Spiritual Warfare The Case of Job
Spiritual Warfare The Case of Job
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I’ve been teaching just about spiritual warfare of course talked about that Satan the one that we call Satan was not always as evil as he is when God created him he was a good angel and his name based on the book of Isaiah chapter 12 verse 14 he was known as Lucifer who which simply means the barrier the bearer of the barrier the bearer of light the only power that he has is the power of deception because of what Jesus did on the cross when Jesus died on the cross redeemed us from under the power of Satan not only did he get us out of the power of Satan but he also crushed the devil when you go back to the book of Genesis chapter 3 verse 15 the first prophecy the first prophetic word that was given by the Lord was about the destruction annihilation of Satan In Genesis chapter 3 verse 15 the Lord talked about health there will be hatred in the empty between the snake and the woman the seed of the woman would crush the head of the snake he was of course talking about how Jesus first of all would be born through a woman virginal birth of Jesus and how Jesus’s death will ultimately end in the destruction of the crashing of the head of the snake and that of course happened over 2000 years ago when Jesus died on the cross and Jesus in John chapter 16 verses eight and nine he talked about how when the Holy Ghost comes which we know he’s already come he will convince the believers he will convince us of sin of righteousness and judgment and talking about judgment Jesus said because the prince of this world has already been judge So the devil has already been charged we are not just fighting an enemy like the one who’s always portrayed around Halloween some people will trade the devil is this fire breathing angel who has so much power that you are nothing just a worm chicken at the snap of a finger destroyer no that’s not him according to the word of God Colossians chapter to read it pulsates that when Jesus died and rose from the dead he exposed publicly the principalities the demons the minions and he literally stripped the devil off of all his powers and the word that Paul uses it to make a public exhibition of the devil like he in Paul’s him on the board like you’re the expert some thing nail it on the board and present it to everybody to cc he’s zero Yes he has no powers and two to make it even worse to just keep on exposing him Peter came to say that he is just a roaring lion roaring around yeah he can still destroy yes he can still hurt but he only heard those when it’s over so in first Peter chapter 5 verse eight he says that be sober because your enemy the devil rolls around like a roaring like a lion seeking whom he may devour he doesn’t just about anybody he devours those who are not sober then talking about spiritual sobriety here at Manchester live your life according to the word of God don’t give him a chance in your life he depends on your carelessness he depends on your ability to invite him out to keep on a far off so we went on I’ve already covered like 33 weeks worth of teaching just him talking about exposing him and also showing up about how fast the believers We are also required to stand forcefully against the enemy last Sunday when I was ministering in church I was talking about aggressive authority the kind of power that the Lord has given us the believers is aggressive authority the enemy doesn’t just take no for an answer he’s like one of those stubborn dogs that you keep chasing and he keeps coming back he keeps coming back until you grab a stick or put your foot down put your foot forward and tell him back off then he goes but he’s very stubborn he keeps poking at you keeps poking at you and just see how long you can tolerate him and if you put up with him well guess what he’s going to stick around for long as you’re going to put up with it that’s why in the word of God you notice a Jesus would not just discuss with the enemy or debate with him he would review Kim he would lift his voice and say hey back off now get out of here and things are the way we are Conduct our lives as far as spiritual warfare is concerned he’s like policeman at when there’s a little break or when there’s some some jerk on the on the road who doesn’t yield to the road signs there’s a railroad crossing and the signs are flashing to ask everybody to stop in some jerk crosses the speed limit on let’s say like a school zone and the posted signs is 15 or 20 miles an hour 10 miles an hour and some guy just comes there cruising at 35 miles an hour the policeman won’t put up with that he has to make sure that that jerk doesn’t just go to school on Friday he has to be dealt with aggressively and when the policeman goes after let’s say like some guy who is terrorizing the neighborhood the policeman don’t go to beg him they don’t know they don’t go to bed him there’s a show on TV I believe it’s called car No policeman cops do used to be once in a while and watch it now to see how the police would engage dogs to go after this person and you should see how they take these people out of their vehicles if you’ve taken the policeman on a wild ride man one state they closing on you you’ll be sorry you’ll be sore they have the helicopter on you they jump on you with a German Shepherd and even if you had your hands up and say I’m sorry they don’t take your sorry for your excuse this part is gone on too long then grab him and you should see how sometimes the whole these jerks on the on the on the asphalt I’m in the police man will put his knee right on that man’s neck before hand Catholic and that kind of attitude is the attitude that we do believers should have Jesus has called us to be spiritual law and forces know think of a cop think of a cop A policeman who doesn’t even know the law the police man who doesn’t know the law who just doesn’t care the law says that if you go through a school zone you shouldn’t go above 20 miles an hour let’s say a policeman they never know about that what kind of law would he enforce saw a policeman’s enforcement of the law is contingent upon his training in the light self he has to understand what he’s up against the house to understand he’s authority he has to understand the principles God is a God of order in the spirit realm they are spiritual laws that controls our lives they are laws of healing laws of prosperity laws of