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How To Study Gods Word Part 3

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How To Study Gods Word Part 3

This sermon was translated from MP3 (audio) to Text and has not been fixed for grammar, spelling or duplicates. If you would like to listen to the sermon, click here.

Need to have a belief system we need to be to get to a place where we are totally sold out the word of God that we are ready to give a blood for this holy book now that question has been asked here for the past 2 1/2 weeks why do you believe in the Bible why do you believe in the Bible and I have my own reasons why I believe in the Bible and I’ll give you some but you personally have to to know for sure you know like one day the Bible talks in the book of acts chapter 19 that there were seven sons of a place called savor who grab the demon possessed man and they brought him in the house to drive out the demons that were inside this man how’s the day going on with the ceremony the demon inside them and say ask him a question Paul I know Jesus I know who are you who are you Say this this young man had seen Paul do something they had seen how God might lose the ball but they themselves did not grow in the word of God and biblically just from that scripture you cannot harvest God’s power from another man’s face do you have to have a homemade face home-cooked meal what is your face what do you stand on

there’s a point in your life with my faith and courage for you Pastor Chris’s Facebook that for you Bruce men’s Facebook carefully what do you personally believe it and that’s exactly how we should approach the Bible why do you believe in the Bible why why I personally believe in the Bible for many reasons and I have already given you but just that he was shot the fourth is 12 for the word of God is alive and active sharper than any double edge sword it penetrates the dividing of spirit and soul bone bones in Meryls The Serns the thoughts of man’s heart and I don’t look at the word of God every single scripture is alive and it’s active I have seen God just used supernaturally his scriptures to plant them in my life I’ve seen Bible promises upon Bible promises being fulfilled in my own life in my marriage in my health in my spirit that’s why I believe in the Bible and I believe we have to get to a place where we can defend the word of God we can define the word of God if you were going to school to become a medical doctor let’s see a cardiologist and there comes this guy who has never got been to school who doesn’t know how to write how to spell who can’t even read but he wants to give you advice is about how to be a good cardiologist I think you’d be very stupid to listen to that man’s opinion cause a man who doesn’t know how to Read who doesn’t even know the difference between college and university who doesn’t know the difference between bachelors and

Masters trying to give you an advice on how to become a cardiologist you would have to be ridiculous something must be wrong with you to take that man’s opinion and the Lord showed me that that’s exactly the attitude you need to have with anybody who doesn’t believe in the word of God anybody who doesn’t believe in the word of God their opinion and their opinion is stupidity I would have to be a stupid man to take a man’s opinion a man who doesn’t believe in the word of God and try to to go with that opinion saver props there’s truth in what is this medicine and I was just thinking if a man does not believe in and take me to have the word of God they cannot give me any advice on the word of God and the word of God says universe to me the chapter 2 verse 14 the natural man the man of the flash does not receive the things of the spirit the foolishness to him if any man doesn’t have those They have no business teaching me his word and often times we get in the Bates we get in conflict with family members with coworkers or friends who do not believe in the word of God but they still want to give us an opinion on the word of God what they believe in in the matters of let’s say homosexuality abortion and this and that I will not take an opinion of a man who doesn’t believe in the word of God on matters like that and I’m in the dark just shocked me I’m like that’s kind of harsh but hey that’s true if I’m gonna be a cardiologist I would be stupid to sit down and let a man who doesn’t even know what University Mills did to me and how to become a cardiologist and let’s say the best man would give me an advice at how well if you want to cut a man’s heart out just take the best knife in your kitchen

drawer in neutral is this man and just stab him you know the chest with a knife I’ll be stupid to take that man’s opinion and In my life I have gone through debates with unbelievers with unbelieving family members and unbelieving friends and most of the things that they have said have made me question my faith in the Lord that now don’t take that man’s opinion your opinion of the word of God if you are born again is way way way better than a non-believers opinion of God and I know that those are like strong statements but that’s true all of us here because I know all of us in this room all of us hear your opinion of the word of God is way better than a non-believers opinion of the word of God your opinion of gods word is better than an atheist don’t know Muslims opinion on the word of God and I don’t care if the unbeliever knows the Bible back on Friday if they do not believe in the word of God their opinion is stupidity to God and I will be ridiculous it would be ridiculous for me to believe another man’s opinion especially a man who doesn’t believe In the word of God what do you believe in the Bible I do believe in the Bible can you defined the word of God if you were put on the stand and the word to ask you or Mr. David why do you believe in the Bible why should I believe your book and not my book till I was born before I got into teaching till I was born that that guy was just one of the greatest gods gift to the body of Christ if you don’t know teal Osborne I have

