Prayer Part 5
Prayer Part 5
This sermon was translated from MP3 (audio) to Text and has not been fixed for grammar, spelling or duplicates. If you would like to listen to the sermon, click here.
In about five weeks ago on the topic of prayer so join me in the book of Psalms chapter 65 verses to the book of Psalms chapter 65 verses two but it’s just our introduction scripture which says oh wow that here is the prayer until they shall all flesh come our God is a prayer answering God is a God who answers prayers I’m excited I don’t know why somethings good I don’t know what it is but I’m happy but our God is a God who answers prayers prayer is a very powerful activity that most of us have not or have not use toward vantage Christianity becomes doll Christianity becomes almost like fruitless sterile unproductive without the power of prayer prayer is so powerful that no great man of God no great woman of God in the Bible Who has ever walked with God without a consistent prayer life real life often times we have time for everything we have time for food we have time for water we have time for shelter we have time for entertainment but we we don’t have time for prayer and I’m telling you where is that some thing we talk about price something we do it’s one thing to just talk about prevent that was a powerful sermon but pray it’s not something we need to be taught it’s something we have to practice it’s some thing that we have to do let me take you back quickly on our journey where I started from on this series to where I am today so the first thing I established with you the very first Sunday was that God does not need time to hear us God hears us straight away as soon as you open your mouth as soon as you talk God hears you and God is so good that when he’s here Do you is itching to answer your prayers regardless of what you look like God doesn’t care the condition of your heart he doesn’t even care it will you’ve been lately what do you what did you last night what did you do last summer when is the last time you called on this thing God doesn’t care about those things God is so good when it comes to prayers that you don’t even know need to be a Christian God to answer your prayers not listen to this what I’m saying is this God as far as he’s concerned he’s a prayer of God who answers prayers the problem is us who say the prayers we are usually in a position where even though God hears us and he releases the whatever we ask him for usually we are not in a position to receive it and I went on to tell you this one when you say a prayer every single prayer will be answered when did that prayer is a good prayer oh it’s a bad prayer Every prayer that you say will always be answered even if it’s a wrong prayer even the bad prayer will be answered but not by God every prayer that a person makes on this earth always get an answer if it’s not answered by God it will be answered by the enemy that means that even if you curse somebody even if you stand right there and you release death out of your mouth somebody will answer that prayer remember how the book of Proverbs still tell us life and death is where under the power of the tongue so even sometimes when you don’t work correctly when you wish something bad to happen and somebody something bad will happen but it will not be God who gives it to us now in the book of James chapter 1 verses 17 through 18 the Bible says every good gift comes from God and every excellent grace the same from a bar from the father A flight in Hometown or shadow soft changing listen to that every good gift only comes from God God never releases a bad gift but when you read in the Bible you noticed that there are people in the Old Testament or even in the New Testament something bad happened to them either the earth opened up and it was swallowed up alive in the fire came down from heaven and water in the cooking show me them you say in the Bible that some bad things have happened no I want you to notice this it’s the people who wrote the Bible says that God made those things happen but when you look in the Scriptures it’s not God who hits OK though kills people so every prayer gets answered that’s why Jesus tells us in Matthew be careful with your mouth do not ever curse always bless why because the moment you start cursing something will happen show me the script This is just like a rabbit trail it’s not on my my my lesson here but in the book of Matthew Luke chapter 9 verses 51 through 52 what does the Bible tell us in the book of Luke chapter 9 and it came to pass when the time was competition ruby received up a steadfastly said they saw face to go to Jerusalem and send messages before his face and they went in and put into a village of Samaritans two makeready for him let’s keep reading the 53 as well and the Samaritans did not receive him because his face was as though he would go to Jerusalem this was a racial conflict between the Samaritan and the Julz one they heard of Jesus was going to go to Jerusalem the Samaritan hated the Jews but just headed to Samaritan so the cement and say OK you want to go to Jerusalem you cannot go through us here so because of that they told the messengers who went ahead of Jesus to prepare