health laws of our parenting laws all kinds of laws with the spiritual law and forces first of all have to learn what are the spiritual laws What are the laws of speaking like Jesus said you shall have whatever you say in my chapter 11 verse 23 and 24 the laws the power of speaking to your mountain the powers that say James chapter 4 verse seven resist the devil and he will flee you know that laws like that what are the laws laws of marriage how the laws of prosperity laws of success all kind of spiritual laws in the word of God let’s say the law offer of happiness that form is the word of God say somewhere Ameri heart a joyful heart does good like medicine that is a spiritual law that we have to enforce let me give you an example for instants Malachi chapter 3 verse 10 says that if we are faithful and giving out ties and offerings the devourer will be rebuilt so if I give my type I have the right to make sure that no devour takes away From me so what would the enemies tactic day he’ll do his best to make sure that the law and forces don’t even know the laws that they are to enforce what I’m saying can be verified by second Corinthians chapter 3 or chapter form sorry voice three and four when Paul writes and sees those who perish those who don’t understand the gospel they simply perish because the god of this age Satan has blinded the understanding of the gospel Satan’s power is the blind us from understanding what rightfully belongs to us he comes Leica like one of those people again who go steal the cops car still or bad poles in like off like up like a cop on the street and things like that so with the believers we have to understand our spiritual laws and I believe it will be a very healthy thing for every church Today in the world to spend time teaching the believers what are the spiritual laws that are to be enforced by the bye-bye ask the Lord and forces I hope I’m covering so I’m gonna add that teaching that I did Sunday on the website pretty soon but on tonight what I wanna do I want to just take our time here and go slowly slowly and study a case in the Bible which this case has always been portrayed to us as if Satan sometimes not sometimes often times Satan can’t do anything unless God allows him some preachers have even gone far enough to say Satan is God’s messenger boy he does gods dirty work like sometimes when God wants to get your attention and he’s been trying to be kind to you can you took his kindness as weakness he will let the devil loose on you that way the devil Can get your attention I will try to do a show in the word of God but that’s not the case that’s not the case of Coors today or this evening I just want us to go slowly slowly and study the case of Job the case of Job and I think that often it’s it’s one thing to just say well I know God doesn’t let the enemy lose on me but show me with the word of God because the case of job almost seems like Job was a toy in the hands of God and the devil it’s almost like God and the devil gambling on job they took a bit let’s see who’s gonna win and God say I’m going to win and they will say I’m going I’m gonna win and Joe but some of the key was caught up between the games that went on between God and the devil so I just from opening here let me just tell you I believe that God did not let the devil lose on job and I’m here to just read the book of Job just a few selected Pictures to establish the fact and I totally believe that if we establish the fact we will definitely be able to understand what was the point of the book of Job anyway all right let’s go to the book of Job chapter 1 no before I even go in the book of Job I want to to say this when did Job leave this man job when did he leave based on my research I have found out the job lived somewhere between the death of Joseph in the Old Testament and the birth of Moses in the gap between the death of Joseph and the birth of Moses and the reason why I say that is first of all let’s go to the book of Genesis keep your fingers or not Job here trying to the book of Genesis chapter 46 and just say something the first time that the name job appears in the Bible it’s in the book of Genesis chapter 46 here versus 13 that’s the first time that the name of job appears in the Bible the sons of Issachar were taller silver job and Shimron know this is the first time does the name job appears and it appears to be the best medical job here in Genesis and I’m not sure I don’t know I may be right or wrong that he is the same job who is also mention later in the Bible but on Genesis chapter 46 verse 13 Genesis for 46 verse 13 is the car was a Jacobson’s oast jobs hiring Genesis chapter 46 verse 13 would definitely be Grandson and that would definitely put this one job between the death of Joseph and the birth of Moses the reason why I put Joe before Moses it’s because throughout the book of Job you don’t find any reference to the Mosaic law in the book of Job there’s no reference to the 10 Commandments in the F this job here in 46 verse 13 genesis 46 verse 13 is in fact the grandson of Jacob that would put him before Moses another reason why I also say that he lived before between Joseph and Moses it’s because Angel Job chapter 1 here God describes him as the most honest and God-fearing man on all the earth around this time so during his days he was the most God-fearing man on the earth if he indeed was the most fearing God Cheering me on the first of the earth that means he couldn’t have lived around the same time with Joseph because Joseph was a God-fearing man he couldn’t have lived a generation before which would be Jacob all the generation before which could be at we should which would be Isaac all the generation before which would’ve been Abraham does all those people were God-fearing people during jobs time he was the only the most God-fearing man on the face of the earth and of course this is just me talking here but damn just to give you a background that all right let’s start now Job chapter 1 starting from verse one will just read all the way to verse 12 there was a man in the land of Oz or ours whose name was job and that man was born was an upright and one who fear God and Sean evil seven sons and three daughters were born to him also his position We’re 7000 sheep 3000 camels 500 Yogo Foxen 500 female donkeys and a very large household so I saw that this man was the greatest of all the people of the east and his sons would go and face in