Prayer Part 4
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Prayer Part 4

Prayer Part 4

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Prayer Part 4

Today I will continue what I started last week talking about prayers so if you go with me to our foundational scriptures scripture which is Psalm 65 verse to you see what got us into this journey Psalms chapter 65 verse two in the book of Psalms chapter 65 verse to the Bible sees all you who hear prayers to you all flesh will come we see that God hears prayers and because he his prayers all flesh will come to him let me take you back quickly on our journey we have developed for the past three Sundays this topic of prayer because prayer is of paramount importance when it comes to Christianity when it comes to your vocal faith and when it comes to the church as a whole so the first thing we establishes we establish is God hears you right away when you start praying Open your mouth to just say father oh dear lord lord Jesus at that point he hears you God hears our prayers so much that sometimes before you even open your mouth is already hurt you most of us we have this concept of God that sometimes you talk to God and it will take him a while before before he will he he responds he responds to you but the God who made you an article that we serve he’s more willing to hear prayers then you are to spit say those prayers say God is not like on a man who works in an office or tails you place your order sir ma’am we will deliver the package give us 3 to 5 business days or 7 to 10 days business days no God is not like that God the moment you start to pray he releases the answer in the way he says it is This way when you pray according to his wheel you can rest assured that he has heard you and he has released the prayer it will not it doesn’t take out an hour it doesn’t even take them a month it’s not like some of these things that are happening to me I had prayed for them and it took God a month no God is more than willing to answer your prayers then you are taught to receive prayers now in the book of James chapter 1 verse five what does the word of God tell us what located in Jim’s chapter 1 verse five and this is just a quick brushing up if anyone of you lack wisdom let him ask of God give us to all men liberally and a bright it’s not any shall be given him this is all a scripture to encourage you to tell you that if you have nothing if you use me but you don’t have anything and you approach God just say Lord please give it to me It says here it’s guaranteed as far as God is concerned no prayers will be wasted when you pray he gave us to all man now this man here is all inclusive at men’s female and female do you still off the place where you say well maybe God listen this morning as we were opening up where is that and raised about what do I do when I’m talking how to approach got what I want you to know that even in that moment of tiredness even in that moment of short word it comes to God god it’s not the amount of words that you say Jesus even cautioned us imagine oh thank in the multitude Multitudes of the words God will heal him no no no no God does not hear you based on the length of your prayer one of the most powerful prayer you can ever say it is simply help when you just say he’ll HELP help you or is it already knows it do you know that sometimes with God even the tears that fall on your ear on your face already knows what those tears mean it was a boy who was trained by his dad to always say sprayers in the night before you go to bed son after you brush your teeth and say your prayers one time this morning meltdown at his bed at the foot of his bed and the father overheard him just say a BCDEFGH whatever comes after forever anyway in the end he said after he got to see he said in Jesus name I pray amen I didn’t pray and say yes daddy I prayed what do you mean well daddy he tells us that God knows my heart he will take all those letters and he will make phrases out of them and that is a beautiful picture to show you the God knows it even when you just cry remember that when Jesus to the to the gravesite of a Lazarus the Bible sees in Jesus wept the shortest scripture in the Bible John chapter 11 verse 33 in Jesus wept and after he web he said where is here show me the grave initially remove the stone rolled the stone Jesus lifted up his eyes and he said his father I think it’s because you have heard me and John chapter 11 it tells us that after Jesus cried he say to God I think you that you’ve heard and what is not here Jesus pray he heard the tears of Jesus just the cries of Jesus Jesus God heard those Christ sometimes when you’re so tired and you don’t even know how to open your mouth and to say anything just your tears just the brokenness of your heart has already spoken loud enough to God you find in the book of Genesis chapter 16 and Ishmael were kicked out of Abraham’s house in the Bible says that the mother did not want to see his boy died so she put them far away and the boy was crying when the boy was crying an angel of the Lord was dispatch from heaven to come until he got the father the Lord has heard the cries of the boy that more than us father give me water just the tears of that boy you see what I’m trying to tell you this when you think about it when you express it which ever way you express it God hears you when it comes to prayers you can rest a sure Friends God hears your prayers