Revelation Knowledge
Revelation Knowledge
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Book of first Corinthians chapter 2 I’m gonna read from verse 11 through 16 so that’s pretty much the whole the whole chapter 2 their first comedians chapter 2 verses one through 16 the word of God says this and I brought mine when I came to you did not come with excellence a speech or of wisdom declaring to get a testimony of God for our determine not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified I was with you in witness in fear and then much trembling and my speech in my preaching we’re not with persuasive words of human wisdom but then demonstration of the spirit of power that your faith should not be in the wisdom of man but in the power of God look at verse six however we speak with Among those who are mature not yet not the wisdom of this age nor of the rules of this age who are coming to nothing but we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery the hidden wisdom of God we are which God ordained before the ages for glory which none of the rules of this age new for her they known they would not have crucified the Lord of glory but it is written by has not seen nor ear heard no Havana into the man of the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love him voice then says this but God who has revealed them to us through his spirit for the Spirit searches all things yes the deep things of God for what man knows the things of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him even so no one knows the things of God except the spirit of God now we have received Not the spirit of the world but a spirit which is from God that we might know the things that are freely given the things that have been freely given to us by God these things we also speak louder than words which means wisdom teachers but with which the Holy Spirit teaches comparing spiritual things with spiritual but the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God for their foolishness to him nor can he know them because they’re spiritually discerned but he who is spiritual judges all things yet he himself is rightly judged by no one for who has known the mind of the Lord but he might instruct him but we have the mind of Christ amen this is an incredible part of the word of God and before I teach you to not address this morning these things let me just do a quick overview on the Spirit of today Easter I could unbelievers with Cole it’s Easter but we do Christians we don’t coldest day Easter we call this Passover does it matter it doesn’t matter God doesn’t kill you guys doesn’t put you in hell fire because you called Easter Passover Passover Easter which ever you know fits you just go with it but I personally prefer to call this Passover what is the significance of Passover in the Bible to me personally I believe that’s over is the greatest festivity for believers because Jesus we are not saved by the life of Jesus we are saved by the death and resurrection of Jesus if Jesus came in this world and stayed alive for just 33 years that he was here on earth for and just vanished one one morning and went back to earth all to heaven We wouldn’t have been saved but when he died when he said his blood when he took on himself I will send our sicknesses our infirmities an hour courses that right there met the qualifications to give us life so in my estimation according to the word of God today is the greatest day today is bigger than Christmas it’s bigger than any other day in history because on this day he rose from the dead and if he’s not risen from the dead of faith he’s invite so all over the world today some people go chase you know these eggs some people go for the bunnies and Easter bunny and all these things but you and I should have a different attitude on this day this is the day that we should be very thankful to the Lord we should just look up to him I said Lord thank you that you chose not to just stay in heaven you chose to identify yourself with us you came down here you bored as you know I’ll sickness or shame or curses are confusion and you nailed it on the cross and one thing most people don’t understand is the devil he that we called the devil today he’s not this big zombie the people betray him to be because of this day the devil has lost all his grip over you the devil if you are dear if you’re not sure of the devil is what you see on TV on Halloween the pitchfork the red suit the horns the teeth then you are wrong because according to the devil to the word of God the devil is zero with the rims knocked off he’s a lion who’s had his teeth pulled out he cannot chew you to death he can only gum you and you know why because Jesus spoiled him on the cross the Bible say that he nailed him on he made a fool of him on the cross So the devil today when he looks at you he’s more scared of you than you are of him the word of God says in first Peter chapter 5 verse eight does the devil your anime rolls around like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour you know you get sick for sometime you know you can stick some thing that is just exposed out there like my Bible if I put it right here in blindside I can’t go around go around this room singing for the Bible I mean it’s right there I only sick for something I can’t see some thing that is hidden now take that concept go back to reading that scripture the enemy rolls around seeking home he made a vow that means it’s not easy for him to devour somebody the moment you came to Christ what God did he took you and he hit you in the blood of Jesus in such a way that your life is not just exposed outside of the enemy can just destroy it anytime he wants though It takes them a long time to find you and the only way he can find you is only if you let him in in your life and how do you let a man the way you talk because life and death I looked it up but I feel like screaming this this this is a good day this is a good day sometimes I look at the devil and I’m like the devil is a loser they used to be this preacher back in England called a Smith Wigglesworth this man knew God and he knew the significance of the significance of Easter one night he sleeping in his bed he fell somebody pulling his bed sheet