The Christian Family Part 6
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The Christian Family Part 6

The Christian Family Part 6

This sermon was translated from MP3 (audio) to Text and has not been fixed for grammar, spelling or duplicates. If you would like to listen to the sermon, click here.

Except the Lord builds the house they labor in vain that build it except the Lord keep it the city the watchmen wicked but in vain I want you to notice that God wants our cooperation God does not want us to be idle to be just in inertia just sitting down doing nothing he wants us to actively participate in what he’s doing but he doesn’t want us to be in the driver seat he has to be in the driver seat but on our part we don’t sit down and just eat bonbons and wishing it’s gonna work itself out no except the Lord builds the labor be still a place of you and I to labor to give it our very best if you working if you are married if you are studying everything you do you have to be the best at your job you have to be working harder than anybody there In your marriage you have to be the one who gives the most in your parenting you have to be who is the one who sacrifice is the best in the church you have to be the one who prays the most for everyone for all of us when nobody’s looking you have to be the one working harder work is not a curse work is a blessing work is not a curse before God gave Adam a wife can you give him a job because if you don’t work forget about it forget about marriage that was work before that was sent in the world but notice that God wants us to cooperate with him nothing happens until you put your hand out that I have come to learn in my life that God does not bless dreams God bless his actions God does not say if you stay in bed and stick your hand in your your your feet up as a hallelujah Halen Luh Ya hallelujah nothing will happen but one thing is guaranteed to happen I can guarantee you this bills will always come to a mailbox not that one is coming whether you like it or not somebody’s gonna send you a bill yes and God does not bless you because you just sit down no God sees I will bless the work of your hand the woman with the issue of blood did not stay home in the house just sticking my feet up in the air say hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah Jesus going to kill me no she had to get up go out there pursue it Zacchaeus who was the short man in the Bible when he heard the Jesus is coming he struggled hard seeking Jesus looking for Jesus and when Jesus stood under the sycamore tree he looked in the keys inside you come down I’m going there but think about this Zacchaeus is seeking Jesus and Jesus is actually I’ve been sick and you know think about that and put it together What ever you are seeking is also seeking you but it will not find you in bed sticking your feet up in the air saying hallelujah hallelujah no you have to get out there and will find it get up early in the morning work harder than anybody except the lord build a house you have to build don’t sit down you have to plan you have to go to work out details you have to do give your best except the Lord builds the house the city or whoever builds is Weston is that God is interested in family notice also except the Lord keep us in the city God is involved God is interested in our city let’s keep reading and I’ll show you where I’m going today it is waiting for you to rise up early to set up late to eat the bread of Soros awful so it gives his beloved sleep you know why the scripture is written sometimes you don’t understand this is written to Jules by Julie What does it mean what kind of wisdom is hidden in the Scriptures God gives his beloved he gives us things to his beloved said the truth is this when you sleep you continue to exercise you continue to work even in your sleep during your sleep the Lord continues to minister to your soul sometimes when you don’t know how what to do what if I should go left or right just pray and go to sleep your spirit catches things that your brain cannot understand it was a man who went to look to see a preacher and he had a preoccupation say well I’m out I just wanna get the wisdom of God and direction let this man of God tell me something when he went there the man’s wife say oh he’s taking a nap and that is more important than what I came to tell him because when that man is asleep the Lord begins to minister to him in ways that you don’t understand what I’m trying to tell is this There is a way that God relates to you only when you lay down when you think but you have to purpose in your heart when I’m closing my eyes the Lord will speak to me do you know that according to the word of God you can ask the Lord to show you a dream Lord show me a dream about what I should do I don’t have time to go in the Scriptures because I have somewhere to go but you can find in the Bible people who were given divine strategies on how to prosper when they slept when I sleep I may not see anything but the moment I wake up when I open up my eyes my spirit is in touch with things I don’t understand I’ll come up on the subject some other time but I’ll let me continue where I’m going here in Sun Valley Inn that you would rise up early to set up late and eat the bread of sorrows it doesn’t mean to stay home stick up your feet in the