The Christian Family Part 1
The Christian Family Part 1
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Let me release what I believe is in my heart from the Lord and so I’m going to talk to you today hopefully I can finish it today if I do not finish it today I will continue next week as the Lord would have it he just prompted it in my heart so much that I just have to to obey to the Lord so what I want to talk to you today it’s not really much of a doctrinal issue it’s a practical thing on where you live and I’m gonna be talking about the Christian family the Christian family so I’m not gonna be showing you more words in Hebrew or Greek or Latin but I will speak in your language and the things that I will be dealing with will be about dating about marriage about parenting about divorce and about sexuality and if you have your children I hope Can you kill you keep your children around when I start talking about sexuality because it’s good for your children to know that sex is not taboo and they better learn it from Pastor Eddie done learning from JoJo in the school or learn it on the Internet and get the mind all corrupted and all twisted the things I will talk to you I won’t probably get into the sexuality part today I just wanted to pry me a little bit and now I want to remind you are my husband and my father and I’d like my kids to be here to know that sex is godly and they need to learn it because what do you like it what do you like it or not your kids will learn about sexuality they better learn it from you rather than learning it on the iPhone on the computer on Facebook or in the school I see that I’m tempted to just go talk about sex right away Other things away in the school so we’ll talk about it there’s so many things going on in the world we live in today I know of Christians who were once married or not married today what does the Bible say about those people one day just got an hour sitting at the table and we had invited the lady who was a single parent she came in she was eating lunch she told us it’s almost like the church doesn’t care about single parents when they talk about marriage it’s always about those while reading married about some of us who is single how do we cope with the physical needs that are putting a pressure on us and then it open my eyes to see that the church is not really well equipped to talk about matters that really matter it’s so easy to talk about faith it’s so easy to talk about you know rupture Yes 6666 those things are good but I’ll tell you what I don’t need to know more about six in 66661 my house is on fire or when my body is putting unnecessary demand on me what does the Bible say and I will at some point call on your mature understanding I will be making reference to some things in respect to our kids in a language that it will be too high for our kids and Yetta you you’ll probably understand exactly what I’m talking about I’ll be ready in less so the reason why I’m telling you this is you may see a side of fast Eddy’s OKAY so just put your seat belt on and get ready because we will takeoff but that may not happen today so I’m talking about the Christian family and in this series I will include Marriage sexuality parenting divorce and remarriage the family when we talk about family I will be using that word family in a family marriage but I will put it all together some of you in this place when we talk about the family you say well I don’t have a husband I don’t have a wife he doesn’t concern me no no no no what are you are single what are you are married you need to learn this when I got married my father was a polygamist so the things we never talked about my dad and I know no no and being an African father there’s just some things you can never even mention when your dad is around you can’t even because if you try that it’s gonna be hell to pay not only for you but for you and for your mom who taught this morning these things when I came to church and this is just so you know Pastor Eddie no gloves on right in the church the pastor used to tell us anytime Are you as a man as a single man you look at the single woman you should think of it as a snake about a poisonous snake about to bite you run away from women and for the women it will say the same exact thing when you see a man think of it as a poisonous snake about to bite you saw in the house we never talked about real life real marriage sexuality when I went to church it was a taboo subject so I find myself the only thing I know about women it’s what my naughty friends told me it was in school and everything I learned about sexuality about women from my friend it was nothing but disrespectful but it had nothing to do with gods way it had nothing based in the word of God and unfortunately most of us today even who I married those were single The idea we have a marriage about parenting about sexuality is nothing but corrupted is corrupted and now I’m not all sort of churches were if you were married before you can never marry again in the church that will never bless your marriage I know of churches were if you had been divorced before you can never stand in the puppet as an ordained preacher but will as a child of God what does the Bible actually do or say no before I open the Bible I want you to think of it this way marriage family family marriage it’s at three it’s a bit of it’s a biblical issue it’s a cultural issue and it’s a legal issue so when we talk about marriage when we talk about family we have to understand what does the Bible say does what the Bible say go Call with culture that’s what culture say agree with legal authority the things that even though in your culture they may be OK but in the legal system it’s not OK so even though all those issues the Bible may be silent unfortunately welcome to America those things cannot be allowed but they also other things with the Bible doesn’t say yes or no about the Bible doesn’t say you can do this and you cannot do this how do you address all those issues so when we talk about family we talk about marriage it’s a biblical thing it’s a