Prayer Part 3
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Prayer Part 3

Prayer Part 3

This sermon was translated from MP3 (audio) to Text and has not been fixed for grammar, spelling or duplicates. If you would like to listen to the sermon, click here.

In the sound shop the 65 just focus on the first two ways says all ye who are you who are your prayer to you all flesh welcome the Psalms 65 says all you who hear prayers to you all flesh will come we want we have to understand first of all the God is willing to hear our prayers and he’s willing to bless or two to say yes to our prayers the past two Sundays I have done my best to show you that from the Scriptures God doesn’t need an hour to bless you God doesn’t need two weeks to say yes to that which you asked him in most cases actually when you just stick it to hot like today this hour this evening this week I’m gonna be praying I’m gonna be laying this case like button but I do you called it on the altar I’m gonna be praying The moment you say those things God already bless you when you read in the book of Daniel chapter 9 and chapter 10 and Angel showed up at Daniels house as Daniels praying and making supplication for him and for his country the angel told him when you talk to hard to sit God immediately I was dispatched from heaven to minister to you I want you to just keep it in mind that God doesn’t need two hours to hear your prayers sometimes before you even say it he’s already answered you and like you know Paul the apostle tells us all the promises of God are in him here in a man that means the moment I take to my hot tub to take the word of God applied to my petition as far as God is concerned he says yes now in first John chapter 5 verse 14 what does the Bible tell us let’s look at the scripture first John chapter 4 of chapter 5 verse 14 Does it say and this is the confidence that we have in him but if we ask anything according to his will he hear it here is that so here with us I want you to look at the scripture carefully it says that we have a reason to be confident what his confidence confidence is that I know that I know that I know that I know that I know but if I pray whatever I leave out of gods face what am I say I just know God hears my prayers most of us we we do not believe in our own faith we do not believe in our own ability to approach God through prayer’s son is in the house we think of God like he can answer Sunday manual he can answer Tyson but me and Eddie got going to hear me forget about me we may not see these things overtly but unconsciously This attitude that oh well I hope God hears me but look at that scripture it says this is the confidence you got to get to a place where you just know that you know that when I open my mouth to just say my father how to say lol Jesus how to say heavenly father I know that I know that I know that I know I have a confidence that he will release it to me and now he says that if we ask according to his well that does not mean when you pray you should say father if this be they will grant me the position I have laid at your feet that’s not that’s not what it means it doesn’t mean Lord I’m just I’m praying that whatever I’m praying if it’s your will to bless me bless me know why because the moment you put the I FF that means you have lost your confidence that means you have no faith you don’t know you don’t know but what does the Bible tell us when you have no faith without Faith it’s impossible to please him and Jesus also said according to the faith let it be done to you when I approach gonna say father if it’s your will to heal me if it’s your will to advance me the moment I just put if it’s your will that means I don’t even know so if I don’t even know that it’s the wheel of God I’ve already disqualified that’s why the scripture was written to tell us this is the confidence that I have but when I pray God will respond and like I was telling you sometime before I even say it he’s already responded just just refresh your mind in the Old Testament God used to tell the children of these real go attack the enemy I have already delivered them under your hands before you pick up the sword and charge the enemy can’t say I’ve already released them into your hands do you know that even before you applied for that Apple radio but I’ve already given it to give it to you before you even say it God’s already released it to you because you know that you know that you know that he’s already released it this is the confidence that you have I want you and I want to get to a place where we can look at people and tell them this brother if you don’t believe in your God believe in my God I want you to look at yourself one of these days and put your hand on your chest say hi Bill in your name only time I pray God always hears me know in James chapter 1 verse five through eight what does it say let’s start from verse 50 will take it drag it all the way to Rize James Chapter One James does John know James Tesla but the one before it James that’s John 15 through eight now I’m looking for James if any of you lack wisdom which is impossible for a child of God Which is impossible this is almost like a being sarcastic if you like with some other child of God you can’t luck with the bow because you have Jesus Christ in you and who is Jesus first Corinthians 131 he is to us the wisdom of God so Braddock it always has wisdom that wisdom is always available they’re in there in your wisdom is always there wisdom is always there so when he say if you like wisdom you know he’s talking he’s trying to