bible do you study the Bible do you take your time and just read the word of God and study and write it down and write it down study the word of God because Blessed is the man who meditates in the word of God he is like a tree that is planted by the riverside it weather is the dry season what is the winter weather it’s summer springs or fall the tree that was planted by the riverside is always full of life the word of God teaches in this group chat but if we invest ourselves in the word of God we will always prosper in everything that we do but doesn’t always necessarily mean money with your health it may mean just your mind having clarity of mind it may be in your marriage it may just mean your day-to-day affairs and I tell you man if you Do these things instead of the word of God just systematically and topically you will be so strong in the word of God that no wind of doctrine will be able to take you out