Prayer Part 2
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Prayer Part 2

Prayer Part 2

This sermon was translated from MP3 (audio) to Text and has not been fixed for grammar, spelling or duplicates. If you would like to listen to the sermon, click here.

Let me refresh your mind a little bit from the book of Psalms chapter 65 versa versa to look at the scripture in the book of Psalms chapter 65 or Zelda theorist prayer and Tanisha all flesh come I want to talk to you about prayers but I want to go from this book this chapter he has some 65 to tell you that God hears prayers and the sun is the man who wrote the king David say because God is a prayer here in God all men all flesh every single human being vocal go to God we have to come to a place to understand that God hears us when we pray and last week I was trying to show you this in our mind in our subconscious mind we have this idea with picture guard as a caseworker a social Worker or a lawyer or a doctor or you could phone and make a reservation an appointment can I place an order when can you deliver and human beings will tell you give us 24 hours give us seven days or five business days we have almost the same kind of idea was going to win I pray God may not hear me right now he may not answer my prayers right now but maybe in a month maybe in six months the Lord will remember my prayers and I want to tell you that that is not what the Bible teaches about prayers God does not answer you within a day within an hour or within a week God answered you immediately before you say I have prayed in Jesus name all in Jesus name afraid I have I believe you’ve heard it before you say the very last word he’s already answered you gods answer to you is always Instantaneous look at this passage he that he sprays but not combine this with Mark chapter 11 let’s start from verse 22 what did Mark 1122 all the way to 24 Mark chapter 11 in Jesus answering see it onto them have faith in God this is a little bit it doesn’t say it was Jesus and Jesus did not say have faith in God no he actually says in the original Bible have the kind of faith that God has have the God kind of faith someone may ask would wait a minute you mean to tell me God has faith of course he has faith if he doesn’t have faith what do you think you got faith from if you have faith you must have gotten it from somewhere somebody must’ve given it to you it must be God will give you faith but where did he get the fade from you got it from himself because it I think God wants is already in himself so God has for you he has faith in God has faith in his own word he has faith in Jesus God has faith in his word that God have faith yes he has faith that’s why when he say for inside let them be late it was late when he says that they’ll be like how did he create it while he was chapter 11 verse three by faith we understand God made the world my faith or the visible things were made out of the invisible thing so when Jesus says have faith in God he’s actually saying how the God kind of faith operate from the level of God the way God has faith what does God have faith in he has faith in himself so have faith in God or have the God kind of faith that verse 23 says what for verily I say unto that whosoever shall seek Until this mountain be thou removed and be the outcast in the CS I’m not doubt in his heart but I believe that those things which he say it shall come to pass he still have whatsoever he said therefore I say onto you whatever what’s what things so ever you desire when you pray that’s not after you have read sometimes you have brain don’t think you believed in the past know as you are still praying believe that you receive them when do you believe you receive them when you are still praying that’s when you receive them it’s not like OK I’ve already prayed this I just left it with the Lord he’s going to take his time let the Lord take his time and work on my kids know that concept makes us unconsciously not trust God it puts us in a place where we begin to think you know sometimes God takes his time and when he got taxes done Stand forever like that man who said on the mountain he was praying and the Lord told him son I’m giving you the opportunity to ask me to questions in the mess hall yes and then the first thing says lord what does 1 million right he is representing the Lord say one minute out what takes me 1 million years to use the minute you tell bout $1 million what does it look to you that I said I got Penny wow I guess it I know you say to two questions can I ask you a third one can you give me a penny and the Lord told him give me one minute you don’t understand why they give me 1 million years I’ll give it to you in 1 million but that was just in and parentheses but Christ says here it’s not like when I pray God will heal me Eventually don’t think of God like the old Post office where we used to write a letter not today when we have emails when we use when I go up we used to write an a letter and go through the post office it will probably take a week before he gets there God is not like that like when you write him a message when you tell him a prayer it may take you a while before he gets it in though some of us we think of God like he has this huge desk right and all prayers are coming from north south east and west from all the people and it keeps on piling up piling up and then hit there’s a long line of angels will have to go through your mouth until the Lord wants you to make him listen to make him a better father a new purse so she wants