a place for him for him to go through they told him no Don’t have to come here what does the next for say they’re responsible for John and her and James let’s give me about two scriptures of self and when his disciples James and John saw this but the Samaritans refuse to allow Jesus to pass through the territory they say Lord would know that we commend fire to come down from heaven and consume them even as Elias did say anger because they see how Jesus has just been you know remove or refusal him come to the territory John and James say because of this do you want us to call on the fire like Elijah did in the old testament what did Jesus tell them but he turned and rebuke them and said you know not what manner of spirit you are off what is making you call on the fire from God from heaven fathers Got all the witches all the people who are coming against me I send back to the sender every bad thing every evil father everyone who is a troubling me let him knock no peace in the name of Jesus I trust to get them even heard somebody say let them know no peace until they rest in peace what makes you say those things Jesus says you don’t know what kind of spirit it’s not a spirit of God which tells you that what does the Spirit of God tell you when they slap you on the left cheek right cheek the Spirit of God is the one that tells you love suffer all things bears all things the Spirit of God is the one that makes you when people spit on you crucify you brutalize you it’s the spirit of God in you which says father forgive them for they know not what they do the Spirit of God I want that makes a shout in the midst of your trouble like Daniel like Shadrach me shack and Abednego cats in the fire the Spirit of God is the one that made them look up to God not look at the front of the name in the name of Jesus if I’ll be the man of God the father God calm down I know Jesus is here you know not what manner of spirit that is you see what makes you want to curse somebody is your flesh such a spirit because the fruit of your spirit relationship the fathers 22 is love Joy peace first Corinthians chapter 13 love love always eat bears all things so you don’t know what spirit you are and what manner of spirit you are off why would Jesus ridiculous people why because if John exams at that point had spoken the word Fire would’ve come down but it wouldn’t have been from the spirit of love it would’ve been from the spirit of crises you don’t know what manner of spirit this is you say there is the way the enemy operates in the world he operates through accusation that’s why you seen the book of revelation it says that he was cast out the accuser of the brethren Revelation chapter 12 calls safe in the accuser of the brethren what what is what does that mean it means the devil cannot do anything against you unless somebody has accused you when somebody accuses you he’s causing the enemy he’s giving the devil the greenlight to come and attack you some of the pain that we have in our bodies some of the trouble we have some of the financial trouble we have it’s because somebody out there is accusing us Life and death is under the power of the tongue that’s why you as a child of God you have to realize that if Satan operates by accusation what does the Spirit of God operate by operates by love faith works by love that’s why your prayer can never ever be an accusing prayer how do you pray for somebody who has hurt you how do you pray for somebody who stabbed you in the back do you ask God to burn them up no you ask God to bless them so much but the blessing is overflowing didn’t forget about you what do you think Jesus when Jesus said father forgive them for they know not what they do do you think Jesus was stupid like he’s not stupid no in the book of sounds of the 35 if you read the songs they would say let my enemy be smitten let the darkness of God following them Let them lay in the bed forever let the flash fall off the bones David said those things God not God when Devon was calling all these things it’s not a good example no things in the Bible that was written but you are a child of God look at that and say this is exactly what God say don’t be like this but God has prayer he answers all prayers now the other thing I told you was this the way God answers prayers it’s instantly right away God he has you right away he releases the answer when you pray it’s not like God will answer you in a month or in a year know God answers you right away but the way God answers you the answer never comes in the way you expect sometimes when God answers you you will not feel like somebody come there and start blowing a trumpet brother ex sister while brother See this is God answering you know it’s just it’s in a subtle way sometimes God shows you that he’s answered your prayer by somebody give him your phone call sometimes is somebody beginning to love you sometimes he reminds you of something that you had totally forgotten you just have to open up your eyes and say Lord I know you hurt me when I prayed not show me where is the part was the answer now I also talked yesterday about seven benefits of daily active daily prayers and I told you that you must pray every day while because