a bunch of books by him at my house and I’d let you read some of his books he went to India you know he passed it in Portland here and then in the 40s he went to India he tried his best to convince the Indians and most Indians and Muslims most Indians are Hindus they wouldn’t believe in him he had a black book called the Bible they also had a black book and they do a very friendly you know most Indians most eastern Indians are very courteous people very friendly family oriented and they love families they would invite him for a meal and ask him just a question why should we believe your book and why shouldn’t you believe in my book and he say that these people know more about my book than I do about the books he he kept you just debating them and say well but my book teaches me about love and they open the book the book also say love your neighbor as you love yourself love you God and put your time and they told him why should we believe your book he spent five years there trying to debate these people until he was burned out he was defeated when he went back to India the same people ask them why should

we believe in your book what shouldn’t you believe in a book he told them the difference between my book and your book is my book is alive The difference that’s why I can’t believe it was your book is dead my book is alive for instants my book says you shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover bring me all your second I’ll show you not use you should look at some of the photographs from the standard he won the second time in India he’s Hindu so Jesus they are they took some photographs of clouds and you can look in the clouds like to the silhouette of a man stretching and his hands over crowd but the miracles that we rode through that man’s life and the most of Africa was actually both in the kingdom through the ministry of the allies born and when I just read that story about your loss wanted to say that’s why I believe in the word of God because this book is a live shot the forest 12 for the word of God is alive and active it’s in the word of God is alive last week I was also showing you how do you study the word of God how do we study the word of God I said that there are four main types for me to toss that I personally know how to study the word and I know most reputable ministers the time to study the word of God and I already told you the two ways the first two ways to study the word which one was the first one was the systematic study of the word of God and it’s just studying the word of God from Genesis all the way to Revelation such a Way that you can’t you get a great picture of a big over an overview of the word of God it’s the most effective way to study the word as a family to study the word with coworkers or with other people in fact it’s the best way to disciple other

people do you know the springs of life a heartbeat is to make disciples to the best way to make disciples is to do a systematic study of the word of God that means you sit down with the The person that you want to disciple and say let’s go through the book of Matthew and another thing just says I’m talking about this the word of God is better taken at face value just as you see it take it as it don’t add any sugar to it don’t remove some salt all from it just take it at face value we always get in trouble with the word of God when we try to twist it and make it do you know bend it away the word of God must be taken at face value just as is and I know that the word of God given to people just as is will always give the power you know I will always release the power of God you remember like pulses in Romans chapter 1 verse 16 I’m not a ashamed of the gospel for it is the power of God unto salvation the word of God is the power of God if we take it just at face value as it is written in the word of God no sugar added no strings attached it is the power of God just as it says Somatic study of the word of God but we also have topical study of the word of God no topical study of the word of God is the quickest way to get revelation knowledge on a specific subject of the word of God if you’d like to just build your faith so much on one subject you should do a topical study you say all these full ways the time I’m trying to show you they have advantages and this advantages to him that’s why you

don’t have to just get stuck in studying the word of God in a systematic way or in a topical what you need to combine all the ways that way you can get the most out of it see you like systematic for instants I’m studying the book of Jeremiah and not the book of Jeremiah has so many chapters all it sounds that in the book of Psalms it has 150 chapters as I’m studying it but in the middle time I’m dealing with a financial crisis I’m dealing with a physical I’m dealing with a family crisis well I may not easily get the revelation knowledge of God for my specific situation if I go the systematic way so that’s why I need to twist it auto to switch from systematic to topical topical is the quickest way to get revelation knowledge on a specific subject in such a way that I can build my faith to overcome that specific subject so that I was just giving an example I’m facing a crisis of physical crisis but I’m doing systematic study what do I do if I’m facing a physical crisis well I have to switch from just studying the word of God systematically to going on what does God say about my physical conditions and then I sit down and open up my book the word of God and I will get a stack of paper and start writing stats right it is it where is Christian it’s one thing to use your brain to memorize the word of God But I think it’s still your advantage to write down what you study God knows how important it is to engage your sense of sight when you study the word of God that he had to