so he turn the light on to see who it was and he looked and he was the devil he just pulled back that she has that it’s just you and the devil left him see the devil is not this huge villain the zombie with this slime Just falling off of him you know with these nails and he’s like walking funny coming toward you I will get you I’ll get you one way or another no the devil is very very scared of you Jesus describes describes him as a thief a guy who comes to you and does his best to conceal his face he doesn’t want you to see him he’s a coward the book of Isaiah chapter 14 Ezekiel chapter 28 says that when people will go to hell they will finally see the Devil face to face and devil shit the head and they say this thing is called the devil so this is the devil it’s not this big huge monster sister’s little guy he’s more scared of you than you are of him sometimes when you walk down the street and he was coming they saw the way he has a turnaround go the other way and the Bible says he goes round robin seeking whom he may devour and if you understand how Already I have to go back to bed but we have a teaching on spiritual warfare you need to get a hold of that the devil is more scared of you you are him on what I’m going to teach from first Corinthians chapter 2 is revelation knowledge receiving revelation knowledge and God bless you Pastor Chris because you really hurt my spirit I was planning on praying after this this message today I land on people revelation knowledge receiving a divine knowledge so that in your life you don’t just leave your life like everybody leaves his life because pretty much everybody does the same thing they watch TV and get some information from TV and read books grab some information from a book they need coworkers dammit friends are the family reunion and they receive these ideas on how to have a successful marriage how to manage your fan How to be healthy how to eat right how to avoid this and that but there is a knowledge that God only or only God of the Spirit of God can give you that supersedes the knowledge of this world but there is a knowledge that is not finding books there is a knowledge that is not on the Internet there is a knowledge that is not on TV but if you go to the financial institutions the biggest guys the Donald Trump’s end of the warren Buffett they don’t know these things that knowledge is called revelation knowledge is the river the knowledge that the Lord has already given you that gives you the advantage over the unbelievers is the knowledge that will help you establish a healthy lifestyle and knowledge that will give you victory anytime you’re facing the enemy the knowledge that will make your marriage the best marriage in Central Oregon duck Knowledge that will help you have very good financial statement all makes that will give you a good financial standing in such a way that the bankers the financial advisor don’t even understand how come that you know this does not anticipate myself but one time I was reading the Bible and I found out that Joseph in the Old Testament was able to attend a recession of Egypt just supernaturally he was given this knowledge by God to understand finances in such a way that he was able to turn around the recession of an entire kingdom which was the biggest superpower in the world at the time Joseph had never been to school he never had a degree he never had a masters in a degree he he was never taught by anybody but how come the Joseph knew or understood economics how come to Joseph was able to tell people now you can save money this week and you can turn your finances from disaster into success this week Give him that knowledge it was that supernatural knowledge that only God gives you see the word of God tells us my people perish for lack of knowledge God doesn’t say you’re not a search up the 406 my people perish because of the devil he doesn’t say that God doesn’t say my people that my people perish because they commit to medicines no sin is death but ignorance not tapping in the knowledge of God that you already have in your spirit by virtue of being a child of God that is more deadly than poison it’s more deadly than AK-47 the problem with most of last week and Dr. life simply based on what I’ve read in this inspirational box man I seen some young people who are hitting rock-bottom in the marriages instead of tapping in the knowledge of the word of God instead of relying on God they want to see a psychologist Counselor and I just got even worse I’ve seen some people who are struggling with drugs they go to these AAA SATALAMAVA kind of programs they go there enough for five years they go back again and doing drugs but there is a knowledge in the spirit that if you get a hold of this knowledge you can overcome drug issues you can overcome marital abuses you can overcome unhealthy habits you know sometimes with the believers we miss our lives so much that we have to find a way to blame the devil the devil made me do this and the devil made me do that it was not a devil it was simply your ignorance ignorance came because you did not rely on the knowledge of the word of God what am I trying to say there are two types of knowledges you have what we call common sense or logical knowledge the knowledge you get from TV technology get from school Did you get from our listening to some talkshow the knowledge you get from reading a book reading a novel watching a movie that is a common sense knowledge and knowledge that your father tells you or your mother gives you your friends give you do this and you shall succeed do that and you should succeed do this to Charlevoix does that is common sense knowledge that knowledge is limited it can only kill you so far and because of common sense knowledge or logical knowledge our world is in a big mess today but there is a higher knowledge this knowledge is called revelation knowledge and it only comes from the spirit of God that he man he who created the world but his own wisdom lays this knowledge in you and that is the knowledge I wanna talk about and what is so funny or what is sad is most of us the believers in this room we conduct all are simply Based on how we feel if I feel good at Dulles if I feel bad I do this if I’m emotionally