it keeps you focused on God if you pray prayer keeps you focused on God the reason why you can’t focus on God all week long you forget about what to do how to pray and how to calendar it’s because you are not praying break keeps you focused on God to pray build your confidence three I said prayer is your Best motivator for ministry for practice you’re spiritually alert five prayer helps you with your spiritual gifts six press simulator appetite for spiritual things and reduces your cravings for the flesh the spirit actually likes to lead us in prayer sometimes you don’t even know how to pray but the Holy Spirit wants to get a hold of your mind and drop a subject on your heart so that you can pray you make old is a prophetic prayer but a spirit lead prayer sometimes you just make yourself available and you say Lord how do you want me to pray oh you don’t know what one thing I like to do at least once every week I come here in the building to just pray so I don’t know how to pray when I can’t leave my house to come and pray here either on Tuesday or on Wednesday or Thursday I don’t know but I’ll just come and sit down here and I just say lol leave me how to pray man Can you begin to to show you things unbelievable I’ll give you another testimony just like this past Friday when we had a sale up there was a time where Jessica was leaving I said well she wanted us to pray for people who have hurt you or who have offended you I just want to just speak to wrestle wrestle got on them my first instinct was I don’t know I have no problem with nobody but as we started to pray and I started to remember some of the people some of my personal friends and most of my friends are preachers but I’m actually forgotten that they had offended me in the past but as I’m beginning to pray the Lord reminded me of this one pastor and they said oh and then I then I remembered this as a friend of mine that had actually forgotten as I finish paying for the second one I prayed for for friends and some of them offended me 1012 years ago even though I just saw Forgot to get him moved away but that thing was still alive and me and the Lord wants me to cleanse my heart from that thing what I’m trying to say is you just don’t know how to pray just open yourself to pray know nothing about this your flesh a sprayer your body as is is more willing to do anything even listen to a sermon but not to pray next to prayer is reading the Bible those two things your flesh doesn’t like to do it no wonder the last time you took your Bible in your hand to read you didn’t even read half a page of it it didn’t stick in your brain it was just like too much so much words and boom connecting you know it’s gone when you try to pray you go so fast you don’t even relax but I want you to know that’s the Spirit of God is show me the Scriptures on Romans chapter 8 verse 20 Sex the Spirit of God was to get a hold of you sit with you as you pray and have a conversation and tell your son know pray for this afternoon pray for that now you I want you to pray for this other thing now I want you to pray for this God wants that so much look what it sounds like what is the spirit also help with our infirmities infirmity is a disability Itza it’s some thing that I can’t do physically that’s something that I don’t know how to do it now the spirit helps me on the out of account but he wants you to know what exactly is the infirmity he’s talking about now he tells us for we know not what we should pray for as we are that is the infirmity he’s talking about he’s not talking about physical infirmity he’s talking about directions in prayer I just don’t know how to break that becomes an infirmity Spirit the Holy Spirit knows exactly how to help you navigate through that time what are you don’t want to you don’t know how you should pray but he himself make us into session and I’m not gonna go from down the script I just wanted you to say something you don’t even know how to pray please open yourself up you know how to spread say that if you’re thirsty come to him the spirit and the bride say come let’s see who’s thirsty I want you to apply the same thing I just don’t know how to pray but I know I must pray and I don’t point a spirit takes over the moment you open your mouth he begins to feel it now let’s go to the book of Matthew chapter 4 verse one let me show you something Matthew chapter 4 verse one I read from verse one through four Matthew chapter 4 verse one through four then was Jesus lead up of the spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil and when here Fasted 40 days and 40 nights it was after word hungry and when the temple came to him he said if that will be the son of God commanded the stones be made bread but he answered and said it is written man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God I want you to look at the first of the very first line it says that after word Jesus was led by the Holy Spirit in the wilderness to be tempted let me put a disclaimer hear the Holy Spirit never lead you into temptation the way the scripture is written it may give you the impression that Jesus was led by the Holy Spirit to be tempted of the devil know when I read the Bible I have to look at