commend Moses write down the word and he told a baba cook the profit in about two chapter to write down the vision the things that you see the book of revelation he told John the things that you see write them down it’s a very shallow way to study the word of God to just read it and memorize it and MoveOn no no no you want to Glendas much information either systematically or topically you’d have to invest in writing paper you know no papers no car copy papers write down what you study right down and if I was studying topically I would write down physical condition what does the word of God say I look from the old testament and just move on in the all the way to the New Testament And see scriptures after scriptures what does the word of God say let’s say people other people dealt with a system at all with physical pain in the Old Testament and the New Testament how did they approach God how did they sit God on the specific time how did Jesus deal with these people did they have to repent did they have to confess the word they have to stand against the devil they have to invest in more prayers and worship what did they do that is topical study of the word of God does him when Paul was in jail he’s riding to Timothy you think that Paul is in jail what would he write Timothy well get me on the Tony get me an a lawyer to come and bail me out that’s not what he said but what did Paul say bring me the parchment or bring me the papyrus bring me the parchment bring me the papers because the Spirit of God is giving me revelation to write down things so even when he was in jail Paul would take his time read the word Got a write it down read the word of God and write it down and I

tell you man we need to study the word of God but it’s I can tell that you’ve been around your Bible for a long time if if you show me your vibe I’ll tell you if your Bible is so clean smells just fresh you don’t know your Bible I’ll tell you all of us have been around a bubble for a long time our Bibles always beat up some pages are falling off it’s always highlighted but that’s a good sign I don’t like Bibles that are so clean I like my bubble scribbled and all kind of stuff because I need to study the word of God so study topically systematically the third way to study the word of God is word search to do a word search of the Bible what does that mean a word search it’s implements this you need to look at those words in the verses that you study and try to understand the literal meaning the grammar Manic what do those words simply mean what do the words mean I believe that if you can’t even understand a word in English it would be so hard for you to establish a correct interpretation of that word spiritually it will be hard for you to establish a good definition all spiritual understanding of that word if you can’t even understand it so we as believers when we study the word of God sometimes you can just gather more information by just looking at the word and going to study that’s just a word grammatically what does that mean now if you want to study the word that’s why I brought this what are some of the tools that you need to study the word one of the tools is this guy here the dictionary very important you will find out that If you just do a dictionary study of the word of God like you look at

one word and just go to the dictionary to look what does that word mean it will give you maybe 56 definition of application of that word and then you can see exactly what you see before I knew how to do word studies I never understood the story of Job Job in the Old Testament and the way I read the story of Job it was totally the opposite of what the word of God taught when I was raised in my denominational church and went into pretty always thought the job God and Satan placed a bait on job and say can you remember the story of Job how Satan one day preserve himself in the same league as the sons of God is gathering and the Lord told him have you considered my servant Job and that there’s none like him on the earth When I when I looked at that the first time I read that scripture I didn’t understand that I just thought certainly never think about job he just showed up randomly in the presence of God and the Lord is like putting job in arms way like literally just bragging about job how do you send my serving job have you considered him and I was like man how rude of God why would God to sacrifice job to this evil enemy called the devil until I looked at that word that the Lord told job city have you considered and I went to the book to the dictionary to find out just what does the current settlement then I was shocked and then it was so clear the verb to consider Simplement to look intently at somebody with the intentions of taking actions for or against that person like for instants I’ll give Listen to the James would you please hire Mike and the week goes on and I haven’t heard anything then I’ll I’ll call James I said have you considered his case what do I mean by have you considered his case I’m simply minute have you looked in tightly and him have you started at least thinking about taking options based on what I presented you that’s exactly what the mood was telling sitting there have you considered myself and when I saw that it made all the sense in the world what it simply meant was the Lord was talk was showing the devil what the devil was in that meeting for that day the devil came there because he’s been looking at a job he had already

considered a job he had already been thinking about taking actions to her job and the Lord say have you considered him have you considered job so the law did not offer job pull up your poor job to said no he simply said the devil How are you here because you’ve already been thinking about job you came here simply because you have already have your eyes on him and it’s makes perfect sense because you look in the Bible you find out that the Bible starts by saying the job was the most Richmond the richest God of all the sons of east and throughout the book of Job his friends and job himself admits that job was a teacher of righteousness he told other people about the ways of God and you go through throughout the book of Job there’s so much wisdom there’s so much revelation in there so it shows you the before even job got in trouble he was already a wealthy man he was wealthy the Lord has blessed him financially he was of a man of integrity he had beautiful children he had a wife and all those things and I don’t know I don’t like that certain how to do something to hurt him and the devil started looking at him and that one day he came to the Lord and said just present himself and that’s why the lawsuit off You’ve been thinking about Joe do you want to hurt job isn’t it and also if you just by doing the word study I want that was a first date though if in case you want to bring what I got have you considered job I was in but in verse 12 the Lord told Joe till second behold all that he has all the job has is yours when I read it the first time I thought the law told Satan OK now I gave you the OK