encourage you if you’re lucky it was him ask let him ask of God that give it to all men liberally know the proper rendition of the scripture is this if any of you lacks wisdom let him ask of the giving God in the way that given God is termed it’s a God inches to release answers to your prayers it’s one of those things of God when it comes to Ministering to you he inches he’s more willing to answer your prayers and you are willing to lay them at his feet can I tell you something God never takes from anybody God never takes God only receives do used to be a man of God who was so greedy and when the money came in the church he’ll take the money in a bowl and he’ll stand here and draw a circle around himself a huge circle and he’ll lift up his head and say Lord I’m about to give you this money I’m going to throw it up there whatever falls down here I will take it as a sign that you don’t like it and I will take it myself and he’ll grab this ball of money I thought their lo and behold by some miracle all of the money will you just come down and he said well I’ll give you the chance you didn’t want it so I take it that you want me to take it God is not a God who takes God never takes what does he do he receives God receives but in his real nature he’s a God he’s a given God remember what John 316 tells us for God so loved the world that he gave his given God knows he came to all men that this means he doesn’t care whether you are a male or a female what do you want white or Hispanic or Asian or black or anything in between as long as you are a human being God doesn’t even care that you’re a Muslim he doesn’t even care that you are a witch he doesn’t care that you’re a racist or a travelers or whatever you are the Bible says he gave us to all men it’s not just one scripture or the scripture say exactly the same thing Jesus said like this put it like this Your father makes it rain come on on the righteous and on the wicked oh you mean to tell me but even the worst people can I ask how old is God it was a demon in a person but demon identified itself as legion that demon came to Jesus and say to Jesus this it came through a human being this man who was a possessed with these demons are about out 1000 of them inside and the demon seed please don’t send me to HELL don’t send me there please send me the swine and Jesus granted the demons request a demon back I’ll give it to you how old are the mercy of a demon can even request in Jesus Christ how about you How about you how about you how about you I just want to tell you don’t disqualify yourself your prayers shift things in the spirit realm you’re laying on of hands on other people communicate something in the spirit realm the spirit realm the angels of God listen to this the angels of God sometimes move at the speed of your prayers because he was chapter 1 verse 13 and 14 states this angels are serving still ministers don’t like those guys who work in restaurants to wait on your table those guys in the restaurant move at your at the speed of your demand if you have not made up your mind or want to force anything on you don’t want it doesn’t even have the authority to remove you from that place unless the manager or they have given been given no Right to do it in the Bible in Hebrews one describe angels of God like that that means somethings that should’ve happened to us a year to three years ago have not happen because we have not engage the angels of God on our behalf we have not been praying what are women doing we have been playing on Facebook we have been watching games and by the time the games are too tired to pray we have been gossiping talking about everybody with an eating people you’re not the one you criticize a person you are eating him you are devouring him some of us people have already eaten half of us it’s only Elrino tolls that I left out heels or calf that’s left and they will probably barbecue that thing next week or something Go to use your mouth to criticize don’t use your mouth you have no time to waste your time is too precious and you are a child of God not listen to this let me tell you this and I’ll come back to this even the devil depends on your mouth to be up to go to work Jesus was rejected by the Samaritans in looked up the line when you go to verse 5051 5253 James and John told Jesus out of anger since this Samaritans have refused to welcome you do you want us to call on the fire to burn them like Elijah did in the old testament in the Bible says Jesus will get them and told them you don’t know of which spirit you are if John and James had had called on that fire it would’ve happened these guys could’ve been standard to death but it wouldn’t have been God It would have been the enemy I have personally witnessed it nobody told me I remember it was around 1994 around the end of that year there was a guy next to a church his name was Vitale this guy used to insult us all the time so 105 friends his name is Jose so Vitale used to make fun of him around the time they got so mad and he cursed of it out unless I am not a man of God you shall be smitten by the hand of God first day went by a few days after we met before days were staying at the church we heard somebody crying crawling on his face and on his knees and coming I guess we want it was the tall oh please I have wronged you please forgive me please forgive me please forgive me details stomach was Ballooning it was growing big and big I witnessed it the Lord is my witness Vitas tummy balloon and this guy almost died until they are released him from the thing he is a man of God