the character of God I have to take the scripture altogether the rest of the body of scripture Will help me understand the scripture the Holy Spirit lead Jesus in the wilderness where he was tempted of the devil that’s the best way to read the scripture how do I know that the Holy Spirit did not lead Jesus came to temptation because James chapter 1 verse 13 says God cannot be tempted show me the scripture son James chapter 1 verse 13 when you are tempted don’t say God let me in to temptation let no man say when he’s tempted I am temple of God for God cannot be tempted with evil need attempt is he any man the Holy Spirit is God he cannot lead you into temptation it will be an oxymoron thing for the Holy Spirit to tempt Christ any Matthew chapter 6 verse 13 Jesus say when you play say lead us not into temptation how can he say That’s not into temptation by God God is not bipolar now you have to go back to Matthew Chapter force One and I’ll let it slowly say these words are in English but the man who wrote it wrote it in in Greek its way who say things in this group chat that I’m not there it’s cold I’ll see Jesus I see Jesus means you trying to see what you wanna see in the text that’s not in there look at that scripture there was Jesus lead up into the wilderness by the spirit that’s why you should stop there he was tempted of the devil that’s the better way to look at the scripture Jesus was not led into temptation Jesus was led by the spirit in the place of prayer and the devil watching that Also chess Jesus to tempt him so I want you not to look at this Jesus was led by the Holy Spirit to go in a time of prayer to go in a time of prayer you depend totally on the Holy Spirit remember Jesus I just been baptized by John the Baptist the world the voice of the father has spoken this is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased what was Jesus going to do after that he was going to go and pray but who led him into prayer spirit oh man all of us in this place we are so guilty of one thing so many times the Holy Spirit came to you and wanted you to pray but you stayed in bed way too longer one of the greatest disobedience we have is disobeying the promptings of the spirit when he tells us to pray I need tells us to pray Some of you in this place you don’t know why you wake up in the middle of the night I just have no idea why did I get up well I’ll tell you why you woke up because he wants to talk to you turn the phone off that thing is taking you away from God who is taking your focus away from the main focus which is God do you have time for everything when is the last time you’re going to pray it’s time to stop being weak to stop being lazy it’s time to start praying and brown prayer does not require to be clean and cute and theologically good grammatically sound no the best player I do is win nobody sees me when I put my feet up when I roll on the floor when I make all kinds of mistakes in English those are the best time to pray Spirit of prayer is this is when the Holy Spirit gets a hold of you but you need to cool off you know the hottest position in life it’s not sitting down you can sit down for two hours for three hours you’re so down in traffic behind the wheel for four hours in the hottest position is not even being on your knees the hardest position stand steel straight on your feet you are somebody you come up here or you stand still it won’t be two seconds before they start scratching the knee before they start changing position before they start burning it’s not easy for you to stand still but what does Ephesians 6 say do everything after having thought that you may stand still be still and know that I got your problem my brother if you are too fast to pray sometimes you need to just cool off can I get one of those other chairs that has the wheels Or a store or something yes that’s OK and can you grab a look at this one can you put it somewhere here behind the pulpit for me I am OK thank you son thank you so much thank you so much and what do you need to learn is how to be still sometimes you need to have this poster what Habakkuk chapter 2 for me there was one through four about cook HABBACUCKLE depends on translation sometimes you need to just shut your mouth and let him show you how to pray What are the greatest enemy of prayer we want to impress people Pharisees sign so grab the microphone and come to brick Avenue father Wyndham name of the unchangeable and fuck the mobile God come off hypocrite if you have to change the way you speak English you’re not praying to God just keep quiet lunatic what are you doing call off call off about it I will stand up on my watch and set me up on the tower and will watch and see what he was saying to me what I saw and so when I am approved in the mornings and then say to me right down to visit but I want you to see how her back and say he’s going to position it himself and just wait until the Lord talks to him but for me Sounds of the fathers two of us one and two you need to just learn how to be quiet there is such a thing as quiet time cooling off give it to my words all Lord can see the word meditation how can I answer the voice of my cry my king and my God for Anthony I will