cultural thing and it’s a legal matter let me give you an example we have a brother who beats on his wife all the time she comes to church one heat one day here she’s battered she’s scratched or anything What should the church do in that case well we can advise the men to never do that we can advise the wife to forgive but what does the law of the United States say to pastors when one of the church member has been beaten you advise them with the word of God and you turn them to police call the police on them I know some women who are so secretive that the only thing that I only tell him you know that they’ve been having a problem it’s only when the house is already burned down and it’s normal way to clean this up why didn’t you tell us some people believe that when you are married it’s for better for worse OK that’s OK that’s a good way to say it but what does worse monopoly what does full words mean I did things you can never tolerate in the marriage some people if you ask them a marathon person what Would bring an end to this relationship will point you to only one thing it’s only one thing does the Bible says there’s only one thing that break them in the marriage or there’s more I’ll show you in the Bible right and I want you to know again marriage is a biblical thing it’s a cultural thing it’s also a legal thing you have to balance all three aspects to know that you know that you know that you are on the right track when it comes to sexuality so many people are exposed to TV what they watch it on TV what is being presented is nothing but disrespect upon disrespect upon disrespect you like that extent that a person would view the spouse as a toy don’t come in my bedroom I’m coming just keep the door open keep the door ajar I’m going in there I cannot come in your bedroom but does the Bible go in your bedroom Yes the word goes inside your bedroom have you read the book of souls Solomons lately it goes inside your bedroom one day we had a brother in the church he was an event at the sky was on fire for God his wife was a singer she was amazing one morning she came to church cry the brother had lost it in Big Dipper app which is wrong real men don’t lay hands on that women in real women don’t lay hands on them in anyway in the snow negotiators about this we will all theory assignment the blood is rushing the pastor took me and the other brothers will look in the church the guys will look at a bigger like we’re going to go teach this Melissa walk in there will find a man of God he had the Bible in hand it in the sand and he was crossing in his mouth anyway so we kind of called off and when he told us what had to inspired we didn’t know what to do And I remember the past to say I would’ve done worse than my brother. So yes he will try to go right I’m just throwing all this stuff all around bedtime let’s go first of all to the book of Psalms chapter 127 sounds 127 will read everything on it so verses one through five unless the Lord builds the house they labor in vain who build it unless the Lord God the city the watchmen stays awake and then it is rain for you to rise up early to set up late to eat the bread of sorrows for so he gives his beloved sleep behold children heritage from God from the Lord for the fruit of the womb is a reward like arrows in the hand of a warrior so are the children of ones you happy is the man who has his quiver full of them the Bible says get more kids literally that’s what he sees My wife asked me how many kids are we going to have when we get married I told her no more than 12 but we got to three and then she gets thrown in the towel so they shall not be ashamed they shall speak with the enemies in the gate the Bible tells us here unless the Lord builds the house they labor in vain who build it what the Scripture means is this marriage and relationship dating everything unless it’s founded on God’s principle you may read books you may go to seminars you may go to conferences you are wasting your time and I tell you Man damn movies damn movies about people who found love movies about people who portray what is what a perfect house looks like what good dating looks like I have watched some people who make me look like bandit I miss it so much welcome to nobody told me how to treat my woman like that the same people who betrayed those things on TV that depressed In real life they can’t hold onto the only believe in the one relationship the Bible he tells us unless it’s founded on the principles of God you’re just wasting your time everything about the household must be based on the word of God does God have something to do or something to say about your relationship does God have a word to say the reason way that seems agreeable perfect for a man but the ender off is a distraction what does God actually say about relationships what does God say about dating I know that there’s some people who say you can never marry a man who you’ve never dated for a year but I’ve seen people who did it for five years and I couldn’t stay married for three years and then I know some people will never even had date another woman the woman Was on the other side of the world somebody saw her I appreciated her suggested her to him and they stayed married for life in the Bible we have the story of a man called Isaac is found in Genesis chapter 24 Isaac never saw Rebecca is that Abraham commissioned as a servant Eli is a go find a woman for my my son yes it’s in the Bible when they met kid never seen this woman he didn’t even know if she was pretty if she was not pretty the things I would call criteria today what is a good husband he hast to be tall dark and handsome pool God bless you brother you know Jessica struck gold when she got this one right in town but the truth is this in marriage and relationship If you are a nonbeliever right and if the word of God doesn’t mean anything you’re free to do whatever you wanna do go to whatever you wanna do go to Merriwether you want to do even an animal that’s up to you nobody’s gonna mind you there but if you want the Lord to be the foundation if you want to