hard I do this if I’m emotionally low I do that but that’s not how God created us God created you never to make a mistake in your life now that is a strong statement that God never created you to make a mistake you know I get in my life to a point where because of my mind the way I think I think so fast I think things like I had 15 years from now I see 25 years from now what would happen and things like that but I have to call myself down I have found out in the word of God something that I will show you today that I can literally tap in the wisdom of God which is already here in my spirit and see what I put my hand right here that’s what your spirit is here like some people say I have a gut feeling that’s not a gut feeling is this Spirit feel like most of us when we talk about a hot we think are hot is here your heart is not here your heart is here in your belly Jesus sees it now John chapter 7 verse 3536 if you believe in me leaving living Waters will gosh out of your belly and he was talking about out of your spirit here that’s what your spirit is the enemy and this is why your soul is your soul is here your feelings or emotions but your spirit the real you is right here and I have found out that I can type in this knowledge right here and draw it out of myself droid out of myself or my wife knows one of my hobbies is listening to opera music you know that the simple so phonic music I love those music those days just to be on here like our Pavarotti all those people one time we went to our to our to Want to do attend a show and a man I was just the happiest guy in that room first of all I was dressed so nice black suit white shirt and I was just like I was sucked into that what I like about opera music it’s because those people when they sing they draw from this the belly they sing from here they draw the voices from the spirit and that just amazes me most of them don’t need a microphone to sing once they start drawing the voice from here you feel like they fill up the entire room I saw this man’s voice is coming from everywhere and it just fascinates me so I have found out a way to draw knowledge in my spirit and now show you exactly how I do that so what happens is as I’m projecting 25 years and 15 years and the word of God says be still and know that I’m done with the law doesn’t want you to do things like that she already 15 years now he wants you to be steel And rely on him so I could cool myself off and begin to draw in the spirit of God and it just takes me a minute and I know exactly what happens and I know exactly what I should do I was telling James the dark about a month ago I was praying in the spirit beginning to draw in the wisdom of God and I saw myself sitting at my computer sending this specific email I just saw this in my spirit and I sent it to Seattle the same guy and I saw him reading them out of my email and I saw him exactly typing back and I saw exactly what he typed in my spirit and I saw this in a split second and it happened exactly the same way I thought I sent him this email and already already saw what he was going to answer and at the same time I saw myself working and I saw this preacher coming With his visit with his truck that’s in my spirit I saw him coming and I saw the kind of conversation I would have with him and I saw exactly him getting mad and upset with me and in my spirit I saw him I saw McCallum Rockwell him down and bring him back to the Lord three days after that nothing happened exactly the way I saw I was at my work and I saw that man, exactly the way I saw him in my spirit and he came and when he saw me he ran to me and gave me a hug and we started talking and the conversation went up like that and I don’t really send a town and I say that because I understand revelation knowledge and then I don’t do this all the time but that’s exactly how God wants us to be he want you to rely on the wisdom of God is the one of the wisdom of God is he sees a thing before it starts in the way God has made us we are made in such a way that we should not make mistakes People make all time mistakes and you know sign contracts to buy this thing then start a relationship and going on a date with this person and after two years and find out man I wish I never did that if you had relied on the Lord you love avoid it all made and all these mistakes you have made in your life you know when an airplane crashes when does an airplane crashing somewhere the F AAA I believe that’s what the government is that the agency that controls the death of a federal agent their FAA what day do they have to go back to the black box that’s the first thing they want to retreat and they want the lot at the chat log between the control tower and in the pilot because they think they think of it this way if I see where a person did not listen to the instruction that was given I can explain how the crash happened According to the FAA an airplane doesn’t just crash by accident it crashes because somebody did not listen to instruction and the same thing happens also in the word of God if there’s a crash in your life if there’s a mistake that was an instruction you failed to listen to all your failures are only down to one thing and instruction you did not listen to in the tragedy is the Holy Spirit always gives you instructions all the time he tells your son don’t turn on the left turn right downtown on second Street keep driving pick up the phone but often times we are so busy listening to this to my feelings that we forget what’s in your spirit so there’s a revelation knowledge studies here and there is a commonsense knowledge which is here in the majority of us At least 99% of us this morning we always go with this you always go with this you know the book of Proverbs chapter 3 verses five things as this trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding if you trust in the Lord and the revelation knowledge you can never make a mistake we can never make a mistake so that’s just to lay ground to know that we have two types of knowledges common sense knowledge and Revolution I just hope that today you will make the transition make up your mind you know what I’m never going to go with common sense I’m gonna go with a revelation or let me tell you