pray he says this I’m gonna shut up and sit down my meditation and God will call this as a prayer you need to just clear everything off turn the TV off forget about the phone I’m just cool off a little bit I’ll go with me to the book of Matthew chapter 26 let’s read verses or 36 through 41 and I’ll show you another thing then come to Jesus with them and to a place called Getz Symphony and Saint Anthony disciple say to Here while ago and three under what is Jesus doing Jesus wants to pray but he doesn’t want to impress people so he said he’ll stay right here I’m gonna go away and pray that Tom’s just gets here she can testify I don’t pray until they all go to bed then I look left look right and then I’m gonna pray and what I do personally I like them to do this on my couch and get the pillow and the cushion and put it in my head so I bury my face in the couch I don’t want them to even hear a sound and here I want to make all the mistakes in English in every language but I’m gonna talk to God I’m going to speak to God and I tell you great man and great woman of God amen our prayers when is the last time you prayed without impressing people Let’s read the script and you discover something but Jesus tells disciples you stay here I’m gonna pray in 1905 that was a black man it was for originally from Louisiana his name was William Joseph Seymour he went to California he wanted to start ministering to the word the word of God as he was preaching there in Los Angeles in Azuza on Azusa street he was kicked out of the house somebody picked them up and put them in a stable with keeping the horses and all that he started to pray there and what he did he found a box put it on his head and on his knees 1905 Los Angeles California he started to pray he started to pray the people outside claimed that they saw fire coming out of that house and they called the fire station the fire station people came Nick and final fire 1905 in this country Segregation is high the Ku Klux Klan is running the show from Washington DC all the way to Mississippi blacks and whites do not sit together in a church to pray well blocks go to White Lake Church they’re not allowed to sit there in the pills they’re allowed to sit where are they in the balcony when the altar call is made or not allowed to come here you still were you are but at that point this man with a shoebox on ahead blacks and whites Hispanics and Asians came were all together in prayer nobody wanted to be cute that is the beginning of the Pentecostal church that’s where the Pentecostal church is started from a man who did not want to be good but focused in prayer Jesus remove himself from the disciples he wanted to seclude himself so that he can see God no oh and he took with him Peter and the two sons of Zebedee was 38 and began to be sorrowful and very heavy then Sadie onto them my soul is exceedingly sorrowful even unto death diary here and watch with me and he and he went further and fell on his face and appreciate your father if it is that if it’s possible let this cup pass from me nevertheless not as I will but as the world and he comes into the disciples and he finds them doing what they pay and he said uncle Peter what you can even watch with me for one hour watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation the spirit is indeed willing what your week is what your flesh is what This week that’s what I’m saying your flash doesn’t wanna pray on Friday not this Friday I will see with my own two eyes this coming week here who will show up to put a tote or two higher life and no unless you are working and I know who’s working if you’re not working and I don’t see you up in this church what am I gonna do nothing but what you gonna do if I don’t show nothing but but I believe it’s it shows your character it shows how serious you are about God it shows when are you a lead by your flesh Omega spirit if you are led by the flesh not come to church this Friday stay home enjoy TV it’s a bonbon Oh what an excellent while we come here at 7:30 to nine after nine if you didn’t come here you’ll still be watching something on TV but your flash doesn’t want to come this Friday I can tell you that because last week your flash didn’t want you to go to sell group you didn’t want that shut up and suck me or I’m not gonna go no flash but Jesus sees this if you don’t watch and pray you will be led into temptation why is it that you get so upset sometimes that you forget you’re a Christian sometimes when you upset the words that come out of your mouth it’s unbelievable do you know why because your flash you haven’t been praying that’s why you don’t take anybody hurting you some of us in this room if I follow you closely will begin to wonder why are you ever born again yes or no why because you get slow Said he will go to three days all the whole week you’re not even open the Bible be honest with me I know you I know you be honest with me and God says you’re your heart it’s a miracle for you to read the Bible even though you have it on your phone your prayers your Bible app is not sure what to do or what’s up or Facebook you go through the ad is not the Bible some of us in this room even on your phone you don’t have your