new shoes or I put it on the side or she wants to do a tour to complete 1/3 degree if he wants a doctorate degree in this and we think about God thinks it like that God is It’s not like that God is not like that Jesus says when you pray you believe you have received even before God because the way that is before you even tell him what you want do you already knows what you want to tell him and before you finish telling him what you want he’s already said yes no in the book of James chapter 1 verse five look at what the Bible says in the book of James chapter 1 verse five what does the scripture tells James chapter 1 verse five if any of you lack wisdom let him ask of God let him pray to God that Jesus to all men liberally and a brain is not any shall be given him amen what a powerful scripture it says that when we ask God God gives to all men first of all stop right there when it says God used to all men it mean With God she doesn’t discriminate about against you got doesn’t have a way of relating to white people he doesn’t have a way of relating to Indians Garden doesn’t have a way to relate to most he doesn’t have a way to relate to bullies every single human being as wicked as filthy as they are if they’re open up the mouse as a father please answer me at the point God answers to them in the main cities God gives Libra Libra morning how some people when they want to give it to you pull out a stack of money and they start looking and you can see with your toys that looks like $100 that looks like 50 that looks like 20 and he still such a heel like wait why are you still surging what is right there that’s 100 just just give it to me what is it looking for you still looking for that one dollar he’s looking for he’s gonna find it God is not like that That God is not the God that when one brother Abby asked him father in large my territory God says I’ll give you one first but we’ll see about the other one know God gives liberally in other words the moment the woman of God as the Lord father remember my children he doesn’t only remember her children he remembers her children her friends children are neighbors children when he dumps it on you oh my God David says he anointed my head with oil my cup runneth over God never gives you enough God never gives you just enough he gives you more than enough he gives it to you running over second to get the price down and here it says if you ask ask of God who gave us no there’s also another way of looking at the scripture the men Who wrote the scripture James was Jesus as a younger brother he was not in church history as James just did not write in English he wrote he did not say let him ask of God no end on regional language it says let him ask of the giving God God has an H to give God has an H in Matthew 22 Jesus Christ God has this father who throws out the banquet and he invites people from all over and nobody shows up so now he turns around and he tells his servant go in the ways in the byways in the road just go to whoever you can brother he has more than enough what did he tell Moses I’ll put you in the link that flows with milk and honey if you will swim in milk you were swimming honey that is the nature of God he doesn’t just give you enough Gives you more than enough not to put the families here is it possible that we break his heart when we never talk to him when he has this age to do you good he has the speech to bless us beyond what we can even hold but we don’t talk to him why because you’re not mine when I pray I don’t even know if God will answer me or not most of us we never walk with God as a father know we work with God as a boss a supervisor I see you I tell you I remember one of my first jobs in this country are used to work in this one specific job the boss the CEO of the company was going to come manager came and he was almost terrorizing my boss is coming because all the way look like make it look good look busy if you don’t What I remember when that man came we were standing there like soldiers we couldn’t even talk to this guy and this guy he was just wearing his shorts and tank top I didn’t really care he was wearing flip-flops and so unconsciously we had the same approach to God we think of God as a seal be careful stay straight in front of God most of us when we want to pray we change the way we talk we have to be sophisticated no English no God is not like that got hit each is actually he loves it he wants it Devon told us yes he is prayers he loves it it’s like he doesn’t discriminate if Emmanuel he’ll start to break lol the pro for my sister to the opera for my mom Antonia oh man it’s almost like he’s poking God just imagine god if he was like this balloon Great filled with a liquid balloon that’s about to pop and you get like a stick and poke do you know how it got its ups have you noticed how he sees in the old testament even the Old Testament put me to try you will see if I do not open the windows of heaven and let it dump on you man God wants to dump it on us but why don’t we look to him as a father we look to him like a CEO when we have our own problem we never talk to him whenever pray wiggle days months without prayer when we were asked to come to pray becomes the most boring thing why would I even pray some of us we can go for 23 days without rain and it’s OK for us no that’s not OK you know who hurts the most when we don’t pray father the father do you know the story of the prodigal son Right window the sun came to the father right now to give me what belongs to me that’s a new chapter 15 right