go to build a house for you let me give you what the word of God sees all these external factors that people have today about he has to be a certain way and she has to be she has to meet she needs to have this physical argument to have to be this big old a small this whatever that means it’s got nothing to do with the Lord Isaac when he met Rebecca he didn’t even know what he was finding what he was was getting into and yet he stayed with that Rebecca until the day he died I know some people from like India when they get married they don’t use their own wives someone chooses the wife and they stay with the wife until they die You make all that person awkward but he’s happy and he lives fine one of the most stupid thing off I hear people say why did you marry this woman or why do you marry this lady because I love them let me tell you something love is the wrong reason why you should get married pool unless the love you talking about is the agape love but would love what you talking about why are you marrying him I love him so much brother it takes more than love to have a marriage it takes more than love to have a relationship there is nothing you can do to stop me loving you are you kidding me send the last email to say who went to jail there’s nothing you can do to stop me loving is it almost like we say we love our children unconditionally what a stupid your kids need to know that when they miss behave they will get there will be consequences How to love you for me to be when I need to be is a father or a mother to you I don’t have to love you unless the love we talking about is the love of God but if we talking about love what is love anyway brother why did you why did you marry your wife because I love her are you sure you really love her when you love yourself most people say I love this woman they love them selves and that’s why you want her to look a certain way that’s why you want her to sound a certain way because of her it’s because of you how she she’s gonna make you look like in front of the world call you don’t love her oh no shoot no sugar added right I’m tempted to say another something In the bedroom but I’m not going to go there yet unless the Lord builds a house they live in Van Hook build it haven’t you ever had friends who when you look at them you thought man these guys are into each other man and yet the head of each other with a passion doesn’t mean that I know now he’s a very old man he was married before that marriage didn’t work he moved on in the second marriage he came in with his children two kids from the previous marriage the woman was lovely she was beautiful it was great at first after a while the plastic fell off right the masquerade fell off it washed away a true self came out she turns out to be really bad yet the man always treated her with dignity anytime he was on a trip he came back with a gift he came back with a flower without a purse With a monetary gifts with jewels with colognes it always gave her things you know she didn’t love him the kids no she didn’t love him so one day his kids out of love with and dad are you doing that what are you keep this woman why do you go on your trip come back bring her a gift she doesn’t love you when dad sees yeah she doesn’t love me but she treats you people good she’s been a good mother to you she may not be a good wife to me but for you she’s good I don’t give her the gifts because she loves me but because she loves you guys when you look at the reason why some people walk away from a relationship you want to have they read the Bible really what makes people go into most relationships a day it’s what they see in movies and watch a romantic movie I mean how can you not Watch a Will Smith movie and not fall in love with the next bill you see you watch your brother what is a guy I don’t think Julie’s is a husband or ex-husband I don’t even know these people is it husband or ex-husband and you won’t how can a man leave this one because you as a child of God you have to read the fine again what is love what is love do you love the person or do you love what the person brings to the table in this country today when you have money they will tell you why your lawyers don’t marry a woman without making her sign and print off what does that mean I love you but my stuff is my stuff you cannot touch this and she also may also make you sign a prenup know You are in a church you don’t spend time in the word the word of God doesn’t mean much to you you actually spend more time in the world then you spin spin in gods word how would you build a solid relationship how would you raise a good family if this is not the basis upon which you live when you go in locker rooms or when the guys get together right and you hear what you guys talk about women bad it’s it’s very disrespectful spell there this retrospect full to most women to most guys women are just things women just thinks it was a Jewish or psychoanalysis called a Sigmund Freud he said men’s frustration is tied to his sexual needs in fact he say most men spend most of the day thinking about Out of that activity that’s all that they’ve got on my mind nothing more in fact my kids are here I’m all right unless the Lord builds the house they build the labor in vain those who build it no marriage and relationship is gods idea it’s not men’s idea men did not start this at this business about the help of having a relationship but why did God start this business let’s go to the book of Genesis chapter 1 and let’s say some thing remember two weeks ago I told you the Lord said it’s not good for man to be alone so God did not want you or me to be alone fuck let me tell you this the worst thing to ever happen to a human being is to be alone you were not created to be alone no to be alone means nobody appreciates you for who you truly Do you know there’s so many people who are married I still alone very alone and very guarded the wife doesn’t know this man and the woman does not this the man doesn’t know this monster because her wife there’s a show called monster in law or something like that yeah