Bible and if you’re your phone is even suggesting you you haven’t use this one up and it’s taking too much space do you want to my phone does that sometimes afterwhile tells me this one up you haven’t used it in 23 weeks can you remove it some of you it’s your Bible that is being suggested are you going to remove this from the phone because you don’t read it no you don’t bring your Bible now tell me how do you start your day how how do you start your day How long are you going to tribute me hey you loves must chastise take this in good faith it will do you good it’s medicine it’s better but it’s it’s got healing virtue in it it’s time for you to be serious it’s time for you to put your big girl and your big boy pants on and start praying quit acting like a lazy jerk be a man or a woman of prayer some of you were there was a time nothing would stop you from praying have you noticed lately that the more you pray nothing upsets you how do you know this but the more you pray you’ll find it easier to give other people advice it and have you also noticed that the more you stay away from the word from prayer you become so cold it becomes a problem Jesus say pray that you may not enter into temptation so the spirit Prayer is the Holy Spirit wants to lead me into a time of prayer but my flesh doesn’t want to pray some of the reason why your flesh doesn’t wanna break it’s because you go to work you get stuck in traffic by the time you come home you have maybe young children you have to attend to you either have a spouse you have to do relax you are tired it’s hard because of that you’re flashes I’m just too tired I’m just too tired but let me show you how do you overcome those things what can you do I’m honest with myself faster I’ll volunteer I don’t pray either one we come to church here when y’all do your thing I don’t pray I don’t pray I’ll tell you this if you come to Springs of life Church and you think our praise and worship isn’t ministering to you somethings wrong with you not with the praise and worship It’s you who is the problem why because prison worship is not up to a man it’s up to God how can a song written to God not minister to you oh no the first time I went to Zimbabwe minister it was singing songs and Shawnna language I did not understand a word I had bless my heart the first time I went to Zambia it was singing in bamboo language I did not understand a thing blessed me but I wanna go to Naja and the singing House or I don’t understand a word in Elsa they could be singing world music I want no I get something in my heart blesses me I remember 2002 I came across the tape a city of a gummy and Lily called Cindy Thompson the whole time you could’ve told me that this is in Trio I believe you I would’ve still believed you I wouldn’t know the difference between gods Way off auntie Hawthorne was in agony of language I don’t even know what language that was yet it was a no Thang but something beautiful in the words are you tell me tell them God you have sat on the burner just teaching Zimmerman is the Mangels teachings and praise and worship still doesn’t minister to you oh Lord have mercy God forgive us what’s the matter with loss we are so spoiled American brats the week we were all man oh god this is no joke man this is a serious crisis we are such a psychopath or something I just don’t like praise and worship man when you do praise and worship Bible says the chains get broken walls of Jericho follow The enemy pulls the sword against himself I encourage you but when when somebody’s leading prayer here you should be you should be crying tears should be coming down you your checks because your spirit is connected but I’ll tell you why you don’t like it because your flesh but it’s time to get that flash out of the way and the flesh it’s not the devil listen I’m not saying is saying if it was Satan will be easy to deal with Satan is weaker than your flesh it’s it’s really easy to get rid of the second hole in the name of Jesus get the behind me and go oh you don’t say anything just keep quiet to bug you but you’re not evil but your flesh you stay with your flesh 24 seven minutes with you how do you overcome this witness makes you makes it impossible to break the first thing I want you to Who is trying to start singing when I say trying to study I’m not saying go take a music song lessons not learn to appreciate music begin to appreciate music there’s something about music that makes your soul connect with your spirit there’s something about music that makes you put your flash to the side there’s something about music transcends every weakness in the book off our second Kings chapter 3/ second Kings chapter 3 verse 15 through 18 see how music prepares your heart to pray in fact before you even pray break you have your Chair you stole your couch your bed you just sit there before you even start praying I’ll suggest you start with a song stop with a song the ministers to you there’s some songs that minister to you don’t even know the songs that minister to you or not some of those songs could be English some of the Canby English they could be like me playing gala this song song in English songs there’s this one song in if I hear the song