but the Bible says when he asked father give it to me read what Jesus says and the father divided his estate between them he finally gave it to me but then only gave it to him give it to him and his brother and he went away he squandered everything when he was done you know eating and destroy his money the Bible says he started eating people food he started eating pig food and then he remembered my father has a big house and look what the Bible says he has food to spare do you know that God has asked us to spare why why don’t you look to him as your father why don’t you just say I want to have a conversation with God just talk to him And when you pray don’t talk as if you were a preacher no talk to him quietly cool off just cool off no my favorite places to pray or shock you one of my favorite place to praise in the shower when the water is falling down on me and I feel relaxed do you know how sometimes you know when you when you have this warm water and if that’s Sim just open up your sinuses and it just refreshes your right that’s the time I like to pray and the way I pray I like to ask God questions what do you say about Gabriella what do you say what am I not doing what am I doing right I ask because I don’t see God as a boss I see my UGG my dad just just imagine if by the care was your father I would you talk to him Dad is it OK if I change the channel on the TV show dad can you buy me a bicycle dad can I get this for Christmas dad can I get a tablet that’s how you talk to him but God sees talk to me like that don’t you have a few things you’d like to tell God for instants tag for SS lord what do you say about my health father what are you saying about America what are you saying about a church what are you saying about our pastor what are you saying about a praise and worship what are you saying about my friends what do you say have you talk to God like that the prodigal son said my father has food to spare no notice of when he came back he said one I’m a go back to my father and I’m a tell him that I’m sorry I destroyed everything I squandered everything you gave me when he came notice that he was walking and the father ran towards him and the father Hugged him the sun try to squeeze in at 1:30 I’m sorry I’m sorry daddy I have seen against you even talk to him about it what did the father say he hugged him he covered his shame brought him in the house told that the service would kill the fatted calf and let let a FaceTime do you know that there are so many fat and cows in the spirit realm waiting to be slaughtered just for you I’m talking metaphorically here right there’s so much stuff but God wants us to come to him in prayers God prayer should be a discipline to you like you and I when we wake up in the morning we brush our teeth before you go to bed you brush your teeth you do it regularly that you don’t even have to think about it that’s how pretty is supposed to be God has to be your best friend God has to be a confidant God has to Be the one to tell things God has to be the one you work with now let’s go to first John chapter 5 let’s read verse 14 15/1 John chapter 5 verses 14 and 15 and this is the confidence that we have in him but if we ask or pray anything according to his will he hear of hearts and if we know that he hears us whatsoever we ask we know that we have the petitions that we designed of him oh look at that this is the confidence sister has that as far as her dad is concerned the prayers will always be answered prayer demands confidence this is the confidence that we have one of the reasons why we don’t pray it’s because we are not confident most of us we have been trained to have faith in other peoples prayers in other peoples life Hands on us but we ourselves we don’t have the confidence yes we need to associate others in prayers but we do it because we have confidence do you know that you are a man of God do you know that you are a woman of God have you prayed about it do you have anything that is bugging you that is troubling you concerning your health your marriage your future your schooling your career your finances my question is how do you take me to God in prayer how do you talk to God is anybody in your life right now bugging you have you prayed about it have you told the Lord about this if I know that God heals me it’s not about the length of prayers most of us when we pray we we have to repeat the same thing over and over for the move for the move move a lot more calm down Jesus come down now if you come to Springs or flight Search you’re ready know there’s something wrong with that kind of prayer father move well that’s got off tomorrow night doesn’t why because he’s not stuck up in another thing he’s already moved in Jesus when Jesus came that was God who moved heaven and earth father open the heavens and bring down no you already open the heavens when the for the word was made flesh having lives in you so we don’t have to bother move not move fossa move no load come no he’s already come he’s with you he told you I will not leave you I will never for sake you right but I have confidence there’s a place where and how to pray and ask God for something but there’s another place where she has to exercise her authority as a woman of God as a daughter of God for instants I speak grace over my house Big grace over my finances I speak grace over everything that I touch the moment you do that you may not see it in the flesh but something is shifting in the spirit realm something is shifting in the Spirit room know when we pray we rearrange