and all promises and God are you and amen that means with God when you present your case you can rest assured in John first John chapter 5 verse 14 what does the word of God tell us in the book of first John chapter 5 verse 14. First 14 NW. one it says this in first John chapter 5 verse 14 and this is the confidence that we have in him but if we ask anything anything anything you ask says this is the confidence what does it what does it even know man what is a confidence the piss test of the brick with a place to be I STIS what does the pasties this is the confidence this is the reliance this is the knowing that we know that we know that we know that we know that we know We ask him if we pray when we got together when we lift up our hands or when we Ball heads or whatever we have a way we express our request to him this is the confidence that we have in him that if we ask anything according to his will and verse 15 goes on to say that and if we know that he heals us we have whatever we ask him what I’m trying to tell you is this your prayers matter your prayers and I know in James chapter 5 what does it say in verse 16 and 17 yourself the fuck up to five let’s look at verse 16 and 17 confess your faults one to another pray for one another but you may be healed the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much brighter the effectual Prayer is a factual your prayer is like a muscle your prayer is like a punch that you’re giving you are heating your prayer is like a shock it’s like electricity your prayer is as fierce as the roaring of a lion your effectual servant prayer fervent prayer it’s like the fiery prayer whatever you say the moment you open your mouth something takes place in the spirit from and you don’t even sit with your flash it says this it’s effectual the amplified version says it makes tremendous power available that means the moment I’m beginning to pray I am creating a dynamic power just imagine like electricity and not just imagine like a fire your mouth like a grenade going off like a bomb going off Being decimated when I’m praying I’m releasing spiritual stamina I’m releasing spiritual power in the book of Amos chapter 3 the Bible says one of lion roars call Ken but be a frayed no one stays on when I when I used to minister in Zimbabwe and they have a they didn’t make a lot of money from wildlife because they have developed an industry and people flock to Zimbabwe from all over the world to go see the big cats the big African five the Buffalo the elephant the cheetah dumb the lien that when you are there if you hear of lion roar oh that thing can be 5 miles away but you will fill it in your bones and I have a stop the three describe your prayers like that the moment you start to Something happens in the spirit realm Something Happens it doesn’t matter whether you are a man whether you are a woman back in the in England in the 16 century when England broke away from the Catholic Church through Henry King Henry the eighth he said his daughters one of his daughter Elizabeth the name of which I was state Virginia is derived from you know Queen Elizabeth was the virgin queen she never got married her whole life and because she was a virgin in her memory this part of the United States was named after her the virgin queen that’s why our our state is called Virginia but she had a sister called Mary name of which was given to our twins the twins state Maryland so that Mary Elizabeth I meant was one of the most powerful woman in the world and in world history she ruled England for 50 years During her time the strongest nation on planet earth was Spain Queen Elizabeth Isabella and king Ferdinand and this is the time to Christopher Columbus came here and all the time does America’s was discovered Spain had the strongest military force in the whole world know that the woman is the one who destroyed Spain her sister said horses her other sister was the queen in Scotland say this I am most scared of the prayers of John Knox Dunder Army’s of my sister Elizabeth Mary Queen of Scots say that she was more scared of the prayers of a man of God in Scotland done all the armies of the most powerful queen in the world let me tell you something your prayers are so powerful yup Prayers are very powerful more all of us we are like horses we are too powerful and we don’t even know how powerful we are it has been said that the horse is one of the strongest animal in the world it’s got the muscles from the head all the way to the top tooth to do the feet but the horse doesn’t even know how much strength it is you and I we are like horses we are so powerful and yet we don’t even know we don’t realize how much strong we are sometimes we see ourselves just in the flash we can go for one week for two weeks without prayer and it doesn’t bother us we don’t we don’t we don’t think that nothing is happening my friend it’s time that you look back to your prayer life at the say I need to take my place let me tell you something there is a throne that is empty in the spirit realm and it’s you You are not sitting on your throne you are acting like an ordinary person you are just acting like an ordinary American citizen instead of being here God has called you to be and how do you take a strong make up your mind that you wanna be a man of prayer do you want to be a woman of prayer be like that woman when everybody’s asleep in the house you sleep down you know Nina in the basement or