this before I even explained it if you read the word of God the Bible through common sense knowledge the Bible through commonsense knowledge is the most flawed book in the whole world the world the Bible Never make sense if you read it with your head this never makes sense the Bible is filled with stories that will make you crazy that will just make you grab it and throw it away like who wrote this rabbit sure of this trash if you take it here but if you read the word of God with this man everything since I understand this makes perfect sense in the same also applies with the Lord any time the Botox to you it never makes sense in the first place if you think you heard from the Lord and it makes sense he didn’t hear from the Lord because the Lord never gives a man an instruction that makes sense anything the motels a man never makes sense read the Bible read the Bible God tells Abraham give me your son kill him kill your son How do you listen to voice act up and say that I’m really hearing from the Lord how old was Abraham but this time he was I don’t know 130 years old if Abraham came to you this man is 130 years old and he tells you you know what Mike I’m gonna kill Isaac know the first thing that will come to your mind take him to the hospital the man is 130 years old he didn’t hear from the Lord but that’s exactly what the Lord told him the Lord told Joshua you want to take over Jericho go to Dodge city and walk around a seven times as if that makes sense and vodka so what else do we do you just go there and start singing that does not make sense no you don’t do that first of all these people in Jericho look through the windows and start making fun of us that’s the only way you can overcome Jericho is if you go there and do something crazy God is with Moses Moses was a big guy with the big muscles he killed Egyptian the music that makes sense to you Moses but the only way out of Egypt is kill these Egyptians but that’s the wrong thing to do in the lawsuit you know how are you going to get out of Egypt what do you have in your hands I have a stick let you out this Lexus just throw it down on the ground let me show you something he throws the thing down on the ground it becomes a snake you made I was holding onto a snake all this time yeah you just didn’t know it that stick doesn’t make sense to you know go grab the snake by the tail that doesn’t make sense you don’t grab a snake by the tail you don’t because it will just turn around and bite you It becomes a spec it becomes a stick again God never makes sense to natural mind that’s why the Bible sees the wisdom of God is foolishness to people literally got told David you go but I got until David Guetta I’m just filling in the blank to destroy Goliath when he had to go meet Goliath what made sense take the sword from King soul king Saul was the tallest guy in Israel he was about seven or 8 feet tall but how big he was so his son was a big bang how do you take down a giant you take a drive with a big sword and grab the sword in the word said he could not move with it and the Lord has to remind me all the time Eddie when you start picking on other peoples weapons you will not move in those things be original be your self Eddie you are not Kenneth Copeland Eddie I’m not into Walmart anyone at crisp in Ballou RAD Chanda stayed there and you’ll see my glory and how did David go on the Facebook live he went down there in the book and pictures five smooth rocks and one goliath looked at him and said are you kidding me I have you guys lost your say so you gonna send me this kid with us you know with a rock and that’s exactly that’s where the victory was that little rock did not make sense to the natural my man I tell you read the entire Bible from Genesis to Revelation nothing makes sense if you approach God with this you can never walk with him you can never walk with him Jesus sees if you lay your hands on sick people they will recover to the common says laying your hands on people doesn’t doesn’t care God’s power you have to inject them with drugs and you have to To cut them open and Dawn some kind of surgery but Jesus is God so I know that’s what makes sense for you to me God it makes more sense if you lay your hands on them I’ll take it from there and I’ll tell you mine if you learn how to distinguish from common sense knowledge and revelation knowledge you can never make a mistake in your life you can never be defeated you can have a bit of faded and I think God for the kind of wife I have her now for some reason I don’t know whatever happened but I believe that we started refusing to listen to the instructions of God and we went through a time with our marriage was just nothing but a living hell we didn’t fight would never fight will never cussed each other out or anything but that was just something missing there was something missing and common sense told me and her we need to go see a counselor I saw a couple of friends in town and ask them I know you and your wife had issues Where did you go so well deserved and sisters are in Tamil old is a good therapist or marriage counselor go see him when I was going to go there $250 an hour I’ll go save my marriage and then the spirit of God talked to me you don’t need to see that man I have a better prescription which is free it’s proven you can save your marriage and one of the things that saved my marriage and made America one of the greatest marriage in this entire town is simply reading the word of God together studying the word of God together it does spiritual surgery to you it helps you in such a way that you you cannot just explain it what I’m trying to say is you can have a better life and I’ve always not saying it again my wife and now we have no financial stress we are not in a place where financially we love we feel like man man can we have it now we don’t even have the kind of conversation we don’t have the kind of conversation we always have money to spare How did we get to that place simply by listening to the word of God pay your seed pill offerings and you will see what the Lord will do common sense tells me if I have $100 it’s not enough for me to survive on this I need to keep it or add some more but according to the word of God for you to see an