gold on the curse and the curse came on the top but was it God who didn’t know it was Satan it was Satan that’s why Jesus is never curse always bless why because if you curse oh yes it will come to pass because remember life and death is where that life is God right and the death is also cities as Satan so whatever you use your mouth on and be released most of us pastors like me the reason why our ministry don’t have a better expression it’s because the church members /Some thing on you I’m so despondent and faster the moment you do that something is released in that man’s life but thank God this never happened here right we are loving here we love each other and I’m encouraging we are a loving family but I want you to notice that the spirit world moves at the speed of your mouth at the speed of your prayers that’s what we need to be praying for people I tell you this when people angry you when people make you so sad or depressed and they get on your last nerve don’t lash out on them don’t be bashful take it to prayers we have example after example in prayer in the Bible of people who were persecuted with tortured and in that moment instead of acting on anger then went to prayer I’ll give you an example this man called the law Jesus Christ Was bitten all night long they placed a crown of thorns on him hi Isaiah 50 to say that his face was more in such a way that we could not recognize him the day Jesus died on the cross you could not tell if it was a human being I was an animal he was brutalized he was humiliated he was stripped naked he was wounded Isaiah said he was bruised for our iniquities in the moment when people are cursing him what did Jesus say father forgive them for they know not what they do you know when you feel like somebody has wronged you have you ever said Lord will give them to you ever said that and I’m telling you I have a plied my purse in my life personally to do it and it feels good but Stephen Stephen in the Bible when he was being stoned in a chapter 7 the person who led the mob to Stoneham was Paul or Sol Azteca he’s getting stoned he lifted up his eyes and he said father holding up the sin against them did not hear the prayer of course you bet you he heard that prayer what happened Chapter 8 Chapter 9 the same guy who led the mob to kill him is the same guy who proclaims Jesus Christ and he’s the man who wrote most of what we called the holy the doctrine of Christ this tremendous power in prayer that’s tremendous power in us let’s not use our mouth to destroy others let’s actually use our mouth as a facet of God’s love when we turn it on just the love of God is spilling out prayers James chapter let’s go to five let’s notice something here and versa 16 and 17 James stop the five let’s go to over 16 and 17 confess your faults one to another and pray for one another but you may be healed but you may be healed you have to pray for one another effectual prayer of a righteous man avails much Elias was a main subject like passions as we are and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain and it’s raining not on the earth by the space of three years and six months I’m gonna start from the bottom scripture and work my way up to show you this it’s picking out a man in the Bible called Eliza or in the Scruggs passing it called him Elias he say he was a man just like you I’m here praying God release whatever he asked for the reason why he’s choosing Elijhaa it’s because in the old testament Elijah is one of the most undisciplined prophet of God in the Old Testament one of the worst character when you look at this guy’s life do you like if God can use a man like this dude here man I’m better I’m good God can use me Elijah is one of the proudest man in the Bible remember that he called on the fire of God came in costume the holocaust and everything when the fire came this is the first game chapter 19 he felt he was the greatest man of God that’s ever grace the gods green earth they had never been a big man like them how do we know this because in first Kings chapter 19 he’s hiding in the mood has some larger larger where are you know if God American you know how he was going to do a large large will you wear your little something like that Elijah Elijah where are you and Eli just said Lord I am no better than my fathers what does it mean it means Elijhaa after seeing the fire of God come down he said look at me I am the best thing since God created the earth. Why would he think so he’s the first man to raise a dead a dead person that Elijah did it by his own hand he killed 950 people I’m not talking about nine people look 90 people nobody’s ever done that but all he told the king king Ahab there’s a rain coming you get off will you takeoff stop running in the Bible says he Elijhaa Faster than the king the king was in a chariot can you imagine the king driving the very best like I’ll present present truck drives the very best and this man of God ran faster than him but that time he felt he was on top of the world but Elijah as bad as he was so full of himself as he was Yep his prayers always were answered that’s why James is saying this don’t don’t count yourself out too soon don’t think that you are not weak and you are not bad no for men as bad as Elijah would do just what I did I’m a man I get angry but if I killed 900 people this one person not have a issue already with that but this guy killed 950 people got them up It’s not just split the guts out and God used him you and I we are given her confidence but anytime Natalie you pray things are moving things are shifting