but God God said it’s not good for man to be a long is he if you are not ready to appreciate the other person then you are not ready for marriage and now I realize that some of the people who have been married 20 3050 years you’ve never been married because marriage for you was never based on the principle of the originator of marriage what you think of marriage is what you had watched in the movie and that was not married that’s not what God said that’s not what we got said in the book of Genesis chapter 1 let’s read verse 27 God created man in his own image in the image of God he created him male and female he created them let’s stop right there nobody’s here when we talk about a man God sees a man is both male and female so when we say we talk about man love man man according to God man is male and female that’s what God calls me fuck if you hold your finger here and you go to Genesis chapter 5 you read verses one through 28 says this is the book of the genealogy of Adam in the day that God created man he made him in the likeness of God he created them male and female and bless them and called them men in the days that were created that’s Genesis chapter 5 verse one and two when God created man what God calls men it’s both male and female but I want you to know this now in verse 28 something what it says in Genesis here chapter 1 verse 28 I’m going somewhere and I Want you to catch me there then God bless them and God said to them be fruitful and multiply fill the earth and subdue it have dominion over the fish of the sea of the birds of the air of every living thing that moves in the earth and God said see I have given you every herb that he’ll sit with her which is on the face of the earth and every tree in Halls Fruitville said to you is so deep for food when God created man right he quit man and man is male and female bless them he gives them the earth that means real estate that’s almost like a father when he has a child because the house because the food you give them the Blessing give them authority he met the CEO manager whatever you want to police people know he gives them every single thing when God created Adam Adam I need of nothing nothing nothing in fact that’s why you should get married that’s why you should be in a marriage why for nothing why do you love her for nothing what do you love him for nothing the moment your place or thing with the person you have a role in the purpose here is a man and a woman that’s still single he created them male and female they’re not even a couple yet yes he’s given him everything so that’s when they get together they don’t get together for some thing they get together for nothing what do you love your wife she’s the prettiest thing ever what if she was ugly would you still marry her who may why do you love this guy he’s tall ha ha ha ha Talking handsome what if he was ugly short and fat would you marry him call me are you kidding me can you have a man who has everything a woman who has everything yet they come together I tell you man some women would be with you as long as you have money in other words if that same money you have was actually in this other guy building been with this other guy but not with you who cares about you what I want is what you have it’s amazing how people describe the spouse why do you like your spouse is educated but if he was not educated do you marry his education why do you mean why did you marry him some people only marry because you are from my hometown but why Should you be with somebody for no reason for no reason say when I am with you for no reason and there’s nothing you can do to get rid of me what is that called it’s called selfless love it’s called agape why does God love you have you noticed in the Bible that marriage in Ephesians 5 is compared to the relationship Christ has with the church why does he love you that’s why you should be married in a relationship some people what they want is physical gratification with what comes with the marriage and use your mature man here but if you are a man like me the older you get right the capacity to perform starts to go a little bit down And at some point you have to go to the chemist or to the pharmacy to get some thing there and they get a point were even nothing from there it won’t work for you and usually it’s around that time right usually it’s around the time right but the woman now starts to go up a little bit but why are we together it’s not for physical gratification I heard the story of my wife has this young man Jewish man ask his grandmother grandma what happens in the bedroom between you and grandpa what what happens between you and grandpa in the bedroom what do you guys do and grandpa said grandma said nothing I thought so nothing nothing nothing how do you have my dad then that’s why I told you nothing happens there and grandma said because in the bedroom it’s a place of no thing you don’t bring anything there it’s there for me and him it’s not about some thing it’s about someone most of us or mine have been corrupted in such a way that we see others as toys or my pleasure we see others as a ticket to something and because of that we have never appreciated that person is the person you want God God made Adam and Eve and dog them with all the blessings I hate they still need each other now I want you to notice this when when God made them right he bless them with automatic Eve what was even going to do for Adam nothing what’s the score is right that’s right what what he was going to cook for her poem God made it in such away in the garden that things were not an issue I can’t tell you how many men go to bed every night crying thinking that she love me and that she loves how many women go to bed thinking does he love me or does he love my body because if you were a woman right when you were younger right you’re like Africa full of potential unexplored oh you know what I’m going out right now stop it all go but the more you grow right you graduate from being there Becoming like India and there’s a time will you be like Europe old X OK OK the point is this