things spiritually we rearrange things we take this was here I move it there and I put it here this move is here I put it here your prayers matter your prayers matter it’s so easy for people to read the Bible so easy for a whole day I’ll be just sticking my nose in the bottle and read me the Bible it’s so easy for people to listen to music all day long and it’s so easy for people to be on Facebook for four hours all day it’s so easy for you to watch TV it’s so easy for you to be on what’s up sharing thing With people but it’s so hard for people to pray what it comes to pray I’m so tired I don’t even know what to do when people say I can’t even pray because I don’t even know what to pray no you’re lying got the loads already done it well that’s a good way to pray that’s a good way father just thinking that you’re already there you prayed yes but you have to be disciplined now if you don’t discipline yourself you’re not intentional about your walk of prayer it will be you will find yourself it’s been two months I’ve been through months you haven’t prayed seriously and when you don’t have a consistent day of prayer life you will start to lose confidence in who God says about you you will not see yourself the way God Says you even print Bible scriptures that you read if you take them to praise after you have read them the songs that you sang if you pray then they become permanent they become a reality in your life the danger that we are springs of life are facing and I’ll do my best to make sure that we don’t get there is where we are facing a danger of knowing too much and practicing too little it’s a place we don’t want to be what is our church supposed to look like from July August September mulching more prayer or worship less politics and less less distraction more teaching more prayers more praise and worship but pray more get up in the morning and pray get up in the middle of the night and pray are you stuck in traffic use it as an opportunity to pray Just think think about what you’re thinking about what is is there’s something bugging you if anything is bugging you have you talk to God and prayers and when we pray we have to know that God he has us if I know that what I said God heard me then I’ll be looking out to see if go help my answer is no let’s go to the script I gave you last week and the children I want you to pray hard I want you to get up in the morning for daddy but for mommy pray for the church pray for your school teachers when you go to school every day before you go to school you pray for your school teachers you pray for your schoolmates for everybody for your little friends to John’s in the James Hill pray for them at chapter 12 let’s start from verse one all the way through 17th and will take a little bit slowly the best time know about the time here at the King Street for his hands David certain of the church so the church has started in Israel and Jerusalem but they go to the facing a lot of challenges the Jews hate them the Romans had them their own families have this on them know one way to appease the Jews because this King Herod he’s trying to appease the Jews King Herod was not a Jewish man by but my blood he was done he was one day is better and his grandparents they traced back he’s up his family there for four generations this exact King Agrippa here but he was not as your soul to please the Jews he’ll do anything and he realize he in our chapter 12 that the Jews hated the Christians so what he did he went to kill them to the Christians thinking if I killed him the girls will be clapping for me but who was behind king here at the was the Devil that’s what he said his street 47 vets the church And he killed James the brother of John with the sword this was the enemy this is an attack on the church something is happening in the spirit realm this king is sitting at home and he’s thinking how can I become popular and he says well I’m gonna go against the church do you know that somethings that happened to us it’s actually the enemy who is behind it some of us where we are financially right now it’s not God is taking us to a class the enemy frustrates us financially and I realize something that is quite the enemy loves to frustrate our finances because he knows where your money is that’s where your heart is so he has to come up and down make sure that you have more debt make sure you spend more make sure that you don’t have as much opportunities but what do you have to do You have to pray you have to rebuke you have to speak the word of God over everything that you touch you have to take that scripture and pray and say whatever I leave my hands on is blessed I am the head and not that’s my church that’s for the kind of church we love no stop that and he killed James the brother of John with the son James is an apostle would ever thought that a man of God would be attacked and because he saw that it plays the Jews April see the further to take me to also then where the days of unleavened bread and when he had apprehended him he put him in prison and the liver him to for “cordons of our soldiers to keep him in training after Easter to bring him force for the people below therefore was kept in prison but prayer was made without sissy Of the church and to God for him pray dinner is apprehended but the church is praying the Lord is calling us to increase our prayer time not praying for ourselves and praying for each other there is a wrong way to pray which is only on me no pressure yourself bro for yourself no no no no we pray for one another the