their houses each on his appointed day and that would even send an invite to there’s three sisters to eat and drink with them so it was one of the days of fasting and run the course the job with sand and sanctify them then he would rise early in the morning and will offer a burnt offerings a calling to the number of them all for jobs said it may be that my sons have send and cursed God in their heart that job but the regular line for six now that’s when the trouble starts now that was a day when the sons of God came to present them self before them What I said and also Kim among them in the Lord say to Satan from where do you come so Satan answered the Lord and say from going to Anthro on the earth and from walking back-and-forth on that notice that I was just walking around in the world then the Lord said to say have you considered my servant Job that there is not like him on earth that’s the point I was making a blameless and upright one who fears God and sons evil set an a response so Satan answered the Lord and said does does job feel God for nothing have you not made a hedge around him around his household and around all that he has on every side you have bless the work of his hands and his possessions of increase the land but now stretch out your hand and touch all that he has he will surely curse you to your face and the Lord say to Satan Behold all that he has is in your power only do not lay a hand on his person so Satan went out from the presence of the board let’s just keep reading now there was a day when his sons and daughters were eating and drinking wine in their oldest brothers house and the messenger came to the job and said the oxen were plowing in the donkeys feeling beside them when the hard name sapiens read them and took them away indeed they’ve killed his servants with the age of the sword and I alone of them escaped to tell you while he was still speaking another Kim and said the fire of God from Phil from heaven and burned up the sheep and the servants consumed them and I alone have a script to tell you while he was speaking just noticed that this man is still talking and the second one shows up with a bad news is if there is no Another thread that shows up with a bad news and he say the Chaldeans form from three pens rated the camels and took them away yes and killed the servants with the age of the sort and I alone have a scape to tell you while he was still speaking a fourth guy shows up and he says your sons and daughters were eating and drinking in the oldest brothers house and suddenly a great wind came from across the wilderness and struck the Falcons of the house and it fell on the young people and they are dead and I alone have a scape to tell you then Joe burrows toys are all share this head fell to the ground and worship look at that visit her an attitude for guys within maybe 15 minutes your sons 10 kids die in the first instinct this man said I’m going to worship God and check what he said Naked I came from my mothers womb naked shall I return there the Lord gave the Lord has taken away Blessed be the name of the Lord now look at verse 22 in all this Job did not sin or charge God with wrong I love that that that that very last word Job Job here did not assign all his calamity all his troubles to God to him it was not God hurting him the story here starts of course by talking about job and just how much the Lord has blessed him this man was walking in the world in you know according to in the fear of the Lord he was walking honestly and in the way of integrity and the Lord just increase this man guess what the enemy at that time would go around On the world checking out everybody check it out everybody then the enemy know this job and he started thinking about job and on the ways to hurt him because this man is so blessed this man isn’t crazy this man makes God look good how can I destroy him the enemy of the flies a plane in himself I’m gonna bring this man down I’m gonna go out there and destroy him so one day the angels of God present them selves before God and I just want you to follow that logic because it’s it’s awesome man this is incredible angels of God come before God maybe to give them a report I don’t know what they were doing at least to give him a word or something because angels are messengers guess who shows up among angels Lucifer he shows up in the the Lord looks at him And ask him where you coming from the devil say I was out there in the world running too and fro to and fro just running the streets if you stop right there that’s exactly what Peter tells us about what he does after this day and first Peter chapter 5 verse eight the one I gave you already that your enemy the devil rolls around like a roaring lion the devil is never jobless the devil is never unemployed he never stays home he never takes naps no the devil never entertained himself he constantly goes out there looking for whom he may hurt that’s what he does and Peter repeat exactly what job does OJ Job says here that the enemy would was out there roaring let me just stop writing and tell you my friends the enemy keeps you very close he actually gives you way closer before you came to the Lord the enemy kept his eyes on you but the when you said yes to Jesus when you accept him as Lord and Savior when you just decided you know what I’m going to shape up I’m going to just fix my heart on the Lord but I’m just going to disconnect myself with my old life and I’m going to go into a newness of life that day you declared war on the devil and like he did with job he noticed this who is this guy everybody’s crossing the board and doing everything and this man walks in integrity who is he he started thinking about a job and disappoint him I’m gonna get to in a second here the devil started thinking about you And for you personally and all the moments we receive the word of God the moment the seed of the word of God came to us that day we entered in a spiritual warfare and because we have into the spiritual warfare bad things will happen there’s always a question that has been asked many questions why do bad things happen to good people why do bad things happen to good people well because that because good people of questions I should say our inner warfare with the enemy and let me caution you hear bad things don’t just happen because we commit sins no no bad things don’t happen to you because you’re living in disobedience to God for caution Timothy and