we need to reframe our mind on relationship if you have a spouse right now look at them for who they are and keep reminding yourself it’s not like something they can give to me if you got a guy what does the Bible tell you as a man Ephesians 525 love your wife like Christ loved all the church and offered himself all for yourself or somebody say nobody loves me that’s why I want to be married no you don’t want to be married you want to be loved you are confusing love and marriage you just said it in your mouth nobody loves me that’s why I need to get me a brother if you’re getting married to find love Who are the wrong place the best love anyone can give you is your mother if you truly want love you need a mother you don’t need a wife you don’t need a husband that’s what you need you need a mommy you don’t need love one guy with these two guys wanting to go to see the preacher and tell the preacher we love each other so much as well now we need to be married to what are you talking about if you already love each other what do you need marriage then what I’m trying to tell you is this unless the love you’re talking about is the love of God the agape selfless maybe you’re talking about something else you just calling it love because the word love in the Greek language could mean romance it’s called Eros ER OS most people and they say I love them in a rose am I saying the right way Antonios erotic I need to be careful here yeah yeah so what you most people have in mind it’s a Ross know when it comes to even sexuality itself it should never be abused it has to be a beautiful thing that that you are prepared for in the hole in the Bible right sexuality is portrayed like kings and queens when you read in the Bible you notice the kings and queens never slept in the same room the king slept in the kings chambers and a queen slept in a prince chambers and when the king wanted the snow hits his queen went there without a bodyguard it was a symbol of humility he’s going after her is vulnerable he’s desiring her not the crown nothing else That was a picture that was an image that God was trying to show us that even the sexuality should be appreciated it should be a gift that we appreciate when you watch movies man all the movies people do all kinds of things and it’s Monday and men have no respect for them self as women are abused in and things like that in our sons our daughters need to learn this if you have a son like we have Emmanuel yes to grow with that in his mind a woman is a princess she’s a queen we respect her not other kids in the school Emmanuel they can talk about women whichever way they want or you are a child of God what does the word of God say about women they need to be respected even if you’re married today some of you man you are you are married and yet you are single because you don’t Know what to be married means you think to be married I’m gonna have a small way or it’s gonna be hard for everybody in this house no no to be married is a place of vulnerability I’m hoping I’m saying that word correctly it’s a place where you are vulnerable you all for yourself you appreciate that there’s something to wear has God has created women it’s as if the women were created to remind us or help of how precious intimacy is most guys they don’t care about you know ABC D they just wanna go straight back yeah you get what I’m saying right they don’t care about a BCD they don’t care about let’s talk in the morning with ABC until we get to the evening so now we can go to wax YZ know I don’t care about ABC D let’s go to XYNZ The Lord put that in the women to remind all of us of how this is a gift this is a gift all these little things should mean Sunday most guys don’t care about those in our flowers in the rolls and the candles who cares about that stuff off now let’s just go straight to the point I have a long day tomorrow because we think of sexuality with think of relationship as something it’s not something like that so let me show you one scripture but I want you to to go home with so when Adam was made noticed that Adam had everything when he was made you’ve had everything there is a term when you see someone going after someone who has money they called him a Golddigger he was not a Golddigger she was the daughter of the most high God she was endowed of the blessing even as much power And yet as much wealth as they had the one thing that was missing was each other was each other does it make sense no let’s go to Genesis chapter 2 verse seven and I want you to talk to pick up just a few things here and load that foreman out of the dust of the ground and break into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living near fish living soul now let’s go jump not verse 20 all the way through 24 so Genesis chapter 2 verse 2224 so Adam gave names to all cattle to the birds of the air and do it ever be so the field before Adam there was not found a helper comparable to him and the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam and he slept and he took one of his ribs close up the flash in it Place then the rainbow is the Lord God had taken from the man he made it into a woman and he brought her to the man and said and Adam said no balls on my bones play some more flesh she shall be called woman because she was taken out of mine therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and being joined to his wife and the two shall become one I want you to notice that when God created man he pulled him out of the dust and the woman was not there God is building this man and the woman has no idea when it’s now time for God to make a woman the Lord just sedate Adam put him to sleep how God opens the rib cage we don’t know Adam did not say it makes the woman we don’t even know how long this took it could’ve been one minute is it in one week it probably took a whole year I don’t know The Bible doesn’t say that but one thing we know he was not there when Adam was created what ever God spoke to Adam it was between God and Adam the two of them would like this one that also pulled in if Adam was not there we