I don’t know for some reason I forget on my pain or my trouble I’m trying to think about this song what is my favorite song in English is Laura sure I’ve told you guys for one of them all then sings my soul and that dog that one I can sing that thing in French little more clear hello Salama shop oh But what is the other one that’s an English song is a worship song you are my stress stress right now either read it all man the moment I start to sing that song for some reason I forget the world it’s almost like everything vanishes and I’m taking somewhere do the same thing find a song make sure that nobody’s in the house if somebody go in the basement go in the closet sit down turn the TV off enough for being lazy enough of being a foot and a foot out this is serious business I’m going to pray now started with prayer oh I’m in it with the singing but now bring me a mistral Edmund a singer and it came to pass when the singer played with the hand of the Lord came upon him and he said that Bored I started to prophesied this is Elijah the prophet right the metal received a double anointing double portion of the spirit of Elijah he’s going to prophesy but he wants to prime himself he wants to warm the angel and his secret is sing me a song now go to accept the 16 verse 25 and 26 at 1625 because I tell you Man I feel you I’m there with you it’s not easy to pray it’s not your flesh is weak Jesus said it be a good break it Jesus came in saying your flesh is weak that’s your flesh is weak your flesh that’s not going to pray especially you and me who work 1012 hrs. sometimes even some of your homework from the computer at home and your home office After you have given your brain power to that thing do you feel like you’re drunk you’re doing everything I mean you have this little babies are so cute and they cried this cream you’re just tired you are exhausted your flesh is weak what do you do begin to sink in at midnight Paul and Silas prayed and sang praises unto God and the prisoners heard them and suddenly it was a great earthquake so that the foundations of the appraisal was second and immediately all the doors were open and everyone’s band was not poor and Silas were beaten beaten physically they were bleeding flashes tired man you don’t wanna pray what do you do do it did it start singing the more you sing it begins to bubble up in your heart begins to bubble up in your heart my kids love this one it’s not Hauser it’s a Niger this morning they were saying it to me and they told me Yesterday they were coming from a birthday party and Elizabeth wanted to the tooth to go to the bathroom but the door is stuck in traffic on the freeway so distracted they had to sing her one one one song from now on what is it don’t take too much time baby I want on the camera here OK we get it right but they were singing this song they don’t even know what that song means but it’s in it’s in Bayberry language they’re better from her major and that was singing doing your routine my Lola and the girl likes it and before you know it she made it home she didn’t she didn’t have an accident the same thing happens when you are tired you get up you know that you’re going to leave the house at five but it’s for I go back to bed I just wanna pray that singing a song pray for As for springs of life church we have a good instrumentalist we have a good singers all we need is the money to put a good CD out there we may not be used for commercial purposes for now but it’s something to Pramila use your voice is meant to sing unto the Lord who like Paul and Peter begin to sing and before you know it you’ll get up from the bed then sings my soul my savior God do they always are lol oh great power before you know it oh yes that will help with a lot yes how great thou art that’s why I was telling you last Sunday when when you are on this platform leading us in Tamil prayer mix it with songs it’s prime supper hearts sing a good song I don’t know who’s going to lead a prayer next Sunday but I am when you are told either today or tomorrow that you are leading us in prayer next week begin to think of good songs that will prime But on the second way to to overcome the flash the first one was a singing songs on the second one is make bold declaration of faith in the book of first Samuel chapter 30 verse six we see a man who is in trouble but for him to overcome that flash that that witness he begins to speak boldness oh I mean he begin to mix to make a bowl declaration of Faith why does this happen I’m tired I’m singing a song because I’m gonna pray I’m gonna put what do I do I’m beginning to declare yes Lawd I am the righteousness of God yes lord I am blessed in Northcrest yes lord I am the head and not detail yes lord no weapon formed yes lord I am the righteous Ness of god yes yes great is he who is in me that he that is in this world first Samuel chapter 30 verse six It’s a definite encouraged himself in the Lord he was trusting God how do you encourage yourself how do you overcome this witness of the flash begin to speak with me personally there’s one scripture and it’s in the book of John chapter 15 with Christ said you did not choose me I chose you but you’re my best fruit man I get all