increase financially you have to let go of your money you have to learn how to empty your pockets in the house of God that does not make any sense it does not make any sense to the common man but biblically that’s the only way and the most common scripture the people know John chapter 3 verse 16 God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son he only had one the only way to get a bigger family he had to let go of the one and we can learn from that you have financial stress there’s only one way out of that then we don’t have to leave him We don’t have to fast for you you don’t need to read books you don’t need to go sit with your banker and ask him questions no no no you need to let go and what happens when you let go of your finances you’ll be at home and it’s almost like your spirit begins to draw out in your in your mouth in your spin your in your spirit begins to show you you know you can invest money in the property and turn around and resell it and make 1 million and things like that all that knowledge to become the next success story is right here in your spirit but as long as you go with us you can have a drill out of this I’m just touching on the surface I haven’t even started digging deep on this if you want to know more about revelation knowledge you need to come back Wednesday and Sunday next week I’m just kidding so this knowledge we already have it if you are born again Pastor Chris give an invitation This morning if you have not given your life to Christ come here and get prayed for and nobody can so I simply assume everybody in this room is born again because if somebody was not born again though they responded the fact that nobody responded this morning to Pascal Pastor Chris’s old girl tells me everybody’s going to get that what happened to you when you were born again let me show you what happened to you done with me to the book of first John chapter 2/ first John chapter 2 now you have to read it from your own Bible because if you didn’t sit in your Bible you wouldn’t believe this is written in the word of God first John is at the end of the Bible it’s up to look at verse 20 and I show you something that happened When you came to Christ first John chapter 2 verse 20 tells us this but you have anointing from the holy one and you know how many things all things you know offhand if you take that word all you compared in Greek and English and Hebrew you know what that word is it means all it means everything when I read scripture scripture like that one I wonder is God telling the truth or is he lying he sees that right now because you are born of God you know all things you do you do how do you know all these things and what kind of things is he talking about you know exactly how to be rich you know how to be a good husband you know how to be a good father you know how to be a good man you know how to be a great leader not a law-abiding citizens citizen you know how to go out there and solve issues You know how to give answers that knowledge is not here or it’s not here that knowledge is in your spirit in my brain I don’t know all things I don’t and that’s if I only leave my life on based on my brain but in my spirit I know all things I see the way we conduct our lives especially we who live here in the western world we conduct our lives as if we’re only two parts like I’m only a two-part bag I have this physical body and I have my brain but that’s not true there’s more to you than your brain and your physical body in fact your brain and your physical body are the smallest part of who you really are who you really are is right here in the spirit and in your spirit you look like Jesus in your spirit you have got mad and I’m saying things here Revolutionizing in your spirit the books in the Bible says in first John chapter 4 verse 17 as he is so are we and in your spirit you know oh thanks you’re not all things you’re not all things God who created the heavens and the earth has decided to give you his nature is DNA he’s given it to you let me show you another scripture for speed second Peter chapter 1 and I know I haven’t even started the first one since up at Chester till yet first and second Peter chapter 1 look at verse one through four and again you have to see this to believe it second Peter chapter 1 verse one through four Simon Peter a bond servant of an apostle of Jesus Christ To those who have obtained like precious faith with us by the righteousness of God and Savior Jesus Christ grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord as his divine power has given to us how many things all things that pertain to life and godliness through the knowledge of him who called us by his glorious virtue by which having been given by which have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises the true these you may be partakers of the divine nature you are a partaker of the divine nature the nature of God you have that same nature and you what is the nature of God the love the peace the joy the justice the holiness you have it in your spirit and to leave your life or two to have this revelation knowledge its own What are you trying to draw out of your spirit that part of God in you that part of God and you are part of God and you and once you get to the place like crust Pizza is here but you already have all these things that piece that godliness the very nature of God is already in you when you once you begin to draw from that you can never make a mistake in your life you can never be a failure one thing that revolutionize my my life is when I found out God’s never made a piece of junk God never made a loser God never made a failure God never made a person to fail in life and it even made more sense to me when I found out that the failure is an option nobody is born to fail anybody who fails choose to fail I have to draw on the knowledge of God Nepal I went to the Corinthians in first but first going to the shop to the Corinthians with the Greeks were the philosophers back in those days these people were like the United States today with the standards that were the greatest power they were represented knowledge and prestige in class and these people knew how to speak when you think about people like Socrates Aristotle