air shout hallelujah hallelujah know it simply means work harder than everybody else No look at that one lol behold children are a heritage of the Lord I want you to pick up three things that the Lord uses three words that the Lord uses to define children children in the eyes of God what are they what do you think is the first thing the Lord calls your children in the scripture they are what do you know the difference between a blessing and an inheritance according to the the word of God the blessing is what you have by default being a child of God everyone who is a child of God is already blessed blessed be God the father follow Jesus who has blessed us so every human every question is already blessed but there is another level of empowerment which is called heritage that one is only given from a father or mother to a son or daughter it’s a layer of blessing That it’s a layer of empowerment that is not given to anybody else it’s given to you to connect you with the previous generation and the next generation God calls children with heritage now let’s look at the second thing that he calls the children the fruit of the womb is wet so we know according to the word of God children are a heritage and then what else I reward what is the reward reward is a thank you note you work hard all my way of appreciating you is by bestowing this thing on you listen to that your children any child is gods way of saying thank you that’s why I keep telling you in the series never call a child illegitimate a child is a heritage from God a child is a token of God’s gratitude to mankind Scott let’s keep reading at the next one let’s say the last thing that the Lord calls the children for us for as arrows in the hand of the mighty men so are children of the year what is the third thing the Lord calls the children arrows not in the hands of a weasel in the hands of a weekly in the hands of a mighty man a man of war that which he falls back on to attack the enemy that’s what children look like according to God’s word from justice or sounds 127 your children of God’s weapon they are instrumental in destroying the enemy in fact look at the lights voice what does it say blessed is everyone happy is the man that has his quiver full of them children them children shall not be ashamed they shall speak with the enemies in the gate when I tell you last week that our children are the future but I am not concerned about Heaven today I’m concerned about bringing heaven down here on earth and God says in his strategies of bringing heaven down silencing the enemy is in us investing in our children so I will children every child in this room is God’s blessing so today I wanna show you something about Christian parenting parenting is something that scares me when I watch some movies when you hear the kids steal their children tell their parents I hate you that scares me scares me because the Bible says honor your father and your mother that it may be well with you know your dad your mom may not be the best person the man even be a Christian but God does not give us the right to dishonor them and in my submission today I’d like to show you that We can only give our children what we have you can’t give them what you don’t have and what you have is honor your father and your mother and I will show you today that you still have to honor your father and your mother if you honor your father and your mother you can transmit it to your children what is the best way to raise your kids the best way to raise your kids is to raise them the way your parents raised you why because if you raise the kill kids the way your parents raised you they will turn out just like you aren’t you proud of yourself what are you ashamed of yourself if you are ashamed of yourself right now then don’t raise them the way your parents raised you how do you raise your children that’s the way your dad and your mom raised you because look at you I don’t know about you but you have success not OK maybe I’m not talking to the right people anybody who is not a who is ashamed of themselves or you are a jerk if you’re not a jerk your parents need a good job now you want your kids to be good people just think about with dad and mom before you pass the same value to them and guess what just like magic wow they’re gonna be good well unless you wanna raise your kids like the neighbors raise theirs or like your uncle Ray’s but if you wanna raise good children raised them like your father and your mother raised you why is that important because the Bible says honor your father and your mother one way of honoring your father and your mother is raising your kids the way your parents raised you by raising your kids the way your parents raised you have what about my I don’t know if I want to raise My dad and mom so are you telling me you’re shamed of yourself the book of Proverbs chapter 22 verse six train up a child in the way he should go when he is old he will not depart from it noticed that the wisemen here tells us a child needs to be trained you have to train a child know when God gives us children the worst thing we wanna be to our children is to be adults adults are not a good idea for children children do not need adults they need parents difference between adults and parents is this adults see what’s wrong and the react on the spot on what is