kinds of cough conflict in my spirit I get all kinds of conflict in my heart sometimes I see where I am right now and I shouldn’t be at this at this age I should be there but I’m still here what am I doing what’s the future of my my kids and things like that then I start to declare this is John chapter 15 Jesus you said you called me I did not call myself you called me you called me I didn’t choose me you chose me you take care of me I follow you when you do bowl declarations That it makes you overcome your flesh can you can I take you back to get some money you find Peter and John can pray the tiredness sleeping the snoring in the master suffering let’s let’s prime them up a little bit with bold bold or a declarations or words of faith what would you tell them better stand up and say Jesus is lord yes Jesus is Lord even though they may arrest him in the middle crucify him tonight he’s already told us he will overcome death he’s going to come out of it Victoria’s he told us let us not let not your heart be trouble if Peter spoke like that it would have been on his feet oh I tell you if you don’t have any scripture that you can stand on stand on some stuff to 27 verse one the Lord is my light and my salvation whom shall I be afraid of him shall I be afraid who was killed read to say those things when you get up in the morning Even know how to pray when your eyes are opened same world with both decoration for instants the goodness of the Lord is not over yet his mercies are new every morning just say it out with your mouth you say faith comes from hearing and hearing from the word of God just say something so that your ears hear that begin to speak over your day but I think you that today’s Monday I’m gonna have a good day I’m gonna shine the light of Christ I’m blessed to not cause I’m not gonna have trouble everything that was meant to hurt me this day has been turned around speak like that you don’t need a theology degree to speak like that speak it amen let’s go onto the last one in Dana then will stand up and do the last thing I want you to do is use your body to physically connect your emotions That will help you overcome your witness witness you know your flesh is weak and you just don’t know how to pray use your body for instance when we sing so I will lift up my hands what are we doing that often times lol the way ball and worship but we don’t even go but we just sing it awesome download Weibo or you can buy like this you just said in your mouth roadway but why are you still looking up loud Weibo like not load Weibo and worship you do it do it do it use your body use your body to an actual emotions what are you singing do you let your body do something with it you see your body is a weapon your body is a weapon the way I do it personally I have a hard time just saw closing my eyes When I pray I’ll keep my eyes open and I start walking pacing the floor this morning when we were leaving prayers and God bless you mommy Stella as soon as the notes that I saw your mouth moving back-and-forth that’s how you do it that’s how you do it that’s what I do I start to walk back-and-forth welcome back-and-forth I remember in the 90s my past they used to tell me Eddie I want you to be praying a lot in the night when you get up if you’re tired stand on a chair and you tell your buddy all right I’m gonna break if you don’t want to break go ahead and sleep and you’re gonna fall down and I’m not gonna catch you nobody’s gonna catch you or your body will respond to you and I know I did it I did it I did it use your body to overcome the flesh do you know if you want to 12 This lifestyle prototype and teaching your phone easier all these weeks and then and then still stay in your room or do something get out of that bed sometimes get down on your knees start crawling do some thing with your body use your body to announce something to this church is the church that do a lot of spiritual warfare some of the things they teach I don’t agree with them but I respect them I respect most those spiritual warfare people I respect them a lot may not I may not be on the same page with them theologically but I have seen people when they come to attack the devil ha ha ha ha you think that they see the devil because in their mind they don’t care about you they will use the body to an ad with the saying when I say I buy that do this I bind the devil a customer they do this I custom out of here They use the body you may laugh at them you may make fun of them but they believe in a digital one and some of them it works for them because in a trial and error in the folder not to hit the right button and boom the light is green but I respect those people it’s time that you start doing it use your body to do something sometimes so sometimes what I do I see God sitting on a throne I know God doesn’t sit on a wooden throne I know it’s a language but I’m going to prime my body so I look on the chair like that and I imagine God sitting there and not go wrong you are God you are great you are God you are great you are God you before I know it my body is warmed up and I forget about this and I’ll go on now onto ministry ministry less than an African gonna pray a few minutes thank you