go ahead do you have my blessing go do whatever you want to do until you look at that verb is and you do a study just a word study what does that mean it’s implements job was already under Satan’s power but it just did not then when I saw that I realize what the book of Ezekiel 28 verse 18 says that Satan when he fell from grace his wisdom was corrupted If your wisdom is corrupted that means you don’t have wisdom anymore you have the opposite of wisdom what is the opposite of wisdom foolishness so the day that the devil fell from grace he became foolish what’s another word for foolish dummy so that the day that the devil fell from grace he came in dummy he didn’t even know the job was on his power I didn’t know that nobody told him that that when Adam and Eve ate the fruit the entire human race was sold into slavery today to Satan and the losses but he’s already on the Ocotillo care what do you need me to approve one job was not saved Jesus had and shared the blood of Jesus hadn’t paid the price yet I got this just by saying this if I had never done a word study of the word of God it would’ve been so hard for me to understand that story and I would’ve just jumped in my former Conclusion that well you know why sometimes the Lord the devil can’t do anything unless the Lord allows him and I tell you there’s a large section of of us the believers who are both into the lies let you know what all my troubles come because the Lord has to allow it the most people go to the book of Job and say she even the book at the book of Job shows us that the Lord had to allow the devil that’s not true if the Lord has to allow the devil if you just read the book of Job and then you will disqualify the rest

of the word of God which shows us that the Lord never turns the devil on his children nope he does not he does not if the enemy destroy your life it’s because you allow him either because of your sins either because you’re not taking authority the devil is coming he’s crafty he’ll try to push your buttons and see if you know what rightfully belongs to you if you don’t like that guess what he’s going to jump in and the word of God simple This is James out the form of seven resist the devil and he will flee and now you can just reverse that word resist the devil will flee just put it in a different way just rephrase it don’t resist the devil he will not fully from you and most of us we don’t visit the devil and as a result he doesn’t just say that a word study invest in this got here no in addition to this guy what’s your need to do is this look at this these are two Bible versions I have about 40 Bibles that I own and I’m not done yet I want to have a 100 box this is the good old king James version the authorized king were and this is the new international version of the Bible which one This is the word of God and which one isn’t well that’s a wrong question to start with you cannot put down the effort of the brothers and sisters who invested in running the NIV God bless them I’d rather have so many versions of the Bible than any other books and this one most people believe that this is

the deed through the truest Bible well if you’re going to do a word study of the Bible never rely just on one version always have more than one version because let me see how many versions we have in this room what do you have sir not mess mine that’s my version but you have more than five they’re all of them right Miss Curtis what do you have that was me brother yes Mr. and Mrs. men’s do you have the same version right NAV all right good that’s actually good that you have Pastor Chris would you have her that’s all right that’s OK Mike I want you to help me with this let me just show you some somethings are in the Mr. and Mrs. means you can also help me try to my can you read us the book off can you read us Matthew chapter 17 verse 21 how did the scan goes now by prayer and fasting that’s what the kingdom says what does the MOV say something on West 21 it doesn’t have a 21 See so if you were doing a word search would study of the Bible-based totally just simply on the NIV see how much information you missing no it’s in the footnote yeah OK how about this Mike can you read me Luke chapter 11 verse two and you saw Bruce can you also find Luke chapter 11 verse to let me just show you something on earth OK OK how does it word it in a navy OK It’s OK see if you only have the NIV and you don’t compare it with the king James you miss a bunch of other information like here he sees how father who art in heaven there it doesn’t say that I’ll be done in the kingdom come thy will be done on earth even as it is in heaven you don’t have those information the NIV is an incredible Bible there’s some it’s an a goodbye but I have about 2304 anyways I love the MOV but you have to