wrong parent see what’s wrong and they find a way to prevent it if you Child is missed behaving do not correct them on the spot give it a day two or three or even a week before you talk to them because if my kid or your kid missed behaves usually there they will be scared whatever you were telling them they will not see the big picture there will be more scared of you than they are receptive if you know when a child is scared of you what day brain is hypocrisy no to prevent hypocrisy that’s why your parents or children think this is a principal even in leader ship in good leader ship when there is a problem you’ll give it a day or two until it cools off before you address it why because you want to pick the big picture now the scripture is explaining to us the power of parenting it says that you have to train up a child The way he showed that means your kids don’t tell you what is good for them you tell them what is good for them and it doesn’t happen accidentally there’s another scripture in the book of Proverbs which says every child is born stupid every kid is born foolish and the last resort to remove that foolishness from them is to lay a smack down on the backside of Soulé Sunday but let’s not get there yet. So you have to train a child in the way they should go that means you have to be intentional with your children you have to look at the big picture and you have to bring them their children do not need unconditional love unconditional love spoils children Most of the jerks in the world who turned out to be psychopaths are the people whose parents never told them no it’s a wrong thing for you to say that I will do anything for my kids are you kidding me you would do anything for your kids have you thought about that like what like what let me tell you this the only thing you would say I would do anything for my kid is when it’s a medical condition and the only way out is for giving them one of your living organ apart from that I will not do anything for you like what I will do anything for my kids when they want to eat something I’ll give it another word when they miss behave they will know there is a consequence I’ll do anything for my my kid that is a wrong message because it tells them it doesn’t matter what you do No kids need to be reminded that no there is a way to go which is the right way and there is another way if I am your parent you will not go down this way because guess what that’s exactly what my parents did to me when I try to go this way if you had good parents and they try to you try to go this way do you know what your parents need right come on not talking to your mom talking to zombies anybody if you had a parent will you know that you already knew you already knew you don’t mess up well look how you turned out today turned out to be a decent person a law-abiding citizens you may not have liked what the parents did look at you today Somerville here you can speak good English what do you think how do you think you’ll learn how to speak good English some of you hear you don’t beat people you don’t use profanity some of you he will never practice witchcraft or any bad thing what do you think you got that from from your parents I need a good job so how am I going to train my kids exactly the same way my parents treated me and I’m gonna tell them if if it’s not broken there’s no reason to fix it I’m not going to reinvent the wheel here I’m going to do exactly like my prices I’ll get to a point in a second here to show you that most of us we only appreciate Jewish parents Abraham Isaac King David king Solomon but our own parents which is our own person I don’t worship with no no no no baby you don’t know the Jewish people that well read in the Bible God will book them all the time why are you giving your hearts to idols the Jewish people often times it always fell into a dollar tree in the idolatry villa not as clean as you think there were some of us when we think of our own parents we are so ashamed no no no that’s why we have issues the Bible says honor your parents if you can’t honor your parents you cannot come Unikitty to your children what you need to communicate to the children is the values that the parents instilled in you they got the good values to your godly values let’s go to Genesis chapter 18 Genesis chapter 18 verses 17 through 19 what does it say Genesis and the Lord say so I heard from Abraham that thing which I do sing that Abraham shall surely become a great and mighty nation and all the nations of the earth shall be blessed in him now look at this but I know him God says that I know him that he Abraham will command his children and his household after him that and that they shall keep the weight of the law to the justice judgment that the Lord may bring upon Abraham that which he had spoken to him I want you to notice that the Lord chose Abraham in the Lord say I know Abraham will command his children and his household after him that they would walk in the ways of God one of the things that the Lord laid on Abraham’s heart was not just to be this great man of faith but it was to be a manhole pro who gives out a godly legacy to his family and this is how God wants us to be God wants wants wants to say this I know Abby he will raise his children in the ways of God in the ways of God that’s what God say so we have a