those people at Griggs Deerwood biggest mind around the time no poor when he went to Minnesota damn he says that I did not come to you preaching my knowledge I did not give you this be a logical knowledge I only spoke to you the mysteries of the wisdom of God I spoke to you the mysteries of the wisdom of God I spoke to you the knowledge of God I spoke to you the mind of God and how did Paul do this what folded was he never communication Word of God to them based on this he began to draw from his spirit and the way he writes this he says this natural man this is first 14 a man of the Saints the five senses O’Connell man does not receive the things of God it takes a spiritual man a man who is in the spirit who is in town with the spirit to draw from the spirit of God and to receive the things of God know you may ask me how did Paul get the mysteries of the word of God how did he get this wisdom do you know how he got it when he started to speak in tongues and that’s exactly what the Lord taught me how do I access the knowledge of God you access the knowledge of God by speaking in tongues one of the reason God gave you the gift of speaking in tongues it’s so that you may have access to revelation knowledge Revelation knowledge is given to you when you speak in tongues and that’s exactly how I see visions when I told you that I saw in my spirit this man coming how did I seem I was speaking in tongues I was playing at my house I was just speaking in tongues and all of a sudden I saw in my spirit this preacher coming around and I saw him when I get in a debate and I saw how exactly the debate without when I saw me sending this email to this preacher in the in Seattle and he responding me in a certain way how did I see that I said when I was speaking in tongues because what happens is when you begin to speak in tongues you cut off the floor of your mind if you’re not sure knowledge yours you’re speaking in tongues is literally you plug-in in the warehouse of God’s wisdom to begin to receive it for yourself there is power that is released when you speak in tongues what is speaking in tongues when you come to Christ and you are filled with the Holy Spirit Pray for you that God will give you a heavenly language that heavenly language is your access it’s your key in the wisdom of God when Paul sees that I came to your preaching the mysteries of God how did he know these mysteries he knew this mystery when he started speaking in tongues and I’m gonna show you where I’m getting these information from done with me to first go into the shop the 14th look at the first one all the way through for pursue love and desire spiritual gifts but especially that you may prophesy for he who speaks in a thong does not speak to men but to God for no one understands him however in the spirit he speaks mysteries do you do you see that when you speak in tongues in a spiritual speaking mysteries but he who prophesies speaks a difficult edification and exhortation and comfort to men he who speaks in a talk Self but he who prophesies to find the church now I’m not gonna teach tonight about the day is speaking in Townsville Valley today or not now we have on our website the teaching from the Randville last year about the baptism in the Holy Spirit you can find it in the springs of life ministries that orgy we have the teaching on the video section in an audio section on our website but when you speak in tongues you don’t speak this natural mind what happens when you speak in tongues you are literally speaking the mysteries of God and as you speak that the Bible says in verse for you and a fire yourself and I look at that word to add a fight yourself and do a study in the world what does that mean it means to encourage yourself it means to draw from God’s power you are like my battery on my cell phone being plugged into a power outlet in the wall sucking Not energy when I speak in tongues and receiving literally this I’m not receiving this physical strength I’m rich I’m drawing from my spirit the knowledge of God that’s that’s what it means to be able to fight when you pray in the spirit you are the fire self I’m not in another words in other words you promote spiritual growth that’s what the ETA five minutes so how did Paul get the mysteries from God how do you transition from knowing from your head to knowing from your spirit is when you speak in tongues I know most people don’t like speaking in tongues and I know there’s a large section of believers who don’t believe in speaking in tongues if you grew up in a traditional church typical traditional church traditional church it would not let you speak in tongues in the same first Corinthians chapter 14 says forbid no one to speak in tongues don’t stop anybody from speaking Tongues and the devil knows that speaking in tongues so powerful it’s so powerful I tell you if you don’t speak in tongues this morning you need to see us we need to lay hands on you when you need to tell us I’m not gonna go home until I speak in tongues if you don’t speak in tongues man you don’t know what you’re missing if your life is not super natural your life is superficial God never made you to go by your head he made you to go by the spirit would you go by the spirit you go back your Spirit by speaking in tongues and I’ll tell you mine being a Christian does not mean you never hit like walls in rock bottom you will always have trouble you always have confusing moments you have these darkness coming up on you how do you work through those things by speaking in tongues by speaking in tongues when you speak in tongues the Holy Spirit gives you a compass to navigate through Life I remember one time in 1998 I just concluded a tour in southern Africa I was ministering in these countries and then I came home to my parents house then that was sitting in the afternoon I was just praying in tongues as I’m speaking in tongues I just felt like I was sucked out of myself and I saw me walking down this alley and I heard some guy saying like you’re walking in the exact hallway were prophets of old walked that looked at it to your right don’t you do not go down this alley and I saw these two people coming and grabbing me one bottle left and one by the right and flew with me and they