so Luke chapter 11 Jesus said and he said until then which of you shall have a friend and she’ll go onto him at midnight and say Adam friend lend me three loaves what a friend of mine in his journey is come to me and I have nothing to set before him and hear from them within shower answer and say probably not the doors now shut and my children are with me in bed I cannot rise and give the I say onto you though he will not rise and give him because he’s his friend yet because of his importunity he will rise and give him as many as you need Jesus here is telling us about prayer that one thing you have to Rest assured is prayer will always be answered he says here and this is not how God treats us this is a contrast it’s not a comparison comparison is this is how he does it this is how God does it this is how men will do it God does exactly how men does it that would be a comparison this is not a comparison this is a contrast to show you that even a wicked man as bad as he is eventually if you persist if you stay on him long enough though he’s not predisposed to help you he will help you up he says that this man comes at midnight that’s that’s not gonna do the war no the Bible sees because you keep insisting he will give it to you Jesus say what does it say and he said onto them which of you shall have a friend can you call a man who treats you like this your friend That’s why Jesus it’s not like this is how God treats you Jesus sees this even if a person is not your friend or you go to his house and start and I’ll get Madison Madison I need 20 bucks even if Madison is never your friend at least she will she will respond if for nothing at least to just get out of my face man just take it and go just go just go something like that Jesus said human beings don’t even treat you like this even wicked people will not shoot you like that if I went to buddy manual and I asked him for any help whatever that help me be and he and he treated me like this man by the time I’m done with him I will know that I know that this guy is not my friend but if he was my friend he will not talk like that he wouldn’t even let me have this conversation the moment I know you just respond right away but Jesus My best friend what is he saying here are you saying that when it comes to prayer you don’t have to beg God it’s not like sometimes you have to work got up in other words your prayer being answered is guaranteed do you know that Jesus even put it this way don’t be like hypocrites hypocrites like to say the same thing over and over and over but I can’t Laura, Laura come to you oh Lord oh Laura, I said all of that can’t stop right now you don’t have to say that same thing over and over and over and over no just speak it you see this is what we need to do no let me stop right here and tell you something if you don’t pray at all you don’t have a personal devotional prayer brother some can I use as a prop example no no yeah you’re my buddy let’s say about Jason goes for 23 days never say the word a prayer what does that mean to God he has time for everybody he has time boyfriend is cousin has time for Eddie has done for Isaac has done for daddy Francis but to God he doesn’t talk to God you won’t pick up the word he won’t read the Bible he won’t listen to praise and worship what does that mean to God it means he’s so proud it means he doesn’t care about God it means as far as he’s concerned God can go hang himself I don’t like it I don’t care it means to him God is not his source so you see what I’m trying to say when we pray we show that we have confidence we have faith in God your prayer is a manifestation of your trust your reliance upon God when you don’t pray it means you are trusting on yourself what does private chat through respond saying come on church talk to me trust him with all my heart and lean not on your own understanding prayer is a way of showing that you trust him do you know that God loves questions yes have you ask him lol how do you want me to do this alone how do you want me to not go with me to I’ll probably look let’s go now to chapter 18 let’s read verses one through five what does it say and he speak a parable answer them to this and that men are always to pray and not faint stop right there Jesus say that you always have to pray by the shop and hear show me with your hand how many of us you know that you know at least once a week you can you pray just once a week Oh wow what a miracle this is good how many of us at least four times a week you even if it’s just a short but I’m not talking about two hours now just such a short prayer praise God I’ll stop right there because if I keep going down it will probably be a little bit kind of unkind to you but that is a good thing Jesus he is telling us we should always pray and not faint keep that scripture keep that scripture reminds us of the scripture daily I must always and always in Greek and Hebrew means always right saying there was a city that was in the city a judge which food not God neither regarding men and it was a widow in that city and she came on to him saying a Band-Maid of mine adversary and he was not for a while but Afterword he said within himself though I feel like God no regard man yet because this weirdo trouble troubles me I will avenge her last but her continual coming she where is me Jesus again is telling us something here this is not a comparison this is a contrast it’s showing us an even a wicked man just the most vile man you can think of if you keep asking him something even if they don’t want to give it to you eventually they’ll