God-given mandate to raise our children in the godly way and I’ll tell you this not only our children but also our grandchildren we need to keep on the legacy going on like that there is a godly way to raise children and the reason none godly way look in the book of Ezekiel Chapter 20 verses 16 through 19 is equal voice search up to 20 verses 16 through 19 the God even tells us there is a way of raising children which is ungodly look at that because they despise my judgments he’s talking about their parents and what not in my statutes but polluting my Sabbath for the hot weather after idols I was just telling you that the Jewish folks the parents also were idol worshipers so some of us like me for instance when I grew up my father practice which were a black magic he had a native Dr. Buttar my grandfather was the same way to migrate grandfather was a tribal chief if he heard that somebody was original in the Endo in the village he just grabbed his gun when they shot them my great great grandfather was a slave trader but is that all the walls in my ancestry know thanks In my lineage if they were not some good things what do you think I’m such a nice guy where did I get it from I mean some of you you still think that your parents did a bad job how come that you are so polite but somebody must’ve taught you how to be polite if somebody didn’t teach you how to be polite you’ll be a jerk today I’m still a little jerk nevertheless mine ice paired them from destroying them neither did I make an end of them in the wilderness but I seen under their children in the wilderness look at that God speaks not to do the children of the bad parents because there are bad parents out there God speak to the children do not walk in the statues of your fathers do not observe their judgments no defile sell yourselves with the idols I am the Lord your God walk in Nice touch it and keep my judgment and do them he will see God speaking to two godly people like hey your parents messed it up big-time don’t be like them what I want you to pick from the scripture is not every parent is a good parent some parents are bad parents and you can see them I remember when I was still living in Oregon I was working at this job and this man came with the kid and the boy was maybe by six but a maybe six or 806708 the boy was talking as if he was a hip-hop artist but not the clean one the rough one give me my blank blank blank blank blank blank is the blank with you I need my black black white blanket no no I said blank blank because he was using profanity what did the boys learn how to use the blank blank language experience he heard them There is bad parenting bad parenting making Wolfel language no matter how upset you are that’s just some words you cannot use around your children no pole tail told Timothy if a man cannot raise a godly family he cannot serve in the church let’s go there first Timothy chapter 3 verses four and five no Paul is laying down here the criteria’s for serving in the church and being a leader ship not one of those things that you have to be able to rule well your own house having your children in subjection with all gravity or even men know not how to roll his own house how shall he take care of the church of God see the Bible tells us that there is a place where you need to raise your children godly way you need to teach them how to play you need to teach them how to read the word how to be thankful because if you don’t do those things then we cannot put Still in charge in the church we cannot allow you to serve in ministry because the way you raise your children reflect what you think of the word of God God saying that Abraham was cold to pass is godly values to his children you and I are called by God to pass godly values to our children therefore parenting God got a parenting gods Way is about first of all passing godly values to your children know I just told you if you don’t have godly values yourself you cannot pass them to others you need to have godly values some of you in this room you don’t have children somebody you already have grown-up children you still have to find a way to remind them godly values later give me an example of godly value here integrity discipline what else confidence courage loyalty honesty sexual purity We have to remind our kids our daughters Allison’s and our daughters that you cannot be playing around no no you cannot because it’s not good the second thing about godly parenting I want you to know that godly parenting or parenting God’s way is a multi generation affair you are connected to your parents parents and to your children’s children I wanna show you something that most people are not really thought about you are not only connected to your parents you’re also connected to your parents parents the Bible says about honor your father and your mother how does what does it mean to honor my father and my mother I honor my father and my mother by honoring what they honor what is the most important thing in your father and mother’s life the parents know Biblically the blessing of the heritage is a multi generational thing some of the blessing some of the blessings some of the good things you are enjoying in life today it’s because of your parents some of the things you are enjoying today it’s because of your grandparents when God does you