compare versions what does yours say the amplified that is an advantage that you’d probably have with the day of the amplify the amplified will [to clarify the word so not to Put down any version because I know some people if they see some of those differences it just takes them off and I’ll throw an entire Bible would never throw this away how do I either have the NIV don’t have none but just to say this you if you want to be well educated in the word of God never base your study on one version only because you will get yourself in trouble say like in the book of Matthew chapter 16 when you start from Gros nine all the way down Jesus is this song so follow those who believe in my name to speak up in a new tongues and all that but the NIV doesn’t have that or if it does it will say ancient manuscripts don’t have these portions and you just have to be careful how you balance them so that’s another tool I have so many scriptures I can show you the differences between versions but our full-time sick one other way to study your word you need this bad boy Here they concordance this will help you to get the Greek all the Hebrew word in it or original form what does it mean I have about four of these and I tell you it’s incredible no let me caution you when you do a study whether you depend on the dictionary or you compare versions or you have the Concorde concordance and the commentary remember this everything eventually you have to depend on the Holy Spirit to know the word of God because it’s him who wrote the word of God if you take for instance a commentary there are so many great commentaries out there ask Pastor Chris he’s a Bible college teacher he owns a Bible college he’ll tell you all about commentaries in the history of commentary but remember those are commentaries of humans on God’s word The words that you get from a concordance from a dictionary from a different Bible versions all from another men’s teaching those have to be taken as man’s word not the word of God is ultimately the only person who

can interpret the word of God accurately is the Holy Spirit the author of the word see one of the greatest weaknesses that we have as Christians is we don’t do the word the study of the word of God ourselves we have to depend on the radio program on a TV minister on a pastor on an evangelist or a Bible teacher but that’s not God’s will for you God’s will for you is that you get your hands on your own Bible you studied the Bible for yourself you show yourself approved you say no matter how much information of metal God can bring forth even meet here I don’t know everything that’s the crystals know everything none of us in this room knows everything about the word of God so you can Bass bass you’re in cardiology your entire study of the word of God just on the tapes by Pastor Chris there’s so many brothers and sisters even ministers who would not take time to study the word of God who have substituted another man’s teachings tapes CDs DVDs for the word of God you know most of you who know me I have a great respect for a certain amount man of God in Colorado but I don’t think his word is the word of God he’s just a human but it’s not my God he didn’t die for me and the word of God says in the book of Romans chapter 3 let every man be a liar and let God alone he found true so if you want to study the word of God yes grab a dictionary yes grab a book written by Mike Mike David written by a black dress but remember remember what it is just a human being she is not God ultimately you I have to depend on God to get a true understanding of the word not let me add in something when you do a word study when you do a word study remember this you can never build a doctrine on one scripture alone never build a doctrine never build your entire believe system just on one verse everything in one verse must be supported by another verse I’m not gonna turn there but the Bible says also this

every testimony will be confirmed by two or three witnesses and that’s exactly how the word of God is everything you see in one verse there must be another verse that supports that but whatever you see in that verse for you to say all right let me do it let me go with this song with this verse let me give you an example all of us in this room We believe in the power of the spoken word will believe it when God created the world he did not create the world with a computer all with a mold and poured things in this mold he just spoke things into existence how do we know that the para words carry power while because we have one of the greatest the most famous you know a scripture made a mark chapter 11 verse 22 through 24 Jesus said if you speak to this mountain and say be there removed and be the cost in the ceiling down and out if you shall not doubt any in your heart but believe that the things that you say shall come to pass you shall have what you say you shall have what you say you shall have what you say so believe you get what you say if it’s in your life you say it no you let somebody else see it but we can’t just build our entire believe system and just that one verse is there another scripture in the Bible that prove all that proves us Yes there is power in the spoken word of course there is keep a problem shop in the 18 verse 20 through 20 to life and death under the power of your tongue so we have one verse their revelation chapter 12 verse 11 they overcame him because of the word of their mouth and you go throughout the word of God you find out that yes face is released by the word it’s all been done to you according to your faith everybody who said something they got what they say that’s how we can

now build a case we did not build it and just one scripture in a mark 1122 through 24 no we found the principal throughout the Bible so let me tell you this when you do you study the word and do a word search never build your case on one person find other versus whatever you believe in the Bible whatever you stumble upon God has Way of intertwining scriptures like their weave in the gather have you noticed for instants whatever Matthew sees Moxeza same thing John and looked at all say the same thing when you go in the old testament the book of first and second kings it’s pretty much the same exact thing with first and second Chronicles pretty much the same exact thing the book of Proverbs and Ecclesiastes it’s almost the same thing why does God do that because you can never build the truth on one verse never build the truth on one verse always compare scriptures there’s also another advantage when you compare scriptures what happens is if you study one verse and you find a principle in this one verse and you try to find supporting verses to this one scripture in the long run you end up getting more light on just that one verse like the other versus Deadpool come to back This verse that you’re building your case on will give you more tools will give you more ammunition let me give you an example turn with me to Matthew chapter 21 and let me just this this is awesome I’m teaching the word tonight I’m not preaching look at Matthew chapter 21 it’s at this point Jesus you know he came riding on the donkey and he’s already in the temple and he’s already turn the tables of the money changers look at 15 and 16 but when the chief priests and scribes saw the wonderful things that Jesus did and the children crying out in the Temple and Saint hosanna to the son of David they were indignant and say to him do you hear what these are saying and Jesus said to them I’ll do them yes have you ever read out of the mouth of babes and nursing in France Do you have perfected praise awesome Jesus you know he’s in the temple and these