he said those who wanna walk godly will suck Tribulation if you just start walking right right then you are in a war just remember can enable good bodies before able presented a good sacrifice to God they grew up together and I can’t imagine them being in the twins or big brother and young brother the pro probably played games together they encourage each other and they promised each other to be there for each other until able talk and it’s hot to worship God when he talk to his heart to worship God guess what Ken hated him Satan hated him the moment we put our heart we stay our hutches to follow God trouble start anything I have always said that I can tell if you’re really serving God by how much trouble you get yourself in all the time some people don’t go through as much trouble as you and I go through That’s the devil doesn’t have to worry about them they are actually doing a much better job hurting themselves so that the devil doesn’t have anything to do you know that’s the thing with most Christians sometimes the devil because he’s use ignorance of the word so much he doesn’t even have to fight many Christians because they’re doing a good job but I’m still hurting themselves but we are in a spiritual warfare itself God as the devil here in verse eight then the Lord said to sit and have you considered my servant Job that there’s not like him on the earth blameless and upright man one who fears God and sons evil most people when they read this passage that’s when they start distancing themselves would put the word of God sees people always look at the script as if it’s God who started this whole mess sit and then even want to to attack job It’s God who started why did not even have to mention jobs name here it’s almost I got that job in trouble now that’s not true look again at that word have you considered what does the verb to consider all the world can consider men just what does still consider what do you think is considered exactly I went online to read Websters to switch us to just read about just understanding what does the verb to consider men it meant to pay close attention with the intention to take action that’s what to consider means like for instants brother John tells Chad I am concerned During giving you a job what does human I’ve been thinking about you I’ve been thinking about you and I want to take action and relationship to my thoughts to consider when God has is telling the devil here have you considered my servant Job what is God saying have you been thinking about Job God is actually revealing what Satan’s heart is he’s exposing the devil I know what you hear devil you’ve been considering job you have been thinking about ways to hurt him because he’s blameless because he fears me because he respects me it’s not that the Lord is asking the devil hey go and check out the job know the Lord is telling the devil you’ve been thinking about him haven’t you you’ve been checking him out haven’t you you’ve been thinking intently on him and you are considering taking actions on him that’s what God He’s telling job here and of course it’s true the does the devil said well job isn’t even feeling you the only reason why he walks blamelessly it’s because you have blessed him that’s in verse 10 and verse 11 and I want to stop right there and tell you this that is the true nature of God the true nature of God is to reward those who diligently seek him Hebrews chapter 11 verse six deals us without faith it is impossible to please god because those who approach him must believe that he is a rewarder do you know what pleases God it’s when you come to him believing that he is a rewarder that’s what puts a smile on his face that you know that God will not just take you for a ride for free no God wants you to up Watch him knowing that he’s in his nature he never takes nothing for free he is a rewarder and there’s a point plan insisting on that it’s because this because of this when we come to the Lord we should always always expect that there’s gonna be a light at the end of the tunnel but I’m not gonna go down in the feet I’m not gonna go down do you know like scrambled eggs no I will go down with a reward when God called Abraham he says I am the Lord and your reward shall be great that’s the true nature of God so Satan said no the reason why he loves you it’s because you have a blessed time you’ve put a protection around him you’ve put an age I can’t even touch him but if you allow me to go and destroy him then you will see the contents of his heart no I want you to check this out what the word God response is inverse 12 and that’s awesome and the Lord said to Satan behold all that he has is in your power only do not lay a hand on his person so it went out of from the presence of the Lord I don’t know if you’ve ever read this passage but I want to reveal you something here God did not give Satan power of a job when you read this it’s almost seems that God is telling the devil yes I’ll take the age of protection around all around him and a hand them over to you that’s not what the passage reads no just re-read it and see if you see what I see the lord said to send behold all he has is in your power do you notice the guy didn’t say all he has will be in your power it’s actually right now it is in your power Know what God was telling the devil the devil is a dummy when he stole the authority from Adam he didn’t really understand that the entire humanity was under his power what God is telling us the devil here is this even the job is protected by me and all I have blessed he still under your power do you see that all he has is under your power let me let me say it say this because I’m not communicating clearly job was not saved that’s what God was telling him he’s not redeemed he’s not a child of God he still under the devils power do you know the job is not a Christian he was not spirit filled he was not born again he had not been transferred from the under the power of darkness into the power of light before Jesus came in the world here The human being and everything that every human being had was still under the power of the devil why because when Adam and Eve ate the fruit they literally sold every single human being to slavery and the second power Satan had become the prince of this world the devil sometimes is a dummy he doesn’t know everything what’s the worst thing that there was a genius he’s not a GS job he was not saved… But look at me the tone