good luck down the generation in the Bible we have people who messed up but God said because of your grandfather I will grant you mercy you remember king David a man after gods heart he had a son and the sons name was king Solomon the wisest king of the king Solomon his son was called the real bomb but king Solomon had messed up in the end at the end part of his life so bad do you remember what he did him he married 1000 women 700 wives and 300 concubines What a blessed man that’s not a blessed man it’s not the wives I’m concerned about is the the in-laws I’m concerned about if you can survive your mother-in-law you are a blessed man but having two in-laws 314 Laws Rd. got no wonder he had money but anyway but after him real bone did even worse but God said this I will keep real born on the throne because of his grandfather did God stop that kind of way of relating to ask when Jesus died no I’ll show you in the New Testament or even today some of the good things you are enjoying in life it’s because your parents may have done one good thing in the new testament the Bible still shows us over and over when you do a good deed God always remembers that A good day and will not go unnoticed with God the Bible says for instants he Hall lens to the pour gives until the Lord but we are told about Cornelius that his good deed had reach the throne of God in the Bible we say it over and over that we should be doing good to people watch because what I do good now I may not repeat but Silas would rip it all Gabriella if not him my grandson will rip it from me but think about your self some of you you are successful now you are sick sitting in places where you don’t even qualified to 16 why do you think you are still getting by with things that other people can go to get by with a new check yourself you don’t know why well maybe because your dad let me because your mom did something good I’m icing that your father or your mom were always a perfect people but every tiny good things they need you were harvested Renting is a multi generational thing the way I treat my parents and my grandparents will show up in my life when I grow up I told you before my story that my dad was a polygamist there was a time I was never proud of my father I could never think of any good thing about my dad he was a womanizer he had children all over town and things like that but I had to come to please listen to this if your dad had children all over town that’s none of your business does that those are his blood in the Bible tells me to honor my father how can I say are on my father but I hate my father’s children I am dishonoring that man when I started writing them out a script for my book on forgiveness for giving as God does he remember my introduction I was just castigating my father my father used to beat me up when I was 15 years old and my father Just tripped me naked and he used to leave me outside but I just know in my heart that is wrong that is wrong that you’re not honoring your father did he did all these things yes he did but do you have to put it on the book and publish it to put it out there for everybody to know and to say no and the Lord showed me remove those things from your book I’m not gonna have to remove those things I have remove those things and some of the good things that I’m enjoying no I’m looking it’s because my dad did something good he may not have been a perfect dad but at least he sent me to school if I was a stupid man I wouldn’t be speaking English here today I’m not speaking in English because the Holy Spirit showed up in a dream and told me he may be busy no somebody put his foot down and did something good for me and it breaks my heart when I hear these spoiled brat say yeah I hate you I remember family were grandpa had gone to Kmart for Christmas and bought them gifts but these kids were not used to things from Kmart because these kids grow up with parents who told them the good stuff the value things don’t come from Kmart they knew names are Gucci that these kids need new names like our Louboutin and things like that Jumanji and things like that so Angela knows Chanel now we know what kind of gifts with Chanel for real oh my God but the window window grandpa went to Kmart and bought them shirts and the kids look at that as it is from Kmart I don’t like it and grandpa was so fat and he never bought the medicine After that grandpa was a multi millionaire maybe if they were nice to grandpa he could’ve left them in our house here or a condo there or something like that but the way we treat our parents will reflect in the way we treat our children a family family is a multi generational affair in such a way that the Lord says he does as good not only for us but for our father and our fathers fathers but not only that for us individually God does not only bless Abby he blesses Abby Abby’s son or daughter Angela and Angela’s children and Angela student are blessed and blessed because of what Abby does and we have to take this thing very seriously that everything I’m doing today I am investing in my children and my children’s children’s future most people are always preoccupied about going to heaven I am not preoccupied about going to have enough Told you before I am preoccupied about staying here to sing my children’s children and their children’s as well and I want