don’t know if God pulled Adam the rib from Adam here and made it to you or he pulled his here and went way across the earth we don’t know but we know Adam didn’t even know how God made the woman when the woman opened up her eyes and she looked at the Lord we don’t know what the woman and God said I’ll talk about all we know is the Lord spoke to her in the Bible says he brought her that means the woman walked with God to the man whatever happened between the woman and add and God it was just the two of them so we have a man who got takes care of him here we have a woman got a score of her here And the finished product is what God brings them here is he in here in the world today we have a stupid saying that says this shit is my better half how can you be Jessica is not my better half because I am not half the man I am of all package man loaded from top to bottom side to side fuck I tell you when people say also opposites attract no opposite do not attract how can opposite attract and God sees two men cannot walk together except they be a green you are the woman you are not half men know as a woman you are fully loaded you are complete you are the thing you are built in from top to bottom you miss nothing you like nothing and a man also like that when you bring two Please things together to complete parts together do you have a marriage the problem we have today most people have never been well taken care of you have a man was very dysfunctional who understands nothing about love Wollaston nothing about finances nothing about parenting and a woman also like that and they bring together man you want to find some of the hardest issues people have it it’s one is it OK if I use the rest of the year me Mr. above me had a relationship with Mrs. XYNZ they loved each other whatever that means stupid end or they had enough issues she hurt him so much that he is wonderful life now when he meets you miss him mixer Currently misses a beat on me he brings the same baggage from that on that monster in here it starts to put the trash on her we have a problem we have a problem some people are not ready for relationship I have seen like a woman because she was hurt in this one relationship that’s why she wants another one you don’t want a relationship that is called revenge God created man and he created woman and he brought them together that means you as an individual must be taught by God correctly must be taught correctly but I got one of the other stupid things I used to say and this was all you know how to stop and pick up line a best way to get to a woman why do you love me so much because you remind me of my mom That’s why I love you remind me just like my mom that’s stupid what are you even talking about what what are you a pervert what you feel mom she is her you are you God wants us to come together understanding who God is so when I say that a man has to be well taken care of what am I talking about from this day forward start to do a personal study what does love mean to you what does Merrick mean to you what does your spouse mean to you your understanding of love is it the same as Hollywood or is it what the Bible teach what is your understanding of relationship love according to the word of God the proper way should actually be intimacy No in closing in three minutes let me tell you the last thing the worst thing in any relationship the worst the worst there’s about a lot of bad things are the worst thing in any relationship you know what it is it is sex look at me please don’t be to Holiday Inn don’t have that I speak in town called Joltin South the worst thing in any relationship and sex you were never meant to have sex sex is wrong sex is bad and yeah and that’s your problem you have a lot of sex and that’s not OK God never designed men and a woman to have sex that’s why sexuality in marriage is actually holy it’s a holy act sex is an honor Holy app sex is a thing that people do or gratification feel good but the first time we see physical intimacy between Adam and Eve the Bible does not say an Adam had sex with his wife the Bible sees an Adam know if there is a difference between to know your spouse and to have sex to no means to be intimate and that’s what God created man and woman for it was for physical intimacy not for sex that’s not a dirty word OK my son is here where my daughter is here to come on but my wife is here wife is yet to come on what’s the matter with you God wants us to have a Mercy intimacy means I do not compare you with any other person I don’t have to leave to an expectation sex is performance-based I’m not gonna go too much into that sex is performance-based intimacy is love intimacy is you are all that matters it’s not about this it’s about you it’s about you intimacy means I belong to you I don’t belong to other people I don’t have anything to prove to you you belong to me some guy was married for over 25 years and he told his wife Mary hi Mary do you love me answer How do you love me she said I cook for you I was your clothes I bought your kids raised them did everything for you so what are you asking what more do you want I’m asking do you love me Mary said I don’t need to love you I belong to you man that’s not the man I had tears in his eyes understood what that meant that’s how God created us that’s what Adam actually saying here bone of my bones left off my flashlight and she belongs to me I belong to her maybe other beautiful women out there that may be more handsome out there God bless them but I don’t belong to them they don’t belong to me I belong To you and if I belong to you I don’t have a guilty towards you you are who are you are all I have I am all you have remember what Ruth told Naomi what would I go what do you sleep I’ll sleep will you eat a eat will you die I die he said that’s that’s actually how God created us when when when you have the concept even that intimate moment you are with you are with your your loved one it becomes more meaningful you’re not thinking about another person you are not here to get something you are here to bless the other person amen