of voice because if I’m blessed in that job was not saved nobody was safe before the blood of Jesus was physically shit how are we saved Romans chapter 10 verse nine says if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is the son of God and you believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead then we saved job couldn’t have confessed Mouth that Jesus was the son of God nobody knew that Jesus was the son of God in fact before Jesus came on they say nobody even know that God had a son and that’s one of the arguments of Muslims have with us the believers they don’t believe God has a son so job was not saved he was already under the person that’s why God is saying well he’s already on the power saw the devil left out there and he want to hurt him and guess how he did what he did to hurt the damn job he hit him hard his sons are having a party they’re just celebrating these kids are the children of the most the richest man of the east the father is rich he’s build each and everyone of us found a house as they’re eating and celebrating the devil use natural disasters to kill them Want you to notice that often times when the all natural disasters we have a natural tendency to to say well God had to wipe those people that it was an act of God and the job servants also thought it was an act of God the God actually killed his sons read with me because I already read that but I want you to notice that look at verse 16 there while he was still speaking another Kim and said the fire of God for sale from heaven and burn up all the sheep and the servants and consumed them and I alone have a Skype to tell you noticed these people say the fire of God God just open the heavens and killed us for the fire you know that most people any time does a hurricane any time does an earthquake this is where the Lord had to unleash his wrath and these people that’s exam Activate these people had to jump in conclusion but you know what these people fail to realize that the enemy was at work and I can clearly stand on the word of God and I’m not just gonna make a declaration here a statement is for nothing it’s after carefully considering the Scriptures God does not want to use all natural disasters to hurt us it’s us with our lifestyle who open not to the devil if you do a study let me pause there if you do study Matthew chapter 24 when Jesus talks about the earthquakes famines the drought in the last days do you know what will cause that why they’ll be earthquakes Jesus said because lawlessness because Sam will abound in the love of many will wax cold as a result the earth will be destroyed not God not God not God God is not responsible for killing people innocent People with hurricanes with thunderstorms with the earthquakes no he’s not he’s not you have to understand do you know that when you go throughout the whole book of Job everybody is blamed but the devil nobody blame Satan in the book of Job exactly how it happens in our world today when people go through so much sicknesses and through much natural disaster everybody will be blank except for the devil you know than the devil has become like one of these those secret agents who would sneak in the US hurt people and sneak out clean and you start accusing each other and you don’t understand of the mole he’s already left the devil is described in the Bible like a snake when he hears in the grass you can’t even see him the next thing you know he’s already injected the boys are and he’s already on his way out everybody gets blamed even God The Bible gets blamed two in the book of Job and today most believers would still claim the job so it was God who is behind it and people would use the book of Job to go there and rub your hand and say you know what after all nothing happens except the mall allows it no that’s not true God doesn’t allow everything to happen God doesn’t allow people to go out there and rip people know God does not allow kids to go at 16 age 16 years old to go drink all night long and jump in the car go killing everybody that’s not God that’s not God that’s the devil so the way the devil duck go to hurt the job job he went through natural disaster secondly he went through these in verse 15 to say beans and rice 17s the Chaldeans these tribal people the devil will go through human beings even though the devil I need to hurt job do you know the job never saw the Devil face to face no job never saw him how did the Devil her job he went through people I want to edit the enemy sometimes with use people to call you on your phone in case you out to threaten you the devil would use people to ruin your marriage he would use people to run your finances to run your health and you have to understand when is the enemy using people that if you understand it is the enemy using a person to come and get against me that gives you that revelation it reminds you of how much of a law enforcement agent you are and as you see in the book of Job here eventually even his wife will be used by the devil I’m in Java I’m in this guy sick enough this trip naked guess who counts The wife and I don’t just believe that the wife was a minute to hear myself Chris got no I think she came to him give me a hint where is it honey you’ve been a good time but God doesn’t love you God hates you see what God did to you took out precious children look at your body now you’re dying just curse God and die guess what job say you are speaking like one foolish woman should I serve God when I’m in abundance and now that I don’t have anything I should I should walk away see the devil would even go through family members especially because those are closer to us they know our secrets you know when he wanted to hurt Joseph he went through his brothers when he wanna do to attack Jesus we know that the devil has put Jesus on the cross that border building first going to stop to the praise of these world love the prince This world put the son of God on the cross he had to go through people so this is just so revealing how did the devil attack job he went to natural disasters he went through people but also he went through sickness he went through sickness to attack job and let me find that scripture quickly it’s him where it talks about him having the balls and on his body and all that arm yes to seven OK sausage and went out from the praise of the Lord’s truck Joe with painful boils from the soul of his foot to the crown of his head and he took for him