to die an old man on the very old man after I’ve seen my son son son of my daughters children’s children and I want to be able to sit down and say Lord in my day maybe I didn’t enjoy everything and I wanted to enjoy but I thank you that my grandchildren I enjoyed this thanks we live in a society we will need about broadcast images of people disrespecting their parents using them beating them calling them burdens some people think of their parents as burdens no let me just go straight to one point I want to tell you when the Bible says that honor your father and your mother I want you to notice what are your father or mother is still here on earth all day or not they’re still alive when my mother passed away from this life Into the real life she was 47 years old if my mother was alive today should be 62 years old just imagine how young she was she had me when she was very young or as a teenager but even though she’s gone but I know she’s alive and she’s not like 10,000 miles away from me she’s right here because when people pass on this life when people die they don’t see us leaving they don’t stop believing because death is not the opposite of life death is not the opposite of life death is the opposite of birth not of life life is bigger than the death now when a person dies they actually are more alive than you ever think they are not like 1000 miles away from me they have entered this new dimension which is more real which is more Vibrant which is more colorful which is better than this one here but you’re not that far from me what what is heaven we have always joked and less church about was having was having heaven is not like 1000 miles away from here heaven is right here heaven is a dimension that I just don’t see with these physical eyes but I see with the eyes of my heart do you know that according to the word of God you right now you are already sitting in heaven even though you are here on earth you are already in heaven Ephesians chapter 2 verse five all the way through and I see what he rolls us up together with Christ and he made us sit were in the heavenly’s with Christ right now you are sitting in heaven where is heaven it’s not a physical place it’s a spiritual place now in my case my mothers name is Yvette Yvette When she died it’s just her physical body went to rest when a person dies the worse the last thing we wanna tell that person may the soul of your loved one rest in peace that’s all Kent rest in peace no we should actually tell them made the body of your loved one rest in peace not the soul it’s the body depressed in peace why because the soul goes I’m living in fact the soul is not much better have you ever had a dream where in your dream you did things you can do physically like flying what is it that is flat it’s my soul that means my soul can do things with my body can’t do my body is like a restraining powered hold me captive here in the world so my mother is very alive where is she she’s right here and I have read my Bible to see that anytime I have something good happening to me here the first person was who is made of where is my Yvette she knows exactly like when I had my daughter she was there I just jumping and dancing if you have a parent who have gone on to be with the Lord or a grandparent you’re still here with us we’re still here in your face you’re still alive in your jeans are still alive in your blood but they are more alive not just an idea of the more real than one one thing we have to do for them is to honor them how do you honor them like me for instance I have my mothers pictures in my house used to be when I when I walked by with my mothers picture was I just didn’t want to look at it because it would break my heart about the 47 year old lady passed away and I hadn’t done anything for this woman but now I am not looking I look at her now when I pass grandma’s pictures in my house right when I see it I look at it That woman is a blessed woman she’s not resting in peace right now no she’s just dancing in the presence of the Lord she’s jubilating her body is resting somewhere in the Congo in the day comes when the trumpet sound that somebody is going to stand up in that part of her which is in heaven is going to come back there and she’s gonna hug me again but until then she’s well I love you what do I do I appreciate her not my father died when he was 64 years old when he passed away human I didn’t have good relationship and I kept thinking the beating he used to do I don’t like this guy he was he had children all over town and I used to tell my family all the time the worst mistake my mother date did in her life she married this guy she should never have married this guy do you have your understory in India of a guy who sold his parents but they gave birth to him without asking him for his permission say how dare you chose to be my You don’t even consult me through Google that but the story was thrown out of court right because the parent said well we wanted to ask him for his permission but we couldn’t find him anywhere he was missing we couldn’t find them so but anyway what was I talking about anyway my father Ray but the more I started to collect myself I said what are you doing you say your dad was this was that was this with that but that man was probably very proud of you some of the good things you’re