in the living room and I’m burning up now here you get down or something and you start to pray you spray your house with prayers before and be that man that will never start the day without speaking prayers what place does prayer occupy in your life if you know how much power you generate when you pray prayer would be one of the sweetest thing that you do Think about this Jesus Christ as powerful as he wants he prayed constantly and prayed constantly Jesus would not start a day without praying why do you start your day without crying why why what’s the matter with you have you forgotten who you are don’t start your day with a prayer but the disciples the day of Pentecost what happened on the day they were assembled praying praying those prayers created something in the spirit realm but the Bible says a strong a mighty wind was unleashed it came and filled the room start your day with prayer I have a friend of mine who is tells me this prayer brought me this far and prayer will keep me here I’ve also had another man sees this a man who knows how What about God in prayer will always stand in front of every man you serve a living God a God who in the Bible is written that he rescued Shadrach me shack and Abednego from the fire are you going through a fire have you prayed lately have you prayed the effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much thank you son when put into action and made effective by God it is dynamic and that’s were 16 what does R 17 say Elijah was a man with a nature like ours the same physical mental and spiritual limitations and shortcomings and he prayed intensely a word for it not to rain and it didn’t rain on earth for three years and six months and Elijah was no different from you He was just like you and yet when he prayed it did not rain how much how are we missing because we’re not playing how much are we hindering ourselves because we’re not playing instead of complaining take your prayer life sometimes the way God answers our prayers we don’t recognize it because we usually expect the answers to our prayers to be spectacular but I told you know prayers goes on answered as far as God is concerned when prayed according to his will and I have to emphasize on that when prayed according to his well no prayer goes on answered but when God answers your prayers usually you don’t realize that God has put God has answered your prayers I went to bed this morning around two and I was listening to a message that was two minutes long By a woman called Misse’s my Mona Elijah it was 3 AM when she had her walking up when she was praying for me and she was prophesying the area prophesied grace over you I speak grace of Springs off Life.Church I speak deaths of having to open and get some help I’m back in town and she left an apprentice about two minutes now in the morning listening to this prayer I’m beginning to wonder lot what’s going on here and I paused it there’s another man who texted me another pastor from Berlin say the same exact thing and then if there’s another man I have it on my phone here on what’s up and he left me a long message like that and then I wonder why did this happen and the Lord said this is my answer some of the prayers you have made in the past when God answers you it’s not gonna be Everything in the in the sky sun get ready your prayers he know it will be a favor the next thing you know somebody who didn’t talk to you in a long time it’s talking to you the next thing you know you’ll get up in the morning you’re so excited you just don’t know why are you so excited open your eyes shopping your discernment your prayers are working today why why is prayer very important to your daily activities I’ll give you seven reasons why you must pray and I’ll do them so fast that you have to catch up with me the first thing is when you pray prayer helps you keep in your eyes focused on God when you don’t have a lifestyle prayer it’s so easy for you to forget that but when you pray all the time always praying you keep your eyes on God what does Isaiah chapter 26 verse Re-say it says this you shall keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on the because he trusted in the this is one of those scriptures that you have to find to print it and put it in your house either in your bathroom in your bedroom on your fridge it’s one of those printers that you need to keep it in your in your eyes constantly because sometimes you will come down and sometimes you’ll feel down but this is one scripture that will keep you going when you feel like all the winds are blowing against you do you remember the scripture you will keep me in perfect peace because my mind is stayed on you because I trust in you I will not be the fifth and I will come up with my raise my hand brace up does that happen it happens because you purposefully put yourself to prayer You pray you talk to God you pray you pray you worship your lift him up all the time you will keep your eyes focused on him with me the book of Psalms chapter 20 verses one through eight Psalms chapter 20 verses one through eight the Lord healed me in the day of trouble and I say amen to that Lord the name of the God of Jacob defend it let me ask you what is the name of the God of Jacob his name is Jesus let him send you help from the sanctuary and strengthen D out of Zion remember all the offerings unacceptable and sacrifice Selah grant the according to sign on hot and fulfill all the council