kids are just screaming kids that Gabby likes or is it they just crowding in swimming and shouting and I meant it’s just eating up these Pharisees tell Jesus enough thank you tell these kids to keep quiet and Jesus said haven’t you read the word of God sees out of the mouths of babes in nursing infants the Lord has perfected praise what what did you what was Jesus coding what why did he get that information well sounds of the lot eight let’s go there now I’m gonna show you some thing that you will really appreciate keep your finger in Matthew 21 1516 let’s compare the original scripture that Jesus said in this instance and now you see that it’s important to Have more than one first to build your case look at that Sam’s chapter 8 just a verse two out of the mouth of babes and nursing infants you have all day and strength because of your enemies that you may silence the enemy and the avenger noticed that in this in the original he never says anything about price he said he’s out of the mouth of babes and nursing infants you have all day and strength now compare that with Matthew chapter 2116 out of the mouth of babes a nursing infant you have perfected praise and I saw the sun as a yes lord I get it David originally said God old man strength to the mouth of kids in Jesus translate what street what street is he say praise if you put these two scriptures together Because it says the same thing according to Jesus praise is strength strength gives praise praise generate strength David says you have all the strength and Jesus say you have ordained praise Jesus according to Jesus track praise equal strength if you praise you have strength now that’s awesome is that true yes it is true because Nehemiah chapter 8 verse 10 tells us the joy of the Lord is your strength praise is strength strength is bright see if you put these two together you get a bigger revelation of the word of God what if you just had to stay on one verse Matthew chapter 21 verse 16 you miss a lot you’ve missed a lot of information now You begin to realize that my enemy is silenced when I praise him when you praise the Lord it’s sinuses now you realize what everybody in the word of God who got

into trouble the first thing they had to do was to praise God and as the praise God the enemy is always put the flight remember like Posados in the jail house in Philippi the word of God says that at the midnight hour there in this dungeon they didn’t cry didn’t but the devil they started just praising him as the appraisal it’s almost like it releases it really stress the earth shook not in the entire city there was an earthquake not everywhere in the town but just in the jail house shook it so much that even the chain fell off the chains fell off that shows me right there that Paul and Silas as the president released the strength because according to Jesus Matthew 2116 praise Equals strength and you can sit over and over God sent Jehoshaphat to go fight these enemies and he tells you when you go out there don’t fight them just sing praises unto the Lord and as they start singing presented all your second Chronicles chapter 20 the word of God says that the enemy pulled the sword against himself so the praise the Jehoshaphat just turned over to the Lord release strength that now explains why the Lord told Joshua go blow the trumpet around Jericho does he blow the trumpet the hand of the Lord just came down across the walls now we understand I don’t have to establish my theology just on one I just gave you right there about five different enough instances in the Bible that prove my case so when you do a Bible you know a word search search you took one scripture now you can verify it see the beauty of the word of God Is this the New Testament is full of principles and the Old Testament doesn’t really have principles now shall don’t know this horrible no the old testament shows you the practical applications of the principles of the New Testament and you can see people who applied with the word of God teaches how the outcome of the other delights walls that’s I just thought that would be awesome I have so many scriptures so many scriptures to show you that you look up one scripture if you find out all the scriptures that say exactly the same thing eventually you get a bigger picture of the word of God but you have to do a word search after word of God what are you starting on right now sometimes what I’ll do I’ll spell out one verse just write it on the piece of paper now find other versions of the Bible to make sure that that scripture Seize the same exact thing and these other versions and now I will look at the big words in that verse I’ll highlight those verse those words look at look for them in the dictionary or in the concordance and then I’ll go to pray as I pray it’s just like opens up my eyes