self up about share it share it with which to scrape them self while he sat in the middle of the ashes then his wife say to him honey are you still hold fast to integrity first Garden Lot jobs Say to her she speak as one of the foolish woman speaks so we can leave except God from God and I will not except adversity in all this Job did not send with his lips no I want you to realize now the mistakes that job makes in chapter 1 the verse 21 look at the mistake the job makes he said make it I came from my mothers womb make it I shall return there the Lord gave the Lord has taken away stop right there see the moment Job said the Lord gave and he’s taken away he put the blame on God what is trying to say is God is responsible for this but like you and I know God was not responsible the devil had already been roaming the earth he’s already considered job and he’s already gone to heaven and say can you love me and I said come on dummy Power is not safe or power I don’t even need to allow you he is under your path let me come with me to the New Testament quickly go to Colossians chapter 1 verse 13 and 14 Colossians chapter 1 look at the Colossians chapter 1 verse 13 and 14 Colossians 113 and 14 he has delivered us from the darkness or from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the son of his life in whom we have redemption through his blood the forgiveness of sins Jesus the moment you said yes to him my load right then he took it from under the power of the evil one from under the power of darkness and give you redemption do you know what we deem is It means to buy back with him like a ticket Jesus paid for you in such a way that the devil does not have you under silica today today if the devil word which he can’t do it I’ll tell you in a second he went and saw the Lord and say can I go and tempt Eddie the Lord will never tell the devil go because he’s under your power that’s not possible because we are not under his power anymore we are not under his power we’ve been delivered not want you to know results or some thing here in the story of Job have you noticed the thought in the story job is talking to God and Jesus is not in the picture that’s why the devil could come and accuse job and nobody to pray for Joe but guess what for UNI what happened when he died on the cross Presented his blood to the father the word of God says that he is our high priest in such a way that nobody can accuse us Romans chapter 8 verse 33 and 30 forces who are let’s go there who shall be anything to the charge of God’s elect it is God who is he that condemning it is Christ to die yay rather that is risen again who is even at the cost of making intercession for us wrong nobody can come in late charges against you anymore because Jesus not in a seat for a job didn’t have anybody to play this case first John chapter 2 verse one and two first job I want you to read it in your own Bible verse first John chapter 2 verse one and two little children Soon as we got in the advocate problem hallelujah know anybody else would you please go to the Buckle Luke chapter 22 what’s 31 and 32 look chapter 22 Luke chapter 22 verse Psalm 31 and 32 desire to have you but I have prayed for the smell converted Hallelujah all the Scriptures man they just show us how much today the devil can’t just do us like he did Job know because like in the book of Luke Jesus side when Jesus was on this earth the devil made a game to God now we know the story of Job because it’s written in the book of Luke here the devil also went to kill the time disciples of course to 11 disciples because Judas was already taken by the enemy and Jesus saw it and he prayed for them so no you should not have them I have prayed for you that your faith will not fill you in the book of first John chapter till there it’s also shows us the devil today does not go to the father and accuse you know he can’t he can’t because you have an assessor you have it and saw the story of Job when people started still the story job try to justify the reason we know why sometimes the Lord allows evil things in our life why because they haven’t really read it Haven’t really read it there’s one more point to talk like to make before we go and then I’m running also of course behind time here when Job had his predicament he had to be friends the first friend his name is Elias as the second one was on build ad and the third one was so far he wants to hide chapter 2 verse 11 no when jobs three friends heard of Farm I’ll hit list adversity that has come upon him it’s one came from His Own Pl., Eliza is the time in a build out the shoe heart and so far though somebody help me their number tight but the fourth one is a lie It is not mentioned until Job 32 but these three ones when these three guys came to people do a good well-meaning people Elizas and the shortest man in the Bible bill dad and so far they came to job and when they came to accuse job good job it’s about time you open your heart man tell us how come all these things have come to you they all blame job now I’ll just wait let’s just wait quickly chapter 4 verse seven and nine Eliza’s accusers job stop and then do the innocent guy we have the upright destroyed and a breath of God destroys the man if you read this whole chapter for this man laugh as I’m in heels as the The hardest words on this man but the verse seven and none of that selected on this long chapter is simply tell him hey have you ever heard of a righteous man been cut off the alarm first told them experience shows me a fool or an unrighteous man will be destroyed by the breath of God no that’s not the kind of friend they are telling job it’s you you did something wrong vendor of course they shut the shortest man in the Bible take the word and accuse him build out the Schuchart would you please turn to jobs up at eight I just read verses one through 16 you through six not 316 Missy would build that size job eight one through six how long should I warm by now I’ll be like a strong wind just got her Justice against him the cast away for the for the transgression beds on the big locations to go online to pure barre grocery no he wouldn’t wait for the NBA have a Tatian by the righteous prosperous that bill that is like even your kids don’t live in regret about them they probably did something wrong that’s why God cast them away I’m alive has to come job and say you did something wrong experience of show me the people who go through