we will rejoice in the salvation Army in the name of our God we will set all of our banners Load for fill all the positions no no no is that the Lord service his anointed he will hear him from his holy heaven with the saving strength of his right hand some trust in chariots that’s what I’m looking for and some in horses but we will trust in the name of the Lord will remember the name of our Lord when does a song you have to find it on YouTube it’s in the house or yeah Benada Tsuchiya yes some trust in the chariots some trust in the iTunes Store but we will trust in the Lord prayer will help you stay focused on the Lord some people trust in the diplomas some people trust in the skin colors some people trust in the good English but I heard the word of God say Those who trust in the Lord will not be put to shame Brea will keep you focused on God there’s been so many times that I’ve been so foolish and I trust in my own strength in my own understanding until I remember the Bible tells me trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding and when I lift up my eyes to see Jesus right there it was right there prayer will keep you focused on the Lord there comes a time in your company everybody’s freaking out and everybody’s panicking I don’t know why you’re so happy they don’t know why you’re so cool like a cucumber because they trust in the job you trust in the Lord to thousand 13 hours with Andrew Warmack in James and we went there and I want to I want to just some prayers and Jim stood up there This is Eddie my company has been sponsoring his ministry and we are going through so much can you just pray for our company to go to prosper so that his ministry can can be financed and Andrew was angry I just did this can you call me ASAP yes it is and I was standing right you just said you are not this man sauce and he just did that all I had tears in my eyes you are not this man’s sauce and he put his hand on me and he say trust in the Lord he is your source the reason why you don’t trust in the Lord because you don’t pray you have time for everything Facebook or you got time for that those jokes and downhill all of them anything that’s happening in the entertainment with all your note every tweet that President Trump put out that you know that everything that has happened Yeah you are aware of that but the Lord your forgotten him I don’t calling you back here come take your place there’s a front that’s empty with your name on it and it’s been pretty much a sit down and that’s that song secondly pray you build your confidence it’s stimulate stimulate your conscious it makes you more aware of God when you are a man of prayer not only have you trust in God you also have trust in what God can do with you some of us we have trust in other peoples prayers but we don’t have trust in our own prayers we are like those 10 spies who said yeah we saw the line is long with honey and milk grapes are huge but we are like grasshoppers When you look pretty you always see yourself as a grasshopper when you don’t pray you will be panicking the book of Psalms chapter 9091 verses one through 16 and I read it so fast never go to a second water boy he’s a Taurus in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty I will say of the Lord I will say of the Lord look at the boulders in the car I will say of the Lord he is my refuge and my fortress my God in him will I trust surely he shall deliver the from the snare of the Fowler and from the pool he shall cover the with his feathers and under his wings sound out trust his truth shall be no shield and Buckler that’s all not be afraid of the terror by night that’s me that’s me that’s me that’s me I will not be afraid by the terror of night nor of the arrow that flies by day nor for the pestilence that walks in the darkness I tell you let’s trust God when this wall goes down we will not go down with this world when they will say that it’s tough we will be laughing and will be smiling because we’re not in home with believe I saw that Shuffle by your side and 10,000 on the right hand but it’s on not come near me let’s stop right there let’s stop right at my friends when you pray you are ready to start your day you are ready to start your day somebody Bobby talking about Wheatus talking about demons you’ll be cool like a cucumber you’ll be like Jesus in the sea when the waves I know why Boom the disciples what is a son of god of sleeping when they wake him up he looks at the C and C Pl. is still not confident that comes from prayer number three prayer is the best motivator for ministry it makes you want to serve God more when you pray it puts you psychologically in a place where you feel like you know what a man of God you don’t need a title to be a leader even if in this church nobody ever recognizes you as a good worship leader as a great man of God as a preacher as a pastor you don’t need a title The grace of God and you will never see them you are like a child that is just freshly born that babies going to cry when will another it’s gonna wake up the neighborhood number for prayer keeps you spiritually alert so number three was prayer is the best motivator for ministry accept the form is 23 through 31 number for prayer keeps you spiritually alert you begin to exercise spiritual discernment because you pray so what I’m trying to say here is this win win win we pray and we have a lifestyle of prayer we can start to see things from a