enjoying today may not be because of your mother because of your dad and where he is you know it’s it’s it’s it’s an insult to your parents for you to think that your parents if they’re not in this life there in hell do you even think of your parents like that you’re burning in hell right now no no no no no no no no no that’s not the spirit of God Spirit of God says honor your father and your mother but they’re not here on earth they still here on earth were they here on earth in your blood the hill on earth in your face some people when they look at you look and see your dad in your face some people look at it while you just remind me of your mom she still alive in your face but you personally have to honor them you have to honor them I remember last year when he was saying something about I can see my dad in heaven just saying I’m proud of my son that is a way to honor your dad and when you order them like that you are passing to your children something beautiful but I’ll let’s go fast to second Timothy chapter 2 chapter 1 verses one through six and let’s learn this airplane will not show you another fact do you know that Moses died in the Old Testament right Moses a servant of God died in Deuteronomy chapter 30 and he was buried But his body we didn’t nobody knows with the body of Moses wise because the Jewish people would’ve kept the body worship that he was the greatest the greatest prophet of God but in Matthew 17 Moses appeared talking to Jesus showing that he was still alive and I tell him and when I read those scriptures it reminds me my grandfather in the village in the Congo was probably Annette he contracted witchcraft in Black Magic but that man is my grandfather is in heaven or in hell how dare I even think of like that on my grandfather I should respect that and say no only God knows where he is but he did good because he raised a man who raised me and I think iPhone but look up all praises his ancestors Paul an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God according to the promise of life which is in Christ Jesus to Timothy my dearly Beloved son Grace mercy and peace from God when Paul says the Timothy is a son what was not Timothy is my logical father what made Timothy’s Paul son was because Timothy was his pastor was his pastor can I tell you something here without offending you some of you your father is me not because I lead you to Christ and the way you treat me well either add a blessing or a heritage to your life oh no who is the man who calls another man you’re my son but I can’t blow my own horn here anyway I’ll go find me another pastor who’s gonna come here one of these days or one of the ministers he can but I know you have a teaching on owner right now let’s come back on Oh OK we’re still goes to the restroom papa pop of the house for Timothy my dear beloved son I didn’t say that he said that Grace mercy and peace from God or the father in Christ Jesus our Lord I think God whom I serve from my forefathers with a pure conscious Paul’s forefathers lived in the Old Testament and the the other covenant even though Paul knew that he was in the better covenant he was saying he had something much better than his ancestors and yet he had some kind of respect for them he’s honoring his fathers with a pure consciousness without setting I have remembrance of the in my prayers night and day greatly desiring to see the big mindful of the tears that I may be Now look at this when I recall when I called to remember is the unfeigned faith that is in you which do I do first in whore and grandmother Lois Ellen day mother Eunice and I am persuaded is a little notice how tall is showing us that family is a multi generational affair that the faith that he had is thanks God for his fathers and his fathers fathers but he also tells Timothy but you told my son it’s not just you the blessing that you are enjoying in the heritage have here it was in your dad or in your in your grandmother and your great grandmother I just give you an example like a sister over his mom here how many blessings you think are on a manual and Emily because of that woman of God the tea is that she has shared and look at Ivy today I’m working beautiful disciplined woman what do you think you got all those arguments from society from yourself and from that woman sitting right there the last thing I want you to know is this there is something about your faith your spiritual faith which also covers your children there is a grace that’s upon your life which seals your children until they make a decision to walk away from God in the morning when your children go to school the anointing that upon your life goes with them there when they have children the same grace that upon you dwells on the dock your grandchildren as well I will say a good man lives in inheritance for his children’s children problem chapter 13 verse 22 there is something upon your life which protects your children show me now Genesis chapter 37 verses 31 through 30 Six and they took Joseph’s coat and kill the kill of the goats and dip the coat in the blood and I said the coat of many colors and they brought it to their father and said this and said this have we found no no whether it be the suns core or not and he knew it and said it is my sons coat an evil bass has devoured him Joseph is without doubt right