Kevin he says that this man doesn’t feel that this judge he is not God because it says this judge said I do not feel good so it’s not a bug out here and this woman is a weirdo we are not spiritually speaking weirdos we are the bride of Christ so it’s not talking about you and God know what it says that this weirdo went to the judge constantly eventually the judge Give her justice what does it tell you if you pray even a 30 seconds prayer is better than nothing when it comes to prayer let me go quickly here switch it quickly to Ephesians up at six show me a verse or 18 what does it say Ephesians 6 verse 18 praying always with all prayer and supplication in the spirit and watching there until with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints noticed that it says that we should always pray with all prayer that means we need to pray with all kinds of prayers tell many kinds of prayers but one of the prayer is called the press application now let me tell you this quickly they made they are about six types of prayers right you have to prove petition that’s the prayer that Jesus is sick and you shall find knock and the door will be open ask and you shall be given to your mama teach up to seven Seven sick knock ask sick knock that’s the first kind of prep the second kind of prayer is the prayer of intercession/supplication the prayer of intercession is when you pray for someone who is not a child of God who is not a Christian a person who is not a Christian needs intercession now you cannot intercede for the church we do not make intercession for the church and we cannot print the same for Saint why because an emphasis by definition means someone who made immediate is not the right one sister Natalie to mediate to do the mediation negotiate between two parties so when you stand between two opposing party you are the mediator then go Chiate or do you know Samuel Jackson you are that or you are an intercessor you are bringing to parties together now you do not need to intercede for me why because God and I we have Yes Romans chapter 5 verse one being there for justified by faith we have peace with God I have peace with God so I don’t need to make it to intercede for me and decided there’s only one mediator between me and God so when we say we’re going to have intercessory prayers we intercede not for the church not for Christian but for unbelievers Jesus said the harvest is plenty is pray there for the mass that’s the same laborers into the harvest when you pray that the harvest like we did this morning for African countries that is in the session but when I’m praying for sister Patricia I am not interceding for her and maybe making some applications for her supplication for the church in fact this is just look how many times supplication appears in that one verse right there official six verse 18 praying always with prayer and supplication watching Toronto with all perseverance and supplication Philippians chapter 4 lol look at the verse six and seven Philippians chapter 4 Philippines Philippines so right OK be careful for nothing but in everything by prayer and what are you say that word again application it doesn’t say about prayer and intercession right like I was telling you the session is what you do for unbelievers supplication is what you do for Christian by another words when I pray for someone I’m making supplications for them man what a privilege with supplication and Thanksgiving let your request be made known to God and the peace of God which passes all understanding shall keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus it means that honestly on a weekly basis you have to make an appoint to make supplication for someone other than yourself when you make supplication Get some for yourself as a father and make us applications for myself now if you if you have a problem whatever you need just ask him but when you start to think let’s say of sister Maggie and you know that she’s she’s probably confided in you about this and you pray on her behalf that’s what the Bible says you are making application for her and I remember in our chapter 12 in in in a chapter 12 when Peter is apprehended by the hair of the Bible says by prayer and supplication were made for Peter daily so we have the perpetration prayer of intercession/supplication intercession is for the unbeliever and supplication is for the believer the third kind is the prayer of agreement and that’s where I want to stop right here but damn I’ll come back there’s a part of agreement there’s also a prayer of consecration the prayer of consecration When is a powerful prayer it’s the prey you make once you make up your mind to do something with God like for instants my wife and I will lived in Oregon for 6 1/2 years we had five cars big house I had a nice office money was never an issue thousands of dollars that we used to put other people through school in Africa knock knock no issue until 2013 when I was there in Africa the low side go plant a church in the Washington DC area when I came home just God had the same conviction that our time in Oregon was up so we both agreed to go into a time offer prayer fasting on the following day which was a Thursday when we prayed and we knew that we knew were coming here with consecrated we made a prayer of consecration the prayer we made in Oregon to say not I will but I will be done that is the proof casa question Is the prayer that everyone of us at some point in your life you have to make her say though I may have a good job though I may have everything but I dedicate myself now