like that say you can study the word of God systematically topically all you do a word search of the word but I encourage you to do all three like that in the cause of time sake let me just brush it let me just jump quickly in the last week of studying the word of God the last type all the fourth that is what we call meditation meditation meditation is different from a word search is different from systematic study of the word is different from mom topical study of the word meditation is the way to keep your mind Actually in the world is he like him like when we say brother are you going to be in the word you have to be your word man how do I how am I going to be in the world how are you gonna be in the world to be in the world constantly is true meditation do you want to be in the word of God every waking minute every waking second of your life yes how do I do this meditate on the word what does to meditate now to meditate meant to ponder it means to keep your mind on a subject to focus on something you say there’s a part in us that when we are in trouble this part in us worries all the time when we look at our income or what we have available in our bank account and we look at the expenses that would have this month that part of us will begin to worry Oh my God how am I going to make these these bills and how am I going to make it to the other month that same part of you that worries so much when you’re in pain when you go to tribulation when you are in trouble that same part of you is the same exact part of you that meditate on the word of God what does the word of God define as fear and doubt fear and doubt is simply meditating on what the enemy can do in your life so the fear and doubt is what his faith faith is simply meditating on what the Lord is able and will do in your life or has done in your life that part in you that worries so much sometimes when you sit and you look in the ceiling and you have a cold sweat that part of you is the part that meditates to the word of God your body can go on drive I think your body can go on eating food your body can go on watching TV your body can go on working your job working your backyard cleaning your house but you’re mine can still be focused on the word of God I praise God for the lifestyle that my wife and I we have we have a very simple life and what we basically do anytime we have time together will eventually will end up listening to the word of God if we don’t watch it on TV would have to play it on the computer if we don’t play it on the computer she would have to teach me all on how to teach her I would have to bounce off of each other and think about the smell and I have so many things going through my spirit you feel the

way you feel because of what you think you feel the way you feel because of what you think when you feel depressed when you feel sad when you feel bad it’s because of what you think And the Lord told me this if you think about God you can never feel anything less than what the word of God says about you yes sir it’s simple it’s impossible to be depressed when you are grateful when your mind is on the board sit to meditate on the word of God is good now let me just read it to you let’s go to John chapter 14 verse 26 John chapter 14 verse 26 John chapter 14 verse 26 but the helper the Holy Spirit whom the father will send in my name he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance of things that I say to you look at that very last word very last line and bring to your remembrance All things that I say to you he will bring to your mind all things that I have said to you let me give you a practical scenario on how the scripture applies to us on a daily life I have been doing a systematic study of the word of God and I have done a word search of the word of God word study study just a word and I have also done a topical study of the word of God. See so many things that I read in the word of God I’ve forgotten some of them my mind has moved on but the word of God is a seed it remains planted in me even if my mind can’t remember it right the second it’s there the information is already stored up in my spirit Jesus sees this the Holy Spirit will always bring to your your remembrance the word of God see like tonight the things that I’m sharing with you last week the things we shared last Sunday with Pastor Chris Macedon The Sunday before the things that 10 minutes done if we’re honest most of the things that we shared last week and the weeks pass already forgotten them well the truth is you haven’t forgotten them they stored up in a compartment in your spirit goes the word is a saint Jesus say you plant the seeds in there that will be a day if you just keep your mind stayed on the Lord the Holy Spirit will quicken what are the things that makes it go now I remember why he said that oh I remember seven years ago Bruce say this now I remember 12 years ago when Jim said that Jesus said those somebody’s excited tonight the Holy Spirit will bring to remembrance the word of God see brothers and sisters one when we say be in the word of God you should not it doesn’t have to be a burden to you you know what mad if I go a day without opening my Bible I’m gonna feel guilty If that’s the approach you have then you need to to renew your mind that’s not how it’s supposed to be I read the word of God a lot I don’t really know if there’s a day that goes by without me reading the Bible I read the word of God a lot and like you know the word of God is always fresh the things that you’ve read over and over they always