telling me we have to take it to the city where the master will tell you things but one of the things I saw in the reason was I was coming to the United States to minister the word of God and I was a kid he like her like a man telling me when you go there you will raise an hour Any of intercessors it happened like in a split second I was just speaking in tongues see you when you don’t know what to do in your life when you get to place with so much confusion in your life I don’t play with your mind one of the worst thing we do is when we are in trouble we start to print out unbelief and I fear I’m not like most brothers and sisters when the husband is acting like a jerk or the wife is acting like a jerk they go in the presence of God to accuse the wife I’ll talk to the husband long will you change her don’t talk to God like that wanna kill your wife don’t abuse your brother your friends you are not the accuser of the brethren go speak grace what do you do when you’re in trouble you speak in tongues because when you speak in tongues the Lord will give you revelation knowledge some of you in this from God given you your destiny is to build things Some of you on this from your destiny is to be investors because they’re all lives you need to rescue the people you need to save from shelters their lives that you need to touch in Third World countries there are people across this country that you need to sponsor in this town here there are people that need to be ministered too but you will never achieve these things because you want to go by your head enough by your spirit and not by your spirit let me show you something is still in fruit 14 in first Corinthians up to 14 look at versa 13 through 17 therefore let him who is speaking in a tongue play that he may interpret 45 Rena tongue by spirit prays but my understanding is on fruitful what is the conclusion then I will pray in the spirit and I will also pray with the understanding I will sing with the spirit and I will also sing with the understanding otherwise If you boys with the spirit how will he who occupies the place of the uninformed say amen are you giving up that since he does not understand what you say for you in the distance well but the other is not edified but I know that’s a whole lot of things that he saying right about that I can just break it down for you as a preacher to tell you what he meant he said is this invoice 14 if you speak in tongues pray that God gives your interpretation of tongues it’s not OK for you to just speak in tongues and not interpret and I hope you everybody in this one speaks in tongues if you don’t speak in tongues you don’t know what you’re missing I know one of the brothers here who is a great man I’ve got him an hour having lunch sometime and we were just talking about speaking in tongues and he was asking me how do I speak in tongues I said you speak in tongues when you have faith to speak in tongues God will not speak in tongues for you you don’t have to wait until you feel like this Wait until you feel like this fire until you feel like this man I feel like funny now you don’t have to wait until it’s you feel funny just go ahead and start speaking what do I do just say whatever comes to your spirit just said the word of God says open your mouth and I feel like just open your mouth let the Holy Spirit speak through your mouth you just go ahead and start speaking in tongues right now speaking don’t do it you speak in tongues by faith oh you mean I don’t have to feel like all goosebumps good now you don’t have to the righteous shall live by faith and not by sight don’t have to see to believe it just believe that you speak it and talk so when I speak in tongues when I’m speaking tongues my mind is not praying it’s my spirit that is praying my new born-again spirit in Christ is playing now he sees this when you speak in tongues ask God to give you interpretation and I want to explain Do you this because that’s exactly how revelation knowledge is transferred transferred from your spirit into your heart is when you begin to translate when you translate track to translate not to interpret is not to translate there’s a difference between to interpret a tongue and to translate a tongue to translate is a word for word explanation of the other language but to interpret is more than to interpret just a language you can interpret the dream you can interpret a gesture and things like that to interpret mean simply God will explain to you what your spirit is saying let me give you an example one morning I was very frustrated I was like Lord what do I do you know we hadn’t started the project to build up the church yet can I can we build a church can we make a container and send these people in the village the clothes the shoes and things and can we do this and can we do that Should we go back on the radio should be what do we do I didn’t know what to do so I was there taking a shower and I just started praying in the spirit and out as I was praying in the spirit I knew right there that my spirit was receiving information from God no I need to know what is it that my spirit is listening from God so I pray Lord interpret this and he gave me specific information don’t do a container don’t go on the radio start building the church in another time I was I had so many million things to do and I’m like no what do I do he cut it down focus on this one specific area so you need to have revelation knowledge how do you get relationally you need to pray in the spirit constantly in the spirit man like I looked up to 645 so he good man draws out of his spirit out of himself the good things From God you are like a person drawing from a water well what a shame it is for you as a child of God to go in your life figuring your life out with your brain and never depending on the Holy Spirit and never asking God but how do I do this now you ask God and he will do he’ll show you you know sometimes I just feel in my spirit that I should pray for somebody but I don’t know who what do I do I start speaking in tongues and the next thing I know the name pops in my spirit or in my mind that lol dispute gives me interpretation you are praying for James Conner you are praying for Simon sometimes I’ll be just praying