spiritual standpoint of you sometimes you feel like you are sick or you don’t know why but if you pray it will you will know in your spirit I’m sick because of this and that in second Kings chapter Six verse 15 through 17 Elijah used to say things in the spirit realm it was a man of prayer prayer will help he’ll see white people at the certain way sometimes people hurt your feelings because it’s Satan going through them to paralyze you would be the spokes one time to Jesus in Matthew 16 Jesus said get the behind me Satan no but it was not Satan Jesus was able to see what is behind us some of the things that are happening to you have no physical explanation it’s when you pray that you start to see some thing for prayer keeps your spiritually alert it keeps you spiritually alert one day when we were living in Dumphries I got up in the morning and I was Crying I had tears in my eyes in my bed was wet I was happy I was excited and yet I was crying that morning Gabriella woke up at 7:30 Jesus was in my bedroom last night and then I said how do you know that what he was standing he was just looking at me into my face baby did he say anything about that or did he pass your name where do anything no she say that he didn’t open his mouth but in his eyes he looked at me and he was saying is I can imagine your baby telling you things I got the feeling that was me but when you pray you will see when the enemy is at work you’ll be alert you hear a phone call somebody talking to you and he was shaking that’s not God Prayer helps with your spiritual gifts some of us in this room the reason why you don’t prophesy I don’t pay the reason why you don’t see visions you don’t cry don’t but second Timothy chapter 1 verse six says tear up the gift of God in you in the coming weeks or months or so will go through a time of training you for spiritual gifts I want to see you prophesied I want to see you say thanks enough to be afraid you will not prophesy wrong no no it will help you get there will prepare you in prayers number six prayer stimulates your appetite or spiritual things and reduces the cravings of your flesh this sometimes where a program comes on TV you have no desire to watch it at all That doesn’t happen accidentally it only happens when you have to discipline yourself Hebrews chapter 5 verse 14 and as you can notice I’m going through fast because I want to keep it short and go into the training in the next 45 minutes or so Hebrews of the fibers 14 tells us you can train your flesh your body to become sensitive to the spiritual thing so when you pray the more you pray you have an appetite for the things of God let me tell something if you get your Bible right and you try to read it and you’ll feel tired and he doesn’t stick that is a very very very very bad sign it shows that you are not craving spiritual things when you put in your car right up WGT I saw Kayla for one of those and those songs to minister to you yes yes Cut the thing off that is a very bad sign something in your in your soul look in your spirit in your soul has become insensitive to the things of God who is telling Timothy go up the gifts of God because with the things I’ve got a pulse Azle you can quench that fire God says in Revelation you can quench the first love it happens sometimes when we ask you can you please come to prayer and just have no desire and you don’t know why what is a very bad sign what do you do when you have no desire for the things of God go back into prayer find a way to encourage yourself prime yourself up with music praise and worship music it’s Timberlake to my prayer for our service our church is all praise and worship becomes something that we all look forward to you I can’t miss praise and worship because What is the offer good praise and worship it indicates that you have an appetite for spiritual things prayer helps with divine wisdom thank you sir James chapter 1 verse five James the one Bridgewater bright you are one of the most important ministry in the function of check that’s why when the enemy comes against the church usually tries to come against the praise and worship now imagine before you come here for break that week the songs that was sent to you I’ve already taken them they have a really blessed you to come here it begins to flow we will get to a place one of these days when we can’t even preacher sermon because the presidents worship is so good nobody wants to go will get to a place where if you got your ready just go home Service has started it and when you want it to end by the praise and worship you have to prepare yourself see yourself like that as a man of God prayer helps with divine wisdom James chapter 1 verse what what does that mean a man who prays a lot it gets you to a place where you start to talk less and when you talk less than everybody that is a sign of maturity you become like Jesus who did not open his mouth you start talking less and less and less in the book of Proverbs it talks all the time about in the multitude of all of words that’s great send no you will be in a place where at your company everybody wants to listen to you and your family everybody wants to listen to because they know when you say a word that’s divine wisdom it doesn’t happen accidentally do you have that what is the menu but prayer is that thing that helps prime it To come out of your mouth a man in less than or not fit now

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