fresh so most like anytime really I wonder if I’ve ever read that exactly but if you go out sometimes and you haven’t read the word of God and to three days you could still be in the word how is that possible if you’ve been meditating if you’re meditating that explains why am a Christian man can be in jail for five years and still be in the word of God every single day without reading the word without reading the Bible how is that possible the Holy Spirit will bring to you She remembers the things that I said see this is why it’s important to meditate on the word of God because you get in a position where you are asked the question all you are dealing with us with some thing in that specific moment the Holy Spirit will bring to remember some thing that you had totally forgotten man I wonder how come I haven’t thought about this it’s always been and you meditating the word of God is very important this is how you keep your heart on fire for God this is how you’re not like her as a chapter 26 verse three says the Lord will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on him because his trust in him how do you keep your mind stayed on the roadmap meditate on the word of God when you meditate always ask a question why what when who always ask those questions the Lord I don’t know if you also have this Relationship with the Lord but I do have this relationship with God I was ask a question not verbally but in my mind your mind always speaks out loud I wonder why who did you address this were to win what what for how do I do this and the spirit always answers he always answers your mind always need to be fed the word of God oh man this God when I say that you feel the way you feel because of what you think it came to me as a revelation it’s something that I know I’ve heard other men of God minister on these many many times that you feel the way you feel because of what you think about but until I was faced with issues dumb like all I know some some person that I used to work with and I just thought this person was a jerk I was thought this person was a jerk No I told another coworker I think this person is a jerk but that’s what my mindset is

but my spirit is telling me that I have to be careful because this person may actually be the coolest person on this entire job but my mind tells me the skies this person is a jerk but my heart is telling me otherwise my heart is telling me be careful no person may actually be the coolest person on this entire place now I know my mind was in the flesh and my spirit was saying another side of that person anyway so anytime I looked at that person when they were in the room or go on by I’ll do always feel angry just be mad at this person I’ll come on who is this person until I got closer to that person and I started talking to the person I am turns out to be the coolest person of all my coworkers and I know you are the coolest person And I started telling this person than you know you treat me so good I feel guilty of the way I thought about you and the Lord remembered read about my remembrance reminded me the reason why you felt the anger and the bitterness towards that person it’s because of your fault you thought something that was totally wrong about this person that’s why you felt the resentment and the bitterness see now you see the other but the other side this person you are so excited and I was supposed to work with this other person like three times in a row and then I couldn’t wait to go to work with this person I was like silent and just say that you feel the way you feel because of what you think you know most of us in this room I know we all live in this town we are slammed with all kinds of things ups and downs ups and downs sometimes we feel like man was God sometimes will feel mad sometimes I feel upset you feel mad upset because of the way you think You don’t feel mad upset because that’s when your spirit that can’t be true the word of God says in Galatians out the fire was 22 the fruit of the spirit you’ll see a born-again spirit is always love joy peace self-control gentleness you always have the 24 seven if you feel anything contrary that means you’re not meditating on the word of God you can’t be meditating on the word of God and not have the joy of the Lord fill the floor through you I remember last year when I was going to go to Nigeria had already sent my passport to Washington DC to the embassy the time they’ll give me the list so you remember him and I was getting discouraged because it was getting me nowhere I was only two days away from my from my passport came from my trip I already booked the ticket in that spot wasn’t there and I remember

that Wednesday we even prayed and you told me and my wife was telling me Just be quiet just be quiet the passports going to be here don’t be in the flesh the Lord knows it is the Lord open the door nobody can close it I felt bad and I felt bad and then I go home to the mailbox the password was there why did I feel mad and sad and bad I felt mad saying that because of the way I think if you start meditating if you keep your word on the word of your mind on the word of God you can never be sad down the price that’s excuse me for the time excuse me for the time but that same night when I got the passport I was coming from work and the policeman pulled me over and now I have not done anything wrong nothing wrong at all and so I was upset why would this man pulled me over here so he pulled me over just wanted just a random check how are you just just random check and eventually we started talking about the word him God and I feel now bad because this man is a Christian and has he’s asking me so what are you doing mobile actually my heart is beating fast I’m going on a mission trip to Nigel Billy that’s awesome because I also I’m praying about going to Mission I’m in a mission trip to Thailand Malaysia but my wife doesn’t want me to go she doesn’t feel the same way I ended up ministering to this police man who pulled me over and made me upset anybody and he gave me his number so you know what you should talk to me when you come back and give me some advice on a mission trip and my job and if I’m doing the right thing see God’s giving me an opportunity here to connect with another brother but I’m feeling mad I’m feeling bad because my mind one time what is this jerk pulling me to the side you feel that’s the way you feel because of what you think now what if you thought about the word of God you’d be Feeling the word of God you’d be in the word of God 24 seven so that’s the last of the fourth way to study the word systematically topically word search and meditation of the word of God I hope this word bless you and then you can study it be in the world for yourself and believe me we’re getting somewhere man thanks so I’ll be here next week Wednesday better when I’m not here just check on my wife encourage her to check on Silas encourage him and Gabby encourage them and they are your family so I love you all God bless I am at thank you amen

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