to helping others for Christ Prez of consecration is the fruit of Jesus didn’t get so many bother if it did I will let this cup pass me nevertheless not my will but your will be done as a professor question but you also have the proof meditation that’s that’s the kind of prayer the top when you just think of the Scriptures when you hear gospel music sometimes you’re so heartbroken you don’t even have the strength to pray we just let praise and worship or you just let your tears fall at that point you are meditating and sounds fine let the meditations of my heart be a sacrifice onto you sometimes you do it in your shower sometimes you do it on the bed that’s the proper medication but let’s come back The perfect women go to Matthew chapter 18 show me 18 and 19 and I will wrap it up in a second Matthew chapter 18 let’s see versus 18 and 19 what does it say verily I say unto you whatsoever you shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven whatsoever you shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven first of all notice something Heaven doesn’t go to work until you do something that’s what I was telling you about angels have been waiting and I’ve been waiting Jesus say this when you on earth say some thing the powers in heaven go to work for you and again by give me the rest of that they say until that if two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything that they shall ask you shall be done for them off my father which is in heaven noticed that one of the most powerful prayers that a true Which must do is the perfect women all of us we come together and we say we have been here for such and such a long time can we agree for the next six months what we want to see happen and we pray together Jesus sees when you pray like that whatever you bind here on earth shall be bound in heaven there are times what you can pray by your self but you can’t always pray about yourself you need someone else to pray with you Jesus as powerful as he was he told his disciples Terry and pray with me for at least one hour human Jesus needed someone to perform yes the prayer of agreement Paul wrote the churches in Philpott Bissell Anika Coliseum if he FSS he told them pray also for me at chapter 12 Peter was apprehended in jail But the church prayed there’s a place where you need to pray and where is Springs off Life.Church is now every gathering that we have prayer has to always be emphasized in a cell group and praise and worship in children’s ministry every time and rehearsal every time we gather together let’s take him in prayer on on Wednesday when we were all we’re going to a class here we got a phone call from my brother Danny’s house that his son had just saw he has asthma and he had an attack and he was needed right away and we took it as an opportunity for us to take that thing to God in prayer and just release him with touch and agree release grace over the boy and as he was going and he got there I texted him myself he’s fine he’s doing good that’s what the power of prayer of agreement does say it’s so easy in the church to model Eight people to do anything or let’s come next week and let’s eat pizza right now can I bring a salad or something sure Alexa two weeks we’re going to have to come here we’re going to clean up here when I was with clean up a fire to barbecue here real some hotdogs and there’s gonna be punch and lemonade oh sure sure I’ll clean my tub and I’ll come there but we have a problem and the enemy actually words when we tell people you come here next week we will have an hour of prayer that’s when people remember I need to work overtime I cannot do this I cannot do that who do you think is behind making you week in prayers what it may be a flash but it’s also the enemy because when you got it together when we got together to pray we activate something let’s play with our last group chat and will get out of here the same James chapter 5 verse 16 But let’s read it from the amplified Bible therefore confess your sins to one another you’ll fall steps your offenses are you and pray for one another that you may be healed and restored the heartfelt and persistence that prayer of a righteous man believer can accomplish much when put into action and made effective by God it is dynamic and can have tremendous power oh my god oh my God it says that when we pray together we generate power that’s some thing that we create in the spirit realm when we come together in prayer you know it’s not easy to come together and criticize it’s so easy to come together and eat popcorn it’s so easy to come together and eat chicken kebabs or eat salmon and broccoli or whatever but when we come together for prayer first of all it’s not easy to get people To commit to prayers but when a church does not pray the church is shooting itself in the foot there’s a place where only pray can take you there’s a place the things in life that can only shift because of prayers know things that never happen until you pray until the church pray so next week we’re going to have a prayer training right after church all of us in this church must be able to lead prayers you have to be able to lead praise and lead it correctly in a cell group where ever you go at the gathering in the church here every Sunday I want you to put brother Emmanuel to work but he has more people to lead prayer that he himself doesn’t even have time to lead prayer for guys it’s my turn now but all of us how to get to that place where we activate prayer less than an affect on Alexa

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