what you go through them as they must confess build that say the same thing your life as would you please turn to Job chapter 11 verse one through six Eliza’s chapter 11 verse one through six so far so far the name height number never thought it said Home speak prunes know they’re poor they got a text from you deserves this man is just telling job like no you you are just being cocky here God isn’t even punishing you as much as you deserve you deserve worse than this job you should have and you shouldn’t even be talking the way we talking so there’s three friends all say the job you were going through what you’re going through because you are a sinner you should confess but That’s one thing but now would you please turn to Job chapter 7 verse 19 through 21 and see what job himself at this point job I’m in the pain is so much and he doesn’t have the understanding of the word that you and I have guess what job I think so his pain what is man 19 through 2119 job 719 yes how long will the album not depart for me or let me alone till I swallow down my spittle I have sent what shall I do is ever amend Y #SetMeAsAMarkAgainstTheUseOfThatIAmABurdenToMyselfWhyDoesDownNotPartOfMyTransgressionAndTakeAwayMeInTheMorningButIShallNotBeInChapter7HereIfYouI’llGiveYouABunchOfScripturesAndIHopeYouWriteThemDownAndYouCan What personal study do you notice that his friends accused him any chapter 7 he himself is accusing God job is like no god this isn’t right I don’t deserve this I have I send why do you burden me with all that’s the thing I’m trying to show here is according to job and his friends the only reason why he’s going through this time it’s because he send against God for him personally he looks in that stuff is a blast let me tell your friends I did not do anything wrong when you go in the discussion in the book of Job you find out that his friend starts ask him have you taken anything from Wedo the do you owe somebody something they just try to make him confess and he’s like no I didn’t do anything wrong God is punishing me here God was not punishing job and the fuck he was not paying for the same job was dealing with Satan know this is where it gets a little bit interesting In the Old Testament the name Satan is only written 19 times the devil is only spoken of 19 times in the whole note Old Testament people in the Old Testament didn’t know the devil I didn’t know the revelation of a thief who comes to kill steel and destroy came in the New Testament it’s us today who know that wait a second we have an enemy who destroys all lives in the old testament it’s only 19 times that the devil is mansion and guess what 11 of those 19 times I’ve written the book of Job two of those 19 times I want a story written ones in the second book of Samuel ones in the first book of Chronicle talking about the same story when the devil moved king David to number the children of Israel and the two other times are written in the book of Zachariah chapter 3 When Satan is accusing the heart breast so the people in the Old Testament didn’t have the revelation of the devil didn’t know that we have an enemy and as as a result they ended up either blaming themselves or blaming God no in the old test in the New Testament today now we can look in the in the spirit realm and see what job was going through it was not the Lord allowing him to be tested it was not the law allowing him to be tested he was the enemy who had considered job and him being the most righteous man on earth he wanted to put him down a job didn’t know that throughout the entire book of Job you find out the job never knew that there was an enemy hurting him and that thing applies to most of us today most of us live our lives as if we don’t have an enemy and I can name it and everyone of us here That’s some of the things that you have gone through some of the things that you are going through right now it’s not the law punishing you it’s not your lifestyle it’s just the enemy hating you it’s just the enemy hitting you and that’s if I had enough time which I don’t have never really mentioned this like Poli apostle when he was ministering the devil put a phone in his flesh not God just hold him down to hold him down when he prayed the Lord showed him who was doing that and to overcome the person what I’m trying to say is this the book of Job was not written to show us that God allows the enemy on our lives God it’s it that’s not in his nature then if you have to take the story of the job as a standard by which you measure yourself then you’re missing the point because job was under the power of the evil one he had not Then transferred from under the power of the devil in the power of Jesus you today the enemy Satan never ghost accuse you to God and God will never put the sickness on us it’s not God who put things in our lives and I have given my all my personal story over and over when my mother died when she was only 47 my brother who is also a minister in South Africa in the my other brothers they all say do you know what we should just thank God the Lord decided to take her I told her no I don’t know biblically speaking God doesn’t make everybody’s day of death because that’s what we have been taught by religion God has marked on the calendar the date that you will die that’s not true God doesn’t even want you to die God has given you personally each and everyone of us here to live at least 120 years old do not even think of that until you are 120 years old when you’ve lived your life to the fullest God is the one who told us don’t eat the fruit if you eat it will die I don’t want you to die God doesn’t want you to die death for mankind is not part of god’s plan who brings death Hebrews chapter 2 verse 12 through 14 he who has the power of death is called sake it’s Satan who brings those that most people got in the Bible that’s it while reading the Bible sometimes God puts sickness on people it is true God put sickness on Miriam leprosy on her God put leprosy on Kingza but read those peoples lives the moment God struck them with sicknesses that was the end of the story when you read the story of Miriam when she had leprosy the next chapter when they talk about her it was about her death Kingsail does the next verse talks about his debts God never puts sickness and ask God never puts poverty on a snob know God doesn’t do these things who does these things is that the enemy who runs the earth who considers your Waze who considers us