in the spirit do you know the speaking in tongues pacing the floor and walking around I don’t know whom I’m praying for you praying for your little brother all your praying for this preacher you’re praying for Bruce all your praying for Pastor Chris that’s exactly how you keep this In the knowledge of the spirit that’s exactly how also God teaches you the word of God I don’t know how do you study the word of God tell me how do you study the word of God but like Paul like me how do I study the word of God I think this word it doesn’t make any sense to my natural mind I read it I close it nice that begin tongues as I speak in tongues the Spirit of God explains to me how do you know the word of God do you know the word of God some people think you have to study Greek you have to study Hebrew you have to go to bubbles seminary for 15 years or some like that to understand the word of God that’s not true you speak in tongues over the scripture in the morning to give you instructions I was praying one time for this one the couple they had brought a daughter of theirs who was insane like her she was crazy so they thought she was demon possessed Is it on the spreadsheet with this damn app upgrade for this name and the name and then come out prayed prayed kick that thing didn’t come out so I said give me a second when the corner pretty desperate in the mall told me she’s not demon possessed that’s why you haven’t been able to keep a demon out of her because she has no demon in her she doesn’t need the liver she needs healing she just has a psychological issue pray for her healing and then I went to them and I told him you know what poop in wasting our time trying to kick this demon out of her she doesn’t have a demon your daughter is not demon possessed she’s sick and what she needs is healing it’s not right for her you know when you know how we do healing in this church we don’t pray for the sick people we just come in the sickness to leave them speak to the mountain below removed spoke to them and told them your daughters healed but she still delusional because right there nothing I told him I just told you your daughters he’ll get her out of my sight but she still don’t care she’s delusional or not does operate not tell you she will be he’ll just take her out how did I get that knowledge I prayed in the spirit and the spirit told me son you’ve been trying to kick the devil is not the person that person has no demon I’ll see what I have that’s awesome man this is awesome I told my wife and I was like do you know I have this a few thousands of dollars I want to invest somewhere and up and I told her and of course I spoke with James took him to lunch and told him here I will have this amount of money I want to put in this one business maybe can generate money so we can find the ministry and they didn’t feel like they have like a gemstone now I don’t feel it Jessica said now I don’t feel it so I’m not I’m gonna do it anyway I’m not telling you guys what to do I’m just gonna do it and then I want to bring the spirit and the Lord just told me be still and know that soon as I cool down with poles in two weeks that the bill just went off like that and then put that money there so if you don’t speak in tongues you don’t know what you are missing man how do we go to the next level how do you become a good husband how do you find your wife bring tongs let them out give you revelation knowledge how do you solve your issues pray in tongues a man you need to speak in tongues more you need to speak in tongues more when you drive you need to speak in tongues when you’re all alone at home speak in tongues speak in tongues man it’s awesome it’s awesome I speak in tongues all the time in Leica the book of Jude say when you speak in tongues you are building yourself up that means when you are like tired you build yourself up in the book of Romans seven 27 says when you speak in tongues you are growing in your spirit that means that simply means when your flash on your mind can cut it for you your spirit will overcome your physical weakness sometimes when you’re just like physically frail don’t know what to do just begin to speak in tongues when you’re speaking tongues the Lord will point you it’s like you are not accessing this treasure if you don’t speak in tongues this morning let me tell you this it’s not magical it’s not magical magical David here when he spoke in tongues he only said one word I’m not hope you still do it if you don’t do it man shame on you you have to go back to do it he said just one word and I said my daughter Gabby when she started speaking she only said one word mama mama and that was enough that’s all she needed to know was how to say mama and it wasn’t a year she could speak a full sentence and she can alcohol, Just speak what you can speak right now if you’ve been taught to live in the past you know about some traditional church about will speak in town so not believe in those things it’s it’s gone that’s not true the Bible says Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and forever the same way he filled them with the spirit and the author in the early church he still does the same today man less than half feet awesome I’m going to give you an opportunity to respond to this message I know when I was a menace friend I was not just talk giving another lecture sermon I was speaking specifically I knees tractions to the Lord so if you don’t speak in tongues if you haven’t spoken in tongues in a long time if you haven’t really received revelation knowledge and you’d like me to help you I would really really be on it Pray with you this morning so I want you to come up here and I’m gonna pray with you hallelujah thank you Jesus thank you Jesus another word of God sees that the word that comes from the mouth of God will not return to him void thank you brother, locals or anchor cheeses hallelujah just by faith just by face yes but face aren’t you tired of the direction of your life just tired of just playing church and you’re tired of being so spiritually dry what you tired what you really want the real thing with the Lord is really talking to you guarding your every move your every step I will see the steps of a righteous man are ordered of the board No