in pieces and Jacob 90s P is closed this is a painful episode here and puts a cloth up on his lines and moan for his son many days it was just crying crying and all his sons now look at us all his sons and daughters rose up to comfort him but check this out but he refused to be comforted and he said for I will go Down to into the grave and to my son morning that his father worked for him was 36 and the meat and I sold him into Egypt at the park for an office on pharaohs and cabins in Captain G’s soul Joseph is well beloved by Jacob but he’s his other son do not love Jacob I do not love Joseph you remember Joseph had a series of dreams when he had the dreams he saw that they were binding sheaves in the field the other people shoes bow down to his shit and he came to his brothers he had a dream that we were all in the field your shoes beltline what do you think that means oh OK I don’t know and he had another dream and he said I saw the sun in the moon and 12 stars or 11 stars were worshiping me OK in this family how many are we we are 12 so you saw 11 stars We have a dad and a mom and a son and a star in the moon and you were there and the other ones were worshiping you when they hated him one day though you know the hurting the ship somewhere in the Dodge send them when they say I’m coming from let’s get them back they got him one of the brothers he know he still a brother we can kill him and the Judah say no let’s sell them let’s make some money out of them they sold them for 30 pieces of silver they took his clothes he had this coat of many colors they rent it they killed one of the animals the dictator in blood and the lie to the dead that’s what happens here is it dad look at this can I use your salsa does this look like Darrens but it’s taking the blood we just found it we don’t know do you think that’s yours and that looked at it I made it for dress up in the Bible says he was heartbroken because he loved Joseph like his own soul but he did some thing that protected Joseph and it’s in those scriptures you have to read carefully to see it it shows not to believe that his son was gone forever and he refused to be comforted now as he’s crying he’s crying they come to comfort him what are they trying to do they are trying to get him to agree with the lie if Jacob had agreed with that lie he would’ve given power to whatever they say he would’ve killed his own son if Jacob had settle say you know what the Lord has given alone has taken would’ve killed Joseph but Jacob because he refused to believe that his son to be comforted for his son that faith kept his son alive and kept his son alive No that he kept his son alive look at this dick would’ve sold them to anybody but the tears of Jacob not faith of Jacob started guiding the steps of Jack of Joseph whatever he wants I tell you man your faith can guide your children when they are away from your house and you and I have to get a price will be refused to accept without children are failures people may say your kids did something bad and I refuse to be comforted with that don’t settle down to see my son is going to go down this way my daughters gonna be down this way your son depends on your face to be guided in the journey of life there was a man there was a lady who had lost her son the Bible say she was a weirdo of name give me two minutes and I’ll be out of your way as she comes out Jesus saw the boy and he saw the mom crying take him to that to the procession and he touched he touched on it he said Don’t cry why did he tell the mom don’t cry because he could not talk to the boy the boy the painted 100% on the mom’s face if the mom had refused God has gone Jesus would not have raised him it’s about time that we stop moaning over our children but we stop believing that I don’t get my child will not be a failure my child will be a success I will see to it that my child is the best of the best of the best let’s see the power of Jacobs faith what it does to his son and Joseph was brought down to Egypt and part of for an officer of pharaoh captain of the guard in Egyptian bottom of the hand of the Ishmaelites which had brought him down there and the Lord was look at that ha ha Ha And the Lord was with Joseph and he was a prosperous man how was he a prosperous man what did he get the blessing from what caused Joseph to be a prosperous man in Egypt look at that and he was in the house of his master the Egyptian and his master so the Lord was with him and the download made all that he did prosper in his head what caused Joseph to prosper it because it’s because he has a father who protects him spiritually every morning cast a spiritual covering on your children as a mother you say my son is blessed my daughter is blessed my son is a man of God my daughter is a woman of God are used to be afraid that if my son went to public school it will be rotten know now I don’t sit like that anymore now I see that My kids go to public school they will affect all of the kids with the light of Christ in them and I want you to know that your God is alive brother K and then you say the same thing on Jeremy on Alexis and see my children under God’s protection just like Jake up you will communicate them a force that will make them thrive and prosper everywhere let’s turn on our feet

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