know what do we do when we know that what we go through is from the enemy well tell with me to Bookoff efficient at the four phases of the four verse 25 through 27 and up if he’s in shut the shut the forest 25 through 27 talk what do you say neighbor hungry I’m not seeing not like the sun go down on your wrath awesome the Scripture when they say when he says be angry but don’t let the sun go down on your anger he’s not talking about human relationships He’s not talking about James being angry at Sarah or Jackie Bank angry and John know he’s not talking about that well if you’re angry with your brother make amends before the sun goes down that’s not what he’s talking about no no no he’s not talking about that a child of God shouldn’t go to bed with anger that’s not what he’s talking about because what do you do when a person offends you after the sun is already gone down but some people do find it midnight some people defend you at 7 PM what do you do we go to the store at 8 PM to grab a couple of things for somebody your friends are there no the anger he’s talking about here that don’t let the anger the sun go down on your anger he’s talking about the devil you can just tell because verse 2780 don’t give the devil a foothold don’t give him a place how do you give him a place by letting the sun go down on your anger By by letting your anger go to sleep what what does this man in plan project we do believe God expects us to be angry at the devil the one the devil is hurting our lives we shouldn’t just sit down and take it no we should be angry and do something about that anger do some thing about don’t let that anger just go to sleep some of us here in this from tonight if we are just take it with we took a minute to inventory the past five years for the past 1015 years the enemy has done so much damage some of us here we are at the level where we are not because God is teaching us some thing some of us we should be far right now touching millions of lives we should be right now enjoying abundance some of you in this room by now you should be sending missionaries you should be support Bring people in mission work right now someone who you should be involved in a ministry those things should stir up anger in you they should stir up anger in you because the enemy is holding you down and what we do believe we do you realize this and you know what that’s what happened to me two years ago that wasn’t right what happened to me 15 years ago that wasn’t right but what can I do know God says if you realize that the enemy attacked you don’t let the sun go down on the anchor stand on the word of God begin now to claim that if it’s some thing that was stolen from you oh yes the word says if a thief is caught he must be play seven times do you need to climb back some of the things that was stolen from you some of you eat it’s youth things that you should have enjoyed 30 years ago it just went under the carpet The great boy song is that you should’ve heard it was taken away from you know get up being a requirement back and you know the case of job do you know how he and he ended his life he should go there jumped up to 42 he had seven mob sons three mob girls who were the most beautiful girl in the whole world and the word of God sees it after this disaster he lived he lived 140 years and it was the best time of his life what happens after job has been saved through his predicament God gave him double for his trouble after he went through the trial God asked the devil to pay back double what he had taken and we need to use our anger on the enemy when do you know when the devil took my mother into thousand and five she was only she was only born in 1957 the devil Stole that from me he stole my mother for me he’s gonna give me seven more mothers and there’s already some women that the Lord has put in my life as mothers who really love me and I’m expecting seven of them to just treat me as a son because I mean you can take that from me and me let the sun go down on that no no no no no no no some of you in this room if you are let’s say in a second or third marriage as if in your first or second marriage the devil stole something he needs to pay you way more now the trips that you should’ve made 1015 years ago to go to Paris and Madrid are listening to Denmark you need to go there and enjoy those tanks and I remember when I was on the radio here in town the radio owner of Cosse hidden light the type of preaching a brain because he’s a very conservative guy and I’m in anytime Go to to present my my sermons is it well I don’t want you to take your son is at home you come and take your summons in the studio here I want to be there so I screen your thanks and I’ll be there now the ministry and after that your dad is part of some of the stuff that was master alone because he was a Nazarene guy and after four months he just took me off the earth and that’s a start of a devil you took that radio program the radio show for me you have I need to go back on seven radio stations and I need to have seven times more people but I’m not gonna let the enemy have a field that I am we are law enforcement agents and tonight I just want to stir up your heart I just want you to inventory brothers and sisters you are supposed to reflect God’s glory here on earth in this our town a band it has been proclaimed that the north west is the unchurched belt of America that’s a lie That’s a lie in this town we need to claim sevenfold we need to become the strongest force in this town the church the church whatever God called you to do if something in the calling was stolen by the enemy you need to use anger and according to the word of God the devil will respect you if you ask if you commend him you commend your blessing to come back it will come back and I don’t have time to go there first John chapter 5 verse forces everyone who is born of God overcomes the world and the victory that overcomes the world is our faith faith stand in the word man stand in the world don’t give up if in your case you may have been stricken with a sickness for a long time claim that health and live healthier now than ever before not love the end of Job the end of the hall of the book of Job me he becomes the richer Man on earth he becomes the most the most awesome father his children are the most prosperous let’s claim these things for our families let’s go on this thanks for ministry hey man is soon as it ha ha ha ha hallelujah