church needs to pray for one another that’s why as of next month and the subsequent months when we start putting together prayers I’d like for you to respond just yesterday I was talking to brother eat a brother Isaac he was telling me I can’t wait for us to go back fasting as a yes God bless you sir last time we fast in March we were a little bit lenient with her until three but this time we’re going to go you know the real military style we’re going to go From 6 to 6 from 6 to 6 no you’re not gonna starve to death if I end a woman says if you feel I’m going to bed is it OK if you feel I’m gonna die everybody’s gonna stop at 6 PM but I won’t stop until 10 PM or until 7 PM that’s how you discipline yourself does God love you more no you become more aware of who you are in Christ your shift things more and I tell you the prayer we did in March change everything in this church not fasting with Dylan much I don’t know about you but you know deep down in your heart that this church is of God you know deep down in your heart that this church we are going somewhere and what a blessing for us to pray but we will be praying like now let’s go after the name of Jesus no no no we want to bring that stupid stuff that’s that’s pure witchcraft I’ll bring the fire down on my enemies that is witchcraft what how dare you bring fire down on people do you know what I’m talking about right there’s people who buy another whoever is behind my travel less trouble find them in Jesus name call and that is disturbing my peace let them rest in peace in Jesus name that is pure witchcraft that is witchcraft yes yes yes I know there was a man who was operating in the spirit of witchcraft against springs of life church I scatter them with the fire of God God we are the sons of God we are your brothers and you want to talk to us in the name of Jesus Jesus said what pray for your enemies are we are enemies no love those who persecute you did we even prosecute you know I did not put a child of God cannot curse others we have a teaching here You can find it either on YouTube or on Facebook a better way to pray based on those things will pray differently we got to pray for each other here we’re going to pray for nations you didn’t follow up on the prayer request this morning and pray for Nigeria when you say we need to provide a jealous way were expecting the Bible says we should pray for Nigeria how we gonna pray for them God we should strike people that know we should bring the gospel the gospel will continue to increase but the enemy will continue being exposed but that the economy will flourish the top the doors of opportunity it will be open we need to pray for Ghana some of you in this room you’re from Ghana that’s one of the most blessed country on planet earth one of the most blessed country on planet earth and I tell you what about five years ago not the current administration in Dunedin Add a ministration war what was the what was the present yes maybe I don’t know don’t quote me on that one but one of them one wants to have a God driven Ghana yes I read it and I watched I watched even a few meetings that’s that’s about some thing is to shift spiritually when I was in Niger three weeks ago the Lord was I gave them a few prophetic words six years ago that came to pass this time I will give them prophetic with the many will come from north east south and west to learn true Christianity here in Nigeria the northern part of Nigeria the hottest part where book Haram has destroyed where you have the what is the state kind of state rate is on forest it is the Konomi people up there that’s what pure Sanity walk him that’s where the the light of the gospel go down south because the way the country of Nigeria is a split on to ride the south south east south or south west that’s the question part does the north is awesome and people think it’s going to go from the south go up north but actually it’s the other way it’s those Christians what a big burn who will teach these are the ones who are materialistic hall of money and I’m going to General know he’ll teach those suckers who the true Chris Chris “what to Christianity is that’s what we need to pray that’s what we need to put we need to pray for the United States of America we need to pray for each other another thing we need to pray for each other to have financial opportunities in this church like never before every single one of us in this church has to be debt-free debt-free if you have a mortgage student know everything has to be clear clear clear Don’t ask how well it will happen it may happen to some of you in a year something to someone but in less than let me not say less in between seven and 10 years or mortgage is paid for all of them why because we need money we are friends of life we have a huge calling nations are expecting us to bring the gospel our praise and worship in the in the Cummington days they have to ride the One songs because the things that the Lord has taught us in this church most of the songs we just struggling we have to rewrite all the songs but we need time to write the real Christian songs we need time to produce good music how old that happen we need money that’s what we need to pray for one another we need to pray for one another most of us in this this church called to be business owners and we need to pray notice he Gouda Enemies using politicians to frustrate the churchwide to stop them from fulfilling the calling of God but what did the church do but the church prayed verse five but prayer was made with that system for the church when we don’t bring the church what happens is we start finding fault with each other the way she talks the way he talks why didn’t he do this why didn’t he do that but when we pray more weight we don’t look at each other through those eyes anymore we see each other as Jesus I begin to see Christ in brother Jeff and I begin to see Christ in Jessica and I see Christ in mommy Elizabeth and we unite our hearts we have work to do and it will take prayers OK let’s finish this and then we can pre-off and win Harold would have brought him for the same night but it was slipping between two soldiers bound with 2 Chainz and the doorkeepers before The door kept all the prison and behold the angel of the Lord came upon him an ally sign in the prison and he smoked Peter on the side and raise them up saying rise quickly and his chains fell off from his hand and the angel said unto him go die selves they self and mine on those sandals and so he did and he said unto him cast the government about the Unfollow me when he went out and followed him and was not that it was true which was done by the angel but thought he saw a vision when they were past the first and the second one they came out of the Irongate that lead it under the city which open to them of his own accord and they went out and passed on through one street and forth with the angel departed from the notice that the church is praying far away Peter is someone else in the prayers is Shifting things in the in the physical realm if you were there and you see Peter walking up you wouldn’t see this angel you just saw Peter standing up and you look around these guys are snoring or you know but spiritually it’s almost like they have been given an injection of anesthesia and as Peter gets up you’ll see him walking by him so he won’t see the angel and you see him standing in front of this door and the door is it swinging open you wouldn’t know what was happening until you found out that the church was praying at the church was praying things were happening notice that the church they were united love each other we didn’t leave Peter by himself delta held onto each other by prayer and prayer was more than how great would it be that one day brother brother daddy Clive wicks up in the morning and he begins to realize the things that change he doesn’t even know what was happening what happened is I was actually praying nobody knows it she tells nobody but she sneaks in the basement or in her dad’s office now and then and takes 10 minutes five minutes an hour I just say fuck it I don’t know what I’m thinking about that club but I’m praying that whatever he believes you for let the grace of God be on him let it be done and where he is he doesn’t even know and starts changing when I was pastoring a church in Zambia it was one time I was going through a lot a lot of accusation a lot of trouble and I didn’t know what to do I didn’t even know how to pray I was just I want like a week or two weeks without prank in one night I saw a vision that I was in the hall like in the pit and somebody reached down and grabbed the end when I looked up it was my mother I saw pulling me up and I’ll come out and I woke up so I just wrote down my dreams I take dreams seriously and my wife is my witness any time as you do not tell her I’m not write it down later on when I met her she told me that I’m wrong this time and it was exactly the time I felt like I needed to pray for you but I didn’t know so I started fasting for you man I had tears welling up in my eyes I didn’t know how to get out of trouble and yet somebody’s prayer move me out of the ditch sometimes I’m going through a lot because nobody prays with me sometimes but Isaac has issues he’s in his finances I miss Mary because nobody price for him he’s all by himself but somebody say why can’t he perform self well why didn’t Jesus pray for himself why did Jesus big Jesus please pray for me please pray for me and then he came how many times three times But in the inefficiency of the sex from verse 19 down to 20 palisade can you can you can you show me the scriptures on efficiency of the six verse 19 and 20 what does it say praying always with all prayer and supplication in the spirit and watching there until well with all perseverance and supplication for all saints all saints why didn’t they pray because they knew better they knew better how did they pray to say you pray for all the saints pray for yourself you can pray but not only for yourself do you feel like criticizing someone just pray for them first so pray for them and praying always and for me pray also for me you mean Paul the man who wrote half the New Testament want to pray about it if this man wants prayer is it possible the Pastor Eddie also needs prayer is it is possible We don’t believe in the power prayer policy pray for me let’s just finish the script and when will pray for 719 and 20 now and pray for me pray for me that God gives me the power to speak that I may open my mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the gospel what is the boldness to preach do you want the pastor to preach better do you know why somethings don’t work in our lives but nobody’s praying for us Jesus want to people to pray for him and then we have Christian solicit don’t pray for me I don’t want you to pray for me Jesus and pray for me I’m not only here in the salon he says the same thing he says pray for all of all of us I want us everything we do to be so sweet I look forward to it amen

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